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Task Description and Assessment Rubric

Dynamic Earth The Geographical and Physical Map
Summative Project

Students are able to describe the division of the earth surface in terms of the continents and oceans.
Students are able to compare and contrast the geographical and physical features among continent.
Students are able to communicate the information of hazards and disasters.

Understand and able to use the Humanities terminologies in context of continent and ocean
Recognize, describe and explain pattern and relationship in space, including natural and human environment, in context of continents and oceans
relationship with the similarities and differences exist
Understand the social structure and control in recent political cases
Use resources such as map to locate continent and ocean

Guiding Question:
Explain the physical features, world climate, biophysical regions, outstanding features, hazards and disasters of different continent

Student work in group to draw the geographical or physical maps of each continent (one map each group) on A2 paper.
Student research the geographical or physical information of every continents
Students write and put the information all together with the geographical or physical map
Physical features mountains, highlands, deserts, rivers, lake, etc. (represented by color and legend)
World climate name and locate the different climatic region of the earth
Biophysical regions rainforests, savannas, coral reefs, tundra, etc (make sure you has explain the reasons for their location)
Outstanding features of different continent - Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, Great Rift Valley, etc (max. 5 features).
Hazards and Disasters Facts about the disasters and hazards , including; time, place, victims, type, etc.
Student need to put map Title, Legend and scale on their maps
Every group have to present it orally in front of the class

Individual Task:
Students to have individual analysis on why different continents have different geographical and physical features including how they have different
hazards and disasters.

Criteria B Investigating
CRITERIA C (Thinking Critically)
CRITERIA D (Communicating)
0 The student does not reach a standard described
by any of the descriptors below.
The student does not reach a standard described
by any of the descriptors below.
The student does not reach a standard described
by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student:
formulates a very general research
collects and records limited information
not always consistent with the research
makes a limited attempt to address the
research question.
The student:
describes some sources in terms of origin and
purpose and recognizes some values and
makes connections between information in a
limited attempt to make arguments.

The student:
communicates information and ideas by
attempting in a limited
way to use a style that is appropriate to the
audience and purpose
makes a limited attempt to document sources of

3-4 The student:
formulates an adequate research question
uses a method or methods to collect and record
some information consistent with the research
partially addresses the research

The student:
completes a simple analysis and/or evaluation
of some sources in terms of origin and purpose,
recognizing values and limitations
makes connections between information to
make simple arguments.

The student:
communicates information and ideas by using a
style that is sometimes appropriate to the
audience and purpose
sometimes documents sources of information
using a recognized convention.

5-6 The student:
formulates a clear research question
uses methods to collect and record appropriate
information consistent with the research question
satisfactorily addresses the research question.

The student:

satisfactorily analyses and/or evaluates a range
of sources in terms of origin and purpose,
recognizing values and limitations
synthesizes information to make valid

The student:
communicates information and ideas by using a
style that is often appropriate to the audience and
often documents sources of information using a
recognized convention.

7-8 The student:
formulates a clear and focused research
uses methods accurately to collect and record
appropriate and varied information consistent
with the research question
effectively addresses the research question.

The student:
effectively analyses and evaluates a range of
sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing
values and limitations
synthesizes information to make valid, well-
supported arguments.
The student:
communicates information and ideas effectively
by using a style that is consistently appropriate to
the audience and purpose

consistently documents sources of information
using a recognized convention.

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