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Real Time Vehicle Tracking And Controlling

Sagar Shah Electronics
Department, Sardar
Patel Institute
of Technology
ni!ersity of "um#ai,
"um#ai $%%%&', India
Email( ssa g ar)*'*+gmail,com
"ihir Shah Electronics
Department, Sardar
Patel Institute
of Technology,
ni!ersity of "um#ai,
"um#ai $%%%&', India
Email( mihir,-**%+gmail,com
Amit Sheth Electronics
Department, Sardar
Patel Institute
of Technology,
ni!ersity of "um#ai,
"um#ai $%%%&', India
Email( amyth .-/+yahoo,co,in
A#stract0In this pro1ect 2e ha!e implemented a !ehicle track3
ing system using the 2ireless mo#ile communication net2ork,
4e ha!e used the Cell IDs to track a !ehicle e5uipped 2ith
a cellular Su#scri#er Identity "odule 6SI"7, Also at the user
end 2e ha!e implemented a 8I for ease of access and #etter
data interpretation, Apart from tracking, the system can also #e
used for remote controlling of the !ehicle, 4e ha!e implemented
the system on a lo2 cost Atmega.) #ased system, hence the
system pro!ides a lo2 cost effecti!e solution for remote tracking
as compared to 8PS,In this pro1ect 2e ha!e implemented a
!ehicle tracking system using the 2ireless mo#ile communication
net2ork, 4e ha!e used the Cell IDs to track a !ehicle e5uipped
2ith a cellular Su#scri#er Identity "odule 6SI"7, Also at the user
end 2e ha!e implemented a 8I for ease of access and #etter
data interpretation, Apart from tracking, the system can also #e
used for remote controlling of the !ehicle, 4e ha!e implemented
the system on a lo2 cost Atmega.) #ased system, hence the
system pro!ides a lo2 cost effecti!e solution for remote tracking
as compared to 8PS,
If you 2ant to kno2; 2here your car or truck is, the
routes and arri!al of your fleet of !ehicles, if someone is
stealing your !ehicle or if you 2ant to protect your !ehicle
from thie!es, a !ehicle3tracking de!ice can #e of help, A
!ehicle tracking system 2ill pro!ide effecti!e, real time
!ehicle location, mapping and reporting, This information
also leads to higher profits through #etter fleet management,
A !ehicle tracking system 2ill inform 2here your is at that
particular time,
4e are making the prototype of such a !ehicle tracking
system using the 2ell kno2n 8S" technology, :ur !ehicle
tracking system can track a !ehicle #y sending a simple sms
using a 8S" "odule 6or any mo#ile terminal that supports
8S"7, 4e can also control the !ehicle #y decelerating it if it
is found to #e in a suspicious or dangerous condition, Such
a system can #e implemented #y a company manufacturing
!ehicle or security agencies responsi#le for theft, :ur main
aim is to make the !ehicle o2ners secure a#out their !ehicles,
4e are making the prototype of such a !ehicle tracking system
using the 2ell kno2n 8S" technology, :ur !ehicle tracking
system can track a !ehicle #y sending a simple sms using a
8S" "odule 6or any mo#ile terminal that supports 8S"7, 4e
can also control the !ehicle #y decelerating it if it is found
to #e in a suspicious or dangerous condition, Such a system
can #e implemented #y a company manufacturing !ehicle or
security agencies responsi#le for theft, :ur main aim is to
make the !ehicle o2ners secure a#out their !ehicles,
There are #roadly t2o methods of Vehicle Tracking 2hich
are #roadly recogni@ed, Each method has many !ariants and
dialects, Selecting and implementing a particular method de3
pends on !arious factors Such as the accuracy re5uired, time
taken #y that method etc, The methods are #riefly eAplained
A, Vehicle Tracking sing
A 8PS tracking unit is a de!ice that uses the 8lo#al
Positioning System to determine the precise location of a
!ehicle, person, or other asset to 2hich it is attached and
to record the position of the asset at regular inter!als, The
recorded location data can #e stored 2ithin the tracking unit,
or it may #e transmitted to a central location data #ase, or
internet3connected computer, using a cellular 68PRS7, radio,
or satellite modem em#edded in the unit,
This allo2s the assetBs location to #e displayed against a
map #ackdrop either in real3time or 2hen analy@ing the track
later, using customi@ed soft2are, A 8PS tracking system uses
the 89SS 68lo#al 9a!igation Satellite System7 net2ork, This
net2ork incorporates a range of satellites that use micro2a!e
signals 2hich are transmitted to 8PS de!ices to gi!e infor3
mation on location, !ehicle speed, time and direction, So, a
8PS tracking system can potentially gi!e #oth real3time and
historic na!igation data on any kind of 1ourney,
C, Vehicle Tracking sing
8S" #ased !ehicle tracking system make use of a 2ell
kno2n technology 8lo#al System for "o#ile communication,
In this kind of system, S"S can #e sent through 8S" "odule
using AT commands, sing the AT commands 2e can also
retrie!e the area ID and can send the area ID #ack in the
form of message,8S" #ased !ehicle tracking system make
use of a 2ell kno2n technology 8lo#al System for "o#ile
