Patrick Statement On Emergency Funding of Border Security

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemore
Tuesday, June 17, 14 713-526-3399

Patrick Statement on Emergency Funding of Border Security

HOUSTON Dan Patrick, Texas State Senator and Republican nominee for
Lieutenant Governor, released the following statement seeking emergency action by
the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House for emergency funding for
border security:

I've focused on the importance of border security since I joined the Texas Senate in
2007. I've been criticized by Democrats for talking about the overwhelming number
of people illegally crossing into Texas, the potential for disease being brought into
our state, the number of hardened criminals crossing our border, and the possibility
of terrorists coming into Texas.

Over the past few weeks the lack of security along our Texas Border has been
exposed for all to see. Thousands of unaccompanied children and teens, along with
adults, are swarming into Texas. Currently, the federal Immigration Statistics Office
has increased the estimated number of unaccompanied children projected for this
year up from 60,000 to 90,000. Two years ago 11,000 unaccompanied teens and
children crossed the Border illegally.

There are many concerns about the latest influx of illegal aliens, including the
health impact to our state. Chris Cabrera of the U.S Border Patrol says, agents are
worried about illegal immigrants coming over with contagious infections. We are
starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different
viruses, Cabrera said. He went on to say that the U.S Border Patrol is overwhelmed.

The state is making sure each child is vaccinated, but our overall resources are
being stretched to the limit. If we have a major hurricane this summer requiring
mass evacuations our own citizens they may not be able to get the help they need
because of this latest crisis.

There are many theories about why the wave is hitting Texas now. Some say
Obama Administration policies are to blame; others believe the current wave is
orchestrated by the drug cartels. Nevertheless, we are overwhelmed by the current
humanitarian crisis and our border is less secure than ever to the drug cartels,
human traffickers, and potential terrorist activities.

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As a member of the Texas Senate I am calling on the Governor, Lt. Governor, and
Speaker of the House to take immediate action.

The Texas Department of Public Safety has indicated that sustained operations
along our southern border will require $1.3 million per week. I am calling on the
Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House to immediately allocate $1.3
million a week in emergency spending for the rest of the year for added border
security through Texas law enforcement.

In January 2015 the legislature must take up border security as the first priority of
the new session. As Lt Governor, I will insist our budget funds border security at
levels recommended by Texas Law enforcement on a 24/7/365 day basis. We must
do all we can to protect Texans until Washington meets its responsibility to secure
our border and pass responsible legal immigration reform, which brings an end to
illegal immigration.


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