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of the
Imperial Guard
For use with Warhammer 40,000 2
Bane Wolf
130 points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 15
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, ! Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)7*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
-'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne Chem Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
Chem Cannon $rt'ller4 D'ce 5arge Template / 1 / d()/
The Chem Cannon 's .'red 'n e6actl4 the same wa4 an the +n.erno Cannon1 The clo%d o. po'sons and ac'ds
a..ect l'"'ng targets 'n e6actl4 the same wa4 as a 7eedle Sn'per 8'.le, wo%nd'ng a%tomat'call41 $ga'nst
targets 'mm%ne to the po'sons the ac'ds can st'll ca%se damage, and %se the strength o. /1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - , Hull (' '-
. - % Turret (( ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
1)* points
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 15
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, ! Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)7*
1 Dr'"er, / ,%nners
2ne /arthsha)er #rtillery Cannon w'th a !5; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
2ne Heavy Bolter mo%nter 'n the h%ll w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
The ,r'..on ma4 be armed w'th e'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th
a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Siege 0un&Cre1** '2&- '2&-
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
99 8oll a d(1 1/ S'ege ,%n 's h't, !( crew 's h't1
14) points weapons
Slow Speed: <
Combat Speed: 1<
Fast Speed: 25
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne !ulti-laser mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
$n +mper'al ,%ard arm4 wh'ch 'ncl%ded a Centa%r ma4 'ns'st that the enem4 deplo4s d/
s=%ads>characters>"eh'cles pr'or to the ,%ard sett'ng %p1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Wheel* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Turret (3 (3
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
+, points weapons
Slow Speed: (
Combat Speed: 12
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
1 +mper'al ,%ard S=%ad pl%s 1 Character
-'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng weapons m%st be mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
!ulti-laser ) 25 po'nts
T1in-lin)ed Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Three Lasguns mo%nted 'n .'r'ng ports down both s'des o. the tank w'th a 1<0; .'eld o. .'re to the
appropr'ate s'de1 These ma4 onl4 be .'red b4 transported models1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Turret (3 (3
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
-estro%er $an( .unter
11) points
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne Laser estroyer mo%nted 'n the h%ll, w'th a !50 .'eld o. .'re, and a targeter"
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
5aser Destro4er 01< 2072 )1 3 2d10 ( d()2d10)3
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - . Hull (( '-
% Laser estroyer '2 '2
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
-e"il -o/
14* points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 15
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, ! Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)7*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
-'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne !ulti-melta mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - , Hull (' '-
. - % Turret (( ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
140 points
Slow Speed: (
Combat Speed: 12
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
/ +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne Heavy !ortar w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
2ne Heavy Bolter mo%nter 'n the h%ll w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
The ,r'..on ma4 be armed w'th e'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th
a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% !ortar&Cre1** '2&- '2&-
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
99 8oll a d(1 1/ :ea"4 @ortar 's h't, !( crew 's h't1
1*2 points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 15
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, ! Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)7*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
-'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne 4nferno Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - , Hull (' '-
. - % Turret (( ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
+. a ( 's rolled on the h%ll damage chart the "eh'cle e6plodes as normal, b%t the bast 's 2d( rad'%s .rom
the centre o. the model, w'th a..ected models'ng as '. h't b4 the +n.erno Cannon1
.%dra Fla( $an(
200 points
Slow Speed: (
Combat Speed: 12
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
5 Dr'"er, ,%nner, 5oader, Commander,
Two t%rret mo%nted T1in-lin)ed #utocannons w'th a /(0; .'eld o. .'re1
2ne Heavy Bolter mo%nter 'n the h%ll w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
The :4dra ma4 be armed w'th e'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th a
/(00 .'eld o. .'re1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
The :4dra has soph'st'cated track'ng s4stems wh'ch mean 't 'gnores toh't penalt'es when shoot'ng at a
.ast or "er4 .ast mo"'ng target1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Turret '2 '2
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
0eman &uss 1nnihilator
1)0 points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
Tw'nl'nked Lascannons mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss Battle $an(
143 points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne Battle Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss 'on2ueror
143 points weapons
Slow Speed: (
Combat Speed: 12
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne Con5ueror Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
020 2072 7 1d( / 2d()7 2 Blast
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss -emolisher
1*4 points weapons
Slow Speed: !
