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Reporting Framework


Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Architecture ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Real Time Standard ......................................................................................................................... 8
Real Time Global ............................................................................................................................. 9
Historical Reporting Database ..................................................................................................... 10
Historical Reporting Web and Reports ........................................................................................ 10
Installation .........................................................................................................................................
Certified Environments ................................................................................................................. 11
Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 12
Real Time Standard ................................................................................................................... 12
Real Time Global ....................................................................................................................... 12
Historical Reporting Database ................................................................................................. 13
Historical Reporting Web and Reports .................................................................................... 13
Pre-Installation Steps .................................................................................................................... 14
Real Time Standard ................................................................................................................... 14
Installation Wizard ........................................................................................................................ 15
Post-Installation Steps ................................................................................................................... 25
Real Time Global ....................................................................................................................... 25
Historical Reporting Database ................................................................................................ 26
Installation Error Notes ................................................................................................................. 31
Reporting Services Authentication Errors ................................................................................. 31
Database Connection Errors ..................................................................................................... 34
DTS Deployment Errors ............................................................................................................. 36
Reports Deployment Errors ....................................................................................................... 37
Application Pool Errors .............................................................................................................. 38
Installing Multi-instance RF Historical Database ........................................................................... 39
Testing the installation .................................................................................................................. 45
Test Real Time component ........................................................................................................ 45
Test Historical Reporting Web and Reports ........................................................................... 46
Altitude Reporting Resources ....................................................................................................... 47

Remote Easylink Configuration ..................................................................................................... 49
Network share ........................................................................................................................... 49
Remote Easylink Server ............................................................................................................. 49
Configuring RF application pool user manually......................................................................... 53
Windows 2008 specific .............................................................................................................. 57
Maintenance Mode ....................................................................................................................... 58
Upgrading Version ......................................................................................................................... 60
Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 60
Steps .......................................................................................................................................... 60
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 67
Configuration................................................................................................................................. 68
Encryption Notes ....................................................................................................................... 68
Real Time ................................................................................................................................... 69
Historical Reporting ................................................................................................................... 77
Usage Real Time Standard .............................................................................................................. 81
Main Screen layout ....................................................................................................................... 81
Layout Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 83
Layout tab ..................................................................................................................................
Multi-Campaign tab................................................................................................................... 84
Agent Detail tab ........................................................................................................................ 85
Contact List tab.......................................................................................................................... 86
Load/Save tab ............................................................................................................................ 87
Business Counters Configuration .................................................................................................. 89
Business Counters tab ............................................................................................................... 90
Success Value tab ...................................................................................................................... 91
Goal Achievement tab ............................................................................................................... 92
Global Widget Parameters Changer .............................................................................................. 93
Contact Lists Configuration ........................................................................................................... 94
Services Configuration .................................................................................................................. 95
Agent Groups Configuration ......................................................................................................... 96
Queries Configuration ................................................................................................................... 97
Administration Page ...................................................................................................................... 99
Export Functionality .................................................................................................................... 100
External Methods Invocation ...................................................................................................... 101
Architecture............................................................................................................................. 101
Usage ....................................................................................................................................... 101
List of parameters ................................................................................................................... 103
Configuration ...........................................................................................................................
Snapshot statistics ....................................................................................................................... 107
Auto-login .................................................................................................................................... 108
Common Problems ...................................................................................................................... 109
Troubleshooting table ............................................................................................................. 109
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. ........................................................ 111
Usage Real Time Global ................................................................................................................ 112
Login Page ................................................................................................................................... 112
Global Configuration ................................................................................................................... 113
Global Domain ......................................................................................................................... 113
Global user .............................................................................................................................. 114
Instance State Info ...................................................................................................................... 115
Other changes ............................................................................................................................. 115
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................... 116
Usage Historical Reporting ........................................................................................................... 117
Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 117
Default Reports ........................................................................................................................... 120
Campaigns Agents Report ....................................................................................................... 120
Per Call Report .........................................................................................................................
Agents Report ..........................................................................................................................
Inbound Interactions Report ................................................................................................... 125
Telephony Outcome Report .................................................................................................... 126
Business Counters Report ....................................................................................................... 127
Skills Demand Report .............................................................................................................. 128
Report List Configuration ............................................................................................................ 130
Supervisor Permissions ............................................................................................................... 135
Common Problems ...................................................................................................................... 136
rsAccessDenied when generating a report ............................................................................. 136
rsErrorOpeningConnection when generating a report ........................................................... 137
Error while loading code module ReportResources ............................................................ 138
rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting when generating a report .......................................... 139
401: Unauthorized ...................................................................................................................
An error has occurred during report processing ..................................................................... 141
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found ......................................................... 141
HTTP 404 - Page Not Found .................................................................................................... 141
Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 142
Reporting Framework concepts .................................................................................................. 142
Instance ................................................................................................................................... 142
Altitude uCI DB ........................................................................................................................ 142
Campaign .................................................................................................................................
Widget ..................................................................................................................................... 142
Multi-Campaign Widget .......................................................................................................... 142
Agent Detail Widget ................................................................................................................ 142
Contact List Widget ................................................................................................................. 142
Data transaction outcomes ..................................................................................................... 142
Business counters .................................................................................................................... 143
History Period .......................................................................................................................... 143
User access .............................................................................................................................. 143
Service ..................................................................................................................................... 144
Contact List .............................................................................................................................. 144
Agent Group ............................................................................................................................ 144
Real Time widget list ................................................................................................................... 145
Interaction Volume ................................................................................................................. 145
Queue ...................................................................................................................................... 147
Queue 3D................................................................................................................................. 149
Agent Performance ................................................................................................................. 150
Agent Not Ready Reasons ....................................................................................................... 152
Not Ready Detail ..................................................................................................................... 153
Service Level ............................................................................................................................ 154
Agent Status Detail .................................................................................................................. 155
Agent Status Detail 3D ............................................................................................................ 157
Business Counters Summary ................................................................................................... 158
Data Transaction Outcomes .................................................................................................... 160
Data Transaction Outcomes 3D .............................................................................................. 161
Telephony Interaction Volume................................................................................................ 162
Outbound Outcomes ............................................................................................................... 163
Business Counters ................................................................................................................... 164
Business Counters Goal Achievement ..................................................................................... 167
Agent Skill Detail ..................................................................................................................... 169
Skill Demand ............................................................................................................................ 170
Skill Demand 3D ...................................................................................................................... 171
Skill Demand History ............................................................................................................... 172
Contact Penetration ................................................................................................................ 174
Query ....................................................................................................................................... 176
Multi-campaign ....................................................................................................................... 177
Agent Detail ............................................................................................................................. 182
Contact List .............................................................................................................................. 185
Logs ................................................................................................................................................. 187
Real Time and Historical Reporting components ........................................................................ 187
Historical Reports Deployment ................................................................................................... 188
Historical Database component .................................................................................................. 188
Log Tables ................................................................................................................................ 188
SSIS Packages Logs .................................................................................................................. 189
Oracle ETL Process................................................................................................................... 189
Upgrade Logging ......................................................................................................................... 189


The Altitude Reporting Framework (RF) is an accelerator that provides reports on Altitude uCI
instances. Altitude Reporting Framework is composed by:
Real Time component

o Standard mode

o Global mode

Historical Reporting component

o Database

o Web and Reports
The Real Time component is a web application that monitors Altitude uCI activity in real time. It
receives information from Altitude uCI through several connectors and displays real-time activity
counters through a web browser interface. The Real Time component has two modes of operation:
Standard A normal RF Real Time installation. RF Real time shows information from a
single uCI instance.

Global - a new mode in RF Real Time. In this mode, information from several uCI instances
can be seen in a single RF Real Time web application. To achieve this RF Real Time Global
connects to several RF Real Time Standard applications.
The Historical Reporting component provides several out-of-the-box reports, showing Altitude uCI
historical information. It is built on top of Microsoft Reporting Services and can be accessed
through a web browser interface.


Real Time Standard
A RF Real Time Standard installation needs the following components:
Altitude uCI instance

Altitude Integration Server

RF Real Time Standard accesses the Altitude instance directly and through the Altitude Integration
Unless an historical period is configured, Reporting Framework Real Time Standard only
considers agents/calls that logged/started after the Real Time Standard application was started.

Real Time Global

A RF Real Time Global installation needs the following components:
Several RF Real Time Standard installations

RF Real Time Global will connect to several RF Real Time Standards to fetch information
periodically from them. Each RF Real Time Standard is connected to a single uCI
The communication between RF Global and the standard RFs is done through WCF (Windows
Communication Services). No calculations are performed in Real Time Global. All calculations are
performed in each Real Time Standard.
RF Global has a built-in authentication mechanism to allow accessing RF Global and the other
standard RFs. All the configurations done at RF Global are stored in XML files.

Historical Reporting Database
An RF Historical Database installation needs to access an Altitude uCI database.
For performance reasons its recommended to use two different machines for uCI database and
for Historical database.
This component needs to be installed in a machine running Microsoft SQL Server Integration
Services service.
When connecting to an Oracle uCI database the installation also requires Oracle OLE DB Provider
and Oracle Call Interface.
Historical Reporting Web and Reports
A Reporting Framework Historical Reporting installation needs the following components:
Altitude instance

RF Historical Database

The Altitude RF Historical DB is updated by processes that access the Altitude uCI DB.
The Historical Reporting component accesses the information on the Altitude RF Historical DB to
build the reports


Certified Environments
The certified environments of Reporting Framework are:
Operating system:

o Windows Server 2003 32 bit

o Windows Server 2008

Client browser:

o Internet Explorer 7

o Internet Explorer 8

o Internet Explorer 9

o Firefox (tested with v11.0)

o Chrome (tested with v18.0)

o Safari (tested with v5.1.5)


o Microsoft SQL Server 2005

o Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

o Oracle 10g

o Oracle 11g

PABX: any

Real Time Standard
For a RF Real Time Standard installation, the following components are required:
Altitude uCI instance

Altitude Integration Server
The RF Real Time Standard server requirements are the following:
.Net Framework 4.0;

Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) 6 or above;

the easy link log must be activated on the Altitude Assisted Server and accessible on the network
(for remote easy link configurations please check section Remote Easylink Configuration);

due to a Microsoft Internet Information Service issue, the computer name of this server
cannot contain the _ (underscore) character;

the system date-time of the Altitude Assisted Server machine must be synchronized with
the system date-time of the RF Real Time Server machine, otherwise the statistical
information presented won't be accurate;

Real Time Global
For a RF Real Time Global installation, the following components are required:
Several RF Real Time Standard installations
The RF Real Time Standard server requirements are the following:
.Net Framework 4.0;

Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) 6 or above;

due to a Microsoft Internet Information Service issue, the computer name of this server
cannot contain the _ (underscore) character;

Historical Reporting Database
For a RF Historical Reporting - Database installation, access to an Altitude uCI DB is required.
The RF Historical Database server requirements are the following:
Microsoft Integration Services (Local);

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Oracle Provider for OLE DB (if applicable) with Allow inprocess enabled (see image
Historical Reporting Web and Reports
For a RF Historical Reporting Web and Reports installation, the following Altitude components
are required:
Altitude instance

Altitude RF Historical Database
Altitude Reporting Resources (when Microsoft Reporting Services is at another server )
The RF Historical Reporting server requirements are the following:
.Net Framework 4.0;

Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) above 5;

Microsoft Reporting Services (minimum .Net Framework 2.0);

Microsoft Report Viewer 2008

due to a Microsoft Internet Information Service issue, the computer name of this server
cannot contain the _ (underscore) character;
Pre-Installation Steps
Real Time Standard
If you are going to install Real Time Standard, the following steps should be executed:
Create Administrator
On the Altitude Assisted Server, using Altitude uSupervisor, create an agent of type Administrator
(Example: name ISUser, password ISUserPWD). This is the agent referred on step 5 of the
installation wizard.
Configure EBA
. On Altitude Integration Servers Web.config file (default path is C:\Program Files
(x86)\Altitude\Altitude uCI 7.5\Altitude Integration Server\Web\Web.config), inside the tag
<configuration><altitudeSoftware><integrationServer><instances>, add the lines:

< hostname_1500>
</ hostname_1500>
On the string hostname_1500, replace hostname by the Altitude Assisted Server host name
and 1500 by the Altitude Assisted Server port.
Example: for a server named ServeruCI, on port 1500, hostname_1500 should be replaced by

Installation Wizard
Setup steps:
1. Double-click the Altitude Reporting Framework.exe file to launch the wizard that will install
Altitude Reporting Framework on your machine;

2. On the Welcome screen, click Next > to continue;

3. Choose the destination folder for Altitude Reporting Framework;

4. Select the features to install;

5. The following dependencies will abort the setup when not found for the specified feature:

IIS major version not found or below 6 aborts the installation when Real Time or Web
application and Reports are selected.

SSIS Service not found aborts the installation of Historical Database.

DTExec not found aborts the installation of Historical Database.

6. In case you have chosen to install only Real Time, the following screen will appear:

7. Select the Real Time mode. If you want to install Real Time Global please note that it
connects to several Real Time Standard applications, so you must install them too.

8. If Real Time Standard is chosen continue to the next screen of the wizard.

9. If Real Time Global is chosen, the installation finishes silently. You must then complete the
installation as described here.

10. If Real Time Standard is chosen configure the following parameters:

RT Virtual Directory (Example: RT)(*);

Network Location - URL of Altitude Integration Server;

Assisted Server Instance - name and port of the Altitude Assisted Server instance
(Example: altitudeserver:1500) (*);

Assisted Server Agent - name of the agent, of type Administrator, used by Altitude
Integration Server to login in the uCI instance(Example: ISUser) (*);

Assisted Server Agent Password - password of the agent used by Altitude Integration
Server to login in the uCI instance(Example: ISUserPWD);

Default Campaign Shown - default campaign, used for creating widgets at Real Time
component start-up (Example: Inbound) (*);

Database System select the Altitude uCI database system (Microsoft SQL Server or
Oracle) (*);

Support skills check this box if you want to extract Skills reports on the Historical
Reporting component (if checked, you will need to do the Altitude Reporting
Framework Historical Database connection configuration).

Encrypt Web.config check this box if you want appSettings and connectionStrings
sections of the Web.config file to be encrypted. In this case the passwords will be

(*)-required fields;

11. Real Time Standard will require also the following information in the second screen:

Local Folder Whether easylink log file is at a local folder. If not, there two remote
modes available: Network Folder and Remote Easylink Server. The Easylink path should
be set according to the remote mode used.

