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HANDS in Autism

Interdisciplinary Training &

Resource Center
1120 South Drive
Suite 302
IN 46202
Contact Us:
Ph: (317) 274-2675
The HANDS (Helping Answer Needs
by Developing Specialists) in
Autism Interdisciplinary Training &
Resource Center is located within the
Department of Psychiatry at the Indiana
University School of Medicine. Support
for the foundational development
of the HANDS in Autism Center has
been provided through a combination
of federal and state funding as well as
private philanthropies. To learn more,
please contact Naomi Swiezy, Ph.D.
HSPP, Director, at or
fnd us at
Intensive Week-Long Training for School & Community Personnel
Indiana University
School of Medicine
About Us
The HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary
Training and Resource Center was developed
in 2004 with foundational support from
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and
ongoing supports derived from the state
Department of Education, Indiana University
Health and a wide variety of charitable and
philanthropic organizations and individuals
to extend outreach and training eforts across
settings and within communities. The Center is
currently an auxiliary to the IUSM and, though
with an emphasis on ASD, the practices and
procedures are well documented and have
been utilized with demonstrated beneft
across a wide range of settings (e.g., schools,
medical practices, residential settings) as well
as documented impact across the lifespan and
with a range of disabilities. The interdisciplinary
composition of the HANDS Team allows
for diverse perspectives and expertise for
supporting both professionals and families.
The HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary
Training & Resource Center is a provider of
innovative, research-based, and practical
trainings and technical support provided
across school staf, medical and service
providers, primary caregivers, and individuals
with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as
well as with a range of other special needs
to assist in the development of a data driven
process that will enable the development of
local capacity. The HANDS in Autism model
incorporates a comprehensive curriculum and
framework that is taught systematically so as to
ensure the learning of a foundational process
for decision making. The model is founded on
central components for training inclusive of: (1)
building on individual strengths, (2) delivering
comprehensive training, (3) utilizing a data
driven decision making process, (4) blending
evidence-based intervention strategies, and (5)
incorporating hands-on practice, coaching and
mentoring with caregivers and individuals with
a range of strengths and challenges exhibited
in a variety of contexts and with a variety of
functional and academic skills.
About the Application Process
Applications are accepted and participants
notifed on a frst come, frst serve basis for
both spring trainings. For summer trainings,
applicants will be asked to rank order their
preferred sessions and all attempts will be made
to honor these requests though this cannot be
The HANDS in Autism Intensive Training
Week is appropriate for school & community
personnel working in both public and private
settings with students with autism and related
neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders.
Participants selected will:
complete the pre and follow-up training
packets in full; this data is essential for
assessing the overall efectiveness of the
training program.
attend all fve days of training, missing no
more than 30 minutes on a single day or 2
hours of the training week.
have an eagerness to learn, participate in
discussions and practice new approaches
and techniques in role play and hands-on
opportunities with trainers observing and
providing immediate feedback.
What you can expect
As a training participant, you will gain
knowledge and understanding of the topics
listed below, be exposed to individuals
with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other
neurodevelopmental disability with the ability
to observe and shadow HANDS staf working
with the individuals, and have the opportunity
to practice and receive feedback on techniques
and approaches introduced in training. The
following content will be covered throughout
the training week.
Educational, behavioral and functional
Ongoing data-driven decision making
2 Intensive Week-Long Training 2014 Application
Goal development and writing
Visual and physical structure
Choreography (of staf, children, & schedules)
Prompting and skills-teaching methods
Behavioral intervention
Socialcommunication skills training
Maintenance and generalization
Pre-training packet
Participants will be required to complete a pre-training
packet which includes two questionnaires. This packet will
be mailed to your primary address and is required prior to
training. This packet takes approximately 1 hour to complete.
Pre-training Web Modules
Participants will be required to complete two brief
introductory training modules prior to attending training.
