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RFP 91149 Pre-Proposal Conference

Pre Proposal Conference

Questions and Answers
UMUC RFP 91149 Audio Video and Production Services
Octoer !" #$1%

1. Why is UMUC informing suppliers about the 10 !ar" fiber#
$ns%er& The network diagram provided UMUCs interconnectivity between our Largo
and Adelphi sites and included the dark fiber connection. t is not relevant to the town hall
'( )echnical Re*uests+ page 9( What is meant by pro,ection an! amplification#
Answer! "oth# pro$ection of audio and video will be needed in main room and overflow
-( .o% many atten!ees#
Answer! %stimated at &'' in the Auditorium(main room and appro)imately *'+ ,- in
student lounge and &''+&-' in cafeteria ./verflow areas0
4( What is the Po%er source#
Answer! All wall power
/( What is the stan!ar! le0el of security#
Answer! "asic encryption# vendor needs to provide a proposed solution.
1( What !o you mean by 2con0erter3# 4Pg( 10+ '
bullet point5
Answer! 1e want a high 2uality converter from analog to digital.
6( 7o you ha0e space limitations#
Answer! yes we are asking for rack mounts to conserve space.
8( What is the 9tage set up an! !:cor#
Answer! 3 4odium# a few chairs# and two .&0 5-6 monitors.
7rapery and piping preferably in royal blue but open to options# up+lighting and 3 Confidence
monitor on floor.
9( What type of Post pro!uction e!its are re*uire!#
Answer! "asic clean up# no ma$or edits e)cept to reduce time during transition of
speakers. 1e also need a fast turnaround time.
10( Can %e create graphics for transitions#
Answer! 8raphics are not re2uired# but you are welcome to submit ideas for
11( Wi!gets+ %hat "in! are nee!e!#
Answer! 1idget for moderator to read 2uestions
Live transcribing
1ritten transcripts afterwards
9 :A ;ession
4ower 4oint during and post event
7irect <outing for =earing mpaired
1'( $re telephone lines pro0i!e! for captioning#
Answer! >o
1-( .o% many o0er flo% rooms#
Answer! Three? ;tudent lounge# Lobby and Cafeteria
14( Will 0i!eo embe!!ing be nee!e!#
Answer! @es# we will need the contractor to host? we do not have the network to support
RFP 91149 Pre-Proposal Conference

1/( What is the au!ience si;e#
Answer! appro)imately &#-''. Contractor should be capable of scaling up to no less than
-'' additional concurrent streams. Additional capacity is encouraged but not re2uired.
11( 7o you ha0e other information you %ant to collect from 0ie%ers#
Answer! time( drops( connection time. 1e do ask for name and location but may only
ask for location it will be on the intranet not internet.
16( 7o you re*uire <ogin 0ali!ation#
Answer! >o
18( What are your concerns from past )o%n .alls#
Answer! The user(viewer 2uality e)perience. t is important the contractor has the right
backups in place for audio(mic( video e2uipment. t is important to have the e2uipment placed
properly for front and back shots and the right audio for 2uestions by attendees. t is mportant
that video picture accurately portrays speaker in correct siAe.
19( What time !oes the )o%n .all typically start#
Answer! B!''am
'0( What is your pre-e0ent timeline#
Answer! The room will be available one day before the event date for all parties to
attend and do a dry+run. 1e would like to have specifications and re2uirements communicated
at a minimum of seven .C0 days prior.
'1( When can %e ha0e a 7ry rehearsal#
Answer! The day before. =owever# the 4resident and key speakers will not be available
all day.
''( .o% many )o%n .alls#
Answer! Two# they currently scheduled for Danuary and Duly. There is the possibility of
other miscellaneous events held during the year# but not guaranteed(
'-( =s there an M>? re*uirement#
Answer! >o# but it is highly recommended that M"% firms respond.
'4( $re phone lines a0ailable#
Answer! @es
'/( Can %e get a copy of the 7W file of the $u!itorium#
Answer! @es# it is being sent as a separate attachment
'1( Can %e get a copy of the 9ign-=n sheet#
Answer! @es# it is being sent as a separate attachment
'6( Un!er Firm ?@perience+ /
bullet( Re0ise sentence to rea!&
<ist of other clients %ho you ha0e pro0i!e! professional au!ioA0i!eo an! pro!uction ser0icesB(
'8( =s Cpen Captioning o"#
Answer! UMUC prefers Closed Captioning.
'9( When is the ne@t )o%n .all meeting#
Answer! Tentatively scheduled for Danuary C
# &'3,.
-0( What is the e*uipment re*uirement for the C0erflo% areas#
- ;tudent Lounge area leading towards the auditorium! Eendor needs to provide one monitor
and speaker# UMUC T will provide laptop and hook+up to the 1ebcast.
- =allway area near entrance! Eendor needs to provide one monitor and speaker# UMUC T
will provide laptop and hook+up to the 1ebcast
- Cafeteria! UMUC T will provide fast+fold screen and LC7 pro$ector# laptop and hook+up to
the 1ebcast. Eendor will need to provide speaker.

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