Avian Flu

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1. Avian Flu
Bird flu, or avian flu, is an infectious viral illness that spreads among birds. In
rare cases it can affect humans. There are many types of bird flu, most of which are
harmless to humans. However, two types have caused serious concern in recent
years. These are the H5N1 (since 1997) and H7N9 (since 2013) viruses.
Although these viruses don't infect people easily and are usually not
transmitted from human to human, several people have been infected around the
world, leading to a number of deaths.
Other bird flu viruses (particularly H7N7 and H9N2) have also infected
people, but these have rarely caused severe illness. Bird flu affects many species of
birds, including chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese. It can be passed between
commercial, wild and pet birds. Birds do not always get sick from infection, so
seemingly healthy birds may still pose a risk to people who come into contact with


Signs and symptoms
Like other types of flu, bird flu symptoms often include a high temperature,
aching muscles, headache and respiratory symptoms such as a cough or runny nose.
Most people with the condition rapidly develop more severe respiratory problems.
Diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal (tummy) pain, chest pain, and bleeding from the
nose and gums have also been reported as early symptoms in some people. Within
days, potentially fatal complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome and
multiple organ failure may develop.
Having flu-like symptoms is extremely unlikely to mean you have bird flu,
unless you have been in recent close contact with birds in an area where outbreaks
have been reported.
Human cases
The World Health Organization
(WHO) has confirmed that by July 2013,
633 people had been infected with the
H5N1 virus and 377 had died.
These cases occurred in Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Djibouti, Egypt,
Indonesia, Iraq, Laos, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey and
Vietnam. Indonesia, Egypt and Vietnam experienced most cases and fatalities.
Since March 2013, there have been reports of people being infected with the H7N9
virus in eastern China. By July 2013, there were 134 confirmed cases and 43 deaths.
Most cases were among middle-aged to elderly men. With the exception of one
person, who travelled to Taiwan while infected, there have been no reports of
human infections outside mainland China.

How bird flu spreads to humans
Bird flu is spread through direct contact with infected birds (dead or alive), an
infected bird's droppings, or secretions from their eyes or respiratory tract. Close
and prolonged contact with an infected bird is generally required for the infection to
spread to humans. For example:
- touching infected birds that are dead or alive
- inhaling or being in contact with dried dust from the droppings or bedding of
infected birds
- inhaling or being in contact with droplets sneezed by infected birds
- culling, slaughtering, butchering or preparing infected poultry for cooking
Bird flu is not transmitted through cooked food. Poultry and eggs are safe to eat in
areas that have experienced outbreaks of bird flu. There have been few reports of
bird flu passing from person to person.
Preventing bird flu

Although it is difficult to prevent the spread of bird flu between birds, there are a
number of things you can do to reduce your risk when you visit areas where
outbreaks have been reported, such as:
- avoid visiting live animal markets and poultry farms
- avoid contact with surfaces that are contaminated with bird droppings
- don't pick up or touch birds (dead or alive)
- don't eat or handle undercooked or raw poultry, egg or duck dishes
- don't bring any live poultry products back to the UK, including feathers

- always practice good personal hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly

2. Active and Passive Sentence
A sentence is active when the subject is the doer (or the agent) of the
action. A sentence is passive when the subject is the receiver of the action. The
agent of the action, which is placed in a by prepositional phrase, is not always
stated in a passive sentence. For example:
Active Passive
The police are watching Jess. Jess is being watched [by the police].
Someone stole my wallet. My wallet was stolen [by someone].
We made mistakes. Mistakes were made [by us].
I will fix the problem. The problem will be fixed [by me].

When should the active voice be used? The Humanities encourage the use of
the active voice because it more strongly expresses meaning in a sentence. The
active voice emphasizes the agent of the sentence which is also valued in the
Humanities. For example:
Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet at the end of the sixteenth century.
Instead of:

Romeo and Juliet was written (by Shakespeare) at the end of the sixteenth century.
When should the passive voice be used? In the Sciences, the use of the
passive voice is appropriate to emphasize the receiver of the action or to minimize
the importance of the agent. Further, in scientific writing, the passive voice puts the
emphasis on the experiment or process being described rather than on the
researcher. For example:
- Low income renters are being forced to leave their neighborhoods to make
room for large scaled urban development.
- As the harvest approaches, the tobacco plants are sprayed with chemicals.
The solution was heated to the boiling point.