Easy Link Path - complete path of Altitude Assisted Server Easy Link log file
If Network Share remote mode is used the path will have the following format:
(Example: \\altitudeserver\C$\Program Files\Altitude\Altitude uCI
7.1\Logs\Altitude Assisted Server\easy\easy_link.log).
If Easylink is local or the Remote Easylink Server remote mode is used the path will
have the following format:
(Example: C:\Program Files\Altitude\Altitude uCI 7.1\Logs\Altitude Assisted
Server\easy\easy_link.log). This path is relative to the easylink machine even if
the remote mode is used.(*);
Remote Easylink Application Pool User Allows selecting an existing user to run
the Reporting Framework IIS Pool when the Network Folder remote mode is

(*)-required fields;

If the Real Time component is not being installed, but the Historical Web and Reports is, the
following entries will be asked.

12. Use the Next button;

13. Configure the Microsoft Reporting Services parameters for the Historical Reporting

Virtual Directory - (Example: HR) (*);

Reporting Services Location - URL of Microsoft Reporting Services(*);

Domain Domain of Reporting Services User;

User Name - user name of Reporting Services User- without domain(*);

Password - Password of Reporting Services.

Reports Path- Path name under Reporting Services

Reports Folder- Folder name under Reporting Services that will contain the Historical
(*)-required fields;

14. Use the Next button; In case of errors in this step, consult the section Reporting Services
Authentication Errors.

15. Configure the parameters for the Historical Database

Database Server Name- The machine name of the Historical Database and Master

Historical Database

o Database- The name of the Historical database(*);

o User Name- The user name of the Historical database(*);

o Password- The password of historical database.

o Database Path- Complete path for storing the mdf files (ex: C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data, to change the path click in
Change button or write it if the database is located in a different server);

Master Database

o User Name- The user name of master database(*);

o Password- The password of master database.Check if the user set to connect to
the master database also has access to the msdb associated with the SSIS where the
packages will be deployed (the mapping is at MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml).
In case of an error in this step, consult the section Database Connection Errors.
(*)-required fields;

16. Set the additional information to deploy the packages:

Set the SSIS Deployment information if not already set in the previous step:

o Server Name (*)

o User Name (*)

o Password (*)

If deploying to a remote SSIS server change the path to the appropriate remote

Select the deployment protection level:

o Server Storage - deploys the package on server with the configurations
set. The access is controlled by packages roles. The configuration file still
exists but with encrypted passwords (*).

o Without sensitive information - the package is deployed without
configurations defined, and the configuration file is in clear text(*).

In case of an error in this step, consult the section Database Connection Errors.
(*)-required fields

If you havent selected Historical Database installation the following information about an existing
Historical Database will be requested.

17. Use the Next button;

18. Configure the parameters for uCI database;

Database System: The DBMS of the uCI database;

Microsoft SQL Server Database System

o Database Server Name- The machine name of the uCI database(*);

o Database - The name of uCI database(*);

o User Name - The user name of uCI database(*);

o Password - The password of uCI database.
(*) required fields

Oracle Database System
o Net Service Name- The service name identifier for the uCI database, defined in the
Oracle client tnsnames.ora;

o User Name -The user name of uCI database;

o Password- The password of uCI database;

o Partial uCI MSSql copy name -Name of the database that will contain partial data
from uCI to synchronize the tables. This database can be the same that is used for
Historical Database or a new one in the same SQL Server instance.

Note: If youre going to use an Oracle uCI database, before running the ARF Historical
Database installer, you must install the Oracle Provider for OLE DB and launch the Oracle Net
Configuration Assistant to configure the Service Name for the uCI database.

In case of an error in this step, consult the section Database Connection Errors.
(*)required fields

19. Use the Install button to end the installation;

In case of an error in this step, the following sections may describe how to troubleshoot
the problem:
DTS Deployment Errors

Reports Deployment Errors

Application Pool Errors

20. Use the Finish button to close the wizard.

Post-Installation Steps
Real Time Global
1) Put http,net.tcp in the Enabled Protocols in all Real Time Standard applications in IIS
Manager as seen below:

2) Login in RF Real Time Global with user easy without password and global domain.
User easy is a Global administrator by default meaning that he has permissions to
configure all settings in RF global. You can set the user easy password later.

3) Configure domains in RF global (go to File | Global Configuration | Global Domain | press
Add). One domain represents one RF standard. You must enter the URL of the RF standard and
a name for each domain. The address is filled automatically after pressing Validate. If
Validate works correctly you can then save the domain. If not, check the troubleshooting
section of this document.

4) Configure the easy user passwords (go to File | Global Configuration | Global User) in RF
global for each assisted server instance . You can later create Supervisors for RF global , etc.

Historical Reporting Database
First Configuration
If you installed the Historical Database component, the following steps are needed.
If this installation was done in Windows Server 2008, add full permissions over C:\Program
Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\dts to the user(s) running SQL Server
Agent, SQL Server and SQL Server Integration Services.

Initialize and load data using the Extract Transform and Load (ETL) packages files from Microsoft
SQL Server Integration Services.
Sequence for Initializing and Loading Data:

1. Run the CreateAERDatabase: this package will create the ARF Historical database, a linked
server to uCI database and all stored procedures used in the update integration services

Note: If the packages were deployed without sensitive information, before executing the run
package, add in Configurations the configuration file of the instance C:\Program

2. Run one of the following Init packages (see the note above):

InitAERAll: initialize the fact and flat tables for all time or from a defined date;

InitAERLastMonth: initialize the fact and flat tables for last month;

InitAERLastWeek: initialize the fact and flat tables for last week.

The following jobs are created by CreateAERDatabase to update the flat and fact tables. The jobs
will call packages. Its not necessary to run any of the jobs to finish the installation but the desired
schedule can be set:
a. AERUpdateAll_for_AERdb: update all tables from the last time updated to current

b. AERUpdateLastDay_for_AERdb: update all tables from the last day (from 24 hours
ago to current time); This job is automatically scheduled to run each day at 00:00;
You can change the job starting time to suit your needs.

c. AERUpdateLastWeek_for_AERdb: update all tables from last week (from 7 days
ago to current time);

d. AERUpdateLastMonth_for_AERdb: update all tables from last month (from 30
days ago to current time);

e. AERPurge_for_AERdb: purge data from tables from with more than 12 months
(default). The scheduled is not enabled by default.

f. AERMaintenance_for_AERdb: Rebuilds or reorganizes the database indexes
according to current fragmentation. In enterprise editions the indexes are kept online
during this process; This job is automatically scheduled to run each day at 04:59:59;
You can change the job starting time to suit your needs.

Notes: When the loading is predicted to be long (or to be running overnight) the
AERUpdateLastDay_for_AERdb schedule should be disabled. When the loading ends, if more than
a day has passed the job AERUpdateAll_for_AERdb should be run. In the end of the process the
schedule can be enabled.
A start date to initialize the database can be set before executing the package InitAERAll setting
the value \Package.Variables*User::LoadStartTime+.Properties*Value+ to the desired date as
examplified below.

The Init packages can take a long time to run if you have a large uCI database. In that case its
better to try first with the package that takes the least time to execute - InitAERLastWeek.
If the configuration values need to be changed:
When deployed with encrypted configuration file, edit the Publish.INSTANCE_ID.bat file
ARF_PATH=C:\Program*Files\Altitude\Altitude*Reporting*Framework\ UCI_DBMS=Oracle
SSIS_SERVER= hostname

DTSecurityExec.exe /SDTS INSTANCE_ID=0 SSIS_SERVER=hostname SSIS_USER=sa
When deployed with a clear text configuration file change it directly.
Purge Configuration
The historical database can grow very large. If this is a problem, older data can be deleted using a
purge mechanism.
When the database is initialized or upgraded the job AERPurge_for_AERdb is deployed with a
disabled schedule set to run in the first day of each month at 6:00AM and delete the data older
than 12 months.
To change the age of data (in months) that will be deleted, go to Job Properties >Steps, select and
Edit the 1st step, change to the tab Set Values and set the new value for

Change the scheduling Properties >Schedules> Edit ARFPurge and set the desired configuration
before enabling the job.

Purge Manual Process
To manually run the purge process, connect to SSIS in SQL Server Manager and Run the package
PurgeAERDatabase and set one of the values:
\Package.Variables*User::PurgeMonthsAgo+.Properties*Value+ with the number of
month ago to purge

\Package.Variables*User::PurgeEndDate+.Properties*Value+ with the date to purge until

Installation Error Notes
Reporting Services Authentication Errors
In step 13 an error authenticating to Reporting Services may occur.

After pressing OK the specific error message will be displayed. Some of the errors may be:
Wrong Reporting Services URL

Web Service for Reporting Services not responding

Wrong User name or password

The Reports path doesnt exist

Database Connection Errors
This setup validates the connection to the three databases (Altitude Historical Database, SSIS
msdb folder server and Master).
If the Historical database already exists, the question The database with name XXXX already
exists. Overwrite the database? will be asked. Suggestion: Change the name of Historical
database (going back to the previous step) if the response is No.

If the user name or password of the master database is incorrect, the following popup will be

If the user name or password of the msdb SSIS database is incorrect, the following popup will be

If the hostname is incorrect or the access is denied the following popup will show up:

If the user name or password of the historical database is incorrect, the following popup will be
shown for sql server or oracle databases:

If the hostname is incorrect or the access is denied the following popup will show up:

DTS Deployment Errors
If you get the following error, please check the file Result_of_deploy_dts_Instance0.log in
C:\Program Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\dts.

The deployment variables are set at C:\Program Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting
Framework\Historical\dts\Publish.0.cmd. The variables have the following meanings:
AER_NAME Historical database name
MASTER_PASS Master or RF login password (database)
MASTER_SERVER - Master or RF login server (database)
MASTER_USER - Master or RF loginuser(database)
MASTER_NAME - master
UCICOPY_NAME Name of the database where copies from Oracle will be stored (equals to
AER_NAME when MSSql)
DB_PATH Database files path
ARF_PATH Reporting framework path
UCI_DBMS UCI DB type (Oracle or MSSql)
OVERRIDE_DB Override existing databases
UCI_PASS uCI database password
UCI_USER - uCI database login
SSIS_SERVER Hostname of the SSIS instance
INSTANCE_ID instance id (number)

The publish file can be corrected with the appropriate values and run if its in the origin of the

Reports Deployment Errors
If the reports deployment fails the following message will appear:

Check in the server running Microsoft SQL Server Report Server if the assembly ReportResources is
deployed at c:\Windows\assembly (available from the installation in C:\Program
Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\Reports\ReportResources.dll).
If the Historical Component is running in a different server from the Reporting Services one, install
the prerequisite Altitude Reporting Resources.
After that the reports should be published with the command C:\Program Files\Altitude\Altitude
Reporting Framework\Historical\Reports\PublishReports0.cmd.

Application Pool Errors
If you get the message Error setting application pool user or framework version. , edit
C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\ApplicationPoolRemoteUser.cmd.
Verify if the domain, user and password are correct. Also check if the user belongs to the
Administrator and IIS_WPG (IIS_IUSRS on Windows Server 2008) groups.

Installing Multi-instance RF Historical Database
Besides the first installation (that will be referred as default RF instance in the rest of this
document) its possible to configure more 15 instances.
Running again the Altitude Reporting Framework executable, the following wizard will appear with
the list of current instances to maintain and the option to install more (if possible).

When the option Install a new instance is selected, the rest of the installation is identical to the
default RF instance, with the following limitations:
After the feature selection dialog, its not possible to install a Historical database if there
was none installed in the default RF instance.

After the feature selection dialog, its not possible to install a Historical web site if there
was none installed in the default RF instance.

The install path its not configurable:

o The web sites will be deployed to DEFAULT_INSTANCE_DIR\RF.INSTANCE_ID

o The database and reports are not deployed again, but the new configuration files
are created under DEFAULT_INSTANCE_DIR\Historical\dts and

The structure of two full instances is the following:

The new instalation with reports generated a PublishReports.INSTANCE_ID.bat and a
DeleteReports.INSTANCE_ID.bat that publish and delete the reports of a specific instance
using the same reports as base.

Setting up a new database creates new files: Publish.INSTANCE_ID.bat,
DeleteDTS.INTANCE_ID.bat and GeneratedConfig.INSTANCE_ID.dtsConfig. Besides that it also
creates a Queries.INSTANCE_ID folder under Historical\dts\Oracle\x86\10g (or the correct
oracle architecture).

The database solution is structured for multi-instance as long as the Historical Database is given a
different name (default behavior of the installer).
The packages folder, uCI linked server and jobs are given names suffixed with the Historical
Database name

After the installation of a new instance the same steps to finish the configuration should be

Note: When deleting instances, the default RF instance should be the last one to be deleted.

Testing the installation
The Reporting Framework shortcuts are created on Programs\Altitude Software\Altitude
Reporting Framework, on the Windows Start menu.

The default location of the installation is [PROGRAM_FILES_DIRECTORY]\Altitude\Altitude
Reporting Framework. The directory tree is:
RealTime: files for Real Time component web application;


o Database: DTS files are deployed on database.

o Reports: reports deployed in Microsoft Reporting Services;

o Web: files for Historical Reporting component web application.

