TORs BCC Consultants

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Terms of Reference

Designing of IEC Material on Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation

About Plan

Plan is an international, humanitarian, child centred development organization without any religious, political or
governmental affiliations. Plan is committed to achieving a world in which all children realize their full potential in
societies that respect peoples rights and dignity. Pakistan is one of the 50 programme countries in which Plan
operates. Plan Internationals operations in Pakistan commenced in 1997 and the organization currently
implements programmes in the districts of Chakwal, Vehari, Rajanpur, Rahim Yar Khan, Layyah, Multan,
Bahawalpur &Muzaffargarh in Punjab, Nowshera, Charsada, Mardan, D.I Khan, Sawabi, Peshawar, and Haripur in
Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa, Thatta, Hyderabad, Badin, Kashmor, Sanghar, Ghotki and Khairpur in Sindh, Ziarat,
Jaffarabad&Naseerabad in Baluchistan, Gilgit, Astore, Hunza Nagar, Ghanche, Skardu&Ghizer in Gilgit Baltistan
and Neelum, Bagh and Kahuta in Azad Jammu & Kashmir. In addition Plan Pakistan also works in the squatter
settlements of Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. Plan International, Pakistan is actively engaged in disaster
risk reduction and its management and has played important role in saving life during 2005 earthquake and
remained actively engaged in providing response to the population affected by 2010 super floods and 2011
One of Plans main programs isImproving Rights to Health and Health Services that aims to support in increasing
coverage and quality of government interventions to marginalized communities in health, water, environment and
sanitation (WES) sectors. Overall objective of the Country Program on Right to Health and Health Services is
Children and youth realize their rights to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and, to
sustained and affordable potable drinking water and sanitation services. While the specific objectives for WES
program are:

Children and their communities realize their right to sustained and affordable potable drinking water
servicesthrough mobilizing communities and children and supporting demand for water supply services,
demonstrate cost-effective approaches for service delivery and strengthen partnerships and alliances for
advocacy for policy and practice reform.
Enable communities to achieve human faeces free environment for all, in order that children enjoy their
right to health through supporting community-led-total-sanitation programmes, support government to
implement the national sector programme with private sector support and demonstrate effective school
sanitation and hygiene approaches for policy reform
Increased use of alternative energy sources by communities in order for children to enjoy their right to a
healthy environment through capacity building on climate change and pilot models to strengthen
partnerships with government
Plans Programme Approach:
Plan International, Pakistan is implementing programs and projects in accordance with a Country Strategic Plan

(CSP) having five Country Programs
(CPs) covering period July 2010 June 2015. CPs include Creating an
Enabling Environment for Good Governance, Right to quality Education, Right to Health and Health Services,
Right to Adequate Standard of Living and Child Centred Disaster Risk Management.

Plans child-centred community development (CCCD) approach helps ensure that children, families and
communities are active and leading participants in their own development through child centred rights-based
programming which capacitates children and their communities, civil society organizations, union council

Detail information are available on link
In each country Plan Prepare a strategic document called Country Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP offers a clear
and logical explanation of what Plan will do to address the needs identified by the children and their communities
and by community research.
The CSP is broken down into specific programs called Country Program (CPs). The CP is the principle document
in which country goals defined in the C Invalid source specified.SP are translated into actual interventions with
defined timelines and objectives.

members and partners for demanding better services at the same time ensuring transparency and accountability
and strengthening grassroots organizations and local leadership, increasing peoples political awareness,
citizenship and ability to create and sustain programmers that help children to realize their potential and for
building practical alternatives. Ensuring the participation of marginalized and gender mainstreaming is an essential
element of our work.

Plan works closely with communities and local authorities in all districts, sub-districts and union councils where it
operates. Plan International, Pakistan also has substantial collaboration with national, provincial government, and
district Line departments, national, international and local NGOs along with community based and civil society

Context of TORs & Project Brief

In Pakistan the situation of sanitation is deplorable; almost 40 million people are defecating in open, out of this
total figure 55% lives in Punjab province. Only 48% of the population has access to improved sanitation. The
national figures masks a significant discrepancy in coverage between urban areas (72%) and rural parts where
only 43% have access to improved sanitation. In comparison to sanitation the national access to water is 89% for
rural and 96% urban although much of this is contaminated either at source or in the home. Almost 75% of
students across the country attend schools with no or inadequate toilet facilities.

Pakistan has already met its MDG targets for access to water but is not likely to meet MDG targets for sanitation,
in part due to an on-going 3:1 bias towards investment in water supplies rather than sanitation. Lack of sanitation
and safe water, coupled with ineffective hygiene practices, has severe consequences. Annual diseases burden of
diarrheal cases turn out to effect 25 million children and is the leading cause of under-five mortality in children.

