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LIFESAVER bottle Military Grade Protection for the Outdoor Enthusiasts rin!in" #ater$
Ipswich, Suffolk, UK
Accepted by Militaies aou!d the wold the LIFESAVER bottle !ow
offes militay "ade potectio! fom all watebo!e diseases to the
outdoo e!thusiast a!d thei family#
The Ordnance Survey Outdoor Show, 27
March 2009, NEC !r"!n#ha"
$L%&ESA'ER (y(te"($$$ %he LIFESAVER bottle is a peso!al wate
filte bottle wei"hi!" o!ly &'(" which ca! emo)e all watebo!e
patho"e!s fom a!y wate souce i!sta!tly without the use of foul
tasti!" chemicals like iodi!e o chloi!e# %he LIFESAVER bottle
will filte up to &*** lites of wate po)idi!" complete potectio!
fo all# +ith wate becomi!" moe polluted a!d the hi"h cost to the
e!)io!me!t of usi!" bottled wate LIFESAVER bottle is the tou"hest,
safest a!d "ee!est way to di!k wate whilst outdoos#
L%&ESA'ER (y(te"( w!)) *e de"on(trat!n# the!r !nnovat!ve, award w!nn!n# L%&ESA'ER
*ott)e at the Ordnance Survey Outdoor Show, NEC !r"!n#ha"+ ,e"on(trat!on( w!))
ta-e .)ace every day at (tand /'00$02 1ro" the 27
to 29
March+ The %nventor
M!chae) Pr!tchard w!)) *e (.ea-!n# at the (how+
LIFESAVER bottle was )oted ,-est i! test. by -ushcaft / Su)i)al
Skills Ma"a0i!e who ae e1hibiti!" at the show# %hey said the
LIFESAVER bottle was 2%he Rolls Royce of wate filtes# %he
LIFESAVER bottle is i!cedibly easy to use3 the diectio!s of use ae simple to
u!desta!d a!d apply without much pactice# A "eat safety featue of the
LIFESAVER bottle is that whe! the catid"e has e1pied, the system automatically
shuts off, pe)e!ti!" you fom di!ki!" co!tami!ated wate# I am )ey impessed
with the build, 4uality a!d specificatio!s of this wate puifie a!d see it as a
defi!ite i!)estme!t#5
LIFESAVER bottle was also )oted ,-est %ech!olo"ical 6e)elopme!t fo
Futue Soldie System E!ha!ceme!t. by Soldie %ech!olo"y 7**8, the
wold.s pemie soldie mode!isatio! foum#
9http:;;www#soldietech!olo"y#com< LIFESAVER bottle will
e)olutio!ise the battle space, educe caied wei"ht fo the
soldie, a!d lesse! the taditio!al lo"istical dema!ds of di!ki!" wate faced by
militaies aou!d the wold# Mak Richte, =o"amme Ma!a"e, MERS, Mai!e >ops
Systems >omma!d, ?ua!tico VA said:
The Lifesaver bottle is an innovative water purification device that can remove
debris, bacteria and viruses from water utilizing a unique membrane filtration
system. With a 1 nanometre diameter filtration, it effectively creates fresh
water instantly and safely for a soldier or marine. Water is weight! The
L"#$%&'$( bottle provides water scavenging capability and fulfils a critical need
of sustainability on the battlefield.)
LIFESAVER bottle test esults fom the Lo!do! School of @y"ie!e a!d %opical
Medici!e co!cluded3
*+nder the conditions of testing in our laboratory as shown in this report, our
results show that the Lifesaver bottle) removed all bacteria and viruses from a
contaminated water source in e,cess of legal requirements and as such, complies
with all -ritish, +% and $uropean .rin/ing Water (egulations for 0icrobiological
(eduction.1 London %chool of 2ygiene and Tropical 0edicine 3 .ec 4556
%he LIFESAVER bottle is !ow a)ailable i! ma!y "ood outdoo, campi!" a!d fishi!"
stoes thou"hout the UK as well as o!li!e# 2I am )ey pleased that this militay
"ade lifesa)i!" tech!olo"y is !ow a)ailable to all5 said Michael =itchad the
I!)e!to of the LIFESAVER bottle# 2Autdoo e!thusiasts u!desta!d the poblems of
fi!di!" safe di!ki!" wate a!d see the be!efits of cayi!" a li"ht wei"ht bottle
to puify all thei di!ki!" wate#5
-ack"ou!d B LIFESAVER systems
LIFESAVER bottle was i!)e!ted a!d de)eloped i! the UK by Michael +# =itchad
M#+#M#Soc, the >EA of LIFESAVER systems# @e de)eloped LIFESAVER bottle afte seei!"
the ta"ic waste of life a!d seious poblems caused by the lack of safe di!ki!"
wate i! the wake of the %su!ami i! 6ecembe 7**C a!d the followi!" yea whe!
@uica!e Kati!a hit Louisia!a# It took a little while a!d some )ey fustati!"
pototypes but e)e!tually he did it#
Michael =itchad was bo! i! Epsom, Suey UK i! DE&8# @e was educated at
Fodo!stou! School i! Scotla!d a!d we!t to the U!i)esity of Redla!ds i! >alifo!ia
USA# At the a"e of DG he competed at i!te!atio!al le)el fo E!"la!d wi!!i!" a "old
medal as pat of the C1D** mete elay team#
Michael stated his busi!ess caee selli!" Apple computes i!to the the! fled"li!"
desktop publishi!" maket# @e emai!ed withi! the compute i!dusty fo
appo1imately D* yeas# @e woked i! the city as -usi!ess 6e)elopme!t 6iecto fo
the +ace Foup =L> a!d the! i! DEEG co$fou!ded Ha"Me#com a mobile maketi!"
I! 7*** Michael stated his ow! busi!ess# As well as ow!i!" a successful popety
busi!ess Michael is also Ma!a"i!" 6iecto of @ydo!ic Solutio!s 9Euope< Ltd a
specialist wate teatme!t a!d le"io!ella isk assessme!t compa!y#
Fo futhe i!fomatio! please co!tact LIFESAVER systems at:
LIFESAVER systems %el: ICC 9*<DC8' 7(7G'D
%he Ald -akey Fa1: ICC 9*<DC8' 7'7&(&
8 %udde!ham A)e!ue E$mail: i!foJlifesa)esystems#com
Ipswich I=C 7@E +eb: www#lifesa)esystems#com
U!ited Ki!"dom www#lifesa)ebottle#com
Foo"le seach ,lifesa)e bottle.
%he Full Lo!do! School of @y"ie!e a!d %opical Medici!e
Repot is a)ailable hee:
Futhe i!fomatio!, )ideos a!d ima"es ae a)ailable o! li!e hee:

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