Test Real Time component
1. Open the URL http://localhost/RT or run the shortcut
[StartMenu]\Programs\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Altitude Reporting
Framework RealTime;

2. Login with username and password from Altitude uCI instance;

3. Login agent in Altitude uCI instance with Altitude uAgent Windows;

4. Set ready on a campaign being monitored;

5. Make a test call;

6. Check the campaign counters.

Test Historical Reporting Web and Reports
Notes: this component should be tested after the Historical database has data, i.e, the packages
and jobs were executed at least once.
1. Open the URL http://localhost/HR or run the shortcut
[StartMenu]\Programs\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Altitude Reporting
Framework Historical;

2. Login in the application

3. Select the start and finish date;

4. Select the report for visualization.

5. If #Error is displayed in the report, add the following entry on rssrvpolicy.config (after
making a backup of the file) on Report Server Web directory instance directory
(C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<Reporting Service instance folder>\Reporting
Services\ReportServer) and restart the Reporting Service instance:

Description="Report Resources Permissions">




Altitude Reporting Resources
This installer must be executed in the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services machine. The
installer steps are described below:

1. Press next in the welcome screen.

2. Choose the installation folder

3. Press Install to finish the installation.

4. Press Finish to close the wizard.

Remote Easylink Configuration
If the easylink log file is located on a remote machine, different from the Reporting Framework
machine, the following configuration may be necessary.
There are two options for getting information from an easylink log file written in a remote
1. Using a network share

2. Using a remote easylink server
The first method is easier to setup but is not as flexible as the second one.
In the first method, the windows user that is entered for the application pool at installation time
must also exist and have the same password on the easylink machine. In the second method
theres no need to enter an application pool user.
Network share
With this method Reporting framework reads the easylink log file through a network share that is
specified during install time or later by changing RFs web.config.
Remote Easylink Server
With this method a server component (windows service) is installed on the machine where
easylink is written (usually assisted server machine) and this server listens for requests from RF to
read the easylink log file.
To use this method the installer of the Remote Easylink Server windows service must be executed
in the easylink machine. The installer steps are described below:

1. Press next in the welcome screen.

2. Choose the installation folder

3. Press Install to finish the installation.

4. Press Finish to close the wizard.

After installing the service, the configuration may be changed if needed. That can be done editing
the app.config of the service as shown in the next section. When the changes are done the service
must be restarted.
Server configuration
The URL where the service listens to requests must be configured in the servers app.config:
Inside services|service|host configure baseAddress. The protocol, machine name (usually
localhost) and port can be configured.
The possible values for protocol are net.tcp or http. When choosing a port, make sure its not
already in use.
Inside services|service|endpoint configure binding. Possible values are netTcpBinding or

For instance to use net.tcp in port 8000 in localhost machine the following settings should be
used (only the relevant settings are shown. Do not change other settings):
<endpoint binding="netTcpBinding" >
< baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:8000/EasylinkServer" />

To use http in port 80 in localhost machine the following settings should be used (only the relevant
settings are shown. Do not change other settings):
<endpoint binding="wsDualHttpBinding" >
< baseAddress="http://localhost:80/EasylinkServer" />

Note: net.tcp protocol has better performance than http. Http can be used if there are firewalls
between the RF machine and the assisted server machine.
Client configuration (RF)
In Reporting Framework there are also configurations to be done. In RFs web.config the following
key should be configured:
<add key="remoteEasylink" value="1"/>
Decide if easylink should be read remotely or locally. (1=remote, 0=local)

Inside System.serviceModel|client|endpoint configure address and binding.
The values for these attributes should be coherent with the ones defined in easylink remote
For instance if the easylink remote service is in machine myhost listening in port 8000 and using
net.tcp protocol:
<endpoint address="net.tcp://myhost:8000/EasylinkServer"
binding="netTcpBinding" >

If easylink remote service is in machine my host listening in port 80 using protocol http:
<endpoint address="http://myhost:80/EasylinkServer"
" >

Configuring RF application pool user manually
If for some reason the application pool user was not correctly entered during installation time that
can be done later manually. As Reporting Framework Real Time is a web application running on top
of IIS (Internet Information Services) on a windows machine, to access a file located in a different
machine the IIS user must have access permissions to the remote file.
The principle of this configuration is to create two users in the two machines with the same
username and password and configure the Reporting Framework Real Time application pool to run
under this user.
Configuration steps:
1. Create a user in Reporting Framework machine:

Create a new user (for example rf_user)

Add this user to the group Administrator and IIS_WPG (IIS_IUSRS on Windows Server

2. Create a user in Altitude uCI machine:

Create the same user with same password and same configuration

3. Configure the Application Pool of Reporting Framework:

On Reporting Framework machine, open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Open properties of ReportingFramework ApplicationPool and select Identity tab

Change the type of Application pool identity for Configurable and complete with new
user created

If the option Encrypt Web.config was chosen during installation, add ACL for access to
NetFrameworkConfigurationKey container

o C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe pa
"NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "rf_user"

Windows 2008 specific
RF in Windows 2008
If RF is installed in a Windows 2008 machine the ASP.NET Impersonation (IIS
Manager>Sites>Default Web Site>RT>Authentication) should be disabled.

Easylink log file in Windows 2008
If easylink log file is written in a Windows 2008 machine, RF usually does not detect when easylink
is updated. If this is the case easylink reading mode should be set to synchronous.
Maintenance Mode
Running Altitude Reporting Framework.exe displays the maintenance wizard.

Choose the Instance to maintain and press Next.

Modify Mode: Allows to add or remove features from the instance. It doesnt have any
memory from the first installation except for the instalation path.
Repair Mode: Repairs installation files, virtual directories and Application Pool. This repair
doesnt run any automatic .bat file and it doesnt change the configurations generated
during the original instalation.
Remove Mode: Removes this instance from the computer.
Upgrading Version
Before performing an upgrade read the following recommendations:
Real Time
Check if the application pool user (when used) still applies ([Installation
Historical Web Component
Check if the connection string to AERdb still applies ([Installation
SQL Server Reporting Server Machine
If the ReportServer is not at RF HR Web Component server, install the latest version of
AltitudeReportingResources .
Restart the SQL Server Reporting Services (ReportServer) Service before proceeding with the
Historical Database Component
Check if the databases settings (AERdb and uCI) are correct ([Installation
Its advised to back up the database.
The following chapters describe the upgrade of Real Time and Historical Reporting. When
upgrading a full installation the setup will upgrade all components at once.
Real Time
Reporting Framework can be upgraded for versions above 2.3.3 by the following method.
Run the new executable from the last version. The maintenance wizard will be displayed:

After selecting an instance yet to be upgraded the following message will appear:

The upgrade runs the configured batch files for the instance if they exist. After concluding, the
following message is displayed:

The upgrade of the web.config concludes the process.

The installation is completed when the following screen is displayed.

In case of error during the process the logs can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude
Reporting Framework\_UpdateFolder.
If upgrading from version 3.0 the process ends here.
Upgrading from version 2.3.x, if its necessary to configure a user for the application pool do the
following steps:
1) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\ and copy the file
ApplicationPoolRemoteUser.cmd.template to ApplicationPoolRemoteUser.cmd.
2) Edit ApplicationPoolRemoteUser.cmd batch file. Uncomment the line for the desired operating
system and fill the tags <DOMAIN\USER> and <PASSWORD>.
Template File
::Windows Server 2008
::cd %windir%\\system32\\inetsrv\ && appcmd set config /section:applicationPools

::Windows Server 2003
:: %SYSTEMDRIVE% && cd "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Inetpub\AdminScripts" && cscript adsutil.vbs SET
W3SVC/AppPools/ReportingFramework/WAMUserName <DOMAIN\USER> cscript adsutil.vbs SET
W3SVC/AppPools/ReportingFramework/WAMUserPass <PASSWORD>

Final (windows server 2008 example)
::Windows Server 2008
cd %windir%\\system32\\inetsrv\ && appcmd set config /section:applicationPools
3) Run the ApplicationPoolRemoteUser.cmd batch file.
Historical Reporting
Before upgrading a version, backup the historical database and set passwords present in the dts
publish files (C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\dts\) to
clear text if they are not already in clear text.
Reporting Framework can be upgraded for versions above 2.3.3 by the following method.
Run the new executable from the last version. The maintenance wizard will be displayed:

After selecting an instance to be upgraded the following message will appear:

The upgrade runs the configured batch files for the instance (Publish files for dts and reports). After
concluding the message is displayed:

The database upgrade consists in running the UpgradeAERDatabase that will return the message:

The upgrade of the web.config concludes the process.

The installation is completed when the following screen is displayed.

In case of error during the process the logs can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude
Reporting Framework\_UpdateFolder.

If the upgrade is successful and a problem occurs running one or more of the components please
consult the troubleshooting sections: HR Common Problems and RT Common Problems.
If the RF upgrade ended with one or more message errors check the workarounds below.

Error Upgrading Instance
To recover an Historical Database upgrade consult DTS Deployment Errors and afterwards run the
UpgradeAERDatabase dts package.
To recover Historical Web Components check Reports Deployment Errors.
To recover Real Time upgrade check Application Pool Errors.
Error Upgrading Database
The detailed error can be found at UpgradeAERDatabase's log (C:\Program Files
(x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\dts\).
If the error is directly related to settings in configuration (such as hostnames or passwords) check
DTS Deployment Errors and afterwards run the UpgradeAERDatabase dts package.

Encryption Notes
The web.config for Real Time and Historical can have encrypted sections selecting the options to
encrypt the web.config for the RT and HR components. The encryption relies on having key
NetFrameworkConfigurationKey configured.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pc
"NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" exp

The following commands decrypt a RT and a HR web.config
files:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pd
"appSettings" -app "/RT"
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pd "
connectionStrings " -app "/RT"
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pd
"appSettings" -app "/HR"

After changing the web.config it can be encrypted back if
wanted:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pe
"appSettings" -app "/RT"
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pe "
connectionStrings " -app "/RT"
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pe
"appSettings" -app "/HR"
This operation requires elevation in Windows Server 2008.

Real Time
The Real Time component configuration file Web.config default location is C:\Program
Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\RealTime.
The following keys can be edited to change the Real Time component configuration. All keys,
unless noted, are located inside the <configuration><appSettings> tags.


This key allows you to define the user that the
Real Time component will use to connect to the
Altitude Integration Server. This is asked during
the installation of the Reporting Framework, so
this key should only be modified if the user



This key allows you to define the password of
the user that the Real Time component will use
to connect to the Altitude Integration Server.
This is asked during the installation of the
Reporting Framework, so this key should only
be modified if the user password changes.


This key allows you to define the path of the log
file of the Real Time component.
The default value is
\logs\ReportingFramework-RealTime.log , a
relative path. The full path is C:\Program
Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting
k-RealTime.log. This value should only be
changed if you want to change the location of
the file.

D:\logs\ ReportingFramework-RealTime.log


This key defines if the log file will use
The default value is 1, meaning indentation
will be used. If the value is 0, indentation will
not be used.

0, 1

This key allows you to define the Altitude
Assisted Server (Altitude uCI instance) server
and connection port that the Real Time
component will connect to. This is asked during
the installation of the Reporting Framework, so
this key should only be modified if the Altitude
Assisted Server changes.



This key allows you to define what is the
Altitude Assisted Server easy link file path. This
is asked during the installation of the Reporting
Framework, so this key should only be changed
if the location of the easy link file changes.

Files\Altitude\Altitude uCI 7.1\Logs\Altitude
Assisted Server\easy\easy_link.log,C:\Program
Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude uCI
7.1\Logs\Altitude Assisted


This key allows you to define the refresh rate of
the Real Time component server. This
represents the frequency that the statistics
presented on the widgets will be calculated.
The default value is 5. This key should not be
modified unless requested by the Altitude
support team.
This value is represented in seconds.

5, 10

This key allows you to define the refresh rate of
the Real Time component client, that is, the
browser used to access Real Time component.
This represents the frequency at which the
client will get the statistics from the server. This
value should be bigger or equal than
statisticsRefreshRateServer. Requesting info
from the server more often than the statistics
calculation frequency will only fetch the same
values again and again.
The default value is 5. This key should not be
modified unless requested by the Altitude
support team.
This value is represented in seconds.

5, 10


This key allows you to define the monitoring
periods available on most Real Time component
widgets. The periods defined here will show up
on the drop-down menu, in addition to the
Life period, that is always available.
The default value is 01:00;day, meaning
monitoring periods of 1 hour and from the
starting of the current day. This key should not
be modified unless requested by the Altitude
support team.
This key is a list of periods, separated by the ;
character, following the HH:MM format.
Here you can define two special periods using
the exact text:
hour, day.

Now is 07h45
Using hour keyword - Altitude Reporting
Framework will generate statistics between
07h00 and 07h45
Using day keyword- Altitude Reporting
Framework will generate statistics between
00h00 and 07h45
Using 01:00 keyword - Altitude Reporting
Framework will generate statistics between
06h45 and 07h45
Using 08:00 keyword - Altitude Reporting
Framework will generate statistics between
23h45 and 07h45

01:00;day, 00:15; 08:00, hour;04:00


This key allows you to define the history period
size of the Real Time component. When RF
starts, past activity information can be read
according to this parameter.
Activity before last uCI instance boot is not
hh:mm - start time in 24h format. RF will read
past uCI instance activity started in the current
day at hh:mm. If the current time is lower than
hh:mm and previousDayHistory web.config key
is true, RF will start reading at hh:mm the
previous day.
-hh:mm - RF will read past uCI instance activity
starting hh hours and mm minutes ago.
The default is -00:00 meaning no historical
information is read.

1. HistoryPeriodSize = 03:30, Now = 01:00 PM -
Loads history from 03:30 AM
2. HistoryPeriodSize = -04:00, Now = 01:00 PM -
Loads history from 09:00 AM
3. HistoryPeriodSize = 04:00, Now = 31/07/2012
01:00 AM, previousDayHistory = true - Loads
history from 30/07/2012 04:00 AM


Defines if historical activity from the previous
day is read or not when RF starts.
This key is related with key historyPeriodSize
Th default value is false.

true, false


This key allows you to define which campaign
will, by default, have the widgets automatically
configured, when you log in the Real Time
component. This is asked during the installation
of the Reporting Framework. Only one
campaign should be entered.


This key allows you to define what campaigns
will be monitored by the Real Time component
server. To prevent unnecessary calculation of
statistics, this key should only contain
campaigns that will be monitored. This key is
used on the first boot of RF after installation.
The Administration page should be used for the
same purpose afterwards.
This key is a list of campaign names, separated
by the character;.



This key allows you to define the supported
languages. In addition to indicate here a
language different from the default, the
language resource files must also be created
and placed on the respective directory, on the
Real Time component server.
The default value is en.
This key is a list of languages, separated by the

en, en;fr

Name databaseStatisticsPeriod
Description This key defines the period between statistics
update retrieved from database, specified in
seconds. It is recommended to keep a
reasonably large period, since these queries
may take some time to complete. If the
parameter is not specified the default is 300
This period defines the server refresh of the
Contact Penetration counters.
Examples 300, 3600

Name databaseStatisticsMonitoredCampaigns
Description This key defines which campaigns will be
considered for statistics retrieved from the
database. Only the outbound campaigns
intended to be monitored should be included,
to avoid that unnecessary queries increase
database load.
The defined campaigns will be available for the
Contact Penetration and Contact List widgets.
This key is used on the first boot of RF after
installation The Administration page should be
used for the same purpose afterwards.This key
is a list of campaign names, separated by the
Examples TestCampaign;DemoCampaign,

Name exportCSVSeparator
Description This key defines the symbol used when
exporting data into files. The available symbols
are , and ;. By default the symbol , is
Examples ,, ;(no other symbols are considered)


This key defines the connection timeout of the
connection between the Real Time component
server and the Altitude Assisted Server EBA
The default value is 3600. This key should not
be modified unless requested by the Altitude
support team.
This value is represented in seconds.

1000, 10000


This key defines the Altitude uCI database
provider type. This is asked during the
installation of the Reporting Framework, so this
key should only be changed if the database
provider type changes.
The default value is MSSql.

MSSql, Oracle (no other values are possible)

This key allows you to define the Altitude
Integration Server virtual directory address. This
is asked during the installation of the Reporting
Framework, so this key should only be changed
if the virtual directory address changes.
This key is not located on the
<configuration><appSettings> tags, but on the
ionServers><virtualDir> tags.