communication, In this kind of system, S"S can #e sent
through 8S" "odule using AT commands, sing the AT
commands 2e can also retrie!e the area ID and can send the
area ID #ack in the form of message,
In this pro1ect 2e ha!e implemented 8S" #ased !ehicle
tracking system, This method 2as selected #ecause 8S" is
2idely kno2n and used technology, This method is !ery cheap
as compared to 8PS #ased technology, hence e!en a common
man can also afford it, <o2e!er, its accuracy is less then 8PS
#ased tracking #ut is sufficient enough in most of the cases,
Since our pro1ect is #ased on 8S" system, our #asic
re5uirement is 8S" "odule or any 8S" terminal, There
should #e a 8S" "odule 2ith the user of the system as
2ell as another 8S" "odule in the !ehicle to #e tracked, To
control the operation of the 8S" "odule at the users side, 2e
ha!e used a PC connected to the 8S" "odule !ia the serial
port, To control the 8S" "odule, application soft2are in the
controlling PC should #e installed,
In the !ehicle section, there 2ill #e a Atmega.) AVR
microcontroller to control the operation of the 8S" "odule,
<ere, the microcontroller should #e programmed to control
messaging to and from 8S" "odule and to display the
action performed #y microcontroller, To the microcontroller,
the decelerating circuitry 2ill #e connected, As 2e cannot
sho2 the actual mechanical #raking system of a !ehicle, 2e
ha!e used relays 2hich resem#le the ignition of the !ehicle
and motor turn onEoff,
V, AT C:""A9DS
AT commands are the instructions used to control a modem,
There are four types of AT command operations(
-7 Test operation, A test operation is used to check 2hether
a certain AT command is supported #y the 8S"E8PRS
modem or mo#ile phone,
)7 Set operation, A set operation is used to change the
settings used #y the 8S"E8PRS modem or mo#ile
phone for certain tasks,
.7 Read operation, A read operation is used to retrie!e
the current settings used #y the 8S"E8PRS modem or
mo#ile phone for certain tasks,
$7 EAecution operation, An eAecution operation is used to
perform an action or retrie!e informationEstatus a#out
the 8S"E8PRS modem or mo#ile phone, Some of
commands are eAplained #elo2(
F 8etting #asic information a#out the mo#ile phone
or 8S" modem(
=or eAample(
9ame of manufacture( AT G C8"I
"odel num#er( AT G C8""
International "o#ile E5uipment Identity( AT G
It is re5uired to enter the proper username and pass2ord
for accessing the main form, This form is usually pro!ided for
security purpose, 4hen a user enters appropriate user name
and pass2ord then a user gets access to the main form, This
form is sho2n in the figure,
=ig, $, 8I in VC for !ehicle tracking
=ig, -, "icrocontroller Circuit Diagram
=ig, ), "icrocontroller circuit
<ost modem is connected to the user PC, 2hich has 8I in
it, This 8I is made in Visual #asic /,% soft2are, It is made
up of t2o forms, =irst form is used for user !erification,
=ig, ., 8I in VC for user !erification
Various command #uttons sho2n in the figure performs
!arious tasks,
-7 8et area ID( this command #utton is pressed 2hene!er
a user 2ants to kno2 the area in 2hich hisEher !ehicle
)7 Phone#ook( this command #utton is pressed 2hene!er a
user 2ants to access the phone#ook entries of sim card,
.7 Decelerate( this command #utton is pressed 2hene!er a
user 2ants to decelerate the !ehicle,
$7 Rec En( this command #utton is pressed 2hene!er a user
2ants to ena#le reception of messages,
&7 >ock car( this command #utton is pressed 2hene!er a
user 2ants to lock his car,
/7 Cancel( this command #utton 2ill unload the form, And
2ill terminate the session,
8S" #ased !ehicle tracking system can #e used in !aried
applications, Some of them are listed #elo2,
-7 >ogistics
)7 =leet "anagement
.7 Commercial !ehicle monitoring
$7 Deli!ery and Courier Ser!ices
&7 Pu#lic Transport Systems
/7 TaAi Ser!ices
J7 Emergency Vehicles and Security !ehicles
'7 "arine 9a!igation
This technology in con1unction 2ith mechatronics can #e
implemented in real time !ehicle tracking and controlling
system, Also 2ith the help of =ree 8oogle map and the use of
<TTP protocol, location can #e specified accurately and o!er
a #roader range,
IK, C:9C>SI:9
This paper presents a lo2 cost real time !ehicle tracking
and controlling using 8S" technology and a 8S" modem,
suita#le for 2ide range of application o!er a 2orld, Cost can
#e more reduced #y interfacing a 8S" mo#ile phone on #oth
ends, Thus it eliminates eAtra #urden of #uying a 8S" modem
on user, It is eApected that the full implementation of the
proposed system 2ould ultimately replace the traditional and
costly 8PS #ased system, 2hich can #e afforded #y an a!erage
H-I Priya#rata Sinha,LSpeech Processing in Em#edded SystemL,"icrochip
Technology, Inc,,Chandler,,S,A,
H)I Atal, Cishnu S, and Ra#iner, >a2rence R,,BSpeech Research Direc3
tionsB,ATT Technical MournalB
H.I <, 9y5uist, LCertain topics in telegraph transmission theoryL

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