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Roll No. ..

Lingayas University
B. Tech 3
r d
Year (Term IX)
End Term Exami nati on May- June 202
Machi ne !e"i #n I (ME-30$)
%Time& 3 'our"( %Max. Mar)"& 00(
Before answering the question, candidate should ensure that they
have been supplied the correct and coplete question paper. No
coplaint in this regard, will be entertained after e!aination.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. All questions carry equal
marks. Question no. 1 (Section A) is compulsory. Select four
questions from Section B.
*ection +
,-. -art +
*e.ect the correct an"/er o0 the 0o..o/in# mu.ti1.e
choice 2ue"tion"& %0340(
"i# $hich of the following is not a consideration under the general
principles for the design of forgings%
"a# &dvantage to be ta'en of the direction of fiber lines
"b# &dequate draft should be provided
"c# (hin sections and ribs should be avoided
"d# &void concentration of etal at the )unctions
"ii# (he shoc' absorbing capacity of a bolt ay be increased by
"a# *ncreasing its shan' diaeter
"b# *ncreasing its length
"c# +ecreasing its shan' diaeter
"d# +ecreasing its length
"iii# ,ultiple threads are used to secure
"a# Low efficiency
"b# .igh efficiency
"c# .igh load lifting capacity
"d# .igh echanical advantage
"iv# *n a stea engine, the valve rod is connected to an eccentric by
eans of a
"a# /nuc'le )oint "b# Universal )oint
"c# 0lange coupling "d# 1otter )oint
"v# (he transverse fillet welded )oints are designed for
"a# (ensile strength "b# 1opressive strength
"c# Bending strength "d# 2hear strength
"vi# (he distance between the centres of the rivet hole to the nearest
edge of the plate is called
"a# ,argin "b# 3itch
"c# Bac' pitch "d# +iagonal pitch
"vii# & bra'e coonly used in railway trains is
"a# 2hoe bra'e "b# Band bra'e
"c# Band and bloc' bra'e "d# *nternal e!panding bra'e
"viii# *n a turning oent diagra, the variation of energy above
and below the ean resisting torque line is called
"a# 0luctuation of energy
"b# ,a!iu fluctuation of energy
"c# 1oefficient of fluctuation of energy
"d# None of these
"i!# *n case of a ultiple disc clutch, if n- are the nuber of discs
on the driving shaft and n4 are the nuber of discs on the
driven shaft, then the nuber of pairs of contact surfaces will
"a# n
5 n
"b# n
5 n
6 -
"c# n
5 n
5 - "d# None of these
"!# *n a flat belt drive, the belt can be sub)ected to a a!. tension
"(# and centrifugal tension "(1#. (he condition for
transission of a!iu power is given by
"a# ( 7 (
"b# ( 7 4(
"c# ( 7 8(
"d# ( 7 8(
,-. -art B
"i# 9!plain briefly the concept of econoic and financial
feasibility study as an integral part of the syste design cycle.
"ii# .ow does the function of a bra'e differ fro that of a clutch%
$hat are the theral considerations in bra'e design% :;<
*ection B
=64. "a# 2tate and illustrate five iportant rules for the design of
coponents ade by the casting process. :-><
"b# Briefly e!plain the concept of prototype design and
developent in the syste design cycle. :;<
"c# 9!plain the process of brainstoring as an innovative ethod
of idea generation in industry. :;<
=68. (wo rod ends of a pup are )oined by eans of a cotter and
spigot and soc'et at the ends. +esign the )oint for an a!ial load
of ->> 'N which alternately changes fro tensile to
copressive. (he allowable stresses for the aterial used are
;> ,3a in tension, ?> ,3a in shear and ->> ,3a in crushing.
+raw a neat s'etch of the )oint designed. :4><
=6?. "a# & @; diaeter solid shaft is to be welded to a flat plate by
a fillet weld around the circuference of the shaft. +eterine
the siAe of the weld if the torque on the shaft is 8 'N6. (he
allowable shear stress in the weld is B> ,3a. :-><
"b# & triple riveted lap )oint with Aig6Aag riveting is to be designed
to connect two plates @ thic'ness. (he allowable stresses
areC t 7 -4> ,3aD 7 ->> ,3a and
7 -;> ,3a. 0ind the
rivet diaeter, pitch of rivets and distance between rows of
rivets. &lso find the efficiency of the )oint. :-><
=6;. "a# +erive the e!pression for the torque transitting capacity of a
centrifugal clutch with the help of a neat diagra. :-><
"b# & leather faced cone clutch transits power at ;>> rp. (he
sei cone angle is -4.;. (he ean diaeter of the clutch is
8>> , while the face width of the contacting surface of the
friction lining is ->> . (he coefficient of friction is >.4 and
the a!iu intensity of pressure is liited to >.>B NE
1alculate the operating force and the power transitting
capacity. :-><
=6@. &n autoobile vehicle weighing -8.; 'N is oving on a level
road at a speed of F; 'Ehr. $hen the bra'es are applied, it is
sub)ected to a unifor deceleration of @Es
. (here are bra'es
on all four wheels. (he tyre diaeter is B;> . (he 'inetic
energy of the rotating parts is ->% of the 'inetic energy of the
oving vehicle. (he ass of each bra'e dru assebly is ->
'g and the specific heat capacity is ?@> GE'g1. 1alculateC
"i# (he bra'ing tieD
"ii# (he bra'ing distanceD
"iii# (he total energy absorbed by the bra'eD
"iv# (he torque capacity of each bra'eD and
"v# (he teperature rise of bra'e dru assebly. :4><
=6B. (he turning oent diagra of a ulti6cylinder engine is
drawn with a scale of "- 7 4# on H6a!is and of "- 7
-4;> N6# on I6a!is. (he intercepted areas between the torque
developed by the engine and the ean resisting torque of the
achine ta'en in order fro one end are 68>, 5?>>, 64B>,
588>, 68->, 548>, 68J>, 54B>, and 64?>
. (he engine is
running at the ean speed of 4?> rp and the coefficient of
speed fluctuations is liited to >.>4. & ried flywheel ade
of grey cast iron 0K4>> "ass density 7 B->> 'gE
# is
provided. (he ri contributes F>L of the required oent of
inertia. (he ri has rectangular cross6section with a width6to6
thic'ness ratio of -.;. +eterine the diensions of the ri.
=6J. *t is required to select a M6belt drive to connect a 4> '$, -??>
rp otor to a copressor running at ?J> rp for -; hr per
day. 2pace is available for a centre distance of appro!iately
-.4 . +eterineC
"i# (he specifications of the beltD
"ii# +iaeters of otor and copressor pulleysD
"iii# (he correct centre distanceD and
"iv# (he nuber of belts. :4><

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