Multiobjective Optimization For Smart Grids: Notation

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Multiobjective optimization for smart grids

Abstract: This paper approach a multiobjective optimization problem that aims to identify the optimal loading of DG
sources and the most appropriate Demand Response strategy applied to some important customers in the network
using a hybrid method between NG! "" and !#$ techni%ues& The multi objective optimization problem considered
refers to energy losses and energy production costs minimization&
KeyWords: smart grid' distributed generation' multiobjective optimization problem
DG - distributed generation
DR - demand response
AHP- Analytic Hierarchy Process
NSGA II - Non dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II
RES - renewable energy sources
GHG - greenhouse gas emissions

Author contribution is original and consists in an optimiation problem regarding the aggregate producers-
networ!-consumers in order to "ind the best solution "or DG loading and "or the DR consumers strategy# "or
energy losses and energy production costs minimiation$
%raditionally# energy production occurs in large central power stations# "rom which is unidirectional distributed to
the "inal consumers$ %his process in&ol&es the use o" "ossil "uels which release an impressi&e &olume o"
greenhouse gas emissions# that ha&e a negati&e impact o&er the en&ironment# through acid rain and the greenhouse
e""ect# thereby shaping suitable conditions "or global warming$ %hus# in order to o&ercome these issues# new
energy production solutions were identi"ied# such as renewable sources which are in course o" integration in the
e'iting electrical networ!s# either directly in transport and distribution networ!s# or as distributed generation
Renewable sources integration as DG units *+,# *-, is a ma.or concern "or the /E member states# this being
considerate an optimal solution both "or impro&ing energy e""iciency and security by reducing the use o" "ossil
"uels which are imported# and by reducing the GHG emissions$ DG sources integration in&ol&es changing the
traditional grid# with unidirectional "low power# into a smart grid *0, which can allow bidirectional power "low#
and can enable acti&e participation o" consumers through DR programs *1,$
Also# DG sources integration can determine losses &ariations in the both ways in contrast with the based case
(without DG)# depending on their capacities and location in the networ! and the consumption pro"ile$ %hereby# it
is needed to establish an optimal strategy "or locating the DG sources and "or e'ploring the aggregate DG-
A micro-grid (2G) *3, is a small-scale power supply networ! which comprises o" one or more small DG sources
and can operate connected to a traditional electricity grid (macro-grid) or in island mode$ 2icro-grids ha&e a
number o" important ad&antages o&er large-scale centralied approaches to power generation and distribution#
such as4 transmission losses are highly reduced# use renewable sources# are less e'pensi&e to operate and can
pro&ide high 5uality and reliable energy supply to critical loads$ Some disad&antages o" the microgrids are4 energy
needs to be stored in battery ban!s thus re5uiring more space and maintenance# resynchroniation with the utility
grid is di""icult etc$
%he optimiation problem considered in this paper re"ers to identi"y the best solution regarding the optimal
loading o" the DG sources and the most appropriate DR strategy which will be applied to the industrial consumers
e'istent in the considered networ!# in order to simultaneously optimied some technical and economical aspects
which will be detailed in the section I6$ A hybrid method based on NSGA II and AHP techni5ues is used in order
to identi"y the optimal Pareto 7ront$
*& Multiobjective optimization
A multiob.ecti&e optimiation problem (with r ob.ecti&e "unctions) re"ers to determine a set o" solutions4
) # # # (
8 8
x x x x = which optimie (min or ma') a &ectorial "unction
r n
f 4 and which satis"ies the
ine5uality constraints4
9 # # + 9 ) (
= p p i x g
and the e5uality constraints4
9 # # + 9 ) (
= = q q i x h
In practice# in some cases when it is intended to minimied the considered ob.ecti&e "unctions# and in other cases
these are needed to be ma'imied$ It is considered that any ma'imiation problem can be trans"ormed in a
minimiation one$
7or single optimiation problems# the goal is to identi"y one solution# which in most cases is the global optimum$
In the case o" multi-ob.ecti&e optimiation problems the aim is to determine a set o" solutions which pro&ide the
best compromise between the ob.ecti&e "unctions$ %hese solutions are called Pareto-optimal solutions and the
solutions set is called Pareto "ront *:,$ ;hoosing a solution "rom the Pareto "ront means "inding a solution which
best suits with the decision ma!er re5uirements$
In order to sol&e multi-ob.ecti&e optimiation problems# di""erent methods can be implemented# such as4 Non-
dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm - (NSGA II) *<,# Strength Pareto E&olutionary Algorithm - (SPEA-) *=,#
Pareto Archi&ed E&olution Strategy (PAES) *>,# etc$ ?ecause these methods pro&ides not a single solution to the
optimiation problem# but a set o" solutions and that only one must be chosen depending on the decision ma!er#
multi criteria decision ma!ing methods can be used# such as4 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) *+9,# which can
help decision ma!ers to choose pre"erence decision o&er the a&ailable alternati&es$
+& $roposed method
%he Non dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II) was proposed by Deb et al$ *++, and is one o" the
most popular meta heuristics multi-ob.ecti&e algorithm$ %he algorithm begins by generating a population o"
competing indi&iduals# then it ran!s and sorts each indi&idual depending on its non-domination le&el$ %hus# all
indi&iduals "rom the population will ha&e assigned a ran! ("itness) &alue depending on which "ront they belong to$
In order to create new indi&iduals the genetic operators - simulated binary crosso&er and polynomial mutation -
are used$ %he ne't step is to combine the old population with the new one# and then sort it again based on non-
domination# sur&i&ing to the ne't generation only the best indi&iduals$ %he solutions di&ersity is maintained by
using a parameter called crowding distance$
%he Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was de&eloped by %$@$ Saaty *+9, and is a &ery popular techni5ue
o" multi-criteria decision ma!ing$ A per"ormance matri' is used in order to e&aluate each alternati&e and to choose
the best one# e&aluation made by using the Saaty scale shown in %able I$ A"ter the per"ormance matri' is created#
the relati&e weights (called eigen&ector) o" the considered ob.ecti&e "unctions# which are called the Relati&e 6alue
6ector (R66) and the solutions relati&e weights obtained with respect to each ob.ecti&e "unction called Aption
Per"ormance 2atri' (AP2) are computed$ %he method used "or computing eigen&ectors is# as recommended in
*+9,4 the &alues in each row o" the matri' are multiply and then the nth root o" that product is ta!en$ %he n
are then summed and that sum is used to normalie the eigen&ectors elements to add to +$
(omparison scale of aaty
Intensity of importance Definition
+ E5ual
0 2oderate importance
3 Strong importance
< 6ery strong
> E'treme importance
-# 1# :# = Bhen compromise is needed
%he "ollowing step is to determine the consistency inde' (;I) as in (0) and the consistency ratio (;R) as in (1)#
is the ma'imum component o" the eigen&ector and n is the sie o" the pair-wise comparison$


