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Question 1- 4
Choose the best word to complete the sentences.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 A __________ carries its baby in its pouch.
A crocodile
B elephant
C kangaroo
D monkey

2 My family had dinner in a _____________ last night.
A cinema
B bookshop

C restaurant
D workshop

3 Hamid put on his ___________ because he was feeling cold.
A scarf
B skirt

C sweater
D blanket

4 They saw a pride of ____________ when they went to a Safari.
A lions
B tigers

C monkeys
D elephants

Question 5 7
Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the picture given.
Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

Jason and his friends are playing football. They are _________ (5)

of the field. They are ____ (6) to each other. They come here

_______ (7)

5 A in the middle
B at the edge
C by the side
D at the end

6 A throwing the ball
B bouncing the ball
C hitting the ball
D kicking the ball

7 A in the morning
B in the afternoon
C in the evening

Question 8 10
Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.


A He is crying under the table.
B She is resting under the table.
C He is hiding under the table.
D She is sitting under the table.


A Ahmad and his father are having a
B Ahmad and his father are having a
C They are staring at each other.
D They are eating many kinds of


Question 11 15
Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.


A Go away.
B Ill think about it.
C No, you can go.
D Yes, that would be nice.

A The old man is crossing the road
by himself.
B The girl is helping an old man
crossing the road.
C An old man is holding an
D They are waiting for a taxi

Mum, can I
help you?



A Can I give you a discount?
B Why are you buying sugar?
C Here you are. Its RM1.20, please.
D I dont have any sugar.

A Excuse me, which is the way to the
bus station?
B Is this the Kuala Lumpur office?
C Do you know where you are going?
D How are you, sir?


A I am sorry, son.
B Your arm must be very painful.
C You must be more careful in the
D Please ask your mother to come
and see me!

I will, Mother.

Go straight
and turn left.
I would like a
packet of sugar,



A These mangoes are cheap.
B It is too expensive.
C Are those mangoes sweet?
D How much are the mangoes?
Question 16 20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

16. They climbed up Mount Kinabalu __________ the school holiday.
A during
B since
C on
D along

17. _________are the pupils making so much noise?
A What
B When
C Why
D Who

18. The monkeys __________________ happily in the tress now.
A is swinging
B are swinging
C was swinging
D were swinging
There are
RM9 per


19. That is the ________________ bird that I have ever seen!
A beautiful
B more beautiful
C most beautiful
D beautiful than

20. She cried _________ she lost her money.
A so
B but
C and
D because

Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

21 She drove the car carefully down the steep road
A carelessly
B quickly
C gently
D slowly


Question 22 23
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.
Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

22. We have our English Language Society meeting this __________
A Wendesday
B Wednesday
C Wesnesday
D Wenesday

23. Chee Yean lives in a __________ on the hill.

A bongulaw
B bangulaw
C bonglow
D bungalow

Question 24 25

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuatiaon.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
24. A Those womens shoes are made in Italy.
B Those womens shoes are made in Italy.
C Those womens shoes are made in italy
D Those Womens shoes are made in Italy.

25. A sara was admitted at Mukah Hospital.
B Sara was admitted at mukah Hospital.
C sara was admitted at Mukah hospital.
D Sara was admitted at Mukah Hospital.


Question 26 30
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that
Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong
dalam teks yang berikutnya.

Last week, some pupils of 5 Cemerlang (26) their classmate in
the hospital. He had had an (27) and broken his leg. The boys
and girls brought flowers and fruits to give to (28) friend.
He (29) glad they came to visit him and thanked them. They
(30) him a speedy recovery before they left.

26. A visit
B visits
C visited
D visiting

27. A party
B accident
C tuition
D competition

28. A his
C their
C her
D they

29. A was
B were
C am
D are

30. A asked
C hoped
B prayed
D wished


Question 31 35
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Encik Ibrahim was once a very poor man. His parent worked very hard in the paddy
field from dawn till dusk. Whatever money they earned, they put some aside for their
only sons education.
Ibrahim knew that his parents were working very hard. He did not want them to
suffer further. At that time, he decided to concentrate and do well in his studies. In
his mind, he wanted a good job and most importantly, he wanted to take care of his
After passing out from the university, Ibrahim started working. Soon, he had
enough money to open his own computer shop. He bought a big house and
decorated it beautifully.
Although the house as ready, he did not move in until his parents came to live
with him. His parents were very happy to see their son had succeeded in his life.

31. Ibrahims father worked as a
A boatman
B cowherd
C teacher
D farmer

32. Ibrahims parents saved some
A to buy a new car.
B to but a new house
C for his education.
D for their new furniture.

33. How would you best describe
A Grateful
B Honest
C Truthful
D Kind
34. When Ibrahim had enough
money, he
A bought to cars
B ignored his parents
C spoke to his parents
D opened a computer shop

35. When Ibrahims parents saw their
sons house, they felt very
A sad
B proud
C jealous
D generous


Question 36 40

Read the conversation below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
Baca dialog di bawah dengan teliti. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.
Alif : Hello, may I speak to Rifaei, please?
Rifaei : Speaking.
Alif : Hi! Its me, Alif.
Rifaei : Hi, Alif. Whats up?
Alif : Oh, nothing really. Im just calling to see if you are all right since
you were absent today.
Rifaei : Im okay. I had a terrible stomachache this morning.
Alif : Did you see a doctor?
Rifaei : Yes, I did. He told me that I had food poisoning.
Ali : I beg your pardon?
Rifaei : I said that I had food poisoning.
Alif : Oh dear! Shall I come and visit you?
Rifaei : Well, Im fine now. Ill be back in school tomorrow, its Friday,
and I love Art Class too much to miss it.
Alif : Great! Ill see you then. Bye!
Rifaei : Bye and thanks for calling.

36 This conversation took place
between two
A gardeners
B teachers
C doctors
D pupils

37 Rifaei was absent on
A Tuesday
B Wednesday
C Thursday
D Friday

38 When Rifaei used the words
whats up, he was asking Alif for
A an excuse
B a description
C an explanation

39 From the conversation, we
know that Rifaei had a
A stomachache
B toothache
C headache

40 We can say that Alif is
A a cruel person
B a caring person
C a proud pupils
D a happy boy

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