These training modules will be completed online and
require high speed internet access. These trainings will
ensure that each participant begins training with the basic
understanding of ASD and the HANDS program. The modules
with their short quizzes will take approximately 1 hours to
complete. These trainings will be made available to you upon
completion of the Pre-training packet and are due prior to
Follow-up training packet
The follow-up training packet will consist of 2 questionnaires
to inform us about the retention of knowledge and use of
practical strategies covered in training, and an overall evalu-
ation of the training. It should take approximately 1 hour
to complete the follow-up training packet. This packet will be
sent to your primary address in the fall and will be due two
weeks after receipt.
Cost of Training
The cost of this training is $1,990 and includes continental
breakfast, snacks, and parking pass each day of training.
Payment may be made by credit card, check or PO and must
be received prior to the application deadline noted on the
last page of this application to reserve a spot in the training.
Continuing Education and Graduate
Continuing Education
Approximately, 42 contact hours will be awarded to those
participants who:
Complete the pre-training packet
Attend 5 days of training
Complete the follow-up training packet
Certifcate of attendance noting your contact hours will
be mailed out to participants after the completion of
the follow-up packets in the fall. Additional contact
hours will be available for completing the web
modules. Follow the modules instructions to receive
documentation of contact hours via email.
Graduate Credit (Masters in Special Education)
This training program has been regularly approved
as a graduate level course for the Masters Program in
Special Education at three universities:
Butler University
University of Indianapolis
The graduate course typically requires an additional
implementation project, in addition to completing
all training requirements. The details of the
implementation project will be provided upon
request. If you would like to receive graduate credit
you will be required to register for this course at your
respective university program, in addition to applying
to the HANDS in Autism Intensive Training program.
Acceptance into the HANDS in Autism Intensive
Training Program does not guarantee acceptance to
the university course and vice versa. Unfortunately, we
often have more applicants apply to our program than
we have training spots available. Thus, not everyone
who applies will be accepted.
Grades for university credit coursework will not
be awarded until all aspects of the training and
implementation project have been completed. Students
will receive an initial Incomplete for their grade. Final
grades will be assigned after all course requirements
are satisfed. This course may not be appropriate for
students who may be graduating at the end of the
semester as the follow-up training packet will not be
complete until October.
*It is the responsibility of the individual to apply for
graduate credits at their university and to inform
HANDS in Autism of the course component prior to
the frst day of training. All standard course fees apply
for your university and are the responsibility of the
Completed applications must be received by:
March 17, 2014 5:00 pm EST - Evansville training
(March 31-April 4)
March 31, 2014 5:00 pm EST - Indianapolis team-
based training (April 14-18)
May 26, 2014 5:00 pm EST - all Indianapolis Summer
3 Intensive Week-Long Training 2014 Application
Primary Contact Information
Last Name: ____________________________________ First Name:_________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
City:__________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ______________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________
Phone (day): ____________________ Fax: _______________________________
*Most of our communication with you will occur via e-mail and postal delivery service. Please ensure that you can be
contacted during the school year and the summer break via the primary contact information.
Alternate Contact Information
E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Pre- and follow-up training packets will be mailed to your primary address.
Check the session you would like to attend. Please see additional instruction for the summer sessions.
Spring Session Dates
____ Evansville: March 31 - April 4, 2014, Monday - Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm (elementary students)
Application deadline: March 17, 2014 (5pm EDT)
____ Indianapolis (team-based): April 14 - April 18, 2014, Monday - Friday, 8am-4pm (elementary school students)
Application deadline: March 31, 2014 (5pm EDT)
Summer Session Dates
(Please rank the sessions: 1frst choice; 3last choice)
____ Week 1: June 23 - June 27, 2014 Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm (middle school students)
____ Week 2: July 7 - July 11, 2014, Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm (elementary school students)
____ Week 3: July 14 - July 18, 2013, Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm (elementary school students)
Application deadline for all weeks: May 26, 2014 (5pm EDT)
If accepted, we will attempt to honor your preference; however, we cannot make any guarantee. In addition, the age
category of the students in each training session cannot be guaranteed.
