Border Crisis Call To Action

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Urgent Alert! Grassroots Action Needed!

The Texas Border Crisis:

Joe Straus is the Roadblock
to Border Security & Support for Law Enforcement!

Yesterday afternoon (June 16), a letter dated May 2, 2014, was put into my hands. The letter
seen here is a directive to Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw to plan
and execute a 90-day surge operation of increased law enforcement in the border counties,
beginning on or after September 1, 2014.
Click here to see the letter:
The letterhead represents Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and Speaker of the House
Joe Straus, but only Perry and Dewhurst signed the letter. Joe Straus has refused to sign the
directive to help secure the Texas southern border. Were told the 90-day limit was a
compromise measure to get Straus on board, but hes still stalling! Meanwhile, the new flood of
illegal entries into Texas has swamped law enforcement, health and human services personnel,
and shelters.
Its been six weeks since this directive was signed by Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst.
What is J oe Straus waiting for? The southern border is now in full-blown crisis with a steady
influx of unaccompanied alien children, pregnant women, and young adults pouring across the
border from Central America. While law enforcement is distracted with the women and children,
other illegal border crossings have escalated. Our law enforcement is being overrun. Law
enforcement is warning Texas is more vulnerable than ever to very dangerous people crossing
illegally. This is no surprise to us.
Long before this latest wave of illegal immigration hit our southern border, DPS had already
warned in two unclassified reports that six of the eight major Mexican cartels have set up
major command and control networks throughout Texas and are working with dangerous
transnational gangs to carry out ruthless crimes of murder, drug smuggling, sex slave trade
prostituting of women and children, sexual assaults, home invasions, and increased violence
against law enforcement. [See: DPS Threat Assessment Overview for 2013 and DPS 2014
Gang Assessment.]

The May 2
letter proves what weve said all along the Governor, Lt. Governor, and the
Speaker, representing the executive leadership of the Legislative Budget Board have the
constitutional authority to ACT without a special session to fund what law enforcement needs to
protect the people of Texas. The oath-bound duty of our state officials is to protect the life,
liberty, and property of the people of Texas. Why is Joe Straus standing in the way of border
security and resources for law enforcement? Texans need an answer. Please help us get

Today, we are asking our sister TEA party leaders and grassroots conservative groups to
circulate this call to action. We need thousands of calls going into the Austin and District
offices of all state representatives.

7 Quick Action Steps Each one is important in this strategy to Make Austin Listen!

1) Find your state representative here:

2) Call and/or Facebook your state representative now even if you know he/she supports
your position. Tell them you want immediate action to address the crisis on the border
not a delay until September 1, and we want the effort to be ongoing, not just for 90 days,

3) Since our state representatives ELECT the Texas Speaker of the House, they should hold
him accountable! Ask your state representative to send a written communication to
Speaker Joe Straus, asking Straus to stop standing in the way of border security and
assistance for the DPS surge. Ask them to post the letter to Straus on their state
website so we can see who is stepping up to protect Texans. Let them know you
expect proof of action because it is time to stop playing politics with the safety and
security of Texas!

4) Call Gov. Perrys office to thank him for supporting the DPS surge, but leave a message
that its time to stop talking and time to act! The Governors opinion hotline number is
(512) 463-1782. Governors main switchboard number (8 AM - 5 PM) is (512) 463-2000.

5) Call Joe Straus. Tell him its time to act to secure the border and support law enforcement.
The Straus Austin office (512) 463-1000; fax (512) 463-0675. His San Antonio office:
(210) 828-4411; fax (210) 832-9994.

6) Please go here to sign the petition, which is another way you can be heard, but remember,
we believe the May 2 letter proves the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker have the
constitutional authority to act without a costly special session. Forget a special session to
address serious related issues. Current statewide officials and their legislative committee
chairmen have proven for the last two sessions that they will not do what should be done
to ban sanctuary city hideouts, close illegal alien access to welfare and in-state tuition
benefits, and punish employers who knowingly hire illegals. Thats one reason we worked
so hard to replace many of them in the recent primary and run-off elections.

7) Support the Texas Border Volunteers. Please donate to the efforts of these brave men and
women who volunteer to assist law enforcement. Any amount will help their efforts to
stand up for the rule of law and assist law enforcement. To donate, click here:

If Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst, and our state representatives cannot convince
Speaker Straus to stop blocking a DPS surge on the border, we believe Governor Perry should
assume his full executive authority, declare a law enforcement emergency, and act.

Thank you for your efforts to stand up for Texas. If you are not following the breaking news on
the Texas border the news other media outlets wont report please go to Breitbart Texas to
sign up for daily alerts.
Now, PLEASE, get this Call to Action widely circulated and get on the phone and Facebook.
Please help us save Texas!
For Liberty for Texas,
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director (volunteer), Grassroots America - We the People
Chair - Advisory Committee to the TX Legislature's TEA Party Caucus

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