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus). The illness alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable
to infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as the disease progresses.
HIV is found in the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood
and breast milk). The virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-
blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to
their babies during pregnancy, delivering the baby during childbirth, and through
breast feeding.

HIV can be transmitted in many ways, such as vaginal, oral sex, anal sex,
blood transfusion, and contaminated hypodermic needles. Both the virus and the
disease are often referred to together as HIV/AIDS. People with HIV have what is
called HIV infection. As a result, some will then develop AIDS. The development of
numerous opportunistic infections in an AIDS patient can ultimately lead to death.
According to research, the origins of HIV date back to the late nineteenth or early
twentieth century in west-central Africa. AIDS and its cause, HIV, were first
identified and recognized in the early 1980s. There is currently no cure for
HIV/AIDS. Treatments can slow the course of the disease - some infected people can
live a long and relatively healthy life. Update September 25th, 2013 - UNAIDS
reported that since 2001, the number of HIV infections among children fell by
52% worldwide, and by 33% among adults and children combined.
Estimated HIV/AIDS prevalence among young adults (15-49) by country as of 2008.
UNAIDS 2008 report
What are the signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS?
What is the difference between a sign and a symptom? A sign is something
other people, apart from the patient can detect, such as a swelling, rash, or change
in skin color. A symptom is something only the patient feels and describes, such as
a headache, fatigue,or dizziness.

For the most part, the symptoms of HIV are the result of infections caused by
bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. These conditions do not normally develop in
individuals with healthy immune systems, which protect the body against infection.
Signs and symptoms of early HIV infection Many people with HIV have no symptoms
for several years. Others may develop symptoms similar to flu, usually two to six
weeks after catching the virus. The symptoms can last up to four weeks.
Symptoms of early HIV infection may include:
- fever
- Chills
- joint pain
- muscle ache
- sore throat
- sweats (particularly at night)
- enlarged glands
- a red rash
- tiredness
- weakness
- weight loss
Asymptomatic HIV infection In many cases, after the initial symptoms
disappear, there will not be any further symptoms for many years. During this time,
the virus carries on developing and damages the immune system. This process can
take up to 10 years. The infected person will experience no symptoms, feel well and
appear healthy.Late-stage HIV infection If left untreated, HIV weakens the ability to
fight infection. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses.
What causes HIV/AIDS?

HIV is a retrovirus that infects the vital organs of the human immune system.
The disease progresses in the absence of antiretroviral therapy. The rate of disease
progression varies widely between individuals and depends on many factors (age of
the patient, body's ability to defend against HIV, access to health care, existence of
coexisting infections, the infected person's genetic inheritance, resistance to certain
strains of HIV).

HIV can be transmitted through:
Sexual transmission. It can happen when there is contact with infected sexual
secretions (rectal, genital or oral mucous membranes). This can happen while having
unprotected sex, including vaginal, oral and anal sex or sharing sex toys with
someone infected with HIV.
Perinatal transmission. The mother can pass the infection on to her child
during childbirth, pregnancy, and also through breastfeeding.
Blood transmission. The risk of transmitting HIV through blood transfusion is
nowadays extremely low in developed countries, thanks to meticulous screening
and precautions. Among drug users, sharing and reusing syringes contaminated with
HIV-infected blood is extremely hazardous.
What are the treatment options for HIV/AIDS?
Earlier HIV antiretroviral treatment is crucial - it improves quality of life, extends life
expectancy and reduces the risk of transmission, according to the World Health
Organization's new guidelines issued in June 2013. When an HIV-positive adult's CD4
cell count is 500 cells/mm3 or lower they should start treatment immediately.
According to Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General "These guidelines represent