This key defines the connection string for the
Altitude Reporting Framework Historical
Database. The components of the connection
string are asked during the installation of the
Reporting Framework, so this key should only
be changed if the access to the Altitude
Reporting Framework Historical Database
This key is not located on the
<configuration><appSettings> tags, but on the
<connectionStrings> tag.

Catalog=AERdb;Persist Security Info=True;User


This key defines the reading mode used by
easylink connector. By default the reading
mode is asynchronous (Async). If the easylink
log file is written in a Windows 2008 machine ,
synchronous mode (Sync) may be needed.

Sync, Async

This key defines the rate in seconds at which
changes in the easylink log file are read. This
key is used only when easylinkReadMode key is
Default rate is 1. The minimum rate is also 1.

1, 2, 5


This key defines weather easylink is read using a
remote easylink server or not. If value 1 is
used a remote easylink server must be installed
in the machine where easylink log file is written,
Default value is 0.

0, 1

This key defines if the timeslices are cached into
the disk or not. Default value is false, that is,
the timeslices are stored in memory. If the
memory available in RF machine is small the
parameter can be changed to true.

false, true

This key defines the rate in minutes at which
the queries defined in the Queries
configuration screen are executed. The result
of these queries can be seen in the query
widgets. The default value is 30.The minimum
value is also 30.

30, 60


This key allows running queries without limiting
the number of returned rows. Its not
recommended to set this key to true because
it can impact the DB and uCI performance.

false, true


This key allows running RT without
synchronizing the clocks between RF and
Assisted Server machines. Its not
recommended to set this key to true unless
the customer is unable to synchronize RF and
Assisted Server machines clocks. If the clocks
are not synchronized RF counters may not be

false, true


This key allows you to activate the snapshot

false, true


This key allows you to define the monitoring
period used to get the statistics.

00:15, 01:00


This key allows you to define the outcome used
to get the occurrences.


This key allows you to define what campaigns
will be used to get the statistics.



This key allows you to define the IP address
used by a third-party application to invoke the
autologin. Only requests from this IP will be
authorized. If the value is empty theres no


This key defines the running mode of RF. If true
RF is in global mode; if false RF is in standard
mode. The default value is false.



This key controls the behavior of RF widgets
filters. If true, the filter is collapsed when
there is a change in a filter field value; If false
the filter is not collapsed allowing further
changes to be made. The default value is



Protocol used in the communication between
Real Time Global and the Real Time Standard
applications. The default is net.tcp. Changing
this value also implies other changes in the
configuration as described here.


This key controls the compression algorithm
used in the communication between Real Time
Global and the Real Time Standard applications.
The default value is GZipCompression. The
performance of the algorithms is inversely
proportional to size of the data that is sent in
the network.


Historical Reporting
The Historical Report component configuration file Web.config default location is C:\Program
Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\Web.
The following keys can be edited to change the Historical component configuration. All keys, unless
noted, are located inside the <configuration><appSettings> tags.


This key allows you to define the user that the
Historical component will use to connect to the
Altitude Integration Server. This is asked during
the installation of the Reporting Framework, so
this key should only be modified if the user



This key allows you to define the password of
the user that the Historical component will use
to connect to the Altitude Integration Server.
This is asked during the installation of the
Reporting Framework, so this key should only
be modified if the user password changes.


This key allows you to define the path of the log
file of the Historical component.
The default value is
\logs\ReportingFramework-Historical.log, a
relative path. The full path is C:\Program
Files\Altitude\Altitude Reporting
ework-Historical.log. This value should only be
changed if you want to change the location of
the file.

D:\logs\ ReportingFramework-Historical.log


This key allows you to define the Altitude
Assisted Server (Altitude uCI instance) server
and connection port that the Real Time
component will connect to. This is asked during
the installation of the Reporting Framework, so
this key should only be modified if the Altitude
Assisted Server changes.



This key defines the Altitude uCI database
provider type. This is asked during the
installation of the Reporting Framework, so this
key should only be changed if the database
provider type changes.
The default value is MSSql.

MSSql, Oracle (no other values are possible)


This key allows you to define the Altitude
Integration Server virtual directory address. This
is asked during the installation of the Reporting
Framework, so this key should only be changed
if the virtual directory address changes.
This key is not located on the
<configuration><appSettings> tags, but on the
ionServers><virtualDir> tags.



This key defines the connection string for the
Altitude Reporting Framework Historical
Database. The components of the connection
string are asked during the installation of the
Reporting Framework, so this key should only
be changed if the access to the Altitude
Reporting Framework Historical Database
This key is not located on the
<configuration><appSettings> tags, but on the
<connectionStrings> tag.

Catalog=AERdb;Persist Security Info=True;User


This key defines the user names domain that
will be used to invoke SQL Server Reporting
Services Web service. This is asked during the
installation of the Reporting Framework, change
only if necessary.


This key defines the user name that will be used
to invoke SQL Server Reporting Services Web
service. This is asked during the installation of
the Reporting Framework, change only if


This key defines the user password that will be
used to invoke SQL Server Reporting Services
Web service. This is asked during the
installation of the Reporting Framework, change
only if necessary.


This key defines the url to SQL Server Reporting
Services(SSRS) Web service. This is set during
the installation of the Reporting Framework,
with the information provided for the Reporting
Services Server, change only if the server is



This key defines the timeout for a request over
SSRS web service.



This key defines the folder name where the
custom historical reports can be found.



This key defines the folder name where the
default historical reports are deployed.

Historical Reporting


This key defines the datetime format for the

dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss


This key defines the date format for the



This key defines the time in minutes until a
session expires without requests.



This key defines if duration will be formatted
(e.g. 1 day 05:10:00) or displayed as a
numeric value when generating a report for the
web page.

true or false (default true)

This key defines if duration will be formatted
(e.g. 1 day 05:10:00) or displayed as a
numeric value when exporting a report to an
excel file.

true or false (default true)

This key defines if duration will be formatted
(e.g. 1 day 05:10:00) or displayed as a
numeric value when exporting a report to a pdf

true or false (default true)


This key defines if duration will be formatted
(e.g. 1 day 05:10:00) or displayed as a
numeric value when exporting a report to a csv

true or false (default true)

This key defines if duration will be formatted
(e.g. 1 day 05:10:00) or displayed as a
numeric value when exporting a report to a xml

true or false (default true)

This key defines if administrators can see only
entities (campaigns/agents/teams) that are
active in uCI.

true or false (default true)


This key allows you to define the supported
languages. In addition to indicate here a
language different from the default, the
language resource files must also be created
and placed on the respective directory, on the
Real Time component server.
The default value is en.
This key is a list of languages, separated by the

en, en;fr

Usage Real Time Standard
Main Screen layout
The widgets shown on the Reporting Framework dashboard can be customized for each user.
The layout is a selection of widgets that a user can dispose as he likes on his personal dashboard
by dragging them over the workspace.

You can edit the layout as following:
a widget position can be changed by dragging it to another column;

a widget color can be changed by pressing the widgets button;

a widget can be removed by pressing the widgets button.
The current layout is saved when a user logs off and is loaded again when the user logs in.
To add or change widgets to the current layout go to the Options menu and select Layout

Layout Configuration
Layout tab
On the Layout tab the list with the currently selected widgets is shown.
To Add a new widget to the current layout select an Instance, a Widget Type and the target column
where the widget will be added. Then, press Add Widget.
You can Edit or Remove widgets afterwards on the widget list.

Multi-Campaign tab
On the Multi-Campaign tab the Multi-Campaign Widget can be configured to show information
comparing several campaigns.
If the Use Multi-Campaign Widget option is selected, the Multi-Campaign Widget will be shown on
the dashboard.
You can define the campaigns shown on the multi-campaign widget using the and buttons to
move campaigns from the Available Campaigns list to the Selected Campaigns list and vice/versa.
You can define the counters shown on the multi-campaign widget using the and buttons to
move counters from the Available Counters list to the Selected Counter list and vice/versa.
Theres a checkbox to allow showing the campaigns full name in the widget.

A list of the available counters is discussed on this document under Reference > Multi-Campaign.

Agent Detail tab
On the Agent Detail tab the Agent Detail Widget can be configured to show information comparing
agent indicators.
If the Use Agent Detail Widget option is selected, the Agent Detail Widget will be shown on the
You can define the counters shown on the agent detail widget using the and buttons to move
counters from the Available Counters list to the Selected Counters list and vice/versa.
There are checkboxes to allow showing the Agents full name and the agents extension in the

A list of the available counters is discussed on this document under Reference > Agent Detail.
Contact List tab
On the Contact List tab the Contact List Widget can be configured to show information comparing
contact table attribute values indicators.
If the Use Contact List Widget option is selected, the Contact List Widget will be shown on the
You can define the counters shown on the Contact List widget using the and buttons to move
counters from the Available Counters list to the Selected Counters list and vice/versa.

A list of the available counters is discussed on this document under Reference > Contact List.

Load/Save tab
On the Load/Save tab a user can keep a set of different layouts saved and switch between them.
A list with the users layouts is shown.

Each layout is saved with the following information:
Name: name to identify the layout.

Description: custom description of the layouts contents or purpose.

Shared: if the shared option is marked, the layout can be later imported by other users when
creating a new layout.

Widgets disposition on the dashboard and the currently selected preferences (color,
instance, campaign and period) for each one.

Whether the Multi-Campaign widget is being shown on the layout.

Whether the Agent Detail widget is being shown on the layout.

Whether the Contact List widget is being shown on the layout.
Multi-Campaign, Agent Detail and Contact List widgets selected counters are independently saved
on a per-layout basis, and thus they differ for all layouts of a given user. Additionally, if a layout is
imported based on another users layout it will also not import the counters selected for the first
To apply changes to the Name, Description and Shared properties of the layout press Save. The
layout will be saved with the widget disposition shown on the current dashboard. The layout
disposition will as well be saved whenever the user logs out.
Only the currently loaded layout can be edited and saved. To change a different layout Load it first,
apply your changes and then save it. When a layout is loaded it becomes the current layout and
will be shown when the user navigates to the dashboard.
A default layout is always created when the user first logs in and automatically becomes the
current layout.
The user can create additional layouts, by pressing New Layout.
If there are shared layouts (saved with the shared option by any user), a combo-box will show the
available shared layouts by name. The new layout will be created as a copy of the selected shared
layout. Editing the newly created layout will not change the original one, and editing the original
one wont change the new one either.
A layout can be removed by clicking in the Remove option.

Business Counters Configuration

Here the user has a list of all the campaigns available for the selected instance. He also has an Edit
button that allows him to alter the business counters configuration, the success value associated
to each available outcome and the goal achievement for each available counter.
After finishing the configurations, the user should press the Save button so that the changes
become permanent.
If the user selected a wrong campaign, he can press the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Business Counters tab
On the Business Counters tab the list with all available Data Transaction Outcomes is shown.
It is also shown an Advanced Configuration menu for the selected campaign.
All the available levels for the different business counters are also available:
Opportunity Calls with outcomes associated with argumentation


Success1 (Only available if Advanced Success Classification
is checked)

Success2 (Only available if Advanced Success Classification
is checked)

Success3 (Only available if Advanced Success Classification
is checked)

Generic Success (Only available if Advanced Success
Classification is checked)


Unsuccess1 (Only available if Advanced Unsuccess Classification
is checked)

Unsuccess2 (Only available if Advanced Unsuccess Classification
is checked)

Unsuccess3 (Only available if Advanced Unsuccess Classification
is checked)

Generic Unsuccess (Only available if Advanced
Unsuccess Classification is checked)


Other Opportunity1 (Only available if Advanced
Other Opportunity Classification is checked)

Other Opportunity2 (Only available if Advanced
Other Opportunity Classification is checked)

Other Opportunity3 (Only available if Advanced
Other Opportunity Classification is checked)

Generic Other Opportunity (Only available if Advanced
Other Opportunity Classification is checked)


Non Opportunity1 (Only available if Advanced
Non-Opportunity Classification is checked)

Non Opportunity2 (Only available if Advanced
Non-Opportunity Classification is checked)

Non Opportunity3 (Only available if Advanced
Non-Opportunity Classification is checked)

Generic Non Opportunity (Only available if Advanced
Non-Opportunity Classification is checked)

The user can associate the same Business Counter Classification to different Data
Transaction Outcomes. Every time the user does this, a new line is added to Business
Counters Configuration table.

The user can Update a previously made configuration. He just needs to select the Data
Transaction Outcome he wants, alter the Business Counters Classification and press the
Update button.
To delete a previously made configuration, the user just needs to press the delete link in
the Business Counters Configuration table.

Success Value tab

On the Success Value tab the list with all the previously Data Transaction Outcomes associated
with Success (it can be Success1, Success2, Success3 or Generic Success) is shown.
Here it is possible to associate a value and a symbol to the Outcomes presented in the Outcomes
list. It is only possible to associate a value and a symbol for each Outcome.
Like in the Business Counters tab, the user may also delete a previously made configuration or
cancel the operation.

Goal Achievement tab

In this tab its possible to define Business Counter goals to help measure if a campaign is reaching
its objectives. We can associate several distinct Evaluation Periods (Life, Day, Hour) to one counter.
To do so, the user must select a counter, an evaluation period, insert a value and press the Add
The user may also delete a previously made configuration by pressing the link Delete, or cancel the
operation by pressing the Cancel button.

Global Widget Parameters Changer

On this configuration screen it is possible to select a Service previously configured, a Campaign, a
Contact List previously configured, a Media Type, an Agent Group previously configured and an
The values selected will be updated in all the correspondent fields in all widgets shown in the
Contact Lists Configuration

Within this configuration screen it is possible to associate a Contact Table attribute to a campaign.
To do so, the user must select an instance from the list, select a campaign from the list and press
the Edit button. After that, the Contact List CT Column text box will be enabled.
Then, the user writes the Contact Table attribute name and presses the Save button.
When the text box gets the focus, all CT columns from the selected campaign are fetched. This way
inputting the CT columns is easy and less error prone.
This attribute must be previously configured in the Altitude uSupervisor.
To remove a CT field just press the Clear button while editing and finally press Save.

Services Configuration

On this menu the user can configure a service. To do so, the user needs to select an Instance from
the instances list, press the New button, write a Name and a Description and select the campaigns
to associate in the service. Afterwards he needs to press the save button.
The service just created will appear in the Services list. The services configured here will
be available in all the widgets that have the service drop down list.
It is also possible to edit a service configuration previously saved. To do so, the user needs to
select the service in the Services list and press the Edit button.
The user may also cancel the operation by pressing the Cancel button.

