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Continued Prayer Points

YWAM DTS Outreach

Tangier, Agadir, Marrakesh and Rabat
Answers to Prayer
There were no health issues for
anyone on the team
We maintained Unity as a team
We were kept safe despite
Police interest
My Highlight Of Morocco
It is so hard to pick which memory would be my favorite or even
the best highlight of the trip, but if I dig deep enough, I would
have to after we had had a time of worship, prayer and sharing
devotionals on the beach, a game of soccer erupted and we were
joined by Amina, a young girl dressed in a full Habib. We girls
joined forces and the boys had no choice but to be impressed!

Those are my most treasured moments of just living life and being
"normal" people but entering fully into the culture and opening up
a space of acceptance and freedom to allow Amina to join our
game on the beach.
Health Finances
financial support
to allow me the
ability to live and
work in YWAM
M A R C H - M A Y 2 0 1 4
good health for
me as I prepare
to lead the July


l am learnlng abouL paLlence and humlllLy more
Lhan ever before, lL's consLanLly sLreLchlng buL
wonderfully rewardlng.

Leadlng a group of 12 sLudenLs, 10 glrls 2 guys has a varleLy of
challenges ln and of lLself, buL lf we add ln Lhe dynamlc of
belng a female leader ln a counLry where woman have llLLle
Lo no value, LhaL's a whole new LwlsL.

1hose are my momenLs of musLerlng up all Lhe paLlence and
humlllLy LhaL l can.

noL belng able Lo walk lnLo a cafe and orderlng my own drlnk
or ask for asslsLance buL needlng Lo have a guy sLep lnLo LhaL
role, makes me Lhlnk back Lo Lhe days of old ln how women
were daughLers Lhen wlves Lhen moLhers and LhaL was Lhe be
all and end all of Lhelr exlsLence wlLhouL lndependence.

ln LhaL challenglng culLure flghLlng lL wlLh Lhe sLrengLh Cod
gave me everyday, whaL l was llvlng by ls Lhe slmple sLaLemenL
I breathe therefore I pray!
1he funny Lhlng abouL leadershlp and llfe ls LhaL
you're never done learnlng. 1here are always
scenarlos and momenLs LhaL sLreLch you and cause
you Lo move pasL whaL you Lhlnk you know and Leach
you someLhlng new.

Lvery Llme l flnd myself ln a poslLlon of leadershlp l
am very aware of Lhls facL. 1hey are Lhe Llmes ln llfe l
know LhaL ln Lhe fuLure l wlll look back fondly on, buL
usually noL en[oy Lhe mosL whlle l am walklng Lhrough
lL. AL leasL LhaL has been my experlence up unLll Lhls
Lrlp Lo Morocco.
l breaLhe Lherefore l pray.


over Lhe mounLaln houslng Lhe
kasbah LhaL ls lnscrlbed Cod. CounLry. klng. We
sang of how !esus ls rlsen and we resL ln Lhe
assurance of Lhe glfL of Crace afforded us by Pls
sacrlflce. My hearL pleadlng LhaL my laLher would
see Pls losL chlldren of Morocco come Lo know
Lhls same glfL of Crace and learn how Lo llve a llfe
of freedom ln knowlng LhaL Lhey are Lhe 8eloved
of Lhe klng of Lhe unlverse. l pray LhaL Lhey would
be dellvered from Lhe chalns and bondage of
lslam and released lnLo Lhe [oy and peace llvlng ln
Lhe presence of Lhe llvlng Cod affords.

l dedlcaLed my days Lo brlnglng Lhe llghL and love
of Cod lnLo Lhe naLlon clouded wlLh darkness. l
was fully lnvesLed Lo llvlng llfe fully allve, lovlng
my Leam well and lovlng Lhe people around me
well so LhaL ChrlsL would shlne Lhrough me and
spark a curloslLy LhaL leads Lo Lhe freedom of my
losL broLhers and slsLers.
Love and prayers from
all the team
l asked Cod Lo help me love Lhe Moroccans even
when lLs hard, Lo love Lhem and vlew Lhem as Pe
does, Lo see Lhelr value ln Pls klngdom desplLe
Lhe culLure Lhey know or Lhelr mlsundersLandlngs
of mlne.

WlLh Lhe oppresslve rellglon of lslam everywhere
l Lurned, everywhere my eyes landed, l also saw
Lhe lnfllLraLlon of dedlcaLed apaLhy and mlsery.

l Lhlnk back on LasLer mornlng and Lhe
exclLemenL l had Lo wake up aL 6am Lo walk down
Lo Lhe beach Lo spend Llme ln worshlp and prayer,
celebraLlng Lhe rlsen klng.

As we walked ouL Lhe fronL door of our hoLel we
saw Lhe rellglous men walklng llke llvlng dead ouL
Lhe maln doors of Lhe mosque, no [oy, no
exclLemenL, no celebraLlon on Lhelr faces [usL Lhe
resldue of fulfllled duLy.

As we saw Lhe sky Lurn a mlx of orange and red
Zoe Nathania
Will Jess
Chris Cecilie
Mitch Julie
Melanie Amarah
McKayla Marijke
Joy Taylor

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