Combat Speed: <
Fast Speed: 1(
&am Value#
Strength: 3, d20 Damage, ( Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d20)3*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne emolisher Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )15 po'nts
Lascannon ) !5 po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '2 '2
( - + Hull (( (3
, Sponson* '- '-
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss E3ecutioner
14* points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne /6ecutioner Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
-6ec%t'oner 020 2072 10 1d10 ( d()d10)10 1 C D Blast
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss E3terminator
13, points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
Tw'nl'nked #utocannons mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss 4unisher
132 points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne $unisher 0atling Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
&%n'sher ,atl'ng
012 12/( )1 5 1 2 d()5 S%sta'ned F're
5 d'ce
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
0eman &uss Van2uisher
143 points weapons
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne 7an5uisher Cannon mo%nted 'n the t%rret, w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
Lascannon ) /( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th s'de sponsons, wh'ch ha"e a 1<00 .'eld o. .'re to the s'des:
Heavy Flamers )50 po'nts
Heavy Bolters ) 2( po'nts
Heavy $lasma 0uns ) (( po'nts
!ulti-meltas ) 3( po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
The Ean=%'sher Cannon can .'re as a normal Battle Cannon, or .'re spec'al Ean=%'sher shells1 Declare wh'ch
t4pe 4o% are %s'ng be.ore roll'ng to h't1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
Ean=%'sher Shell 020 2072 < 2d10 / d()2d10)<
Battle Cannon 020 2072 < 2d( / /d()< 2 Blast
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - + Hull (( '-
, Sponson* '2 '2
. - % Turret (. ((
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1 +. no sponsons are present co%nt a roll o. ! as A:%llA 'nstead1
1)* points
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 15
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, ! Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)7*
5 Dr'"er, Commander,
,%nner, 2 5oaders
2ne !edusa Siege 0un w'th a !5; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
2ne Heavy Bolter mo%nter 'n the h%ll w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
The @ed%sa ma4 be armed w'th e'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts,
w'th a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
@ed%sa S'ege ,%n 02! 2!!< 10 2d( / /d()10 2 Blast
+. a target that has an armo%r "al%e 's h't b4 the @ed%sa S'ege Cannon then roll .or locat'on and armo%r
penetrat'on as normal1 +. the locat'on 's penetrated then roll a d( on the damage table1 +. the locat'on 'snAt
penetrated then roll a d/ 'nstead1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Siege 0un&Cre1** '2&- '2&-
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
99 8oll a d(1 1/ S'ege ,%n 's h't, !( crew 's h't1
12) points Weapon
20 points for 'aptain, 3* points for 'olonel
Slow Speed: <
Combat Speed: 1<
Fast Speed: 25
&am Value#
Strength: 7, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
1 +mper'al ,%ard ,%nner
1 +mper'al ,%ard Commander
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
The @'nota%r 's e=%'pped w'th a Comm-lin), wh'ch 's %sed to call down .'re 'n the same wa4 as a s=%ad
e=%'pped w'th a comml'nk1
$n +mper'al ,%ard @'nota%r .%nct'ons 'n a manner ak'n to that o. a command :F, and can be p%rchased
as an %pgrade .or an +mper'al ,%ard commander1 +n th's case 't replaces the %s%al command :F 'n 4o%r
arm41 B4 pa4'ng the add't'onal po'nts abo"e 4o% ma4 allow a capta'n or Colonel to control an armo%red
s=%adron1 $n4 leader 'n a @'nota%r ma4 take tanks and other +mper'al ,%ard "eh'cles 'n place o. s=%ads1
+n.antr4 s=%ads that ma4 'ncl%de a Ch'mera transport ma4 also be allotted to the @'nota%rAs control1 Gp to
/ add't'onal %n'ts ma4 be taken as %s%al, b%t these m%st also be tanks, "eh'cles or Ch'mera transported
+n the shoot'ng phase the @'nota%r ma4 %se 'ts t%rretmo%nted s%r"e'llance e=%'pment, wh'ch has a /(0;
.'eld o. .'re1 The 1 C D template 's placed o"er an4 enem4 target w'th'n l'ne o. s'ght1 $ll tanks on the table