Agent Groups Configuration

On this menu the user can configure an agent group. To do so, the user needs to select an Instance
from the instances list, press the New button, write a Name and a Description and select the
Team(s) to associate in the Agent Group. Afterwards he needs to press the save button.
The Agent Group just created will appear in the Agent Groups list. The Agent Groups
configured here will be available in all the widgets that have the Agent Group drop down.
It will be possible for the user to cancel the operation by pressing the Cancel button or even edit a
previously configured Agent Group by pressing the Edit button.

Queries Configuration

On this page an administrator can create queries that run periodically in the Assisted Server
database. The queries will run independently of the query widgets shown on the screen.
To create a query the user must select an instance from the instance list and then press the Add
button. When this button is pressed the query definition graphical elements become visible in the
screen, that is, Query Name, Rows, Columns, Campaign Column, Column 1Column 3
and Query Statament.
The user can then enter the query definition:
query name;

number of rows (limited to 100);

number of columns (limited to 10);

campaign column index (optional);

descriptive name for the each column;

query statement.

When all these fields have values, the user presses the Save button and the query is saved. If the
user doesnt want to save the values the Cancel button should be pressed.
The user can later edit the query ((clicking edit button while on top of the query name in the list)
values or even remove the query (clicking remove while on top of the query name in the list).

The results of queries saved in this page can then be shown in the query widgets.

The query is first executed when the Save button is clicked and will be executed periodically
afterwards. The key userQueriesRefreshRate in web.config can be used to configure the rate at
which the queries run.

If the query has more columns than configured, the columns in excess will not be shown.

The query will not return more rows than the number of rows defined.

Defining a campaign column will allow filtering the query results by campaign and by service.
For this filter to work the query results campaign column must have values that match with the
field shortname in the uci database table ph_campaign.
Administration Page

On this page an administrator can configure which campaigns are monitored.
There are two lists of campaigns that can be configured in this page: Monitored Instance
Campaigns and Database Statistics Monitored Campaigns.
If a campaign is in the Monitored Instance Campaigns list, RF will calculate statistics for it. To
prevent unnecessary calculation of statistics, this list should only contain campaigns that will be
If a campaign is in the Database Statistics Monitored Campaigns list, RF will calculate Database
statistics for it. These statistics include the queries used in the contact penetration and in the
contact list widgets. Only the blended and outbound campaigns intended to be monitored should
be included to avoid that unnecessary queries increase database load. For a campaign to be in this
list it must be in the Monitored Instance Campaigns list first.
When RF is installed the campaign lists that RF uses to calculate statistics are in the web.config
keys monitoredInstanceCampaigns and databaseStatisticsMonitoredCampaigns.
When the user first enters this page and configures the campaign lists, the information will be
stored in the database and these two web.config keys will no longer be used.

Export Functionality

When using Agent Detail, Multi-Campaign,Contact List or Not Ready detail widgets, the user will
have at his disposal a button to export all the information that is being shown in those widgets at
the moment. The export will be made to a csv file which can be opened in Microsoft Excel

External Methods Invocation
The Reporting Framework Real Time functionality can be extended using external DLLs. Methods
defined in these DLLs can be called from the Reporting Framework client browser.
The architecture for extending RF using external DLLs can be seen in the following diagram:
Real Time ServerReal Time ComponentExternal DllBrowserMethod AMethod B

The DLL is loaded on the first execution of a method.

A DLL method can be invoked clicking with the right mouse button on top of the agent in the Agent
Detail Widget. Some parameters in the widget can be passed to the DLLs method.
The result of the method invocation will be shown in a popup window.

This result can be:
o The output of the method invocation;

o An error message when the method fails;

o A success message when the method succeeds.

List of parameters
The current list of parameters that can be passed to a DLLs method are the following:
Agent Detail Widget
Agent (Agent name);

Agent Extension;

Agent Full Name;

Agent Status - Detail;

Agent Status - Duration;

Agent Telephony Status Detail;

Agent Telephony Status Duration.
Note: when using agent extension and agent full name, you need to check the options in the
Layout Configuration \ Agent Detail.

Theres a configuration screen where a DLL and its methods can be associated to Agent Detail
Widget. The parameters to pass from the widget to the DLLs method are also configured on this
1. Open ARF Real Time page;

2. Login with administrator user;

3. Go to menu File External Method Configuration;

Create new method
1. Select the widget to configure from the list;

2. Click in the New button;

3. Fill the:

a. Name;

b. DLL path (including DLL name);

c. Class name (if using namespace namespace.className);

d. Method name.

4. Check if the external method returns a string message;

5. Select the parameters from the list, for sending to the method;

a. Note: You can change the order of the parameters.

6. Click in Validate Method button for analyzing the methods in the DLL. If this analysis is
successful and theres one method with the number of parameters selected, the icon is
shown, if not, the iconis shown;

7. Save the configuration.

Edit method

1. Select the widget to configure from the list;

2. Select the method for editing;

3. Click the Edit button;

4. Do the required changes;

5. Click the Validate Method button;

6. Save the configuration.
Delete method
1. Select the widget to configure from the list;

2. Select the method to delete;

3. ClickDelete button.

Snapshot statistics
A snapshot of statistics is taken once per hour and stored in a database table. This table can later
be used to generate custom reports.
The table structure is as follows:
SQL table (rf_snapshot_statistics) that stores once per hour the following values:
o Id of the campaign;

o Number of Occurrences of the outcome;

o Number of opportunities;

o Number of successes.

Snapshot statistics can be activated in the web.config in the key snapshotStatisticsActive .
The campaigns can be set in web.config in key snapshotStatisticsCampaignsList .
The outcome can be set in key snapshotStatisticsOutcome.

timestamp Date time
campaign_id Id of the campaign
outcome_total Number of Occurrences of the
opportunity Number of opportunities
success Number of successes

This mechanism allows a third-party application to login automatically in RF without having to
enter login and password information in RFs login page. It can be seen as a single sign-on login
where the client already has an application with authentication and doesnt want to enter login
credentials twice. A web service is exposed in RF to implement this functionality.

o Available webservice (WSAutoLogin.asmx) to auto login via third-party applications.

o Method: Login

o Parameters:

Guid Used to link the call to the webservice and the login page;

Username Username used in uCI;

Password Password in MD5 of the username defined in uCI.

o Results:

OK Username and password are correct;

NOK Username or password is invalid;
Invalid IP Please check the autologinIP key in web.config.

Common Problems
Troubleshooting table
The following table shows some common problems and possible solutions:

Id Symptom Problem Solution
1 DTOs do not appear in
Data Transaction
Outcomes widgets
EBA is not correctly
Configure EBA.
2 Agents logged in uCI do
not appear in Agent
Status Detail widget
Easylink read mode is
Async in a Windows 2008
Configure Sync mode for
3 Access is denied to
easylink: Error on create
realTimeServer object:
Exception: Access to the
k.log is denied.
RF application pool user
does not have access to
easylink log file
Configure application pool
user in Reporting
Framework correctly.
4 Agents logged in uCI
before launching RF do
not appear in Agent
History period size is 0 Change history period size
5 Activity in uCI before
launching RF is not
History period size is 0 Change history period size
6 Number of calls in RF and
in uSupervisor do not
RF periods and
uSupervisor periods
(immediate, session) are
not equal.
Use similar periods in RF
and uSupervisor.
7 Missing campaigns on
Administration Page
The user (ISConnector)
that logs in Assisted
Server from RF is not an
Promote ISConnector user
to administrator
8 Administration page is
The user (ISConnector)
that logs in Assisted
Server from RF is not an
Promote ISConnector user
to administrator
9 Counters in RF do not
match similar counters in
uSupervisor (especially
those regarding times)
Clock Synchronization
there is a difference
(seconds) between the
clock of the assisted
server machine and the
clock of the RF machine.
Synchronize the clocks
Use a method like NTP
server for keeping the
clocks always

10 The remote server
returned an error: (404)
Not Found.
This happens because
double escaping in the IIS
request filtering is
inactive by default.
The remote server
returned an error: (404)
Not Found.
11 HTTP 404 Not Found page Web Service Extension -
ASP.NET v4.0.30319 is
prohibited on IIS6.
Allow Web Service
Extension - ASP.NET
v4.0.30319 on IIS
12 500 - Internal server
There is a problem with
the resource you are
looking for, and it cannot
be displayed
uAgentWebs application
pool in IIS is using .NET
Framework 4.0
Change uAgentWebs
application pool in IIS to
.NET Framework 2.0
13 Exception: <Parse Error,
no assembly associated
with Xml key
The patch level of the
Integration Servers dlls
used by RF is not
compatible with
Integration Server.
Compare the dlls used in
RF and the same dlls in
Integration Server. Check
if Load Balancing is not
redirecting the requests
from RF to another
Integration Server with a
different patch level.
14 When Assisted server
goes down and up again,
RF does not recover.
In RF logs we can see
requests to IS .NET API in
In RF logs we can see
requests to IS .NET API in
15 When starting the RTs
the page error 503
Service Unavailable is
always returned.

When starting RT the
application pool crashes
because of its identity
user. The user name or
password that is specified
for the identity may be
incorrect, or the user may
not have batch logon
In RFs application pool,
change the user password
if its not correct. For
Windows Server 2008
confirm that the user as
Log on as batch job
under Security
Policies>User Rights

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Problem: When requesting a Real Time page the following error appears.

Solution: This happens because double escaping in the IIS request filtering is inactive by default.
The appcmd command should be executed to configure this setting. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, and then type cmd in the Open box.

2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
C: CD %windir%\system32\inetsrv
3. Run one of the following commands:
appcmd set config "Default Web Site" /section:system.webServer/Security/requestFiltering
Note: This will configure this setting only for the "Default Web Site" by creating or editing
the Web.config file in the root folder of the "Default Web Site."
appcmd set config "Default Web Site" /section:system.webServer/Security/requestFiltering
-allowDoubleEscaping:True /commit:appHost
Note: This will configure this setting only for the "Default Web Site" in the
applicationHost.config file by using a location tag.
For more information check
Usage Real Time Global
Login Page

In the RF Global login page a user can enter RF global or any other RF standard that is available. To
enter RF global the user must enter a valid username/password and the domain global. To enter
any other RF standard, the respective RF domain name must be entered.

Note : Theres a built-in user defined after installation. The first time a user enters RF global he
must log in with this user. Its the easy user without password. Afterwards the password can
be changed in the Global Configuration | Global User screen.

Global Configuration

In this screen a user can configure domains and users in RF global.
The configurations done in these pages are stored in two XML files: multinstance.xml and
Multinstance.xml has information about the domains that are configured. User.xml has
information about the users that are configured.

Global Domain

Here the user can configure the connection to each RF standard application. To do that a user
should enter a domain name that will identify the connection and the URL of the existing RF
After entering the URL, the user must click the Validate button. This will make a request to the
URL entered to check if the connection can be made. In case of success the uCI instance address
used by that RF will be returned and shown in the screen. If a green icon appears in front of the
URL it means the connection could be made correctly, if a red icon appears in front of the URL an
error occurred and the logs should be checked.
After entering this information the user should press the Save button to save the domain
configuration. Afterwards the domain configuration can be modified or removed.
Global user

This screen is used for user management. Users can be created, modified and removed. Global RF
login is the login used to enter RF Global. uCI Login is the login used to access uCI instances. For
showing information about an instance in RF Global the user must be authenticated in that
The Is Global Admin check box is used for granting administration privileges to the Global RF
user. An administrator can add, remove and edit domains and users. A normal user can only
configure its passwords for RF global and for uCI instances.

Instance State Info

This widget shows information about the status of each instance.
The icon indicates the instance status:
Green Ok
Green with cross RF Real Time Standard disconnected
Yellow Authentication or communication problem. Check tooltip on top of the instance
Red uCI Instance offline or no connection to instance.

Domain identifies each RF and can be used at login time to login in a specific RF.
uCI boot instance boot time.
RF Monitoring time since RF started monitoring the instance.

Other changes
When creating a widget in layout, the instance can be chosen.
In multi-campaign widget, campaigns from different instances can be shown at the same time.

When validating a domain, RF Global makes requests to Standard RFs using WCF. If the validation
operation fails, the logs should be checked. If the following error appears in the logs:
net.tcp://rf_server/rf_url/WCFGlobal.svc. The connection attempt lasted for a time span of
00:00:01.0156510. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it rf_server:808
It means RF Global is not able to communicate with RF standard via net.tcp in machine
rf_server.The default listening port for net.tcp is 808. So, in this case, that port should be opened
or the protocol should be changed to http. To change the protocol to http, follow these
In RF Globals web.config change the binding in red:
<endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost/rt/WCFGlobal.svc" binding="netTcpBinding"
bindingConfiguration="Binding_IWCFGlobal" contract="IWCFGlobal"
With the binding in green
<endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost/rt/WCFGlobal.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding"
bindingConfiguration="Binding_IWCFGlobal" contract="IWCFGlobal"
In RF Globals web.config change value in red:
<add key="WCFProtocol" value="net.tcp" />
With value in green
<add key="WCFProtocol" value="http" />
In RF Standards web.config change binding in red:
<service name="WCFGlobal"><!-- binding=netTcpBinding|basicHttpBinding -->
<endpoint address="" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingNamespace=""
contract="IWCFGlobal" bindingConfiguration="Binding_IWCFGlobal"></endpoint>

With binding in green
<service name="WCFGlobal">
<!-- binding=netTcpBinding|basicHttpBinding -->
<endpoint address="" binding=" basicHttpBinding "
bindingNamespace="" contract="IWCFGlobal"

After making these changes run iisreset in both global and standard RFs.

Usage Historical Reporting
The Historical Reporting website can be entered with a supervisor account of the instance being

The Login Page has the following elements:
1. Login(Supervisor name)
2. Password(Supervisor Password)
3. Login to HR

After entering the website, you can generate, export and add your custom reports to HR.

The time frame can be specified in the horizontal menu (1;2) from a calendar.
The available times slices duration (3) are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, a week or 30

By default all the visible campaigns, teams and agents are preselected. This selection may be
altered changing the selected options for campaigns (7), teams (8) and agents (8) in the filters

Once youve set the search options you can generate the desired report from the available reports
You can export a generated report (11) or all the available ones (12) to pdf, excel, csv or txt (10).

You can also extend the reports of the application, by adding an existing report in your Microsoft
Report Server (5).
When your interaction is terminated you can logout (6).

When a report is generated the following controls are available with the report:
1. Pagination (when the report is with pagination active)

2. Search over the visible report (it searches all the pages, but if something is not drilled
down its not available to be searched upon)

3. Refresh (regenerated the current report)

The Historical Reporting website supports localization for the following languages:
o English;

o French;

o Portuguese of Brazil.