Do you know of other professionals from your organization who apply for one of the HANDS intensive trainings? If yes,
please list their names and the training for which they are or have applied.
How did you hear about our training program? ________________________________________________
Graduate Credits (Summer Session Only)
Will you apply for graduate credits? ___Yes (check which program) ___ No
____ IUPUI ____ Butler University ____ University of Indianapolis
Degrees: ____________________________________________________________________
Certifcation/Licensure: ________________________________________________________
4 Intensive Week-Long Training 2014 Application
Primary Title/Position (please check most appropriate answer)
_____ Special Educator _____ General Educator
_____ Classroom Paraprofessional _____ 1:1 paraprofessional
_____ School psychologist _____ Occupational Therapist
_____ Specials Teacher _____ Physical Therapist
_____ Social worker/School Counselor _____ Itinerant Teacher
_____ Consultant (e.g., autism / behavioral) _____ Administrator
_____ Speech and Language Pathologist/Speech Therapist
_____ Other (please specify) _____________________________________________________________________
Current Employer:_______________________________________________________________________________
School District/Township/Co-op (if school):_____________________________________ Start Date: __________
County in which organization is located:__________________________________________________________________
Setting (describe where you work on a daily basis): ____________________________________________________
Previous Employers (your last 3 positions or 5 years of employment)
Start Date: _____________ End Date: _____________
Start Date: _____________ End Date: _____________
Start Date: _____________ End Date: _____________
Are you currently working with students in an educational setting? Y N
Is that setting located in the state of Indiana? Y N
Are you currently working with individuals on the autism spectrum? Y N
How long have you worked with individuals with autism and related disorders? _____________________________
What is the age range of individuals you serve? __________________________
What is the disability level or severity of individuals you serve? ___________________________________________
What is the eligibility category/diagnosis of most of individuals you serve? __________________________________
What types of placements have you worked in? (check all that apply)
___ Public ___ Private ___ Residential ___ Urban ___ Suburban ___ Montessori
___ Rural ___ Magnet ___ Charter
What types of placement have you worked in recently? (check all that apply)
___ General Education ___ Learning support
___ Self-contained (mild-moderate) ___ Self-contained (moderate-severe)
___ Day treatment/hospital ___ Consultation (i.e., push in to other environments)
___ Resource Room (general education and self-contained) ___ Private ofce setting
5 Intensive Week-Long Training 2014 Application
Applicant Questions
Please answer the following questions in 5-7 sentences. Each applicant must complete these questions individually, rather
than a group. If you are sending your application via mail, please submit your responses in a separate document.
What is your current position? How do you serve individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other
neurodevelopmental disabilities? Please describe your daily work and interactions.
Do you plan on attending with other individuals from your district or organization? (Please list names and titles/
Please describe both the positive and negative aspects of the outreach and/or training experiences you have had
in the past year?
What are your professional goals?
What do you hope to gain from attending the HANDS in Autism Intensive Training?
How might this complement your previous training or professional experiences?
Describe your approach to working with individuals with ASD or other neurodevelopmental disabilities.
Submit Application
Completion of applications online is preferable. You have the option to start your application, save it, and complete
it at a later time. Please be aware that applications must be completed in full, and submitted by 5:00pm (EST) on the
due date as listed in the Session Date section in order to be considered. Applications can also be submitted by mail
and must be received in our ofce by 5:00pm (EST) on the due date. Since campus mail can occasionally result in
mail delivery delays of up to 3 weeks or more, applicants are encouraged to apply online (
handsIntensive.html). However, if you choose to mail your application, be sure to allow sufcient time for it to reach
our ofce by the deadline. Applications can be mailed to the following address:
HANDS in Autism
re: Intensive Training Application
1120 South Drive, Suite 302
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Professional Development
Please list representative professional development you have attended in the past 2 years that are relevant
to addressing the needs of individuals with special needs. Please include and note any workshop or training
opportunities attended that were conducted by HANDS trainers.
Year Topic Length
and # of
How were you able to apply it to your daily work?

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