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Retail angle
B Tech, MBA
Why sociology?
1. Home state, Places I stayed for more than a year (4 of them) - I need to
study 5 states
2. Research on the UPSC board members - try looking at what they like or ask
- Rajni Razdan is more bookish and theoretical - Also 4 new members joined
this year - try knowing them better
3. Have 2 degrees - Electronics and MBA (Fin, Mark and Eco) major - Brush my
4 specializations
4. Have truck loads of hobbies - Am researching on technical aspects of my
hobbies - how philately can influence human life etc, history of coin making
and Film criticism and its evolution to name a few.
5. Follow regional news also now, so the pages I use to neglect during the
previous reads need attention now in the paper
6. My name and origins - South folks have real peculiar names and that
prompts a sure shot qn

1) After marriage
2) After MBA and a good job
3) 1)If u r the district collector, what measures would u hav taken in case of a
severe cyclone accompanied with flash floods hit ur district??
2)In the wake of Delhi rape event, what measures should be taken to improve
protection and security to women in metros?
3) What do u anticipate about the health sector in the future in india..public
funded or private ur stand!!!
4)Which was the painting that impressed u till date the most n why??
5)Suggest some measures for rain water harvesting and what measures u wud
take to improve irrigation in drought prone areas??
6) What is the role of Madras presidency in freedom struggle??
Qus: What should be done to increase women's safety in metros:
Ans: Here are some necessary steps that must be taken.
1) All the late working women should be dropped at their doorsteps and should be
provided a guard if she is travelling alone with the driver.
2) Lady cab driver's should be hired.
3) Along with the security CCTV cameras, alarms should be placed. Ringing of
alarms could be a signal for criminals (as we see in the old Indian movies criminals
fled only after hearing the Poilce jeep's siren).Mute cameras dont work as checkers
but the alarms will do.
4) Drunkards shouldn't be allowed to travel in any type of public transport.
5) In the worst crime areas police should lay traps like catching the harassers by
placing police women as prey girls.( This trick has proved useful recently in Kanpur).
6) Policemen should be trained in effective communication so that a girl could walk
freely to the police station and never hesitates calling police.
7) Generally police dont pay heed to online vulgar messages and threats. They should
take these matters responsibly too.
8) Auto rickshaws and three wheelers should be prohibited from playing vulgar songs
(H. Singh's etc, "seene pe photo fevicol..").
9) Fast track courts
Female police stations

The main reason for declined sex ratio is the dowry system still prevailing in India, it
must be made necessary to register a marriage along with the gift items being
transferred to groom's side.
2) Effective implementation of the dowry law.
3) Parenting should be same for boys and girls, if a girl is told to wear a duppatta in a
certain way then at the same time a boy ust be taught how to behave with a girl. This
will lessen the fear instilled in the minds of parents against having a girl child.
4) Spreading the message using panchayats or community radios (in the places where
Door Darshan is unavailable) about the girls who are an ideal for whole India.
5) Special programs in AIR and DD should be broadcasted which show the lives of
great indian women.
6) Strict punishment for the clinics involved in illegal female foeticide.
7) Special focus on women's education(even if the women is married).
8) Special tele education programs in aganbadi etc to train the womens.

1. In the context of Hyderabad blasts: Some state Governments are against NCTC,
they say NCTC will be an EPICFAIL. Do you agree with this? If no, then why?
and If yes then what should be done?
2. Given terrorism and naxal problems (+blatant misuse of State police machinary
to crush down freedom of speech in Asim Trivedi (parliament cartoon),
Prof.Mohpatra (Mamta Cartoons), and Facebook girls (Shivsena),.......therefore
"police and public order" should be moved to Concurrent list. Agree / Disagree,
3. Today's IndianExpress: Sibbal says (with respect to, 2G judgement) "Good
intentions don't necessarily make good law because the nature of decision-making
in court is different from decision-making in government. I think we will have to
rethink the role of institutions and the contours of their jurisdiction." Agree /
Disagree, why?

vijay singh board- 13/3/2013
My hobbies- reading books, watching movies, driving car on long journey
My optionals- history, maths

(C- chairman, I1, I2, I3, I4- panelists, M- me)