Default Reports
Campaigns Agents Report
This report displays information about agents working in a campaign - either in inbound or
outbound interactions. You can search all the campaigns by selecting the header or a specific
Table Interactions





Campaign Name


Agent Login Name


Open duration

Ready duration

Ready Ratio

Ready over Open Ratio

Not Ready Nr
Number of not ready

Not Ready

Not Ready duration

Not Ready Ratio
Not Ready over Open ratio

Not Ready AVG

Not Ready Average(Not
Ready/Not Ready Nr)

Not Ready Reasons

Reason given to stop being

Reason Duration

Specific not ready reason

Reason Ratio
Specific not ready reason
ratio (Reason Duration/All
Reasons Duration)

Pause Start Time

Specific not ready
occurrence start time

Pause Time
Specific not ready
occurrence duration

Data Transaction

Data transaction duration

Talks Nr
Number of talk occurrences

Table DTOs





Campaign Name


Agent Login Name

Data Transaction Outcome

DTO name (can be empty if
no outcome was set during
data transaction)

DTO Occurrences
Number of data
transactions that ended
with a specific outcome

DTO Ratio

DTO ratio (Specific DTO /
SUM DTO Occurrences)

SUM DTO Occurrences
Sum of all DTOs for the

Per Call Report
This report displays information with calls details.




Call Interval


Global Call

Global Call Id

Phone Number
Telephone number used for
the call, or
ANI if inbound.

Call Start Time

Start time of the call

Agent that has handled the

Agent Start Time

Call start time for the agent

Waiting Time
Waiting time until the agent
receives the call

Talk Time

Total duration of the call

Hold Time
Duration while on hold

Wrap-Up Time

Duration while in wrap-up

Who Disconnect
Side (agent or customer)
that has disconnected the
call (when available).

Call Status

Call termination status

Skill Profile
Skill profile of the call

Agents Report
This report displays information of agents activity. The report takes into account all campaigns in
which the agents are working. The values for different campaigns are not added. For example if an
agent is ready in 2 campaigns simultaneously for 2h, the total ready time for the agent will be 2h,
not 4h.




Agent Name

Agent name

Logged duration


Open duration

Open Ratio
Open over Logged ratio


Ready duration

Ready Ratio
Ready over Logged ratio

Not Ready

Not Ready duration

Not Ready Ratio
Not Ready over Logged

Data Transaction

Data transaction duration

Talks Nr
Number of talk occurrences


Connected and Held time

Talk Ready

Connected and Held time
while the agent is ready

Hold Ratio

Hold over Logged ratio

Hold AVG
Hold time average


Wrap-up time (any media)

Wrap-Up Ready

Wrap-up time (any media)
while agent is ready

Wrap-Up Ratio
Wrap-up over Logged ratio

Wrap-Up AVG

Wrap-up time average
(Wrap-up / Wrap-up

Data Transaction Outcomes
DTO name (can be empty if
no outcome was set during
data transaction)

DTO Occurrences

Number of interactions that
ended with a specific

DTO Ratio
DTO ratio (Specific DTO /
SUM DTO Occurrences)

SUM DTO Occurrences

Sum of all DTOs for the

Inbound Interactions Report
This report displays information about inbound calls.





Campaign name

Slice Start
Period Start Time

Slice End

Period End Time

Offered Calls
Handled, abandoned,
overflow, rejected and short

Handled Calls

Handled calls

Handled Ratio
Handled over Offered calls

Abandoned Calls

Abandoned calls

Abandoned Ratio
Abandoned over Offered
calls ratio

Overflow Calls

Overflow calls

Overflow Ratio
Overflow over Offered calls

Rejected Calls

Rejected calls

Rejected Ratio
Rejected over Offered calls

Short Calls

Calls with duration below

Telephony Outcome Report
This report displays information about outbound calls..





Campaign Name

Slice Start
Period Start Time

Slice End

Period End Time

Dialed Calls
Number of dialed calls

Talk Time

Connected and held time

Talk AVG
Talk time average (Talk
Time / Handled Calls)

Handled Calls

Number of calls with
handled termination status

Busy Calls
Number of calls with busy
termination status

No Answer Calls

Number of calls with no
answer termination status

Machine Calls
Number of calls with as
machine answered
termination status

Modem Calls

Number of calls with
modem termination status

Fax Calls
Number of calls with fax
answered termination

Business Counters Report
This report displays information detailing agent business counters by campaign.

Table Agent Business Counters

Table Campaign Business Counters





Campaign Name


Agent Name

Slice Start

Period Start Time

Slice End
Period End Time


Number of connects
(contact that reached target

Number of opportunity calls
(person was available for

Opportunity Ratio

Opportunity over Connect

Number of success calls
(argumentation resulted in
a positive outcome)

Success Volume

Success Volume calculated
from success value (Success
x Success value)

Success Ratio
Success over Connect ratio


Number of unsuccessful
calls (argumentation
resulted on negative
outcome )

Unusuccess Ratio
Unsuccess over Connect





Campaign Name

Used DTOs
DTOs used in business
counters configuration

Business Counter

Business Counter Name

Success Value
Success Value

Skills Demand Report
This report displays information detailing skills usage by campaign.

Campaign Skills




Campaign Name

Campaign Name

Number of calls

Calls with Skills

Number of calls with skills

Calls with Skills Ratio
Calls with skills over Calls

Handled Calls with Skills

Number of calls with skills
terminated as handled.

Handled Calls with Skills
Handled calls with skills
over Calls with skills ratio

Abandoned Calls with Skills

Number of calls with skills
terminated as abandoned.

Abandoned Calls with Skills
Abandoned calls with skills
over Calls with skills ratio.

Skills Demand

In order to generate this report, an RT instance with Support skills set to the RF Historical
Database component is required. The table used to generate this report is created when RT is
started and maintained by it during monitoring. When this table doesnt exist (either because
there is not a RT instance configured or it wasnt started yet) the following warning will be




Campaign Name

Campaign Name

Skill Name

Skill name

Slice Start

Period Start Time

Slice End
Period End Time


Number of requested calls

Number of handled calls

Handled Ratio

Handled over Requested

Number of abandoned calls

Abandoned Ratio

Abandoned over Requested

[0 - 0,1[
Skill level interval

[0,1 - 0,2[

Skill level interval

[0,2 - 0,3[
Skill level interval

[0,3 - 0,4[

Skill level interval

[0,4 - 0,5[
Skill level interval

[0,5 - 0,6[

Skill level interval

[0,6 - 0,7[
Skill level interval

[0,7 - 0,8[

Skill level interval

[0,8 - 0,9[
Skill level interval

[0,9 1]

Skill level interval
Report List Configuration
Reports accepting the same parameters of the interface can be added to it.
The Report List Configuration is accessible from the reports panel Edit, and is composed by the
elements described below.

Custom Reports pane (1) with the non-default reports of this application (reports with the same
name in different folders are not supported).
In the first pane the available reports are listed with a draggable item at the left (2) and the
available change of state at the right (3).
The next image its an example of changing the state of a report.
Dragging the item below or above a different stated report can also change its state as shown

To apply the changes made in the manager click over Save, and the reports panel will be updated.

When a report receives a campaign as parameter, it will be presented like the default reports in
the application, and presented by campaign. The header of a campaign report can also be set in
the header option.

Other Reports pane (6) shows the listing of reports on the reporting services that are not currently
The following parameters are currently supported:

Parameter Name

Parameter Type

Conversion Type






String Datetime Interface





String String Interface





String String Interface





String String Session




Sent empty

Integer Session





Integer Session

















Supervisor Permissions
The data presented in the reports is affected by the permissions defined in uSupervisor for the
user that is logged in RF historical reporting. The user will only see campaigns and agents that he
has access to.
The default reports filter the results based on the following permissions (by agent or campaign):
Agents Report: filters by agent permissions

Business Counters Report: filters by agent and campaign permissions

Campaign Agents Report: filters by agent and campaign permissions

Campaigns Report: filters agent by and campaign permissions

Inbound Interaction Report: filters by campaign permissions

Per Call Report: filters by agent and campaign permissions

Skills Demand Report: filters by campaign permissions

Telephony Outcome Report: filters by campaign permissions

Common Problems
rsAccessDenied when generating a report
Problem: when requesting a report the access to Report Server is denied.

Solution: The user needs to be a Content Manager of SQL Server Reporting Services. If the desired
user is not a Content Manager assign it or change the user to be used in web.config
(ReportServerUser and ReportServerPassword keys).

rsErrorOpeningConnection when generating a report
Problem: when requesting a report the access to data source in Report Server is denied.

Solution: The data source should be configured with stored SQL Server credentials. This problem is
usually related to the database and the report server being at different hosts.

Error while loading code module ReportResources
Problem: when publishing the reports (installation) or generating a report
ERROR: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Error while loading code module:
ReportResources, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=C8911BFAD49CA7F9.
Details: Could not load file or assembly 'ReportResources, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=c8911bfad49ca7f9' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005Impl.CreateReport(String
Report, String Parent, Boolean Overwrite, Byte[] Definition, Property[] Properties, Warning[]&
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005.CreateReport(String
Report, String Parent, Boolean Overwrite, Byte[] Definition, Property[] Properties, Warning[]&
Solution: Verify the following:
Altitude Reporting Resources is installed (if applicable)

The ReportResources.dll is deployed at c:\Windows\assembly in the report server host

The execution account is defined (Report Server Configuration)

Framework 2.0 registered in IIS (report server host) aspnet_regiis i

Restart the reporting server service (if everything else is ok)

rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting when generating a report
Problem: when requesting a report the access to data source in Report Server is denied.
Solution: Set the execution account in Reporting Services configuration.

401: Unauthorized
Problem: Obtained when generating report or at Report List Configuration

Solution: Check the web.config entries ReportServerUsername (user name to execute
reporting services) and ReportServerPassword (user password to execute reporting services).

An error has occurred during report processing
Problem: when generating a report, the displayed message ends with For more information
about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote
Solution: Troubleshoot the problem in the Reporting Services Server or enable remote errors
before proceeding with the troubleshooting. If specific Reporting Services error is presented
(such as rsAccessDenied) consult the official error list

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found
Check The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

HTTP 404 - Page Not Found
Allow Web Service Extension - ASP.NET v4.0.30319 on IIS Manager.
Reporting Framework concepts
Each Real Time Server is directly connected to an Altitude uCI instance, the main Altitude server.
Altitude uCI DB
The database that stores all information related to an Altitude uCI instance.
On the Altitude uCI system, a campaign is a service that the Contact Center provides.
Examples: an outbound sales campaign with the objective of reaching a list of leads; an inbound
campaign providing technical support to customers that call the Contact Center.
A widget is a small window, on the main Real Time screen. Most information displayed by the Real
Time component is presented on widgets. Each type of widget presents different counters with
real-time information on agent or campaigns on the Altitude uCI instance.
Multi-Campaign Widget
The multi-campaign widget is a special widget on the main Real Time screen. This widget can
display, for a group of campaigns, most of the counters existing on regular widgets. The counters
to display and the list of campaigns are configurable on the tab Multi-campaign widget, on the
Layout Configuration screen.
Agent Detail Widget
The agent detail widget is a special widget on the main Real Time screen. This widget displays the
information for all agents within a chosen campaign for a given set of counters, and it can be
configured in the Layout Configuration screen, under the Agent Detail tab.
Contact List Widget
The contact list widget is a special widget on the main Real Time screen. This widget displays the
information for all ct values within a specific ct field configured in Contact List Configuration menu.
This field is defined for a specific campaign. This information is for a given set of counters, and it
can be configured in the Layout Configuration screen, under the Contact List tab.

Data transaction outcomes
On the Altitude uCI system, a data transaction outcome is a classification that an interaction with
the customer can have. Examples: Wrong number, Sale successful, Refuse to answer.

Business counters
Business counters are Reporting Framework classifications of Altitude data transaction outcomes.
The available types of business counters are:
Connect contact reached target person;

o Opportunity - person was available for argumentation;

Success - argumentation resulted on positive outcome (sale, answered
questionnaire, message delivered, etc);

Success I;

Success II;

Success II;

Generic Success;

Unsuccess - argumentation resulted on negative outcome (non sale, did not
answer questionnaire, etc);

Unsuccess I;

Unsuccess II;

Unsuccess III;

Generic Unsuccess;

Other Opportunity - argumentation resulted in a non-positive but also
non-negative outcome;

Other Opportunity I;

Other Opportunity II;

Other Opportunity III;

Generic Other Opportunity;

o Non Opportunity - Person was reached, but was unavailable;

Non Opportunity I;

Non Opportunity II;

Non Opportunity III;

Generic Non Opportunity;

Non Connect - contact didnt reach target person ;
History Period
The history period represents the number of hours that the Real Time component will generate
statistics, before the start up moment.
Example: if the history period is 4 (hours) and the Real Time component was started at 6:00pm,
then it will generate statistics for activity starting after 2:00pm (6 minus 4).
User access
On both the Real Time and the Historical Reporting components, login is done with a supervisor or
administrator user that exists on the Assisted Server instance.
The Real Time component respects the access levels of the campaigns defined on Altitude
uSupervisor. This means a Real Time component user will only be able to monitor campaigns he
can see on Altitude uSupervisor.
On the Altitude Reporting Framework, a service is a group of campaigns.
Contact List
On the Altitude Reporting Framework, a contact list is a group of contacts which have the same ct
Agent Group
On the Altitude Reporting Framework, an agent group is a group of teams.

Real Time widget list
Interaction Volume
This widget shows the volume of calls of the chosen campaign.



Campaign (only for Inbound and Blended campaigns);


Time Interval;


Offered calls;
Handled calls;
Abandoned calls;
Overflowed calls;
Rejected calls;
Short calls;
Current calls;
RONA occurrences;
Handled Calls (Wait <= USL);
Abandoned Calls (Wait >= LSL);

Offered Web (new);
Handled Web (new);
Abandoned Web;
Current Web;
RONA occurrences;

Handled Web (Wait <= USL);

Abandoned Web (Wait >= LSL);

Offered Email;
Handled Email;
Overflow Email;
Current Email;
RONA occurrences;
Handled Email (Wait <= USL);
Offered interactions;

This widget shows information of the queue and alerting calls, on the chosen campaign.



Campaign (only for Inbound and Blended campaigns);


Time Interval;

Calls in queue;

Alerting calls;

Current oldest waiting call;

Average waiting time of current queued

Average waiting time of handled calls;

Average waiting time of abandoned

Average waiting time;

Maximum waiting time.

Web in queue;

Alerting Web;

Current oldest waiting Web;

Average waiting time of current queued

Average waiting time of handled Web;

Average waiting time of abandoned

Average waiting time;

Maximum waiting time;

Email in queue;

Alerting Email;

Current oldest waiting Email;

Average waiting time of current queued

Average waiting time of handled Email;

Average waiting time;

Maximum waiting time;
Average alerting time (total for all

Oldest waiting interaction (in all

Interactions in Queue (total for all

Alerting interactions (total for all

Queue 3D
This widget shows information of the interactions that are queued. The information is shown for
each media.