and an4 hea"4 weapons belong'ng to a Command s=%ad w'th a comml'nk ga'n )1 to h't targets %nder the
template1 The4 st'll need l'ne o. s'ght, b%t do not ha"e to obe4 the choos'ng a target r%les1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Wheel* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Turret (3 (3
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
5alamander 'ommand Vehicle
14* points
Slow Speed: (
Combat Speed: 12
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
! Dr'"er, ,%nner
Commander, Commsoperator
2ne Heavy Flamer w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The "eh'cle ma4 be armed w'th e'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th
a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
The Salamander Command Eeh'cle 's e=%'pped w'th a Comm-lin), wh'ch 's %sed to call down .'re 'n the
same wa4 as a s=%ad e=%'pped w'th a comml'nk1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% Heavy Flamer&Cre1** '2&- '2&-
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
99 8oll a d(1 1/ :ea"4 Flamer 's h't, !( crew 's h't1
5alamander 5cout Vehicle
140 points
Slow Speed: (
Combat Speed: 12
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
! Dr'"er, ,%nner
Commander, Commsoperator
2ne #utocannon w'th a 30; .'eld o. .'re to the .ront1
2ne o. the .ollow'ng m%st be .'tted to the h%ll, w'th a 300 .'eld o. .'re to the .ront:
Heavy Flamer )25 po'nts
Heavy Bolter )1/ po'nts
The "eh'cle ma4 be armed w'th e'ther a Storm Bolter .or )! po'nts or a Heavy Stubber .or )7 po'nts, w'th
a /(00 .'eld o. .'re1
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
The Salamander Sco%t Eeh'cle has the +n.'ltrat'on spec'al r%le1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Trac)* '% '%
+ - . Hull (' '-
% #utocannon&Cre1** '2&- '2&-
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
99 8oll a d(1 1/ $%tocannon 's h't, !( crew 's h't1
30 points weapons
! W5 B5 5 I 1 0d
< / / ! / 2 7
&am Value#
Strength: (, d( Damage, / Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard &'lot
The Sent'nel 's armed w'th a one weapon .rom the .ollow'ng l'st, w'th targeter, and has a 300 .'eld o. .'re
to the .ront:
Heavy Bolter )15 po'ntsI
Heavy Flamer or #utocannon )25 po'ntsI
#ssault Cannon8 Lascannon or !issile Launcher 9frag : )ra); ) !5 po'ntsI
!ultilaser or Heavy $lasma )!0 po'ntsI
!ultimelta )(5 po'nts1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Legs '. '.
+ Weapon '. '.
, - . Body '. '.
% 4mperial 0uardsman To%ghness /, Flak armo%r, 1 wo%nd1
5entinel, 1rmoured
4* points weapons
! W5 B5 5 I 1 0d
< / / ! / 2 7
&am Value#
Strength: (, d( Damage, / Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard &'lot
The Sent'nel 's armed w'th a one weapon .rom the .ollow'ng l'st, w'th targeter, and has a 300 .'eld o. .'re
to the .ront:
Heavy Bolter )15 po'ntsI
Heavy Flamer or #utocannon )25 po'ntsI
#ssault Cannon8 Lascannon or !issile Launcher 9frag : )ra); ) !5 po'ntsI
!ultilaser or Heavy $lasma )!0 po'ntsI
!ultimelta )(5 po'nts1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - ( Legs '. '.
+ Weapon '. '.
, - % Body '. '.
$hunderer 5ie/e $an(
11) points
Slow Speed: 5
Combat Speed: 10
Fast Speed: 20
&am Value#
Strength: <, d12 Damage, 5 Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on d()d12)<*
1 +mper'al ,%ard Dr'"er
2 ? ! +mper'al ,%ard ,%nners
2ne emolisher Cannon mo%nted 'n the h%ll, w'th a !50 .'eld o. .'re, and a targeter"
The tank ma4 be .'tted w'th auto-launchers w'th .rag or bl'nd grenades .or )5 po'nts, or frag defender
rounds .or )10 po'nts1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' Trac)* '% '%
( - . Hull (( '-
% emolisher Cannon '2 '2
9:'t the nearest to the attacker1
Val%(rie 1ssault 'arrier
4* points weapons
Slow Speed: 10
Combat Speed: 20
Fast Speed: /0
&am Value#
S(, d( Damage, / Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on 2d()(*
1 +mper'al 7a"4 &'lot
1 +mper'al 7a"4 ,%nner
2 2pt'onal +mper'al 7a"4 Sponson ,%nners
12 models, no 2gr4ns
2ne o. the .ollow'ng weapons m%st be mo%nted .or the g%nner to operate:
!ulti-Laser )25 po'ntsI
Lascannon ) /( po'nts 1
The weapon ma4 onl4 .'re d'rectl4 ahead1
The Ealk4r'e m%st be e=%'pped w'th e'ther:
2 Hellstri)e !issiles .or )!0 po'nts or 2 !ultiple Roc)et $ods .or )(0 po'nts1 -ach has a 30; arc o. .'re,
.rom d'rectl4 ahead o%t to one s'de or the other1
The Ealk4r'e ma4 be e=%'pped w'th 2 s'de mo%nted Heavy Bolters .or )2( po'nts1 -ach has a 1<0; .'eld o.