C- come in, please take a seat
M- thank you sir, good evening sir, man, sir (nodded all)
C-so, you have worked as a software engineer, what have you been doing after
quitting job (almost 2 yrs ago)
M- i prepared for civil services partly and assisted my father in his work.
C- what does he do?
M- sir, he is a consultant, if you want to establish a MSME in and around
bangalore, he will guide and help you to do it.
C- so, it must be interesting job then?
M- yes, sir- it involves preparing project report, various analysis ....
C- Your hobby includes driving car on long journey- what is the longest drive
you have made?
M- Bangalore to nagarjunasagar dam-
C- how long is it?
M- almost 750 kms
C- was it having serene kind of beauty..?
M- not much sir, upto kurnool it is NH7- afterwards it state highway which
passes through Nallamalla forest.
C- you have also said reading books is your hobby, what kind of books you
M- sir, general books
C- any example?
M- breaking india by Rajiv Malhotra
C- what is it about?
M- it is about how western NGOs and other institutions are creating divisive
nature in our society by subverting various truths for their own benefits.
C- do you believe him?
M- yes sir, he has provided evidence of each mention he has made.
C- who is this rajiv malhotra
M- sir, he is a scientist in USA.
C- what do you think is the function of NGO?
M- creating awareness and empowering people.
C- Do you know any good NGO doing good job?
M- no sir, not as i know.

I1- do you know carbon credit?
M- yes mam, it is the credit given to the industry if it emits less than the
permitted ceiling limit of Co2
I1- do you know about international trading in carbon credit?
M- i know there is trading in international market, but i dont know much about
trade aspects.
I1- 1 million Co2 is equal to 1 carbon credit. Do you know about it in india?
M- mam, i know that in TN & guj such trading has been allowed.

I2- nowadays so much hype in media... what is headlines one day is not
mentioned the next day. ... what do you think about that
M- Sir, in democracy, we should make our decision. we shouldnot depend on
others for our decision making process. We should refer only to facts provided
by ground staff. We should realise that media is also private entity of vested
groups. We should make the own decision for effective participation in
I2- what is the difference between moral integrity and financial integrity?
M- sir, If there is moral integrity then there is financial integrity as well. Fin
integrity is a subset of moral integrity
I2- give an example of moral integrity?
M- if there was moral integrity, the delhi gangrape would not have happened.

I3- you have some initials, what does it stand for?
M- (answered it)
I3- why is at the end of the name?
M- initials are usually put at the end to maintain the alphabetical order.
I3- your optional is maths- what is rolles theorem- write it?
M- wrote and gave it.
I3- seeing it, what is this continuity...?
M- (blabbered a bit)
I3- what is the condition for that?
M- the limits must be the same in the neighbourhood of that point.
I3- what is asymptote?
M- is the st. line where the curve tends to meet it at infinity.
I3- what is taylor's series?
M- expansion of a function as infinite series around a point
I3- do you know contour integration?
M- i know sir, but i am not comfortable with it.
I3- ok, what is maclaurin's series?
M- expansion of a function as infinite series around origin- it is a special case
of taylor's series.

C- thank you, smiling.
M- thank you, thank you sir......

