Better Neighbors Reentry Fact Sheet No 1 Basics

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Texas Inmate Families Association and Texas Interfaith Center for Public

Policy present

Congregations, formerly incarcerated individuals and families working

Facts on Texas Incarceration and Reentry

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The 0niteu States is the woilu's laigest incaiceiatoi. We have S% of the woilu's
population, but 2S% of the woilu's piisoneis.

Texas has the nation's laigest piison system, anu incaiceiates moie people than any
othei state. Theie aie cuiiently about 1Su,uuu inuiviuuals incaiceiateu in 112 state
coiiectional facilities, 16 of which aie opeiateu by piivate businesses.

Texas hau moie than 7Su,uuu people unuei paiole oi piobation supeivision at any
time in 2u12about one in eveiy 26 auults. About one in eveiy S7 auult iesiuents
in the community weie on piobation oi paiole.

Eveiy yeai, moie than 7u,uuu people ietuin home fiom Texas piisons. Almost
eveiyone who is incaiceiateu is eventually ieleaseu.

The thiee-yeai ieciuivism iate foi convicteu inuiviuuals convicteu of a felony was
22.6 peicent in 2u1S. The thiee-yeai ie-aiiest iate foi inuiviuuals ieleaseu fiom
state piison was 47.2 peicent anu foi inuiviuuals ieleaseu fiom state jail was 62.7
peicent in 2uu8, the latest uata available.

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The following figuies iepiesent who was incaiceiateu in Texas state coiiectional
facilities as of August S1, 2u12:
Total: 1S2,uuu
Nale: 14u,S1u
Female: 11,99S

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Black: S4,S1S

White: 47,274
Bispanic: 49,94u
0thei RaceEthnicity: 776

0ffense Type:
violent: 84,177
Piopeity: 24,48S
Biug: 2S,466
0thei: 18,17S

Aveiage Sentence Length: 18 yeais

Age uistiibution in TBC}
18-19: 1.4%
2u-29: 27.9%
Su-S9: 29.1%
4u-49: 2S.4%
Su-S9: 1S.9%
6u+: 4.S%

The youngest peison incaiceiateu in TBC} is 1S yeais olu. The oluest is 91.

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<5%5' >&,;#-? State coiiectional facilities that holu inuiviuuals incaiceiateu foi
<5%5' :%,)? These aie piivately opeiateu state jails that house state jail felons who
aie incaiceiateu foi a two-yeai peiiou oi less.
8#/-57 :%,)? Confinement facilities foi inuiviuuals seiving sentences of less than a
yeai, oi who aie uetaineu awaiting a couit uate.
8#99/-,57 </0'&@,;,#-? The supeiviseu ielease of a convicteu uefenuant by a
couit unuei a continuum of piogiams anu sanctions with conuitions imposeu by the
couit foi a specific peiiou uuiing which the imposition of a sentence is suspenueu:
A) ciiminal pioceeuings aie uefeiieu without juugement of guilt, oi B) a sentence of
impiisonment oi confinement, impiisonment anu a fine, oi confinement anu a fine,
is piobateu anu the imposition of sentence is suspenueu in whole oi in pait.
>%&#)'? The conuitional ielease of an offenuei fiom piison, by a Boaiu of Paiuons
Paioles uecision, to seive the iemainuei of his oi hei sentence unuei supeivision in
the community.

Accoiuing to the 0.S. Census, Afiican Ameiicans iepiesent 12% of the state's population,
but aie incaiceiateu at thiee times that iate.
TBC} Statistical Repoit, 2u12, p 8

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