.'re to the s'de1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Spec'al 8%les: ,ra" Ch%te +nsert'on1 See Eendetta .or deta'ls1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
:ellstr'ke @'ss'le 020 2072 < 2d10 ( d()2d10)< 1 Shot
These m'ss'les are one shot weapons, mean'ng the Ealk4r'e ma4 .'re two per game1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
8ocket &od 012 122! ! 1 1 d()!
-ach rocket pod 's preloaded w'th 12 m'ss'les be.ore the battle, and once all 12 ha"e been .'red 't ma4 not
.'re aga'n1
+nstead o. .'r'ng a s'ngle m'ss'le the pod ma4 .'re a sal"o o. %p to ( m'ss'les at once1 8oll to h't as normal
and pos't'on a blast template w'th a rad'%s o. 1J2K .or e"er4 m'ss'le 'n the sal"o1 The more m'ss'les .'red the
b'gger the blast w'll be, %p to /K rad'%s1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - + Hull (3 '-
, - . Wings '% '%
% Coc)pit '. '.
Vendetta Gunship
11) points weapons
Slow Speed: 10
Combat Speed: 20
Fast Speed: /0
&am Value#
S(, d( Damage, / Sa"e
#$rmo%r &enetrat'on 2d()(*
1 +mper'al 7a"4 &'lot
1 +mper'al 7a"4 ,%nner
2 2pt'onal +mper'al 7a"4 Sponson ,%nners
12 models, no 2gr4ns
2ne tw'nl'nked Lascannon1 The weapon ma4 onl4 .'re d'rectl4 ahead, and has a targeter1
The Eendetta ma4 be e=%'pped w'th e'ther 2 t1in-lin)ed Lascannons .or 1!! po'nts or 2 Hellfury
!issiles .or !0 po'nts1 -ach has a targeter and a 30; arc o. .'re, .rom d'rectl4 ahead o%t to one s'de or the
The Ealk4r'e ma4 be e=%'pped w'th 2 s'de mo%nted Heavy Bolters .or )2( po'nts1 -ach has a 1<0; .'eld o.
.'re to the s'de1
$ll weapons come .'tted w'th a targeter1
Special Rules< 0rav Chute 4nsertion
Troops on board Ealk4r'es and Eendettas ma4 board and lea"e the "eh'cle %s'ng the normal deplo4ment
r%les, and are placed aro%nd the s'de or rear o. the base1
Troops ma4 'nstead %se spec'al 'ss%e ,ra" Ch%tes1 +. the4 do th's the4 no damage '. the "eh'cle 's
tra"ell'ng o"er 10K, b%t m%st be placed %s'ng the teleportat'on r%les1 The .'rst model 's placed 'n contact
w'th the "eh'cleAs base, and then scatters 2d10K1
Weapon Range
Short Long
To Hit
Short Long
Strength amage Save
:ell.%r4 @'ss'le 020 2072 ! 1 2 d()! 1 Shot, / Blast
These m'ss'les are one shot weapons, mean'ng the Ealk4r'e ma4 .'re two per game1 The4 are 'ncend'ar4
weapons mean'ng the4 ma4 set targets on .'re l'ke .lamers, and targets get no co"er sa"es when be'ng
targeted b4 :ell.%r4 m'ss'les1
% Location Front #rmour Side&Rear #rmour
' - + Hull (3 '-
, - . Wings '% '%
% Coc)pit '. '.