Campaign (only for Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Agent Performance
This widget shows information on performance of the agents of the chosen campaign, focusing on
their status.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);


Time Interval;


Open time;
Ready time;
Idle time;
Talk time;
Alerting time;
Wrap-up time;
Hold Time;
Average talk time;
Longest talk time;
Average handling time;
Average wrap-up time;
Average alerting time;
Average hold time.

Open time;

Ready time;

Idle time;

Alerting time;

Wrap-up time;

Average Wrap-up time;

Average alerting time;


Open time;
Ready time;
Idle time;
Alerting time;
Wrap-up time;
Average Wrap-up time;
Average alerting time;

Open time;

Ready time;

Idle time;

Alerting time;

Wrap-up time;

Average Wrap-up time;

Average alerting time;

Average idle time;

Agent Not Ready Reasons
This widget shows information on agent not ready reasons occurrences and duration, on the
chosen campaign.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Time Interval;

Text Filter to allow filtering by Not Ready Reason;

Not ready reason list with:

o Not ready reason name;

o Not ready reason total occurrences;

o Not ready reason total time.

Not Ready Detail
This widget shows the total time with a not ready reason per agent and a detailed list of those
reasons and times.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Time Interval;

Text Filter to allow filtering by agent;

Agent list with:

o Agent name;

o Total Time of all not ready reasons;

o Total Number of Occurrences

o Select agent icon.

Not ready reason list for selected agent with:

o Not ready reason name;

o Not ready reason total time.

o Occurrences

Service Level
This widget shows the service level of the chosen campaign.


Campaign (only for Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Time Interval;


Calls Service Level (%);
Emails Service Level (%);
Web Service Level (%).

Agent Status Detail
This widget shows the agent status totals for the chosen campaign. Additionally, it has a list with
all agents open on the chosen campaign showing the agents status and status duration


Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Agent Group;


Text Filter to allow filtering by agent;

Handling interactions
On Hold;
Data Transaction.
Not Ready

Agent list with:

o Agent name;

o Agent current status;

o Agent current status duration.

o Telephony Status

o Telephony Status Duration

o Email status

o Email status duration

o Web status

o Web status duration

o Data Transaction (On/Off)

Agent Status Detail 3D
This widget shows the agent status totals for the chosen campaign in a graphical form. When
selected all in the media filter, this widget also shows the number of interactions for each type of


Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Agent Group;


Not Ready






On Hold;


Data Transactions (Calls + Web + Emails)

Business Counters Summary
This widget shows the business counters goal achievement values for the chosen campaign and
the chosen periods.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Contact List;


Success Volume;
Success Volume / Total Data
Success Total;
Success / Opportunity;
Success / Connect;
Success / Total Data Transactions;
Success I Total;
Success I/ Success;
Success I / Opportunity;
Success I / Connect;
Success I / TotalDataTransactions;
Success II Total;
Success II/ Success;
Success II/ Opportunity;
Success II / Connect;

Success II / Total Data Transactions;
Success III Total;
Success III/ Success;
Success III / Opportunity;
Success III / Connect;
Success III / Total Data Transactions;
Generic Success Total;
Generic Success / Success;
Generic Success / Opportunity;
Generic Success / Connect;
Generic Success / Total Data
Total Data Transactions;
Total Opportunity;

Data Transaction Outcomes
This widget shows the data transaction outcomes totals for the chosen campaign.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Contact List;


Time Interval;

Text Filter to allow filtering by Data Transaction Outcome;

Data Transaction Outcome list with:

o Data Transaction Outcome name;

o Data Transaction Outcome Current Total occurrences;

o Data Transaction Outcome Current Ratio.

Data Transaction Outcomes 3D
This widget shows a pie-chart with the data transaction outcomes totals for the chosen campaign.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Contact List;


Time Interval;

pie-chart with outcome occurrence distribution.

Telephony Interaction Volume
This widget shows the volume of telephony interactions of the chosen campaign.



Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Time Interval;

Extend calls;

Transfer calls;

Conference calls;

Blind transfer calls;

Outbound Outcomes
This widget shows the outcome of outbound calls of the chosen campaign.



Campaign (only for Outbound and Blended campaigns);

Time Interval;

Dialed Calls;
Handled Calls;
Busy Calls;
No Answer Calls;
Machine Answered Calls;
Fax Answered Calls;
Modem Answered Calls;
Nuisance Calls;
Rejected Calls;
Invalid Number Calls;
Trunk Line Overflow Calls.

Business Counters
This widget shows the business counters values for the chosen campaign.

Agent Group;
Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound
and Blended campaigns);
Contact List;
Time Interval;

Total Data Transactions total number of calls handled by agents

o Non Connected Calls with no outcome, or with an outcome that is not associated to
any business counter

o Connected Calls with an outcome associated to a business counter

Non Opportunity Calls with outcome associated to Non Opportunity
Business Counters

Non Opportunity I Calls with outcome associated to
Non Opportunity I Business Counters

Non Opportunity II Calls with outcome associated to
Non Opportunity II Business Counters

Non Opportunity III Calls with outcome associated to
Non Opportunity III Business Counters

Generic Non Opportunity Calls with outcome associated
to Generic Non Opportunity Business Counters

Opportunity Calls with outcomes associated with argumentation

Success number of occurrences of outcomes associated with
success Business Counters

Success I number of occurrences of outcomes associated
with success I Business Counters

Success II number of occurrences of outcomes associated
with success II Business Counters

Success III number of occurrences of outcomes associated
with success III Business Counters

Generic Success number of occurrences of outcomes
associated with Generic Success Business Counters

Unsuccess number of occurrences of outcomes associated with
Unsuccess Business Counters

Unsuccess I number of occurrences of outcomes associated
with Unsuccess I Business Counters

Unsuccess II number of occurrences of outcomes associated
with Unsuccess II Business Counters

Unsuccess III number of occurrences of outcomes
associated with Unsuccess III Business Counters

Generic Unsuccess number of occurrences of
outcomes associated with Generic Unsuccess Business

Other Opportunity number of occurrences of outcomes associated
with other opportunity Business Counters

Other Opportunity I number of occurrences of
outcomes associated with Other Opportunity I Business

Other Opportunity II number of occurrences of
outcomes associated with Other Opportunity II Business

Other Opportunity III number of occurrences of
outcomes associated with Other Opportunity III Business

Generic Other Opportunity number of occurrences of
outcomes associated with Generic Other Opportunity Business

Button to show several details associated to each business counter.

Business Counters Goal Achievement
This widget shows the goal achievement values of the business counters of the chosen campaign.
Note: The per hour counters and per day counters are forecasts until one hour has passed or
one day has passed respectively. For example : If the real number of Success occurrences is 7 and
30 minutes have passed, if the current rate of Success occurrences remains the same, there will
be 14 (7 x (60/30) = 14) Success occurrences during the next hour and 336 (7 x (60 x 24)/30 =
336) during the next day. After one hour has passed the per hour values will become real
(dividing the number of occurrences by the number of hours). After one day has passed the per
day values will become real (dividing the number of occurrences by the number of hours).


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Contact List;


Time Interval;

Success Volume (1);

(Success Volume / Total Data Transactions)/Day(1);

Success / Hour (1);

Success / Opportunity (100%)

Success / Connect (100%)

Success / Total Data Transactions (100%)

Success I (1)

Success I / Success (100%)

Success I / Opportunity (100%)

Success I / Connect (100%)

Success I / Total Data Transactions (100%)

Success II (1)

Success II / Success (100%)

Success II / Opportunity (100%)

Success II / Connect (100%)

Success II / Total Data Transactions (100%)

Success III (1)

Success III / Success (100%)

Success III / Opportunity (100%)

Success III / Connect (100%)

Success III / Total Data Transactions (100%)

Generic Success (1)

Generic Success / Success (100%)

Generic Success / Opportunity (100%)

Generic Success / Connect (100%)

Generic Success / Total Data Transactions (100%)

Agent Skill Detail
This widget shows the current agent skill detail, for the chosen campaign.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Text Filter to allow filtering by agent;

Agent list with:

o Agent name;

o Agent current status;

o Agent skill profile;

Skill Demand
This widget shows the current skill demand, for the chosen campaign.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);

Text Filter to allow filtering by skill;

Skill list with

o Skill name;

o Agents Ready With Skill;

o Agents Ready Available With Skill - number of agents ready and available for
receiving an interaction of this skill;

o Calls in Queue With Skill;

o Emails in Queue With Skill;

o Web in Queue With Skill;

o Interactions in Queue With Skill.

Skill Demand 3D
This widget shows a pie-chart with the current skill call request, for the chosen campaign.


Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);



o pie-chart with skills of calls in queue distribution;


o pie-chart with skills of Web in queue distribution;


o pie-chart with skills of Emails in queue distribution;


o pie-chart with skills of all Interactions in queue distribution;

Skill Demand History
This widget shows the skill demand history, for the chosen campaign.


Agent Group;

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);


Time Interval;

Text Filter to allow filtering by skill;

Total Requested Calls With Skill;

Total Handled Calls With Skill;

Total Abandoned Calls With Skill;

Skill list with:

o Skill name;

o Calls Requested total;

o Calls Requested %;

o Calls Handled total;

o Calls Handled %;

o Calls Abandoned total;

o Calls Abandoned %.


Total Requested Web With Skill;

Total Handled Web With Skill;

Total Abandoned Web With Skill;

Skill list with:

o Skill name (new);

o Web Requested total;

o Web Requested %;

o Web Handled total;

o Web Handled %;

o Web Abandoned total;

o Web Abandoned %;

Total Requested Emails With Skill;

Total Handled Emails With Skill;

Skill list with:

o Skill name (new);

o Emails Requested total;

o Emails Requested %;

o Emails Handled total;

o Emails Handled %;


Total Requested interactions with

Total Handled interactions With Skill;

Skill list with:

o Skill name;

o Interactions Requested total;

o Interactions Requested %;

o Interactions Handled total;

o Interactions Handled %;

Contact Penetration
This widget shows counters reflecting the progress of outbound campaigns, based on their
contacts status.

Campaign (only for Outbound and
Blended campaigns);
Contact List;

Total (Untreated + Treated + Abandoned + Other);

Untreated (Never Tried + Callbacks) Contacts started, cached and in analysis:

o Untreated Never Tried Never tried;

o Untreated Callbacks (Automatic + Agent) Already Tried:

Untreated Callbacks Automatic Failed on dial rule;

Untreated Callbacks Agent Handled by an agent and rescheduled;

Untreated Callbacks Personal Callback (counted separately, not part of
Untreated Callbacks sum) Contacts assigned to specific agents;

Treated Contacts done;

Abandoned Contacts abandoned;

Other Contacts in other statuses.
The respective ratio against the total number of contacts is shown for each of the above group of
counters (Untreated + Treated + Abandoned + Other) in the pie chart.


This widget shows the query results for the queries currently defined in the Queries configuration



Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound and Blended campaigns);


By changing the query filter the user can see the result of all queries currently defined in the
instance. The queries are executed periodically independently of the query widgets that are on the
When the query selected has a campaign column the results will be restricted within the RT
configuration for services and monitored campaigns. Otherwise all data is shown.

This widget shows the configured counters for all campaigns that have been configured
(Outbound, Inbound and Blended),

Agent Group;


Time Interval

Text Filter to allow filtering by campaign

Number of lines shown on each page

Static information:
Campaign name

Campaign Full Name
Existing counters:
Interaction Volume:

o Offered calls;
o Handled calls;
o Abandoned calls;
o Overflowed calls;
o Rejected calls;
o Short calls;
o Current calls;
o RONA occurrences.
o Abandoned Calls (Wait
>= LSL);
o Handled Calls (Wait <=
o Offered Emails;
o Handled Emails;
o Overflowed Emails;
o Current Emails;
o Rona Occurrences
o Handled Emails (Wait <=
o Offered Web;
o Handled Web;
o Abandoned Web;
o Current Web;
o Rona Occurrences
o Handled Web (Wait <=
o Abandoned Web (Wait
>= LSL);
o Offered Interactions.

o Calls in queue;

o Alerting calls;

o Current oldest waiting
o Average waiting time of
current queued calls;
o Average waiting time of
handled calls;
o Average waiting time of
abandoned calls;
o Average waiting time;
o Maximum waiting time.
o Emails in queue;
o Alerting Emails;
o Oldest Waiting Email;
o Average waiting time of
queued emails;
o Average waiting time of
handled emails;
o Average waiting time
o Maximum waiting time
o Web in queue;
o Alerting Web;
o Oldest Waiting Web;
o Average waiting time of
queued web;
o Average waiting time of
handled web;
o Average waiting time of
abandoned web;
o Average waiting time
o Maximum waiting time
o Interactions in queue;
o Alerting Interactions;
o Oldest Waiting
o Average waiting time of
queued interactions;
o Average waiting time of
handled interactions;
o Average waiting time of
abandoned interactions;
o Average waiting time (All
o Maximum waiting time
(All interactions).
Agent Performance:

o Open time;

o Ready time;

o Idle time;

o Talk time;

o Alerting time;

o Wrap up time;

o Hold Time;

o Average talk time;

o Longest talk time;

o Average handling time;

o Average wrap-up time;

o Average alerting time;

o Average hold time;

o Alerting time (Email);

o Wrap-up time (Email);

o Average wrap up time

o Average alerting time

o Alerting time (Web);

o Wrap-up time (Web);

o Average wrap up time

o Average alerting time

o Wrapup time (All

o Average wrap up time
(All interactions);

o Average alerting time
(All interactions).

Service Level:
o Service Level;

o Service Level (Email);

o Service Level (Web).

Agent Status Detail:

o Agents Open;

o Agents Ready;

o Agents Not Ready;

o Agents Idle;

o Agents Talking;

o Agents Alerting;

o Agents Wrap-up;

o Agents Hold;

o Agents Idle (Email);

o Agents Alerting (Email);

o Agents Wrap-up (Email);

o Agents Idle (Web);

o Agents Alerting (Web);

o Agents Wrap-up (Web);

o Agents Data Transaction;

Telephony Interaction Volume:

o Extended calls;

o Transferred calls;

o Conferenced calls;

o Blind transferred calls.