To improve the health and wellbeing, and reduce vulnerability to WASH related disease, for rural communities in
Punjab, Plan international Pakistan with technical support of Plan International, Australia is implementing an
Australian aid project, funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), a 4 years project to
eliminate Open defecation in 4 districts of Punjab where 280,000 populations will be targeted. The project is
based on Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation (PATS). The targeted districts will be Layyah, Rahim Yar Khan,
Vehari and Chakwal. This project will build upon existing relations developed through current Plan International,
Pakistans partnership with HUD&PHED Punjab.Successful implementation of the activity will see active
involvement of all the stake holders including health , education department PHED and local government leading
the achievement of complete sanitation coverage (100% ODF) at village level, sub-district, district and then
ultimately at provincial level.

The program focuses on behavior change which is essential to improve the use and functionality of Water,
Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) related services and facilities, hence contributing to health outcomes, particularly
reduction of diarrhea and other water borne diseases. The selection and implementation of an appropriate set of
behavior change interventions can help to directly improve a wide range of WASH related practices such as
promotion of hand washing with soap, use and maintenance of sanitation facilities and safe management of
drinking water, and enhance supportive environments for improved individual practices at household, community,
institutional and policy level. Individual, family and community health outcomes are influenced by many factors. A
comprehensive approach to behavior change recognizes that individual behavior change does not result from
improved knowledge alone, and cannot be promoted in isolation from the broader social context in which it
occurs. A behavior change approach explores the full range of factors that must be addressed to effectively
change behaviors at multiple levels. A standardized, step-by-step process is to be used to assess current
behaviors and underlying factors, propose key behaviors for change, identify contributing factors, and work with
individuals, families, communities, health systems, and policymakers to develop effective, feasible change
interventions aimed explicitly at these factors to change behaviors.

A considerable body of existing work on behavior change communication (BCC) in WASH in Pakistan exists this
includes an existing BCC strategy of Pakistan/and or Govt. of Punjab (PHED); formative research study
commissioned by Plan; Plans regional level (Asia) minimum standards on hygiene and sanitation; and other
sectorial documents. Substantial regional and international works on behavior change in general, and in WASH
specifically, also exists. These materials are to form the basis for Plan Pakistans BCC work under the DFAT funded
project. In particular the project will seek to apply the FOAM framework.

The FOAM (Focus, Opportunity, Ability, and Motivation) Framework is designed to help in
the development, monitoring, and evaluation of behaviour change programs. FOAM was
developed for use in resource-poor settings, however is adaptable for other socioeconomic

Focus Opportunity Ability Motivation
Target Behavior Access/availability Knowledge Belief and attitudes
Product Attributes Outcome
Target Population Social norms Social Support Threat

So foam frame work will provide a useful check list as well as frame work for developing and designing the
campaign and implementation strategy.

1. Objective of the assignment
To review and improve existing IEC material in the light of BCC strategy, formative study, Plans minimum
standards on sanitation & hygiene and other relevant sectoral documents.
The IEC material shall be developed to apply the FOAM framework and is to focus on the promotion of hand
washing with soap, use and maintenance of sanitation facilities with the special focus on latrine construction at
household level and safe management of drinking water amongst the target population. The content produced
for these campaigns such as IEC material will be used by Plan International Pakistan throughout the life of the
project and beyond.
2. Scope of Work
The consultant(s) will work under the overall guidance of Plan Pakistans Country WASH Advisor, Project
Manager WASH and in close coordination with the BCC Coordinator to deliver this outcome and the following
specific requirements of the assignment:
Review and improve the existing version of IEC material (messages, illustrations, graphic) in the light of a desk
review of relevant documents including but not limited to formative research study, BCC strategy, Plans
minimum standards on sanitation and hygiene for Asia Region;
Develop new/ improve existing WASH IEC materials that promote feasible and effective changes in behaviour
that reflect the realities of primary, secondary and tertiary audience and which demonstrate understanding of
the determinants (opportunities, ability and motivation) of hand washing with soap, having open defecation
free environments, using and maintenance of latrines and safe management of drinking water for these
difference audiences.
Develop new/ improve existing WASH IEC materials that effectively incorporate gender, disability,
environment and social inclusion;and which reflect and understanding of how discrimination against girls and
children with disabilities can be a barrier to access to WASH facilities
Develop new/ improve existing WASH IEC materials that are relevant and appealing for various audience
segments within the targeted project areas and which are concise and precise, covering the needs of a lay
man at grass root level in terms of advocacy and communication;
Develop new/ improve existing WASH IEC materials that can be adapted district/ area specific requirements
as well as providing generic key messages;
Conduct a pilot test of new/ improved WASH IEC materials in communities and incorporate changes after field
test before finalization
Develop and suggest logical Sequence in revised/developed IEC material for implementation in field