Generic Vehicle -ama/e $a6les
For use with Warhammer 40,000 2
7ehicle Location 9d% Roll;
' The arm 's h't L part'all4 paral4sed1 $n4 ranged weapons 'ncorporated 'nto the arm ma4 st'll be %sed, b%t the arm
cannot be %sed to .'ght 'n handtohand combat1 8ed%ce the modelAs $ttack character'st'c b4 1 po'nt1
( $n4 weapons mo%nted on the arm are Mammed or part'all4 damaged L can onl4 be %sed '. 4o% .'rst roll a !) on a d(1
+ - . The arm 's torn o..1 $n4 weapons mo%nted on 't are destro4ed, L the modelAs $ttack character'st'c 's red%ced b4 1 po'nt1
% The arm 's destro4ed and an4 weapon on 't e6plodesN The e6plos'on ca%ses a .lashback res%lt'ng 'n a secondar4
e6plos'on1 8oll on the damage table represent'ng the "eh'cleAs ma'n bod4, h%ll or eng'ne1
Body or Head 9readnought8 Wraithlord;
' The "eh'cleAs controls are damaged mak'ng 't d'..'c%lt to control1 The "eh'cle ma4 onl4 mo"e or attack '. 4o% .'rst roll a !
or more on a d(1 +t ma4 st'll shoot normall41
( The controll'ng ent't4 's badl4 damaged1 $ll the "eh'cleAs character'st'cs are hal"ed .or the rest o. the game1
+ - , The eng'ne b%rsts 'nto .lames L the "eh'cle 's 'mmob'l'sed, tho%gh 't ma4 st'll shoot normall41 8oll a d( at the beg'nn'ng
o. each pla4erAs t%rn1 2n a 1 or 2 the "eh'cle e6plodes1 $n4 models w'th'n / d( S10 h'ts w'th a / sa"e1
. The ent't4 controll'ng the "eh'cle 's destro4ed1 The "eh'cle staggers d/ 'n a random d'rect'on , coll'd'ng w'th an4th'ng
mo"ed 'nto, L then collapses to the gro%nd1
% The "eh'cleAs amm%n't'on e6plodesN The "eh'cle 's destro4ed L an4 models w'th'n / d( S10 h'ts w'th a / sa"e1
Bi)e8 or Warbi)e
' The "eh'cleAs mo%nted weapon, #the weapon .'red b4 the p'lot* 's destro4ed L ma4 no longer be %sed1 +. 't has no s%ch
weapon then the "eh'cle 'tsel. 's damaged1 From now on the "eh'cleAs ma6'm%m speed 's red%ced to 'ts slow rate onl41
( The "eh'cleAs mo%nted hea"4 weapon, #the weapon .'red b4 the g%nner* 's destro4ed and ma4 no longer be %sed1 +. 't
has no s%ch weapon then the "eh'cle 'tsel. 's damaged1 From now on the "eh'cleAs ma6'm%m speed 's red%ced to 'ts
slow rate onl41
+ The controls are damaged mak'ng 't d'..'c%lt to control1 8oll a d( at the start o. each o. the "eh'cleAs mo"ement phases1
2n a !,5 or ( the r'der 's able to keep control and the "eh'cle mo"es normall41 2n a 1,2 or / the "eh'cle mo"es o%t o.
control .or that t%rn1
, The "eh'cleAs wheel 's blown o.. and 't .l'ps o"er, k'll'ng the r'der1 The wreck comes crash'ng to the gro%nd d( awa4 'n a
random d'rect'on1 $n4th'ng %nder 't when 't lands takes d/ S( h'ts w'th a 2 sa"'ng throw mod'.'er1
. The eng'ne e6plodes, k'll'ng the r'der1 The wreck h%rtles o%t o. control ne6t t%rn be.ore com'ng to a permanent halt1
% The "eh'cleAs .%el catches .'re, k'll'ng the r'der1 The .lam'ng wreck h%rtles o%t o. control ne6t t%rn then e6plodes, ca%s'ng
d/ S< h'ts w'th a / sa"'ng throw mod'.'er on all models w'th'n /1
Cre1 or Coc)pit
' - % 8oll to see '. the crewman 's damaged %s'ng the normal shoot'ng r%les1
+. the dr'"er>p'lot 's k'lled the "eh'cle w'll mo"e o%t o. control .or the rema'nder o. the game %nless another crew
member takes o"er, or %nt'l 't h'ts terra'n 't cannot cross, coll'des w'th another "eh'cle or b%'ld'ng, or lea"es the table1
+. a g%nner 's k'lled then h's weapon ma4 no longer be .'red %nless another crewman takes o"er1
' The "eh'cleAs controls are damaged mak'ng 't d'..'c%lt to control1 The "eh'cle ma4 onl4 mo"e or attack '. 4o% .'rst roll a !