another leap ahead in a trend of ever-higher goals and ever-greater achievements.
With nearly 10 million people now on antiretroviral therapy, we see that such
prospects - unthinkable just a few years ago - can now fuel the momentum needed
to push the HIV epidemic into irreversible decline."
Currently, there is no vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS. But treatments have evolved
which are much more efficacious - they can improve patients' general health and
quality of life considerably.Emergency HIV pills. If an individual believes they have
been exposed to the virus within the last 72 hours (three days), anti-HIV medication,
called PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) may stop infection. The treatment should be
taken as soon as possible after contact with the virus.
PEP is a very demanding treatment lasting four weeks. It is also associated
with unpleasant side effects (diarrhea, malaise, nausea, weakness and fatigue).
After a positive HIV diagnosis, regular blood tests are necessary to monitor the
progress of the virus before starting treatment. The therapy is designed to reduce
the level of HIV in the blood. Antiretroviral drugs. HIV is treated with antiretrovirals
(ARVs). The treatment fights the HIV infection and slows down the spread of the
virus in the body. Generally, patients take a combination of medications called
HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy).
Complementary or alternative medicine. Although widely used,
alternative/complementary medications, such has herbal ones, have not been
proven to be effective or ineffective. According to some limited studies, mineral
or vitamin supplements may provide some benefits. Patients are urged to discuss
these options with their doctors.


4. Mengenal Jenis-Jenis Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris
Tenses dibagi tiga jenis tenses yaitu Past, Present dan Future. Tetapi agar lebih
mudah mempelajarinya, kemudian tenses dibagi menjadi 5 bentuk, yaitu:
Present Tense: menggunakan kata kerja atau verb bentuk ke-1
Past Tense: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk ke-2
Perfect Tense: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk ke-3 tetapi sebelum kata kerja
diawali has, have, atau had.
Future: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk 1 tetapi sebelum kata kerja diawali
Progressive Tense: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk 1 ditambah ing dan didepan
kata kerja ada to be.
Sebenarnya tenses berjumlah total ada 16 tetapi hanya 12 tenses saja yang sering
digunakan. Untuk mempersingkat waktu, berikut jenis-jenis tenses dalam bahasa
Inggris selengkapnya.
1. Present Tense
a. Simple present tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebenaran umum,
kebiasaan, dan keadaan pada saat sekarang ini.
Rumus Subject + Verb 1 + Object/Adverb
Contoh The class begins at seven.

b. Present progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan dalam pernyataan tentang peristiwa yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang, kebiasaan yang sedang berlangsung atau rencana di
masa depan.
Rumus Subject + is/am/are + Verb ing + Object/Adverb
Contoh Edward is listening to the music now.
c. Present perfect tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang telah
dimulai di waktu lampau dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah
selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu dan ada hubungannya
saat sekarang.
Rumus Subject + has/have + Verb 3 + Object/Adverb
Contoh I have known him for years.
d. Present perfect progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan kegiatan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan
sekarang masih berlangsung.
Rumus Subject + has/have + been + Verb ing + Object/Adverb

Contoh I have been waiting for you for three hours.

2. Past Tense
a. Simple past tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk suatu peristiwa atau kebiasaan yang terjadi di
masa lalu pada saat tertentu.
Rumus Subject + Verb 2 + Object/Adverb
Contoh They went to Lombok yesterday.
b. Past progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung atau terjadi
di masa lalu.
Rumus S + was/were + V-ing
Contoh When they arrived, she was cleaning the room.
c. Past perfect tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan dalam pernyataan tentang suatu peristiwa di masa
lampau yang terjadi sebelum peristiwa berikutnya muncul. Kedua
peristiwa ini terjadi di masa lampau.

Rumus Subject + had + V3
Contoh They went home after they had submitted their assignment.
d. Past perfect progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk peristiwa di masa lampau yang telah
berlangsung beberapa saat dan ketika peristiwa lain muncul, peristiwa
tersebut belum selesai.
Rumus S + had + been + V-ing
Contoh She had been watering the plants for three hours when I came.

