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Checklist for Evaluating Question Quality
Text Under Review (include page #s):
Criteria: Comments/Questions/Fixes (refer to specific questions!):
! "ext #epen$ent: "hese things must %e true of every question in the set! &hen evaluating questions' $iscar$ all questions that get a (no) in
A1. Does the student have to read the text to
answer each question
A!. "s it alwa#s clear to students that
answering each question requires that the#
$ust use evidence %ro$ the text to support
their clai$s (&tandard 'ne should alwa#s
(e in pla#))
+! ,mportant Consi$erations: "hese are $esign factors to keep in min$ for the entire question an$ task set!
*1. Do students have an opportunit# to
practice spea+ing and listening while the#
wor+ with these questions and tas+s
*!. Do questions include appropriate
sca%%olding so all students can understand
what is (eing as+ed (Are the questions
worded in such a wa# that all students can
access the$)
*,. At tric+# or +e# points in the text are
there chec+-in questions %or students to
answer so that teachers can chec+ on
students. understanding and use these
sections to enhance reading pro%icienc#
*/. Do questions provide an opportunit# %or
students to deter$ine the $eaning o%
acade$ic voca(ular# in context 0hen
possi(le1 do so$e o% these questions explore
so$e aspect o% the text as well as i$portant
*2. Does the $ix o% questions addressing
s#ntax1 voca(ular#1 structure and other
in%erences $atch the co$plexit# o% the text
C! "ext *pecific:
31. Are the questions speci%ic enough so
the# can onl# (e answered (# re%erence to
this text
3!.Are the in%erences students are as+ed to
$a+e grounded logicall# in the text (3an the#
(e answered with care%ul reading rather than
(ac+ground +nowledge)
#! -rgani.ation of the Questions:
D1. Do the earl# questions in the sequence
%ocus on speci%ic phrases and sentences to
support (asic co$prehension o% the text and
develop student con%idence (e%ore $oving
on to $ore challenging tas+s
D!. Are the questions coherentl#
sequenced Do the# (uild toward gradual
understanding o% the text.s $eaning
D,. Do the questions sta# %ocused on the
text and onl# go (e#ond it to $a+e other
connections in extension activities after the
text has (een explored
D/. "% $ultiple texts4di%%erent $edia are under
consideration1 are students as+ed to
exa$ine each text closel# (e%ore $a+ing
connections a$ong texts
E! Culminating ctivity or &riting /rompt:
51. Does the cul$inating tas+ call on the
+nowledge and understanding acquired
through the questions
5!. Does the writing pro$pt in the
cul$inating tas+ de$and that students write
to the text and use evidence
5,. Are the instructions to teacher and
student clear a(out what $ust (e per%or$ed
to achieve pro%icienc#
5/. "s this a tas+ worth# o% the student and
classroo$ ti$e it will consu$e

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