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Popa Bogdan

The next step in brain evolution
In this essay I want to speak about digital technology and how it affect us lately.
At first, I want to present some things about digital technology.There has been
something of a digital revolution since the late twentieth century. Nowadays, digital
technology can be found not only in computers, but in a wide range of consumer
electronic devices, including cell phones, digital cameras and MP3 players and a lot of
other devices. The number of digital technologies that are affordable and accessible is
increasing, helping people to access information on the internet not just in their homes
but in any location through portable devices.
Now I want to speak about how digital technology affect our behavoiur, especially our
generation which includes Emily . What Emily said in this article about the first things we
do when we wake up are true,but I disagree mother opinion because we're not a
generation that use digital technology all the time.We dont use digital technology non-
stop like she said. We know to do a lot of another things, more interesting sometimes
than digital technology , like climbing the mountain, surfing ,walking on the street,in the
park, swimming, playing football and doing a lot of another sports , fishing and a lot of
another things that we dont have acces at digital technology. Even if x believes that
young people dont read because digital technology affect our behavoiur and we think
that is boring,Im not agree with this because I know a lot of persons that like to read
books. This article is arguing that our brains are being transformed because our
thinking processes are no longer restricted just to our heads-part of our thinking is now
done on our computers, mobile phones. There are some suggestions that increased
use of digital technologies may be causing memory loss, or reduction of attention
span. But this is not an example of evolution, and there seems no reason for including
the concept, except for the purpose of somehow giving dubious scientific respectability
to it.
Theres very little doubt that we change as people when the environment in which we
exist changes. is is most noticeable in how younger people are using technology to
communicate, connect, and learn. They are developing new skills and new functionality.
In conclusion I am not totally agree with mother opinion that we are totally influenced by
digital technology. Even if most of the last time we were influenced by digital technology,
I think it isnt a really bad thing.

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