3. Future Tense
a. Simple future tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan
terjadi di masa datang.
Rumus S + will + V1 + Object/Adverb
Contoh I will go to Bali next year.
b. Future progressive tense

Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan di
masa datang.
Rumus S + will + be + V-ing
Contoh I will be writing my report when you come.
c. Future perfect tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah selesai
dilakukan di masa mendatang ketika kegiatan lain muncul atau sebelum
waktu tertentu.
Rumus S + will + have + V3
Contoh I will have finished my paper by the time you come.
d. Future perfect progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sudah terjadi
di masa datang dan ketika kegiatan lain muncul pada waktu tertentu,
kegiatan pertama masih berlangsung.
Rumus S + will + have + been + V-ing
Contoh My mother will have been sleeping for three hours by the time Showimah


4. Past Future Tense
a. Simple past future tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan dilakukan,
membuat prediksi dan membuat janji di masa depan pada saat berada di
masa lalu.
Rumus Subject + would + bare infinitive
Contoh She would forgive you.
b. Past future progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan sedang
berlangsung bisa berupa prediksi/rencana di masa depan pada saat berada
di masa lalu.
Rumus S + would + be + present participle
Contoh They would be working at nine oclock tonight.
c. Past future perfect tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan telah
dilakukan di masa lalu.
Rumus S + would + have + past participle

Contoh I thought you would have left by the time I arrived.
d. Past future perfect progressive tense
Fungsi Tense ini digunakan seperti future perfect continous tense. Tetapi
peristiwa yang dilakukan dapat diketahui saat ini karena telah terjadi di
masa lalu.
Rumus S + would + have + been + present participle
Contoh She would have been working as a teacher in Yogyakarta by the end of this
week last month.

5. Hygiene and sanitation
What do hygiene and sanitation mean to you from your brief reading of the
historical perspectives?
Reveal answer
Hygiene generally refers to the set of practices associated with the
preservation of health and healthy living. The focus is mainly on personal hygiene
that looks at cleanliness of the hair, body, hands, fingers, feet and clothing, and
menstrual hygiene.
Improvements in personal knowledge,
skill and practice that modify an
individuals behaviour towards

healthy practice are the focus of hygiene promotion. Safe hygiene practice includes
a broad range of healthy behaviours, such as handwashing before eating and after
cleaning a childs bottom, and safe faeces disposal. When you carry out hygiene
education and promotion the aim is to transfer knowledge and understanding of
hygiene and associated health risks in order to help people change their behaviour
to use better hygiene practices.
Sanitation means the prevention of human contact with wastes, for hygienic
purposes. It also means promoting health through the prevention of human contact
with the hazards associated with the lack of healthy food, clean water and healthful
housing, the control of vectors (living organisms that transmit diseases), and a clean
environment. It focuses on management of waste produced by human activities.
There are different types of sanitation relating to particular situations, such
Basic sanitation: refers to the management of human faeces at the household level.
It means access to a toilet or latrine.
Onsite sanitation: the collection and treatment of waste at the place where it is
Food sanitation: refers to the hygienic measures for ensuring food safety. Food
hygiene is similar to food sanitation.
Housing sanitation: refers to safeguarding the home environment (the dwelling and
its immediate environment).
Environmental sanitation: the control of environmental factors that form links in
disease transmission. This category includes solid waste management, water and
wastewater treatment, industrial waste treatment and noise and pollution control.

Ecological sanitation: the concept of recycling the nutrients from human and animal
wastes to the environment.

6. Noun Clause
Noun clause adalah clause (subject dan verb) yang difungsikan sebagai noun.
Noun clause dalam kalimat pada umumnya digunakan sebagai subject dan object
Noun clause dapat diawali oleh:
Question word atau relative pronoun baik berupa single question word maupun
Single question word (when, how, what, ect.).
Question word + determiner/ noun/ adjective / adverb.
Question word + infinitive.
Conjunction (whether dan if).
That atau the fact that.
Sehingga pola dari noun clause adalah:
Question word/conjunction/that + subject + verb +
A. Noun Clauses diawali dengan Question words

Dalam How to Address Questions sudah dibahas tentang penggunaan kata tanya
baik dalam membuat information questions maupun dalam membuat embedded
questions. Embedded questions tersebut adalah noun clause. Dalam section ini
diberikan contoh tambahan untuk merefresh memori anda.
1. Single question words.
Where she is now is still unknown.
When they arrive is still uncertain.
a) Clause yang diawali oleh question words tertentu (i.e. when, whenever, where)
juga dapat berfungsi sebagai adverbial clause.
I was reading a book when the phone rang.
I went to where I and my ex girlfriend had been last weekend.
I suddenly get nausea whenever I see his face. (nausea = mual/mau muntah).
b). Clause yang diawali oleh question words tertentu (i.e. who, whom, whose +
noun) juga dapat berfungsi sebagai adjective clause. Dalam hal ini, kata tanya
tersebut sebenarnya adalah relative pronoun. Well, jangan terlalu dipusingkan
dengan istilah. Yang penting anda mengerti pola/struktur kalimatnya. Tapi, jika anda
penasaran, silakan baca topic adjective clauses.