or more on a d(1 +t ma4 st'll shoot normall41
( - + The cool'ng s4stem .or the eng'ne 's damaged and the "eh'cle starts to o"erheat1 8oll a d( at the beg'nn'ng o. each
pla4erAs t%rn1 2n a roll o. 1 or 2 the "eh'cle e6plodes1 $n4 models w'th'n / d( S10 h'ts w'th a / sa"'ng throw
, - % The eng'ne e6plodes, destro4'ng the "eh'cle L ca%s'ng d/ S< h'ts w'th a / sa"'ng throw mod'.'er on all models w'th'n /1
' The leg holds, b%t the .orce o. the blow slows 't down1 The "eh'cle ma4 not mo"e 'n 'tAs ne6t t%rn1
( The "eh'cle 's knocked sprawl'ng1 +t staggers d/ 'n a random d'rect'on, coll'd'ng w'th an4th'ng 't mo"es 'nto1
+ - , The leg 's ser'o%sl4 damaged1 The "eh'cle ma4 now onl4 l'mp 1d/ per t%rn1
. - % The leg 's blown o.. and the "eh'cle crashes to the gro%nd1 +t ma4 not mo"e or attack .or the rest o. the game, and 's
e..ect'"el4 destro4ed1
' $n4 h%ll mo%nted weapon 's destro4ed and ma4 not be .'red .or the rest o. the game1 +. there are no weapons mo%nted
on the h%ll, co%nt th's res%lt as 2/ 'nstead1
( - + $ large e6plos'on tears thro%gh the crew compartment1 8oll a D( .or each crew member: 2n a roll o. !) the4 k'lled1
, The "eh'cleAs eng'ne e6plodes, k'll'ng the crew1 The "eh'cle 's sp%n aro%nd to .ace 'n a random d'rect'on b4 the .orce o.
the blast and then comes to a permanent halt1
. $ spark 'gn'tes the .%el tank and 't b%rsts 'nto .lames, k'll'ng all o. the crew1 The .lam'ng wreck mo"es o%t o. control ne6t
t%rn and then e6plodes1 $n4th'ng w'th'n / o. the po'nt where 't ends %p 's ca%ght 'n the e6plos'on,'ng D( S10 h'ts
w'th a / sa"e mod'.'er1
% The "eh'cleAs amm%n't'on or .%el tank e6plodes, destro4'ng 't and all models on board1 $n4 models w'th'n / D( S10 h'ts
w'th a / sa"e mod'.'er1
S)immer Body 9Land Speeder8 =etbi)e8 7yper8 7al)yrie;
' The "eh'cleAs mo%nted weapon, #the weapon .'red b4 the p'lot* 's destro4ed and ma4 no longer be %sed1 +. 't has no s%ch
weapon then the "eh'cle 'tsel. 's damaged1 From now on the "eh'cleAs ma6'm%m speed 's red%ced to 'ts slow rate onl41
( The "eh'cleAs mo%nted hea"4 weapon, #the weapon .'red b4 the g%nner* 's destro4ed and ma4 no longer be %sed1 +. 't
has no s%ch weapon then the "eh'cle 'tsel. 's damaged1 From now on the "eh'cleAs ma6'm%m speed 's red%ced to 'ts
slow rate onl41
+ The controls are damaged mak'ng 't d'..'c%lt to control1 8oll a d( at the start o. each o. the "eh'cleAs mo"ement phases1
2n a !,5 or ( the r'der 's able to keep control and the "eh'cle mo"es normall41 2n a 1,2 or / the "eh'cle mo"es o%t o.
