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Unit 1 Conflict

There are 5 areas in this unit

Science & Technology
Society & Politics
Arts & Media
Business & Industry
Beliefs & Values

Each of the areas are divided into 2 sub-sections
(see handout)
a. Human aggression
What are the causes of aggression?
How and why should we attack others and defend
Are sports and games an effective channel for
How does technology change the nature of warfare?
b. Controversy in science and technology
Why might scientific advance be a cause for concern?
Does technology cause as many problems as it solves?
Do we take technology too far in health and medicine?
Should we always do what science and technology make
it possible to do?

a. Tensions in Society
How can we prevent young people being disaffected?
How and why do we categorise people?
What are the factors that divide society?
How might we encourage the growth of communities?
b. Politics and the Public
What are the roles of political parties?
How do pressure groups contribute to democracy?
How might we foster more public interest in politics?
How can people have their say in an advanced

a. The Arts as a Challenge
How do the arts challenge social norms?
What is the role of the arts in education?
Can the arts change our minds, or our
Are the arts too litist?
b. Media Bias
Are newspapers about more than news?
Is it the responsibility of the press to be opposed
to authority?
Do we expect the BBC to be objective?
Do the BBC and independent broadcasting
companies have quite different roles?

a. The Market
What are the benefits to the consumer of a
competitive market?
By what means do producers advertise their products?
How susceptible are we to this advertising?
Are sport and entertainment overcommercialised?
b. Business Big and Small
How do small businesses compete with big ones?
Who benefits from mergers and take-overs?
Are the managers of big companies too remote from
their workforces?
Does big business operate in thepublic interest?

a. The Individual and Society
What rights do we have as citizens?
What duties does society have a right to expect us to
Do the interests of society override those of the
Ought the privacy of public figures to be intruded upon?

b. Tolerance and Intolerance
Where do our prejudices about other people come from?
How can we challenge stereotypes?
Shall we ever overcome intolerance of minorities?
What does it mean to be tolerant of others beliefs?

Assessed by an exam in May

The exam consists of 5 questions you must
choose 3 questions to answer in 1 hour and 30

Each question is worth 30 marks and answers
should be between 500-600 words.

AO1 Knowledge (10 marks)

AO2 Construct an argument (10 marks)

AO3 Demonstrate understanding of different
types of knowledge i.e Know (fact), believe
(probably) and opinion (possibly) (4 marks)

AO4 Communicate clearly and accurately (6
How to improve general knowledge!

1. Read a newspaper
2. Watch the news
3. Watch documentaries

Research task for one pupil each lesson

Complete the template and speak for one
minute about a current affairs issue that
interests you

In your pairs, try to work out the missing
word in this weekends headlines!

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