I think you whom Mr. Dodi was looking for. (Saya kira kamu (orang) yang pak Dodi
sedang cari-cari tadi).
Mr. Dodi, who is a teacher, was looking for you at school.
Rommy, whose book was stolen last week, just bought another new book yesterday.
Lantas, bagaimana cara membedakan apakah itu noun clause, adverbial clause, atau
adjective clause? Jawabannya sederhana. Noun clause dapat digantikan dengan
pronoun it, sedangkan adverbial clause dan adjective clause tidak. Noun clause
menjawab pertanyaan what dan who/whom; Adverbial clause menjawab
pertanyaan when, where, how (termasuk how much, how often, ect), dan why.
Adjective clause (i.e. kata sifat yang berbentuk clause) menerangkan noun, dan
relative pronounnya (i.e. who, that, ect.) dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti yang.
2. Question words + ever/soever
Kecuali how, diakhir question words dapat ditambahkan ever atau soever menjadi
whenever = whensoever, whatever= whatsoever, dan seterusnya.
Arti ever atau soever di sini sama, yaitu saja/pun, tinggal dikombinasikan dengan
kata tanya di depannya. Sedangkan, how+ever menjadi however (i.e. adverb atau
juga disebut kata transisi yang berarti namun/walapun demikian) tidak termasuk
dalam katagori ini.
We will accept whatever you want us to do. (Kami akan menerima/melakukan apa
saja yang kamu ingin kami lakukan).
Whoever can melt her feeling is a very lucky guy. (melt = meluluhkan). Be careful:
guy (dibaca gae)= laki-laki, sedangkan gay (dibaca gei) = fag = homo.

She has agreed to wherever the man would bring her. (Dia telah setuju kemanapun
pria itu membawanya pergi). Note: in speaking (informal), preposition (dalam hal
ini to, etc.) biasanya diletakkan di ujung kalimat. She has agreed wherever the man
would bring her to.
3. Question words + nouns
Question words + nouns yang sering digunakan antara lain: what time (jam berapa),
what day (hari apa), what time (jam berapa), what kind (jenis apa), what type (tipe
apa), whose + nouns (i.e. whose car, whose book, ect.), dan seterusnya.
I cant remember what day we will take the exam.
As long as I am faithful, she doesnt care what type of family I come from. (faithful =

7. What is SARS?

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that
first emerged in China in November 2002, and later spread through international
travel to 29 countries worldwide causing large outbreaks in Hong Kong; Taiwan;
Singapore; Hanoi, Vietnam; and Toronto, Canada. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), from November 2002 to July 31, 2003, there were 8,098 cases
of SARS; of these, 774 died.

On October 1, 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
reported that there were 164 probable and suspect SARS cases in the United States,
of which only eight had laboratory evidence of SARS. There were no deaths due to
SARS in the US. Most of the U.S. SARS cases were among travelers returning from
other parts of the world with SARS. There were 11 suspect and probable SARS cases
investigated by the Minnesota Department of Health; many of these individuals had
an alternative diagnosis that could explain their symptoms.

What causes SARS?
SARS is caused by a virus called the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV).
It was first identified in April 2003 and is a member of the Coronaviridae family,
which also includes many of the viruses that cause the common cold. Coronaviruses
have been found in many different animal species including birds and mammals.
SARS-CoV is thought to have passed from animals to humans through close contact,
butchering or eating undercooked meat in parts of Southern China.
How does SARS spread?
SARS is spread primarily by close person-to-person
contact. In the context of SARS, close contact
means having cared for or lived with someone
with SARS or having direct contact with
respiratory secretions or body fluids of a patient
with SARS.
o (Examples of close contact include kissing or