I Was last to be interviewed (out of six) in forenoon session on 25th march in the Vijay singhs Board
5 persons were there 2 women in the board
they were discharging every person in 25 minutes on average
before I was called upon for the interview it was around 40 minutes ago the last person was called. I
was little anxious that what is going on why they are taking so much time with that fellow. the person
called me that it is my number. He asked me to drink water. scaring me. I was asked to wait outside
the room there I show some empty plates were going out of their room
so they had their food and thats why it took them 40-45 minutes to call me. I had a shy of relief that
they will not eat my head.. food matters
the person who called me for interview from waiting room opened the door still I knocked the door and
May I come in sir?
yes come in.
I entered with good smile wished all first the two women and then chairman
Chairman asked me to be sited
but it was not so easy
before I could grab my seat
question started
Q:Ohh great! what is your height Mr. Devesh?
A:Sir, It is 6 feet 3 inches
You could have been a good pace bowler
Sir, I could Have but I have not tried
chairman again said ohh Please sit
I did.. since I was standing near the chair.. wished them again.. now started the rain of questions.
Q:So, you have completed your M Tech in 2008 what are you doing now?
A: Sir, Now I am doing Ph D in the Rubber Technology Center Of IIT kharagpur.
Q:For fun time pass or?
A: No Sir, I am doing Ph D because it give good knowledge and experience and if the terms and
conditions of civil service permits I Would be completing it in future. (here the chairman looked happy
Q:So, Rubber technology. Do you know about Rubberised roads?
A: Yes sir I know about Rubberised roads.
Q:what is different with normal road?
A:Sir Rubberised roads are constructed by mixing scrap waste rubber with asphalt and using the
same in road construction. These roads are more durable and give good traction and prevent
skidding. These roads are more useful in the area where rainfall is more like in kerala, west bengal.
Q:we are doing this in Kerala and I am from that state.
A: Right sir, It is very good initiative.
Q: Does India have that potential of rubberising roads?
A: Yes sir we have the potential since we are the second largest consumer of rubber and a lot of
waste is being generated every year, if we can utilize this waste rubber it is very good. (here the other
person look sitting near to chairman looked happy and said that he is from kerala cadre)
Q:what is the status of roads and other infrastructure in Rajasthan?
A; Sir the length of roads is less then what is needed but the condition is good and reason is there
that once a road is constructed it remain there because of lack of rain. More Infrastructure is needed
for better connectivity.
Q: Who could be the good administrator. A academician or a sports person?
A: Madam,I think It could be either an acedmician or sports person because to be a good adminitrator
depends on the aptitude of a person or how a person thinks.
Q: so you will not go with one
A: madam I cannt go with.
(The Chairman came in my side and said right it depends on the aptitude of a person.)
Q:I see you have completed your schooling from Jhunjhunun District rural area
A: Right Sir.
Q:what problem did you find there in water resource?
A: Sir water is really scare there. People face problem of water for drinking, Irrigation and
industrialization. it could be seen by the fact that due to drought the state GDP growth is lowest in all
state with just 3.4 per cent.
Q:how will you solve that?
A:Sir, I shall try to alive bawadi, Johad, talab in the area which served the purpose in past, along with
that I shall try to recharge the ground water by making check dams and with the latest development in
technology in agriculture like drought resistance crop.
Q:What is Important for a farmer.. 1 credit 2 seeds 3 water
A: madam, It is credit. (She didnt ask why)
Q: what GOI have done for credit
A: madam. GOI have increase the amount of credit to be distributed in farmers from 3lakh 75
thousand crore to 4 lakh 75 thousands crore this fiscal.
Q:What is your view about the bureaucracy is it honest or dishonest?
A: (I took little time here. it was i tricky question) madam, I met some officials for my work and
nowhere i encountered an demand for bribe. So I cannt say that they are dishonest
Q:What is general perception in your village?
A: Sir, the general perception is that many officers are dishonest. but sir one may or may not be
dishonest but still the perception could be that the officer is dishonest because the officers are not
easily approachable if an aam adami want to meet a DM of his district it is not easy and in the process
to get he thing done he could be asked for bribe by babus and other people and the perception
becomes that the officer is dishonest. So, Officer must have direct contact with public.
Q: do you think a office at the helm can make great changes in the working of system?
A: yes sir I think that an officer at the helm can certainly make great changes in his area of influence.
Q:If you become DM of J&K what will be your three piorities.. one two and three
A; madam first I shall try to control insurgency with the help of local government and community.
second I shall also try to boost the tourism in the district with better development of infrastructure. and
finally I shall try to develop the economic status of community by development of self help group and
shall try to improve the education and health of the community.
Q:what is the differences in govt policies in different part of rajasthan?
A: sorry Sir I dont Know.
Q:what is the status of their implementation like of MNREGA?
A: Sorry sir I have not gone through the reports.
Q tell something about rajasthan geographically.
A; sir, On the west side of aravali lies the desert and east side semi desert. the state falls in
subtropical on latitudinally but climatically it is tropical. the state is drought prone.
Q : why now a days people dont choose chemistry
A: (I thought She is asking that why people do not choose chemistry as an optional in Civils so I
answered) madam the study of chemistry is tough and the way the answers UPSC wants are of
different kind then other exams.
Q: (now she explained) no I am not talking about chemistry for UPSC I mean to say why not at
graduation level.
A: sorry madam I dont know even I can see many people are opting for chemistry My graduation
college which was only for science stream is still full of students and lot of competition for the seats.
She smiled. may it was sarcastic one
Q: Do you know about new science universities opened recently by GOI?
A: Sorry Madam, I dont know.
Q: Do you know any science institutes in India?
A: Yes madam Indian Institute of Science I know.
Q: where it is?
A: it is in Bengluru madam.
(I really answered what was real the above 4-5 questions and answers were not good enough but
since I was not aware what else I could have answered. These answers may let me loose some
points. may be.)

Q:have you gone through SC order on Euthenesia?
A: yes sir I have
Q: what is your view on it?
A; Sir, I agree with the judgement of honble supreme court, but sir I think along with passive supreme
court must also consider the cases on case to case basis since the economic and social problem
used to be same in all cases.
Q: what is your view about allowing foreign universities to establish their institutions in India?
A: sir There is no harm to allow good foreing Institutions to come and establish their Institutions in
India if they deliver good education it will benefit us. Thing is that they must not become just a money
making machine.
Q: what is the relation between efficiency, inefficiency and honesty and dishonesty, and Who is more
an efficient an efficient but dishonest or a inefficient but honest?
A Sir there is no relation between efficiency, in efficiency and honest and dishonesty. A person who is
efficient but honest will be more efficient than a person who is efficient but dishonest.
ok Mr Devesh (the chairman asked other members if they ant to ask anything more but the said no it
is ok and over)
I wished them Thanks
And I came out of the room with confident steps
The Interview I wrote is exactly what it was as far as I know.
Looking for your assessment.

