Survey Traverse by Total Station

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1. The total station is plumbed and accurately levelled over the station 100 ( point 17 ) .the
prism are set up at point 15 and 1 .
2. Point 15 is sighted on face left of the theodolite set to the required horizontal angle . the
reading is filled in the field book .
3. The theodolite is turned anti clockwise to point 1 and sighted to get the horizontal angle .
4. The instrument is then set face right by transiting the telescope and point 15 is sighted
again .
5. Point 1 is sighted and then reading is taken .
6. Distance is measured by using the digital telescope with centre collimated and the reading
is tabulated in the field book.
7. The total station is then moved to point 1 and a new point is made . the prisms are putted
at point station 100 and at new point 2 .
8. Point is sighted on face left with telescope and reading is taken.
9. Procedures 3 to 7 are repeated using the same pattern until the total station is plumbed at
point station 100 ( point 17) .
Referred to field book
Referred to field book


While specially doing this sort of survey there are many sort of the error come in the way
And in some situation we had to restart the survey and those errors are :
There are few types of errors that may arise when we measuring the control traverse
First and foremost, instrument error could be the one which affect the reading taken.
Instrument error such as plate bubble out of adjustment, vertical axis not horizontal to
horizontal axis, and vertical circle index errors will causes inaccuracy and imprecision of
angles measured. Usually this error occurred when the instrument have been used for many
times or some technical problems in making the instrument.
Secondly is the natural error which is inevitable. One example of natural error is the
wind. The blowing of wind due to rotation of earth will cause vibration to the instruments
which causes inconsistency in reading of the instruments. Besides wind, temperature also
will affect the traverse angle measured. Under a hot sun, unequal expansion may occur at
many parts of the instruments such as the lenses, prisms and so on. Moreover, different
density of atmosphere may cause diffraction where the observer tends to have sight
readings different from the actual readings.
Lastly is the personal error or human error caused by careless of human when
conducting the control traverse. For example, the instrument is not set up exactly on the
point or the datum. This may affect the horizontal readings. Next, the bubble of the total
station is not centred. Sometimes the observer tends to neglect the position of eyes when
centring the bubble. The eyes must perpendicular to the bubble so that parallax error can be
avoided. Besides, the poor focusing of the observer also will affect the readings. Some
observers who wear spectacles tend to have some problems in focusing at the prism or
looking at the telescope. Thus, gross error may occur. Moreover, careless in plumbing and
placement of tripod or rod by human where only the top can be seen by instrument
operator due to the obstacle in the way

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