hugging, sharing eating or drinking utensils, talking to someone within 3 feet, and
touching someone directly. Close contact does not include activities like walking by a
person or sitting across a waiting room or office for a brief time.)
The virus that causes SARS is transmitted by the spread of respiratory droplets
produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
o When a person coughs or sneezes, small amounts of fluid are propelled for about 3
feet through the air and land on the mouth, nose or eyes of persons who are near
The virus also can spread when a person touches a surface or object contaminated
with these infectious droplets and then touches his or her mouth, nose, or eyes.
It is possible that the SARS virus might spread more broadly through the air
(airborne spread) or by other ways that are not now known.
Symptoms of SARS
How is SARS diagnosed?
Doctors suspect SARS if a patient has a fever of 38.0C or 100.4F, respiratory
symptoms and history of travel to a SARS affected area or close contact with a
known SARS patient within 10 days before the fever or respiratory symptoms
started. Since the initial symptoms of SARS are similar to influenza or other
respiratory illnesses, a high level of suspicion and an accurate history is needed to
differentiate SARS from other illnesses. There are several laboratory tests used to
detect SARS-CoV and other causes of respiratory illness. In some persons it may take
as long as 28 days after the start of symptoms to have a definite laboratory
How do we protect ourselves from SARS?

If there are no known SARS cases in the world, we protect ourselves and
others by following the usual infection control precautions. If you have a respiratory
illness, with fever and cough, consider staying home, away from school or work to
prevent giving it to others. If you are out in public, cover your mouth and nose with
tissues when coughing or sneezing. Frequently wash your hands with soap or use
alcohol hand sanitizers. If you are at a clinic or hospital inform the receptionist that
you have a respiratory illness. Clinics may have a designated area for respiratory
illness and may ask you to wear a mask to protect other patients and clinic staff. Talk
to your doctor about a Flu shot which can protect you against influenza, another
respiratory illness. If there is community transmission of SARS in any city in the
world, the MDH will issue recommendations regarding precautions in Minnesota.
We have learned that transmission of SARS was mainly among close personal
contacts of ill persons and health care workers caring for them. It is unlikely that
SARS can be acquired by walking or sitting across from a person with SARS.
However, persons with SARS are advised to isolate themselves at home for 10 days
after the resolution of fever, provided that their respiratory symptoms are
8. Adjektive Clause

Recognize an adjective clause when you see one.
An adjective clausealso called an adjectival or relative clausewill meet three
First, it will contain a subject and verb.
Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that,
or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why].
Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What
kind? How many? orWhich one?

The adjective clause will follow one of these two patterns:
Here are some examples:
Whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie
Whose = relative pronoun; eyes = subject; pleaded = verb.
Why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie
Why = relative adverb; Fred = subject; can stand = verb [not, an adverb, is not
officially part of the verb].
That bounced across the kitchen floor
That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; bounced = verb.
Who hiccupped for seven hours afterward
Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; hiccupped = verb.
An adjective clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as
asentence. To avoid writing a fragment, you must connect each adjective clause to
a main clause. Read the examples below. Notice that the adjective clause follows the
word that it describes.
Diane felt manipulated by her beagle Santana, whose big, brown eyes
pleaded for another cookie.
Chewing with her mouth open is one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting
across from his sister Melanie.

9. Prepositional Phrases
A phrase is a group of words that forms a unit but does not contain a subject
and verb. We use many types of phrases in building sentences. This article focuses
on prepositional phrases.
What is a prepositional phrase?
A prepositional phrase is a word group that begins with a preposition. A
preposition is a joining word that links a noun to another word in a sentence. (For
more on prepositions, see Parts of Speech: Prepositions.)
Every prepositional phrase contains at least two words: a preposition at the
beginning and at least one noun or nominal (a word or word group acting as a
noun). Any modifiers or other words connected to the noun or nominal are also part
of the phrase:at home:
(at + noun home) between Alice and Joe: (between + nouns Alice and Joe)
for you and me: (for + pronouns you and me) on a dusty dirt road: (on + modifiers a
dusty dirt + noun road) since coming to Canada: (since + nominal coming to Canada)
with what you have: (with + nominal what you have)
What does a prepositional phrase do in a sentence?
A prepositional phrase normally acts as an adjective or an adverb.
As an adjective, the phrase modifies a noun or a nominal and comes immediately
after the word it modifies:
We bought the house on the corner.