CR = (1)
where RI represents random consistency inde' and its &alues are presented in Table $ %he ;R &alue should be
less than or e5ual to 9$+ or +9C# so the computed result can be consistent or acceptable$
,alues for R"
%he "inal step is to compute the &ector called 6alue 7or 2oney (672) as in (3) which gi&es the ability to the
solution computed to meet the user needs$
!"# $"# R!! = 8 (3)
In order to impro&e e""iciency in obtaining a Pareto "ront closer to the global one# in this paper# was realied a
hybrid method between NSGA II and AHP in which sorting indi&idual# based on non-domination le&els is made
using the eigen&alues computed with AHP# and not using the ob.ecti&e "unctions &alues$ %hus# "or each indi&idual
"rom population the considered ob.ecti&e "unctions &alues are computed$ %hen the Relati&e 6alue 6ector is
determined as described abo&e$ %he proposed method continues with the main steps o" the NSGA II standard
-& $roblem formulation
In this paper a multi-ob.ecti&e optimiation problem was considered that aims to "ind identi"y the best solution
regarding the optimal loading o" the DG sources and the most appropriate DR strategy which will be applied to
the industrial consumers e'istent in the considered networ!# to simultaneously optimie the "ollowing ob.ecti&e
energy losses minimiation4

% b
b l
I R x f
) ( min
where4 Rb D D branch resistance bE
Ibt D the current "lowing through branch b at the time tE
T D time inter&al considered "or the optimiation problemE
% D number o" branches e'istent in the networ!EE
energy production costs minimiation

+ + + + + =

) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( min
t C t C t C t C t C t C x f
sist "! eol T &C
Diesel c
production costs "or the Diesel generator4

i Diesel i Diesel
t " b C
) (
where4 bi - Diesel "uel priceE bi F +<9 leiG2BhE
"Diesel(i)t* - the output power (!B) o" Diesel generator i# at inter&al t$ *2B,E
' D number o" Diesel generators ("or this optimiation problem it is considered only one Diesel
production costs "or 7uel ;ells

t "
) (
where4 cng - - the natural gas priceE cng F 9$+19 leiGm
"&C )t*+ electrical power produced at inter&al t *2B,E
n - randamentul celulei de combustie (n F-9 - 09C)E
Cp - caloric capacity (Cp F +9$1:- !BhGm
production costs "or microturbines4
) ( ) ( t " c t C
T ng T
where4 cng - the natural gas priceE cng F 9$+19 leiGm
) (t "
- electrical power produced at inter&al t *2B,E
production costs "or the energy supplied by the wind turbines and the photo&oltaic system - "or these
sources were considered an e5ui&alent cost "or the maintenance operations
t "! "! "!
t eol eol eol
" c t C
" c t C
) (
) (
where4 ceol(c"! - maintenance price o" the wind turbines and photo&oltaic systemE
ceol F
c F 0 leiG2BhE
cost "or the energy ta!en "rom the networ! to co&er the consumer loads4

) ( ) (
t " c t C
sist t sist sist
where4 csist(t D energy price on day ahead mar!et# at time t$ (%able 0)$
Table ,
.nergy price on day ahead market
Hour + - 0 1 3 : < = > +9 ++ +-
Price PH/
+03 +-9 ++3 ++- ++1 +0< +:0 -9: -0+ -19 -39 -10
Hour +0 +1 +3 +: +< += +> -9 -+ -- -0 -1
Price PH/
-0< -1- -0> -03 -00 -+3 -93 +>= +>9 +<= +:9 +19

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