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NAME OF PRODUCT: Step By Step Air Layering

RELEVANCE TO CURRICULUM: Topic under Biological Technologies component of
Technology Education Curriculum.
SOFTWARE USED FOR GENERATION: Microsoft Word 2!" Microsoft #o$er#oint 2!"
Windo$s Mo%iema&er.
EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR USE: Computer $ith the Microsoft 'ffice Suite #rograms"
Multimedia #ro(ector and Spea&ers.
AGES: !2)!*
The soft$are pro%ides a systematic approach to teaching the process of Air)layering. The
teacher+s role therefore" changes from instructor to a facilitator of learning. The acti%ity is
designed to ta&e into consideration to a %ariety of students+ senses and intelligences $hile
pro%iding a multi)dimensional en%ironment for students to e,plore a simple" yet fascinating
process. Within this tailored program" students of -iological Technologies is immersed in the
step -y step instructional %ideo" richly coloured pictures and practical" hands on training. The
follo$ing tools are pro%ided for the facilitator upon receipt of the module:
!. Acti%ity sheet.
2. Student .andout $ith notes and an /nstructional sheet for practical acti%ities.
0. Student Written E%aluation Sheet for teacher to assess theory component of lesson
1. Student 2emonstration E%aluation Sheet for teacher to access students+ practical
demonstration of s&ills taught using the Air) layering module.
!. An /nstructional %ideo sho$ing the step -y step demonstration of the process of Air
2. A Microsoft #o$er#oint presentation on the process of Air layering.
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3ygots&y: 4one of #ro,imal 2e%elopment 54#26. The 4#2 is the distance -et$een a student+s
a-ility to perform a tas& under adult guidance and7or $ith peer colla-oration and the student+s
a-ility sol%ing the pro-lem independently 53ygots&y6. The entire program helps to -ridge the
gap of the 4#2 -y firstly" introducing the student to the concept 5%ideo and po$er point6
secondly" teacher demonstrates the process 5using notes of lesson6" and Thirdly" 'ne student
demonstrates process $hile peers loo& on and pro%ides feed-ac& 5using notes and instructional
sheet6 and finally" each student practices acti%ity independently.
Multiple /ntelligence 58ardner6: This program has roots on 8ardner+s Multiple /ntelligences
5M./6 as it caters for students of many different intelligences primarily naturalistic
5nurturing an appreciation for and relating information to one+s natural surroundings6 and
-odily)&inesthetic 5Control of one9s -odily motions and the capacity to handle o-(ects
5such as gardening tools6 s&illfully6
#rinciple of #erception 58agne6: All scenes captured in %ideo or photograph $ere -ased on
reality $hich allo$ed the student to identify things easily -ased on the student+s &no$ledge and
a-ility to percei%e $hat he7she is seeing.
Se:uencing 58agne6: ;ollo$ing a certain logical se:uence" the program -uilt a hierarchical
structure from one le%el to the ne,t. The student had to re%ie$ $hat $as done prior to lesson and
then mo%e on to %ie$ing the process -eing performed then performing the actual acti%ity.
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