3. Timeline for the assignment:

4. Consultant profile

Very important to include proven ability to perform this task

Consultant (s) should have strong knowledge and experience in designing of BCC/ IEC material related to
water, sanitation and hygiene promotion.
Excellent experience in a range of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion approaches and models
Strong understanding of gendered and socially inclusive behavior change approaches, particularly with
regards to people with a disability.
Experience or understanding Sanitation Marketing.
Good knowledge and understanding of rural context and diversity of cultures
Skills in analysis, adapting and complying with international and national level standards and good practice

5. Payment Schedule
The assignment will be remunerated on a time plus actual expense incurred as per the normal procedures of Plan
International Pakistan.

6. Proposal Submission

Interested Organizations/ individuals having relevant expertise and experience can submit their Technical and
Financial proposals (Hard and soft copies) in two separate sealed envelopes to Country Director,Plan
International, Pakistan, House No. 9, Street No. 32, F 7/1, Islamabad on before 12
May 2014. Please
mention on left top corner of envelope in bold TECHNCIAL AND FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FOR PATS IEC
Material Development

Activity Completion date
Deadline for consultant proposal 12
Selection of Consultant 19
Inception 22
Designing of IEC material (draft) 15
Pre-testing of IEC Material 18
Finalization of IEC Material 23

FOAM Framework In Brief

The FOAM (Focus, Opportunity, Ability, and Motivation) Framework is designed to help in
the development, monitoring, and evaluation of behaviour change programs. FOAM was
developed for use in resource-poor settings, however is adaptable for other socioeconomic
Focus: The Target Audience and Desired Behaviour
Clearly defining the target audience (Men, women, children, persons with disabilities/ elderly
& marginalized groups) and the desired behaviour are the critical elements of any
Table 1: FOAM Framework
Focus Opportunity Ability Motivation
Target Behaviour
Product Attributes
Belief and attitudes
Outcome expectations
Target Population Social norms Social Support
Audiences for behaviour change depend upon the interventions. Similarly the desired
behaviour among the audience has a number of determinants. For example for hand washing
they include school children, primary caregivers of children under age five, and street
vendors involved in food preparation. In this instance hand washing with soap is the desired
behaviour, but it is important to decide whether interventions will be aimed at promoting
frequent and regular hand washing, or hand washing only at key moments, such as after
defecation or before handling food. This is also true for other similar interventions of any
Opportunity: Access to Resources to Perform a Behaviour
The determinants of Opportunity certainly influence the chance of the behaviour being
performed. They include but are not limited to social norms, product attributes, and access
to or availability of products or services. Opportunity determinants are often the most
external factors affecting a persons behaviour, over which they may have less or limited
Ability: Capacity of Performing the Particular Behaviour
The determinants of Ability reflect an individuals perceived or actual capacity to perform a
particular behaviour (contingent on opportunity and motivation). Some ability determinants
are knowledge, self-efficacy (an individuals belief in his capacity to carry out a specific
behaviour), and social support. The concept of ability was developed from social cognition
models and theories from social psychology and other disciplines that examine interpersonal
determinants of behaviour change. Cognitive processes are the mental processes of
perception, memory, and information processing, by which individuals acquire information,
make plans, and solve problems.
Motivation: Desire to Perform the Behaviour
Motivation determines whether, given opportunity and ability, performing the behaviour is in
an individuals self-interest. Some motivation determinants are personal risk assessment (e.g.,

Am I at risk for HIV/AIDS?) and outcome expectations (e.g., what will happen if I get tested
for HIV/AIDS?). FOAMs motivation determinants are drawn mostly from social cognition
models of behaviour change. Within this framework, motivation is thought to have a direct
influence on behaviour, though it is moderated by both ability and opportunity. For example,
a minibus passenger may want to use a seatbelt because she fears the risk of an accident
(motivation), but if there are no seatbelts installed (opportunity) or she does not know how
to fasten a seatbelt (ability), then she cannot carry out this behaviour. The reverse is equally
feasible. A man may be near a kiosk that sells condoms (opportunity) and know how to use
them (ability), but not perceive he is at risk of HIV/AIDS with his current partner

Yolande Coombes and Jacqueline Devine, Introducing FOAM: A Framework to Analyze
Handwashing Behaviors to Design Effective Handwashing Programs, August 2010, WSP Working

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