dream_ips April 16
my interview
by alka sirohi
hobbies-watching 20-20 cricket,playing badminton
cm:why do you watch 20-20 only
cm:when did odi cricket started
cm:who was founder of odi cricket
me:it was an australian business men but i forgot the name,mam told me its karry packer and
told m1 to continue.
M1:compare and contrast bhagwati sen model
me:sorry sir i had not heard any such model
M1:OK,tell me bihar model
me:i had not heard about bihar model but i know gujarat model.
M1:OK and told m2 to continue
M2:WHY u had opted philosophy
me:it was easy for me to understand the subject +socio-political philosophy has its utility in
administration and society.ex-gender equality,caste discrimination.
me:ip provides a way of life while wp satisfies the curiosity of human being+ip-horizontal
development,wp-vertical dev.
M2:elaborate this horizontal n vertical dev.
me:answered well and he told good.
M2:tell me syria issue
me:i was surprised bcz i was expecting ukraine but recollected thoughts.
me:i told that syria has autocratic rule n people have now democratic aspirations.told them shia-
suni,role of western in syria+china.russia factor+role of al-nusra,aqim etc.
M2:why syria is imp for all
me:sir not sure but i think geopolitical+geoeconomic significance +border with so many nations.
M2:again tell me what will you support for india peace and power.
me:again mind went blank but i told that i will support peace n told that from our ancient times
we have been supporter of peace n told about vasudhev kutukumb(universal
brotherhood)+panchsheel focusing on peace.

M2:asked about foreign policy of india towards neighbour
me: started about look east policy
M2:interrupted n told tell me individual cases n not look east policy
me:told about bangladesh,srilanka +domestic factors influencing tamil issue,
swap+fishermen issue+recommended that our foreign policy should be pragmatic+rationalistic n
not to be hindered by domestic factors+explained unnhrc resolution
NOTE:Forget tu tell other neighbours individually but m2 was satisfied with above
ME:answered well n told solutions also
M3:tell me role of induction+deduction in admin.
me:paused n thought about it n told him how descartes used it in reaching cogito ergo sum.
now told that taking example of me as dev officer n how will tackle poverty.both will help in
admin n told them that it will help in completely analysing the problem.ex what are causes of
poverty+what is solution n how to tackle it.
M4:tell me what is positivism
me:sir it accepts experience as the valid source of k/w.told them about vienna circle mvmnt+aj
ME:maths:reason as valid source of k/w, science experience as valid source of k/w.
m4:salman khan black buck case
me answered very well
ery well for 7-8 minutm4;is cricket ruining other games
me:no even bcci helps other sports+lack of infra reason behind lagging in other sports but told
them about recent boxing perforfamnce+saina nehwal+pv sindhu+aditya joshi+bindra doing
great at international level.
m4:tell me egypt problem
me:i told autocratic rule+democratic aspirations
m4:no there is already democracy in egypt,tell me something more
me:now recalled morsi n told them how he snatched all powers of judiciary+others in his hand
m4:tell me what is the major problem ,why arab spring didnt succeeded.
me:bcz lack of culture of dmcrcy,no active civil society+ no activist judiciary
m4 :tell me philo of mind
me answered well
m4:what is carrom ball
me:told them how it is delivered but not sure where it spins.
M1:we should scrap subsidy
me:told that subsidy is social resp of govt,from larger perspective it is needed in india n told that
we shuld stop leakages n not subsidy
m1:poverty n its condition presently
me:21% n reduced bcz of success of various govt schemes+12 plan emphasise on food
processing industries n it will further reduce by giving more rural+semi urban employment.
M1:which branch of admin do you want tu work
me:told that ips as first preference
m1:why ips
me:sir law and order imp aspect of good governance+essential for peace and dev of
society+child hood dream+inspiration from each n every ips officer frm childhood n told that i m
particularly inspired by julius ribiero
all members+alka mam laughed why ribiero n not kiran bedi
now all questions on police which i answered ves.
me:told about separation of investigation+prosecution
alka mam:if we separate them how we will bring accountability.
me:told arc stuff n she told that i dont want u te be out of comfort zone
last question
alka mam:tell me about stealth technology
alka mam :what are its components
me:sorry not able tu recollect
take time n recollect
i took 1 minute but nothing came in my mind though m4 gave me hint.
thankyou its over.
i told good day sir n good day madam.

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