9.625 Inter-Prod 53.5 PPF

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P R O D U C T O N C A S I N G D E SI G N rev 2.

Well Name: Nefertiti-3X
Casing depth: 17100 ft Casing Type: Inter/Prod
Date: 26-Sep-10 Casing: 9.625", 53.5 ppf
Engineer: DT L80, BTC
TVD top of payzone 12,064 ft
Temp.-gradient 1.55 F/100'
Surface temperature 75 F
Packer fluid weight 9.00 ppg
TVD of production packer 11,600 ft
Last casing-shoe TVD 9,715 ft
Pore pressure in payzone 9.00 ppg
Pore pressure @ last csg-shoe 9.00 ppg
Pore pressure @ csg-shoe 9.50 ppg
Backup weight above last csg.-shoe (gen. 9.0 ppg water ) 10.00 ppg
Backup weight @ prod. packer depth (Pore pres. or water) 10.00 ppg
Top casing TVD 40 ft
Top casing MD 40 ft
Casing-shoe TVD 9,968 ft
Casing-shoe MD 17,100 ft
Casing OD (in decimal no.) 9.625 in
Casing ID (in decimal no.) 8.535 in
Min. yield-strength of material 80,000 psi
Lesser of internal yield pressure or leak resistance 7,930 psi
Collapse resistance 6,620 psi
Pipe body yield strength 1,286,000 lbs
Joint strength 1,047,000 lbs
Actual weight of casing 53.50 lbs/ft
Max. Dogleg severity 1.50 /100'
@ depth 13,100 ft
Mud weight when TIH csg. 11.00 ppg
Weight of cement-displacing fluid 11.00 ppg
Top of lead-cement TVD 6,700 ft
Top of tail cement TVD (=csg-shoe TVD, if n/a) 9,275 ft
Weight of lead-cement 14.00 ppg
Weight of tail cement (= 0 if n/a) 16.00 ppg
E = 1.3594E-10
A = 0.65145695 F = 4.6118E-07
B = 0.0503828 AA = 1.65416966
C = 0.06398939 Z FACTOR = 1.14188923
Well name: Nefertiti-3X
Casing depth: 17100 Casing type: Inter/Prod
Date: 26-Sep-10 Casing: 9.625", 53.5 ppf
Engineer: DT L80, BTC
12,064 : TVD payzone, ft 40 : depth of csg-top TVD, ft
9.00 : Pore pressure, ppg 19 : Pkr Fld Load @ top of csg., psi
1.55 : Temp grad, F/100' 4,807 : SITP + Pkr Fld Load, psi
75 : Surface temperature, F 10.00 : Backup, ppg
9.00 : Packer fluid wght, ppg 21 : Backup, psi
7,930 : Int. yield or leak resist., psi 4,786 : [SITP + Pkr Fld] - Backup, psi
5,646 : BHP, psi
262 : BHT, F
8.41 : P red
2.10 : T red 11,600 : depth of prod-packer TVD, ft
1.142 : Z -Factor 5,429 : Pkr fld load @ packer, psi
10,217 : SITP + Pkr fld load, psi
SITP 10.00 : Backup wt @packer,ppg
0.071 : Gas Grad (psi/ft) 6,032 : Backup, psi
857 : P hyd. Gas 4,185 : [SITP+Pkr Fld]-Backup, psi
4,788 : SITP = (P pay. - P hyd.)
9,968 : csg-shoe, TVD, ft 11,601 : depth 1ft below packer TVD, ft
4,665 : Pkr fld load @ csg-shoe, psi none : Pkr fld load, psi
9,454 : SITP+packer fluid load, psi 5,646 : Bottom hole pressure, psi
0 : Burst ld. by bot. hole pre. psi 10.00 : Backup @ prod. packer+1ft, ppg
9.00 : Backup gradient, ppg 6,033 : Backup, psi
4,665 : Backup, psi -420 : Bottom hole pres.-gas grad.
4,788 : burst load - backup, psi -backup, psi
9,715 : last csg-shoe, TVD, ft 9,716 : 1 ft below last csg-shoe
4,547 : Pkr fld load @ last csg-shoe, psi 4,547 : Pkr fld load @ 1' bel. last csg-shoe, psi
5,479 : Bottom hole pres.-gas grad., psi 5,479 : Bottom hole pres.-gas grad., psi
9,335 : SITP + pkr fld load, psi 9,335 : SITP + pkr fld load, psi
10.00 : Backup, ppg 9.00 : Backup, ppg
5,052 : Backup, psi 4,547 : Backup, psi
4,283 : burst load - backup, psi 4,788 : burst load - backup, psi
@ Depth Burst-Load Int. Yield D.F.
ft psi psi
@ surface 0 4,788 7,930 1.66
@ csg.top TVD 40 4,786 7,930 1.66
@ last csg-shoe TVD 9715 4,283 7,930 1.85
1ft below last csg-shoe 9716 4,788 7,930 1.66
@ packer depth TVD 11600 4,185 7,930 1.89
1 ft under packer 11601 -420 7,930 999.00
@ csg. shoe TVD 9968 4,788 7,930 1.66
The design-factors have to be 1.25
Well Name: Nefertiti-3X
Casing depth: 17,100 Casing Type: Inter/Prod
Date: 26-Sep-10 Casing: 9.625", 53.5 ppf
Engineer: DT L80, BTC
40 : Csg top, MD, ft 9.63 : OD, in
9,968 : Casing shoe, TVD, ft 8.54 : ID, in
17,100 : Casing shoe, MD, ft 1.50 : Dogleg sev., F/100ft
11.00 : Mud weight, ppg 13,100 : @ depth, ft
53.50 : Casing wt, lbs/ft 178,034 : Tension in dogl., lbs
1,286,000 : Pipe body yield str., lbs 1.4744 : x for bend. force calculation
1,047,000 : Joint strength, lbs 0.9004 : tanh (x)
.832 : Buoyancy factor
759,313 : Pipe weight in mud, lbs considers MD for liners and TVD for casings
1.69 : Pipe body design factor
1.38 : Connection design fact.
The design factors have to be 1.6
Axial force due to bending (Fb) x / tanhx = 1.64
Considering couplings contact only (conservative). Stress concentration factor
(Stress is 64 %
79,204 : Bending force, lbs: higher than in continuous
257,237 : Total tension, lbs: wall contact calculation. )
5.00 : Design factor pipe body
4.07 : Design factor pipe joint
The design factors have to be 1.6
Well name: Nefertiti-3X Casing type: Inter/Prod
Casing depth: 17100 Casing: 9.625", 53.5 ppf
Date: 26-Sep-10 L80, BTC
Engineer: DT

