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Greatest Creation

Do you know, in this filming I was sitting with Deena Morton and she said, You know,
Bob, you were talking about being Gods greatest creation in a seminar just in the last
couple of days. Why dont you put that in Six Minutes? I thought thats a good idea,
because I am. But you know something? So are you. And you may say, Well, I really
dont believe that. But thats because you dont think about it. But if you stop and think
about it, you are Gods greatest creation. There is nothing on the planet that will even
come close to you. Do you know that nothing in this entire universe would move in the
precise order it moves in your absence? Now you may have to think about that for a
little while but that is a fact. That is a scientific fact.

Do you know that all the little creatures on the earth are completely at home in their
environment? You and I are totally disoriented in our environment. Do you know why?
Because we have been given the ability to create our own environment. We have
mental faculties that no other form of life has. We can think, we have perception,
intuition, the will. These are all marvelous mental faculties. Now, were not taught how
to use these properly. But if we will study and learn how to use them properly, we can
create the kind of life we want.

Youve heard me quote Malcolm Gladwell before. Im going to quote him again. He
said, If you work hard, if you assert yourself, if you use your mind and your imagination,
you can literally shape the world according to your desires. There is no other form of
life that can do thatanywhere. You truly are Gods highest form of creation. Look at
everything that man has built. Think of itthe fact that Im communicating with you
right now through the medium that Im using. This didnt happen by accident, my
friend. This happened because somebody was using their marvelous mind. Are you
using yours?

I want you to spend four or five minutes just sitting and contemplating who you are.
Think of your mind. Think of the electrical system in your body. Think of the blood that
circulates through hundreds of miles of passageway every 33 seconds. Youre going to
look for a long time, youre never going to find anyone just quite as great and as grand
as yourself. Im not talking about an ego trip. Im talking about healthy, conscious
awareness. Spend four or five minutes thinking about it and I guarantee you, youll have
a good day. Good day.

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