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Band1 DT1 E1

Learning Outcome 1.2

Take part in social interaction by carrying out a
variety of language functions
Band 1
Performance Standard B1
Kno fundamental skills in listening! speaking!
reading and riting
"escriptor B1 "T1
#riting s$ort notes
%vidence B1 "T1 %1
&ble to rite greetings' is$es and a note of apology
Band1 DT1 E1
Situation( )ames and $is sister Sop$ia are going to *obert+s birt$day party.
,ill in t$e blanks it$ suitable ords.
)ames( -1.///////.-To greet.! *obert.
*obert( 0ood evening! )ames.
)ames( -2.////////.-To ask.
*obert( 1 am fine! t$ank you.
)ames( 2eet my friend! Peter.
Peter( -3.//////////////.-To respond.
)ames( S$all e go for a drink4
*obert( -5.////////////.-To decline it$ apology.
Band 2 DT1 E1
Learning Outcome 1.2
Take part in social interaction by carrying out a
variety of language and functions
Band 2
Performance Standard B2
6nderstand meanings at ord! p$rase and sentence
"escriptor B2 "T1
#riting s$ort messages
%vidence B1 "T1 %1
&ble to rite simple instructions and invitations
& tourist meets )osep$ at t$e bus station. 7e ants to go t$e clinic! rite a simple
instruction to direct $im t$ere.
Band 3 DT1 E1
Learning Outcome 1.1 Talking about self and family
Band 3
Performance Standard B3
6se knoledge ac8uired t$roug$ listening! speaking!
reading and riting
"escriptor B3 "T1
#riting a s$ort description
%vidence B3 "T1 %1
&ble to rite a s$ort description using ad9ectives in a
Based on t$e picture given belo! rite a s$ort description using ad9ectives in paragrap$.
,or e:ample(
1. T$e dog is earing a red collar.
Band 3 DT2 E1
Learning Outcome 2.3 Present information to different audiences by
c$ecking accuracy of spelling
Band 3
Performance Standard B3
6se knoledge ac8uired t$roug$ listening! speaking!
reading and riting
"escriptor B3 "T2
Spelling and "ictation
%vidence B3 "T2 %1
&ble to spell and take dictation of seen te:ts
Listen to t$e teac$er and spell t$e ords mentioned.
2y sc$ool is Sekola$ 2enenga$ ;$ung 2eng. 1t is located at Taman 2utiara! Kuala
Lumpur. 1t is a single<session sc$ool. #e only go to sc$ool in t$e morning. 7oever! e
$ave to participate in some co<curricular activities $ic$ are organised in t$e afternoon
on certain days.
1. located
2. session
3. participate
5. activities
=. organised
Band 4 DT1 E1
Learning Outcome 1.1 2ake friends and keep friends$ips by
i:. riting simple letters to friends or family
members observing correct format it$
salutation and ending
Band 5
Performance Standard B5
&pply knoledge ac8uired in a variety of situations
using some appropriate language conventions
"escriptor B5 "T1
#riting an informal letter
%vidence B5 "T1 %1
&ble to rite an informal letter using t$e correct
format and it$ appropriate grammar
Band 4 DT1 E1
>ou $ave 9ust moved to a ne sc$ool and $ave 9oined t$e marc$ing band. 6sing t$e
notes belo! rite a letter to a friend in your former sc$ool to tell $im'$er about t$is and
t$e benefits you get from being a member of t$e band.
2ore t$an 3? members
@o need to buy instruments
Learn $o to play several instruments
2embers become close friends
#$en riting your letter:
You may use all the notes
Elaborate on t$e given notes to make it more interesting
&dd any ot$er relevant information
2ake sure it is not less than 120 words
S&2PL% &@S#%*
2AB Kenyalang Park!
)alan "atuk Bandar!
2= &pril 2?12
"ear ////////!
7o are you and everyone in sc$ool4 1 $ope you are all ell. 1+m
riting to tell you t$at my ne sc$ool $as a marc$ing band and i $ave
9oined it.
T$ere are some more t$an 3? of us in t$e band. T$e sc$ool $as all t$e
musical instruments e need! so do not $ave to buy t$e e:pensive
instruments. 1 am learning $o to play several instruments from t$e
bandmaster. 1 can no play t$e flute and t$e drum.
1t is not easy learning to play musical instruments toget$er as a band.
#e $ave to practise every Saturday for four $ours. 7oever! it is fun and
e get along very ell. #e $ave also become very close friends.
1 really $ope t$at i can learn $o to play more instruments. T$en!
$en i see you! ! i can play for youC #ell. 1 $ave to sign off no. Please
send my regards to your parents.

1 $ope to $ear from you soon. Bye.
>our Sincerely!
Lady 0aga
Band5 DT1 E1
Learning Outcome 2.3 Present information to different audiences by
iii. #riting direction
Band =
Performance Standard B=
"emonstrate t$e ability to use language in a variety
of situations using largely appropriate language
"escriptor B= "T1
#riting direction to a specific place
%vidence B= "T1 %1
&ble to rite a correct direction to a specific
destination using correct grammar and mec$anics of
riting it$ guidance-map.
Band5 DT1 E1
>our friend ants to kno $o to get to t$e incubator 2 from t$e main gate. Look at t$e
map belo and give your friend t$e directions.
Jalan K2
Jalan K3

Jalan K1
Jalan Usaha
Main Gate
n Bloc
"nc!bator 1
"nc!bator 2
"nc!bator 3
#$en riting your recount(
# >ou may use all t$e notes
# Elaborate on t$e given notes to make it more interesting
# &dd any ot$er relevant information
# 2ake sure it is not less than 120 words
Accept any releant answer
Band! DT1 E1
Learning Outcome 3.2 %:press t$emselves creatively and imaginatively
b. retelling a story from a different point of vie and
presenting it in anot$er genre
Band A
Performance Standard BA
&ppreciate literary orks and present ideas critically
in an e:emplary manner
"escriptor BA "T1
*etelling t$e story as one understands it and wr"t"n#
a s$ort paragrap$.
%vidence BA "T1 %1
&ble to rite a s$ort composition e:pressing one+s
understanding using correct grammar and mec$anics
of riting it$ minimal guidance
Band! DT1 E1
*ead t$e poem-T$e *iver. belo.
T$e *iver+s a anderer!
& nomad! a tramp!
7e doesn+t c$oose one place
To set up $is camp
Based on your understanding of t$e 1
stanDa ! rite about t$e people and t$eir
relations$ip it$ t$e river. 6se your ords to elaborate your opinion.
#$en riting your composition
# 0ive your opinion and elaborate t$em to make your composition more
# &dd any ot$er relevant information
# 2ake sure it is not less t$an =? ords
Accept any releant answer

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