12,064 : TVD of payzone, ft 9.00 : Pore pressure @ last csg-shoe
40 : Top of csg ,TVD, ft 9.50 : Pore pressure @ csg-shoe
40 : Top of csg, MD, ft 6,700 : Top of lead-cement, TVD, ft
9,968 : Csg -shoe, TVD, ft 9,275 : Top of tail-cement, TVD, ft
17,100 : Csg-shoe, MD, ft ( = csg-shoe TVD, if n/a)
80,000 : Min. yield str. of csg., psi 7,825 : Length of tail cement-column, ft
6,620 : Collapse resistance, psi 2,575 : Lenght of lead cement-column, ft
15.547 : Pipe end area, sqin 11.00 : Weight of displacing fluid, ppg
9,715 : Last casing shoe, TVD, ft 14.00 : Weight of lead-cement, ppg
16.00 : Weight of tail-cement, ppg
Effective load @ top of casing 824,068 lbs csg weight -
Effective load @ shoe of casing -88,642 lbs (Phydr. * Pipe area)
(negative load indicates compression)
Biaxial load effect downgrading @ top 60 % ratio of eff. coll. resistance Collapse Rating calculations acc. API Bul 5C3 and Biaxial
Biaxial load effect upgrading @ shoe 102 % to nominal coll. resistance
Eff. collapse-resistance @ top of csg 3,992 psi 80000
Eff. collapse-resistance @ csg-shoe 6,757 psi
(calculated acc. API Bul 5C3,
no down/upgrading, if D/t ratio > 20)
Sa, psi
@ depth Coll.-load Backup Eff. col. load Col. Rtg Design factor 53007
ft psi psi psi psi -5702
Top Csg, TVD 40 20 0 20 3,992 202.04
Last shoe TVD 9,715 4,547 0 4,547 6,686 1.47
Csg-shoe, TVD 9,968 4,924 0 4,924 6,757 1.37
Ppore * depth The design factors have to be 1.0
Abandonment pressure is not to be considered. Backup is always "0"
@ depth Coll.-load Backup Eff. col.load Col. Rtg Design factor
ft psi psi psi psi
Top casing 40 0 0 0 4,003 999.00
Top lead cmt 6,700 3,310 3,310 0 5,847 999.00
Top Tail ct TVD 9,275 5,184 5,305 -121 6,564 999.00
Csg-shoe TVD 9,968 5,761 5,702 59 6,757 113.98
slurry wt * depth The design factors have to be 1.0
mud wt * depth
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Collapse Rating calculations acc. API Bul 5C3 and Biaxial
: D/t 53007 : Stress, Sa (psi) @ csg top
psi : Yp (min. yield) -5702 : Stress, Sa (psi) @ csg shoe
Ypa, psi A B C F G (D/t)yp (D/t)pt (D/t)te Pyp Pp Pt
80000 3.071 0.0667 1955 1.998 0.0434 13.38 22.47 31.02 8547 6617 5576
39016 2.947 0.0460 725 2.073 0.0323 16.55 27.15 43.07 4168 3992 3317
82698 3.080 0.0681 2036 2.002 0.0443 13.28 22.25 30.49 8835 6757 5716
Results acc.
Pe Pc Pc %error AQ BQ CQ
9578 6617 6617 0 2.2837E-08 0 -1
9578 3992 3227 -19 2.2837E-08 7.8E-05 -0.561
9578 6757 6840 1 2.2837E-08 -8E-06 -0.9949

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