Outbound Outcomes:

o Dialed Calls;

o Handled Calls;

o Discarded Calls;

o Busy Calls;

o No Answer Calls;

o Machine Answered Calls;

o Fax Answered Calls;

o Modem Answered Calls;

o Nuisance Calls;

o Rejected Calls;

o Invalid Number Calls;

o Trunk Line Overflow

Contact Penetration:

o Contacts;
o Untreated;
o Ratio Untreated;
o Never Tried;
o Ratio Never Tried;
o Tried;
o Ratio Tried;
o Callbacks;
o Ratio Callbacks;
o Automatic Callbacks;
o Ratio Automatic
o Agent Callbacks;
o Ratio Agent Callbacks;
o Personal Callbacks;
o Ratio Personal Callbacks;
o Treated,
o Ratio Treated;
o Abandoned;
o Ratio Abandoned;
o Other;
o Ratio Other
Business Counters:

o Total Success;

o Total Unsuccess;

o Total Other Opportunity;

o Total Non-Opportunity;

o Success Volume;

o Total Opportunity;

o Total Connect;

o Total Non-Connect;

o Success/Opportunity;

o Unsuccess/Opportunity;

o Other

o Success/Connect;

o Unsuccess/Connect;

o Other


o Opportunity / Connect;

o Connect/Total Data

o Non-Connect/Total Data

o Opportunity/Total Contacts.
o Opportunity/Total Data
o Non-Opportunity/Total
Data Transactions;
o Success/Hour;
o (Success/Connect)/Hour;
o Success Volume/Hour;
o Success/Day;
o (Success/Opportunity)/
o (Unsuccess/Opportunity)/
o (Success/Connect)/ Day;
o (Opportunity/Connect)/
o Success Volume/ Day;
o Success/Ready Hour;
o Unsuccess/Ready Hour;
o Other
o Opportunity/Ready
o Non-Opportunity/Ready
o Connect/Ready Hour;
o Non-Connect/Ready
o Success Volume/Ready
o Total Success I;
o Total Unsuccess I;
o Total Other Opportunity I;
o Total Non-Opportunity I;
o Success I/Success;
o Success I/Opportunity;
o Success I/Connect;
o Success I/Hour;
o Success I/Ready Hour;
o Total Success II;
o Total Unsuccess II;
o Total Other Opportunity
o Total Non-Opportunity
o Success II/Success;
o Success II/Opportunity;
o Success II/Connect;
o Success II/Hour;
o Success II/Ready Hour;
o Total Success III;
o Total Unsuccess III;
o Total Other Opportunity
o Total Non-Opportunity
o Success III/Success;
o Success III/Opportunity;
o Success III/Connect;
o Success III/Hour;
o Success III/Ready Hour;
o Total Generic Success;
o Total Generic Unsuccess;
o Total Generic Other
o Total Generic
o Generic Success/Success;
o Generic
o Generic
o Generic Success/Hour;
o Generic Success/Ready

o Work/Ready Ratio.

o Total Data Transactions;
o Calls Handled;
o Talk/Ready Ratio;
o Wrap-up/Ready Ratio;

o Average Alerting Time (Web);
Agent Detail
This widget shows the configured counters for all agents working on the selected campaign.
Agent Group;
Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound
and Blended campaigns);
Time Interval;
Text Filter to allow filtering by agent;
Number of lines shown on each

Static information:
Agent name;

Agent full name;

Agent extension;

Existing counters:
Agent Status

o Status;

o Duration;

o Telephony Status;

o Telephony Duration;

o Email Status;

o Email Duration;

o Web Status;

o Web Duration.
Agent Performance

o Open Time;
o Ready Time;
o Idle Time;
o Talk Time;
o Alerting Time;
o Wrap-up Time;
o Hold Time;
o Average Talk Time;
o Longest Talk Time;
o Average Handling Time;
o Average Wrap-up Time;
o Average Alerting Time;
o Average Hold Time;
o Alerting Time (Email);
o Wrap-up Time (Email);
o Average Wrap-up Time
o Average Alerting Time
o Alerting Time (Web);
o Wrap-up Time (Web);
o Average Wrap-up Time

o Success I/Connect;
o Alerting Time (All

o Wrap-up Time (All

o Average Wrap-up Time (All

o Average Alerting Time (All

Agent Skill Detail

o Profile;

Business Counters:

o Total Non-Opportunity;
o Total Success;
o Total Unsuccess;
o Total Other Opportunity;
o Success Volume;
o Total Opportunity;
o Total Connect;
o Total Non-Connect;
o Success/Opportunity;
o Unsuccess/Opportunity;
o Other
o Success/Connect;
o Unsuccess/Connect;
o Other Opportunity/Connect;
o Opportunity/Connect;
o Non-Opportunity/Connect;
o Connect/Total Data
o Non-Connect/Total Data
o Opportunity/Total Data
o Non-Opportunity/Total Data
o Success/Hour;
o (Success/Opportunity)/Hour;
o (Success/Connect)/Hour;
o (Opportunity/Connect)/Hour;
o Success Volume/Hour;
o Success/Day;
o (Success/Opportunity)/ Day;
o (Unsuccess/Opportunity)/
o (Success/Connect)/ Day;
o (Opportunity/Connect)/ Day;
o Success Volume/ Day;
o Success/Ready Hour;
o Unsuccess/Ready Hour;
o Other Opportunity/Ready
o Opportunity/Ready Hour;
o Non-Opportunity/Ready
o Connect/Ready Hour;
o Non-Connect/Ready Hour;
o Success Volume/Ready Hour;
o Total Non-Opportunity I;
o Total Non-Opportunity II;
o Total Non-Opportunity III;
o Total Generic
o Total Success I;
o Total Success II;
o Total Success III;
o Total Generic Success;
o Total Unsuccess I;
o Total Unsuccess II;
o Total Unsuccess III;
o Total Generic Unsuccess;
o Total Other Opportunity I;
o Total Other Opportunity II;
o Total Other Opportunity III;
o Total Generic Other
o Success I/Success;
o Success I/Opportunity;

o Success I/Total Data
o Success II/Success;
o Success II/Opportunity;
o Success II/Connect;
o Success II/Total Data
o Success III/Success;
o Success III/Opportunity;
o Success III/Connect;
o Success III/Total Data
o Generic Success /Success;
o Generic Success
o Generic Success /Connect;
o Generic Success /Total Data
o Success I/Ready Hour;
o Success II/Ready Hour;
o Success III/Ready Hour;
o Generic Success/Ready Hour;
Other Counters

o Other Team;

o Total Data Transactions;

o Calls Handled;

o Talk / Ready Ratio;

o Wrap-up / Ready Ratio;

o Work / Ready Ratio;

Below the list of agents, there is a line containing the totals for all agents, for the appropriate
counters. This line doesnt take into account the agent filter.

Contact List
This widget shows the configured counters for all ct values associated to the selected campaign.

Campaign (for Outbound, Inbound
and Blended campaigns);
Time Interval;
Text Filter to allow filtering by
contact list;
Number of lines shown on each

Existing counters:
Contact Penetration

o Total Contacts;
o Total Untreated;
o Ratio Untreated;
o Total Never Tried;
o Ratio Never Tried;
o Total Tried;
o Ratio Tried;
o Total Callbacks;
o Ratio Callbacks;
o Total Automatic Callbacks;
o Ratio Automatic Callbacks;
o Total Agent Callbacks;
o Ratio Agent Callbacks;
o Total Personal Callbacks;
o Ratio Personal Callbacks;
o Total Treated ;
o Ratio Treated;
o Total Abandoned;
o Ratio Abandoned;
o Total Other;
o Ratio Other;
Business Counters:

o Total Success;

o Total Unsuccess;

o Total Other Opportunity;

o Success Volume;

o Total Opportunity;

o Total Connect;

o Total Non-Connect;

o Success/Opportunity;

o Unsuccess/Opportunity;

o Other

o Success/Connect;

o Unsuccess/Connect;

o Other Opportunity/Connect;

o Opportunity/Connect;

o Non-Opportunity/Connect;

o Connect/Total Data

o Non-Connect/Total Data
o Opportunity/Total Data
o Non-Opportunity/Total Data
o Success/Hour;
o (Success/Opportunity)/Hour;
o (Success/Connect)/Hour;
o (Opportunity/Connect)/Hour;
o Success Volume/Hour;
o Success/Day;
o (Success/Opportunity)/ Day;
o (Unsuccess/Opportunity)/
o (Success/Connect)/ Day;
o (Opportunity/Connect)/ Day;
o Success Volume/ Day;
o Success/Ready Hour;
o Unsuccess/Ready Hour;
o Other Opportunity/Ready
o Opportunity/Ready Hour;
o Non-Opportunity/Ready
o Connect/Ready Hour;
o Non-Connect/Ready Hour;
o Success Volume/Ready Hour;
o Total Non-Opportunity;
o Total Non-Opportunity I;
o Total Non-Opportunity II;
o Total Non-Opportunity III;
o Total Generic
o Total Success I;
o Total Success II;
o Total Success III;
o Total Generic Success;
o Total Unsuccess I;
o Total Unsuccess II;
o Total Unsuccess III;
o Total Generic Unsuccess;
o Total Other Opportunity I;
o Total Other Opportunity II;
o Total Other Opportunity III;
o Total Generic Other
o Success I/Success;
o Success II/Opportunity;
o Success II/Connect;
o Success II/Total Data
o Success II/Success;
o Success II/Opportunity;
o Success II/Connect;
o Success II/Total Data
o Success III/Success;
o Success III/Opportunity;
o Success III/Connect;
o Success III/Total Data
o Generic Success /Success;
o Generic Success
o Generic Success /Connect;
o Generic Success /Total Data
o Opportunity / Total
Other Counters

o Total Data Transactions;
Below the list of ct values, there is a line containing the totals for all ct values, for the proper
Real Time and Historical Reporting components
The Reporting Framework Real Time component uses Altitude Integration Servers tracer
component, from ASTools.
The log file name and path are defined on the application Web.config file:
<add key="logfilename" value="logs\\ReportingFramework.log"/>
The log level is also defined on application Web.config file, on the <tracer> tag:
The available log levels are Debug (more log messages), Info, Notice, Warning, Error and
Critical (less log messages). The log level should be usually set to Info.
Log example:
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>> CampaignTimeSliceStatistics.calculate()
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>> Campaign.calcCampaignCallsStatisticsForPeriod(18-03-2009
10:21:26,18-03-2009 10:21:38)
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] Call list count <0>, index min <0>, index max <2147483647>
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< Campaign.calcCampaignCallsStatisticsForPeriod =
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>> Campaign.calcCampaignTotalRONACallsForPeriod(18-03-2009
10:21:26,18-03-2009 10:21:38)
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< Campaign.calcCampaignTotalRONACallsForPeriod =
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>>
Campaign.calcCampaignTotalOpenReadyIdleTimeForPeriod(18-03-2009 10:21:26,18-03-2009 10:21:38)
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< Campaign.calcCampaignTotalOpenReadyIdleTimeForPeriod =
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>>
Campaign.calcCampaignNotReadyReasonsForPeriod(18-03-2009 10:21:26,18-03-2009 10:21:38)
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< Campaign.calcCampaignNotReadyReasonsForPeriod =
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>> Campaign.calcCampaignOutcomesForPeriod(18-03-2009
10:21:26,18-03-2009 10:21:38)
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] Data transactions list count <0>, index min <0>, index max <2147483647>
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< Campaign.calcCampaignOutcomesForPeriod =
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< CampaignTimeSliceStatistics.calculate =
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] >>> CampaignTimeSliceStatistics.consolidateCampaignTimeSliceStatistics()
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] Consolidating statistics of time slice 18-03-2009 10:21:26 to 18-03-2009
10:21:38 with time slice 18-03-2009 10:21:26 to 18-03-2009 10:21:38.
10:21:38.805 22084 D [RFServer] <<< CampaignTimeSliceStatistics.consolidateCampaignTimeSliceStatistics =

There is also another log file that contains only error, critical and warning messages. This files
name contains the word RFCritical and it is located in the same folder as the other log files.
Historical Reports Deployment
The reports deployment logs can be found at the reports directory (C:\Program Files
(x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\Reports).

Historical Database component
The Historical Database loading generates logs to disk (ETL processes) and database (data loading).
Log Tables
The tables prefixed with _log_ keep the information from data loading activity.
This table keeps track of interaction loading through SSIS. It has the following columns:

execution_id: Execution GUID of the package
date: Date of the execution
update_mode: Update mode being applied (0 InitAll; 1- InitLastMonth; 2-InitLastWeek; 3
ucidb: name of the uCI database
ucidbsrv: server of the uCI database
start_time: start time from wich we are loading
segment_code: segment_code from wich we are loading
fact_slice_start: start time for fact slices to be calculated
fact_slice_end: end time for fact slices to be calculated
This table keeps track of agent logins loading through SSIS. It has the following columns:
execution_id: Execution GUID of the package
date: Date of the execution
update_mode: Update mode being applied (0 InitAll; 1- InitLastMonth; 2-InitLastWeek; 3
ucidb: name of the uCI database
ucidbsrv: server of the uCI database
start_time: start time from wich we are loading
end_time: end time to wich we are loading
This table keeps track of agents states loading through SSIS. It has the following columns:
execution_id: Execution GUID of the package
date: Date of the execution

update_mode: Update mode being applied (0 InitAll; 1- InitLastMonth; 2-InitLastWeek; 3
ucidb: name of the uCI database
ucidbsrv: server of the uCI database
start_time: start time from wich we are loading
end_time: end time to wich we are loading

SSIS Packages Logs
Each package logs to the dts Logs directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting
Framework\Historical\dts\Logs). The log contains information from the package execution and the
configuration values. For example:
User:ScriptTaskLogEntry,easy,00 - Logging Package,{43FB1859},{C6931DB4},10/10/2011
19:52:07,10/10/2011 19:52:07,0,(null),[INFO] AERdb: AERdb
User:ScriptTaskLogEntry,easy,00 - Logging Package,{43FB1859},{C6931DB4},10/10/2011
19:52:07,10/10/2011 19:52:07,0,(null),[INFO] AERdbLogin: easy
User:ScriptTaskLogEntry,easy,00 - Logging Package,{43FB1859},{C6931DB4},10/10/2011
19:52:07,10/10/2011 19:52:07,0,(null),[INFO] AERdbPass: *********
User:ScriptTaskLogEntry,easy,00 - Logging Package,{43FB1859},{C6931DB4},10/10/2011
19:52:07,10/10/2011 19:52:07,0,(null),[INFO] ExecutionInstanceGUID: {C6931DB4}
Oracle ETL Process
The Oracle ETL process that transports data from uCI database to a replica logs to the dts oracle
directory ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\dts\Oracle\
Upgrade Logging
When upgrading Reporting Framework the logs from the process can be found at the upgrade
folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\_UpdateFolder).
When the upgrade includes upgrading of the Historical Database the log is kept in the dts directory
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Altitude\Altitude Reporting Framework\Historical\dts).

Document Version 2012-08-14

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