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Whole Sign Houses: The Oldest House System (Used)

by Hand, Robert
Publisher: ARHAT (Robert Hand)
Binding: Spiral or comb-bound
After several years of research into the oldest texts of our astrological tradition we now know what the earliest house
system was. And in a way it was not a house system at all as we understand house systems. Rather, it was the
signs of the zodiac, themselves, used as a house system. In this system the rising degree of the zodiac marks the
sign it is located in as the 1st house. The rising sign itself thus becomes the 1st house, as we would refer to it, from
its very beginning to its end, regardless of where in the sign the rising degree may fall. The next sign to rise after the
rising sign becomes the 2nd house, the next sign the 3rd house, and so forth. Actually, to understand this properly,
one has to know that it is not that the signs were used as houses so much as there were no houses at all, merely
the signs of the zodiac used as we would use houses, with no second, separate, twelve-fold division of the chart at
Whole Sign Houses describes this oldest way of dealing with houses, and shows how effective it can be in modern
astrology, so effective in fact that the author (as well as many other students of traditional astrology) has completely
given up on modern house systems not just for historical reasons but, even more importantly, because whole sign
houses simply work better.
The following is the table of contents.
Whole Sign Houses
The Notion of Place or Topos
The Horoscope
"Places" Aspecting the Horoscopic Sign
Angular Houses Versus "Malefic" Aspects
The Origin of "Benefic" and "Malefic" Aspects
Historical Development
The Problem of Julius Firmicus Maternus
The Advent of the Modern Type of House System
A Modern Solution to the Midheaven Problem
The Modern Practice with Whole-Sign Houses
Whole-Sign Houses or Places Computed from Lots
The Whole-Sign House "Cusps"
Chart Data and Sources
Appendix 1 -- Horary Astrology and Whole-Sign Houses
Appendix 2 -- Glossary of Terms
Appendix 3 -- Are Only the Major (Ptolemaic) Aspects Valid?
52 Pages
Whole Sign Houses: The Oldest House System by Robert Hand : Fields Book Store : Esoteric Wisdom, East and West 11/30/13
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