[on the corner modifies the noun house]
One of the baby birds has fallen out of the nest.
[of the baby birds modifies the pronoun one]
I could hear only the sighing of the wind.
[of the wind modifies the gerund sighing]
As an adverb, the phrase usually modifies a verb. The phrase may be next to the
verb or at the beginning or end of the sentence:
The letter sat on the desk all week.
[on the desk modifies the verb sat]
The panther crept silently along the narrow ledge.
[along the narrow ledge modifies the verb crept]
With a puzzled look, Jason followed his sister.
[With a puzzled look modifies the verb followed]
An adverb prepositional phrase may also modify a verbal (i.e., a present or past
participle, a gerund or an infinitive):
Racing toward the finish line, Georg left the other runners behind.
[toward the finish line modifies the present participle racing]
The passengers seated at the back couldnt see.

[at the back modifies the past participle seated]
I dont mind sailing in rough weather.
[in rough weather modifies the gerund sailing]
Do you want to go to a restaurant for lunch?
[to a restaurant and for lunch modify the infinitive to go]
Some adverb prepositional phrases modify adjectives:
The children were afraid of the barking dog.
[of the barking dog modifies the adjective afraid]
Sometimes an adverb prepositional phrase may follow the linking verb be:
Samina was in the garden.
Occasionally, a prepositional phrase may act as a noun, but this type of structure is
unusual in formal writing:
After midnight is the best time to view the comet.
[After midnight acts as the subject of the verb is]
10. Environmental health
Environmental health is the branch of public health that is concerned with
all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health.
Other terms referring to or concerning environmental health are environmental
public health, and public health protection / environmental health protection.

Environmental health should not be confused with environmental protection;
environmental health is concerned with protecting both the natural and built
environments for the benefit of human health, whereas environmental protection is
concerned with protecting the natural environment mainly for the benefit of

"Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological
factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It
encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can
potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating
health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behaviour not related to
environment, as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural environment, as
well as genetics.":
Environmental health is defined by the World Health Organization as:
Those aspects of the human health and disease that are determined by
factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of
assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially
affect health.
Environmental health as used by the WHO Regional Office for Europe,
includes both the direct pathological effects of chemicals, radiation and
some biological agents, and the effects (often indirect) on health and well

being of the broad physical, psychological, social and cultural environment,
which includes housing, urban development, land use and transport.

11. Occupational Health
What is occupational health?

Occupational health professionals aim to find out what the impact of your
work is on your health, and make sure you are fit for the work you do. Health

professionals work in occupational health roles, and are tasked with preventing
work-related diseases and carrying out assessments. Worksmart from the TUC
explains more about occupational health services.
Your employer can refer you to occupational health if you have a health
problem - including mental-ill health - that is affecting your work or causing you to
take time off sick, particularly if this is more than two or three weeks at once.
Occupational health referrals are intended to see what adjustments may need to be
made to support you at work
Occupational health services will make an assessment of your fitness for
work. If you disagree with this it is important to seek advice. If you belong to a
trade union, you should contact your representative. Mind's legal advice service will
also be able to provide assistance.
Employee Assistance Programmes
Your employer might offer an Employment Assistance Programme (EAP).
Usually, this is a helpline, often 24 hour, that you can call to receive support and
advice. EAPs can also often refer you to other services such as counselling or return
to work support. EAPs support both employee wellbeing and organisational
performance. Find out more here.
12. Two-word verbs
Many English verbs can be followed by prepositions or adverb particles.
Do sit down.
Alice ran down the road without looking at anybody.

Some verbs and prepositions / particles are regularly used together. Examples
are: look at, listen to, stand up and switch off. These combinations are rather like
two-word verbs. In grammars these are often called phrasal verbs.
The meaning of a two-word verb can be very different from the meanings of the
two-parts taken separately.
The meeting had to be put off. (The meaning of put off is not the same as the
meanings of put and off.)
Some verbs can be used with both an adverb particle and a preposition.
Examples are: get on with, put up with and look out for.
The two parts of a phrasal verb made with a verb + adverb particle are often
separable. That means the particle can go before or after noun objects.
Can you switch off the light? OR Can you switch the light off?
Note that adverb particles can only go after pronoun objects.
She turned it off. (NOT She turned off it.)
The preposition in a verb + preposition combination usually goes with the verb. It
cant be separated from the verb.

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