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Universidad de Magallanes Methodology for High School

Fac. de Educacin, Ciencias y de la Salud Estela Seguic Z.

Pedagoga en ngl!s
Name: Date: Score: Mark:
I Match the explanations and definitions to the corresponding concepts. (11)
a. Orienta la labor pedaggica! estableciendo "prendi#a$es
%sperados &'e dan c'enta de los Ob$eti(os
)'ndamentales * +ontenidos M,nimos! * los organi#a
temporalmente a tra(-s de 'nidades
F 1. .earning O'tcome
////0. Drilling stage
////1. 2ost3listening acti(it*
////4. +ooperati(e .earning "cti(it*
////1. 2ost3listening acti(it*
J 4. +ooperati(e .earning "cti(it*
////5. 2re3reading6listening
e. 7rainstorming ideas and lang'age or predicting content
and ideas.
f. 8rite short! simple informati(e and descripti(e texts related
to sports and hobbies b* appl*ing the lexical items from
the 'nit.
D 9. )'nctional contents
g. "sking for and expressing likes and interests: greetings
and lea(e3takings! introd'cing people to others! Making
re&'ests: Making s'ggestions
H ;. Morphos*ntactical contents
h. It has as objective to monitor student learning to
provide ongoing feedback that can be used by
instructors to improve their teaching and by
students to improve their learning.
B <. Initial stage
i. "t this stage! the teacher makes certain that st'dents are
a=are of the p'rpose of the class: i.e. =hat is expected to
be learned. "t the same time! st'dents are intended to
relate the pre(io's kno=ledge =ith the ne= information.
I >. +rossc'rric'lar ob$ecti(e
$. ?hese acti(ities enco'rage st'dent to reflect 'pon =hat
the* ha(e read. )or the information to sta* =ith the
st'dents! the* need to go be*ond simpl* reading it to
'sing it.
" 1@. 2rograma de est'dio
k. Modal (erbs: ma* * might to express simple predictions
and f't're probabilities! clA's'las relati(as con
pronombres relati(os (that! =hen! =ho! =hich)
E 11. )ormati(e "ssessment
l. Bro=th and personal self3assertion
m. ?hink3pair3share
II 8rite an "(agree) and a D (disagree) if *o' agree or disagree =ith the statement. In either case
=rite do=n a brief $'stification SC22OD?%D b* the so'rces *o' ha(e read. (?ask accomplishment
0 pts.6&'alit* of ans=er (4)
a. .ang'age ?eaching methods is an independent aspect from the kind of learner a teacher might ha(e
in the classroom. //("gree 6Disagree)
Disagree. ?he teacher m'st be a=are of the different kind of learners in his6her class in order to appl*
the best methodolog* so as to
Universidad de Magallanes Methodology for High School
Fac. de Educacin, Ciencias y de la Salud Estela Seguic Z.
Pedagoga en ngl!s
b. ?he co'rse book can not be 'sed as a complementar* reso'rce for the co'rse plan. /////
("gree 6Disagree)
Disagree. ?he co'rsebook is a complementar* reso'rce indeed. "ltho'gh there are schools that 'se
them as the primar* so'rce! the teacher sho'ld 'se it to complement the ob$ecti(es of the class.
c. %ach 'nit of learning is organi#ed taking into acco'nt a (ariet* of components proposed b* the
Ministr* of %d'cation. Eo=e(er! the good practice depends entirel* on the kind of learner. /////("gree
Disagree. "ltho'gh it depends on the kind of learner! there are other factors that infl'ence the good
practice of the program s'ch as the context and the st'dent and their pre(io's kno=ledge.
d. 7efore presenting a ne= theme! topic! sit'ation to the st'dents! thereFs a need to context'ali#e.
///("gree 6Disagree)
"gree. %(er* acti(it*! topic! or sit'ation sho'ld be context'ali#ed in order to achie(e better
comprehension and 'nderstanding.
e. ?he teacherFs effecti(eness is e(idenced b* the strategies 'sed in the deli(er* of a class.
/////("gree 6Disagree)
"gree. In spite of the fact that the strateg* 'sed is a ke* factor on teacherFs effecti(eness! it =ill la* on
the kind of learners there are. %ach st'dent has not onl* 'ni&'e academic needs! b't also 'ni&'e
backgro'nd experiences! c'lt're! lang'age! personalit*! interests! and attit'des to=ard learning.
%ffecti(e teachers recogni#e that all of these factors affect ho= st'dents learn in the classroom! and
the* sho'ld ad$'st! or differentiate! their instr'ction to meet st'dentsG needs.
Universidad de Magallanes Methodology for High School
Fac. de Educacin, Ciencias y de la Salud Estela Seguic Z.
Pedagoga en ngl!s
III Open3ended &'estions
"ns=er the follo=ing &'estions accordingl*. SC22OD? *o'r ans=ers b* citing a so'rce *o' ha(e read.
1. "ccording to the Ministr* of %d'cation! learning in(ol(es not onl* the kno=ledge! b't also the =a* to p't this
kno=ledge into practice. "s a f't're teacher! =hich skills! abilities are to be de(eloped in high school in order
to ac&'ire and generate ne= kno=ledge. Mention more than three. (9)
0. State 1 reasons =h* the instr'ctor has to manage a (ariet* of reso'rces and learning strategies in order to
de(elop skills in an %). setting. 7ack 'p *o'r ans=er =ith at least 0 citations. (9)
1. Describe 5 techni&'es *o' can appl* at the beginning of the class. (1@)
4. %xplain the importance of gi(ing feedback. 8hen sho'ld feedback be gi(enH Eo= can *o' do thatH (1@)
03 to create learning opport'nities that make allo=ances for differences in ho= indi(id'al st'dents learn in order to
ens're e&'al access to important academic content.
13 ?he beginning of the class is the most important stage since it is the time =hen st'dents m'st get engaged =ith
the topic! other=ise! it =ill be diffic'lt to keep going =ith the acti(ities =hen there is no interest sho=n.
3 %liciting is a 'sef'l techni&'e to make st'dents think and remember =hat the* ha(e seen and learnt

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