control .or that t%rn1
, The eng'ne c%ts o%t and 't crashes to the gro%nd 2d( awa4 'n a random d'rect'on1 $n4th'ng %nder 't when 't lands takes
d/ S( h'ts w'th a 2 sa"'ng throw mod'.'er1 The crew are able to leap to the gro%nd be.ore 't crashes, b%t w'll
damage '. the "eh'cle was mo"'ng at more than 10 'n 'ts pre"'o%s mo"e1
. The "eh'cleAs eng'ne blows %p, k'll'ng the crew1 The wreck pl%mmets to the gro%nd 2d( awa4 'n a random d'rect'on1
$n4th'ng %nder 't when 't lands takes d/ S( h'ts w'th a 2 sa"'ng throw mod'.'er
% The "eh'cleAs .%el e6plodes, k'll'ng the crew1 The wreck pl%mmets to the gro%nd 2d( awa4 'n a random d'rect'on1 Hhen
't h'ts the gro%nd 'ts amm%n't'on e6plodes, ca%s'ng d/ S< h'ts w'th a / sa"'ng throw mod'.'er on all models w'th'n /1
Trac) or Wheel
' The track 's damaged, b%t keeps r%nn'ng1 The "eh'cle ma4 onl4 mo"e at slow speed .or the rest o. the game1
( - . The track 's blown o..1 The "eh'cle mo"es o%t o. control ne6t t%rn and then comes to a permanent halt1
% The track 's blown o.. and the res%lt'ng damage smashes the "eh'cleAs dr'"e sha.t ca%s'ng 't to .l'p o"er1 The wreck
comes to rest D( awa4 'n a random d'rect'on, and an4 model 't lands on takes D( S7 h'ts w'th a 2 sa"e mod'.'er1 8oll a
D( .or each model on board, the4 are k'lled on a !,5 or (1 S%r"'"'ng models ma4 d'smo%nt %s'ng the normal r%les1
' The weapon mo%nted 'n the t%rret 's damaged and ma4 onl4 be .'red '. 4o% .'rst roll a ! or more on a d(1
( The t%rret 's Mammed and ma4 no longer rotate1 $n4 weapon mo%nted 'n 't ma4 onl4 .'re 'n a stra'ght l'ne at targets that
are d'rectl4 'n .ront o. 't1
+ The t%rret g%nner 's k'lled1 Gnless manned b4 another crew member an4 t%rret weapons ma4 no longer be .'red1
, - % The amm%n't'on stored 'n the t%rret e6plodes and the "eh'cle 's destro4ed1 $ll the crew and passengers are k'lled and
the t%rret 's blown o.., .l4'ng 2d( 'n a random d'rect'on be.ore 't crashes to the gro%nd1 $n4th'ng %nder the spot where
't lands takes d( S3 h'ts w'th a ( sa"'ng throw mod'.'er1
Weapon or Sponson
' The weapon 's damaged and ma4 onl4 be .'red '. 4o% .'rst roll a ! or more on a d(1
( - . The weapon 's destro4ed, and ma4 not be .'red .or the rest o. the game1
% The weapon 's destro4ed as abo"e, b%t the e6plos'on ca%ses a .lashback res%lt'ng 'n a secondar4 e6plos'on1 8oll on the
damage table represent'ng the "eh'cleAs ma'n bod4, h%ll or eng'ne1
Wing or Tail
' The w'ng 's cl'pped, mak'ng mo"ement d'..'c%lt1 The "eh'cle ma4 onl4 tra"el at slow speed .rom now on1
( - + The "eh'cleAs ta'l 's damaged mak'ng 't d'..'c%lt to control1 8oll a D( at the start o. each mo"ement phase1 2n a roll o. !
( the "eh'cle mo"es normall41 2n a roll o. 1 / 't mo"es o%t o. control .or that t%rn1
, The ta'l 's badl4 damaged1 The "eh'cle makes an emergenc4 crash land'ng 2D(K awa4 'n a random d'rect'on1 $n4th'ng
%nder 't when 't lands takes D/ S( h'ts w'th a 2 sa"e1 The crew can leap to the gro%nd be.ore 't crashes, b%t '. the
"eh'cle mo"ed o"er 10K 'n 'ts last t%rn the4 damage as normal1
. - % The "eh'cleAs w'ng 's blown o..1 The wreck pl%mmets to the gro%nd 2D(K awa4 'n a random d'rect'on1 Hhen 't h'ts the
gro%nd 'tAs amm%n't'on e6plodes, ca%s'ng D/ strength < h'ts w'th a / sa"e to all models w'th'n /K1

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