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408-15 TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW 15-1 Introduction In the previous chapters, we considered one-dimensional flows. However, the assumption of one-dimensional flow may not be valid in many situations e.g., flow in a non-prismatic channel (i.e., channel with varying cross section and alignment), flow downstream of a partially breached dam, or lateral flow from a failed dyke. Although flow in these situations is three-dimensional, we may simplify their analysis by considering them as two-dimensional flows by using vertically averaged quantities. Such an assumption not only simplifies the analysis considerably but yields results of reasonable accuracy In this chapter, we discuss the analysis of two-dimensional flows. First, we derive the equations describing unsteady two-dimensional flows. Then, we present explicit and implicit finite difference methods for their solution. 15-2 Governing Equations We will derive the governing equations [Jimenez, 1987] by integrating the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid over the flow depth. [Lai, 1986] Except for one-dimensional flow, the same assumptions as those given in Section 12-2 are used. The effects of large bottom slope are included, and it is assumed that the bottom of the channel is an inclined plane. A Cartesian orthogonal coordinate system with tha{@y GLAHG)>aENA OPENS HpLAMeTONe (GiMiielbOtKOMTISTONSIAERA, For a right-hand system, the positive z-direction points upward and is perpendicular to the «-y plane. ‘The Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid are as follows: Continuity equation (15-1) Momentum equation ou = 15 — 2) ou (15-2) av . S (15 —3) a (15-4) 15-2 Governing Equations 409 in which u,v and w are the components of the velocity along the x,y and z directions; g = (ge, 9y, 92)” is the gravitational force per unit mass; yu is the dynamic viscosity; p is pressure; and the symbol Y? stands for the Laplace operator, eo Pw StS Or” OF” OF We will integrate these equations over the flow depth to obtain the depth- averaged equations. Continuity equation ‘The depth-averaged continuity equation for two-dimensional flow may be ob- tained by integrating Eq. 15-1 over the flow depth, i.e., 2 * Ou Ov ae +f 2 ts + w(Z) — w(%) =0 (15-5) my Ot Iz, OY in which Z and Z, are the z-coordinates of the water surface and the channel bottom respectively (these are measured perpendicular to the plane of the channel bottom). The integrals of Eq. 15-5 may be evaluated by using the Leibnitz rule a f* OZ 0%, J ta Bf ute aye + ea) a [7% OZ an, . [ Hf ee MOE + wey (15-6) If the function Z(2, y,t) specifies the z-coordinate of the free water surface and if it is assumed that any particle on the surface does not leave it, then the vertical velocity of a particle on the water surface, w(Z), is given by DZ _ az az OZ WZ) = Fe Fae oe Similarly, if the bottom of the channel is rigid, then F, = Zp(x,y) — 2 which Z,(x, y) gives the 2-coordinate of the channel bottom. Hence, (15-7) 0, in w(24) = 2B = u(t + (25) (15-8) Substitution of Eqs. 15-6 through 15-8 into Eq. 15-5 leads to Oz ud) | Au 22 , Aad) | alwd) ot Ox by in which @ and # are the mean values of u and vy over the depth of the channel, =0 (15-9) 1% 1% a5 ff ue aap (15-10) in which d = Z—Z; is the water depth measured perpendicular to the bottom. of the channel: 41015 TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW Momentum equations ce we are assuming the vertical acceleration to be negligible, Dw & wV?w 5- Bx wVw so (15-11) ‘Therefore, Eq. 15-4 reduces to 1 dp iP 9 15 — 12) 9 Toe ¢ ) Integrating Eq. 15-12 in the z-direction and considering the atmospherie pres- sure to be zero, we obtain p= pg.(2-Z) (15 — 13) Hence, it follows that By multiplying Eq. 15-1 by u, adding to Eq. 15-2, substituting the expression 1 for — 2 trom Ba, 15-14, and rearranging the terms of the resulting equation, por we obtain Ou | ow A(uv) , Huw) az a Oe * Lega, = le Vu 15 — 16) Bet ge ae tee FEV (15-16) Similarly, multiplying Eq. 15-1 by v, adding it to Eq. 15-3, substituting the expression for —(1/p)dp/Ay from Eq. 15-15, we obtain av , Alu) | a? , Aww) OZ. Boe = Bey 15-17) wae + Oy ae 9 Gy DY” ( ) Let us integrate Eqs. 15-16 and 15-17 in the z-direction. To simplify presentation, we consider the left- and right-hand sides of these equations separately. Integration of the left-hand side of Eq. 15-16 and application of the Leibnitz rule yield (15-18) 15-2 Goven i Equations 411 Based on the assumption of uniform velocity distribution (Le., wand v are constants in the z-direction) and substituting Eqs. 15-7 and 15-8, Expression 15-18 simplifies as (15-19) Similarly, the left-hand side of Eq. 15-17 becomes oy Decay s Bice 3d) + 2 (ava) + 2 15 — 20) ed) + F (avd) + 5 (0a) ( ) Integration of the right-hand side of Eqs. 15-16 and 15-17 yields 3 az 90+ 9222 asf “vPtude (15 — 21) ox ZB az ? Woo oe ¥ 15 — 22 (wt acZ)a [Ev ude ¢ ) Since the 2-y plane is parallel to the channel bottom, Z, is constant. There- fore, OZ _A%y+d) _ ad Ox Ox (15 — 28) Similarly, aZ _ ad dy dy Now, let us consider the HGHFSEESSHGES In turbulent flow, the dynamic viscosity is replaced by an eddy viscosity coefficient. Moreover, distinction is made between the stresses acting in the x-y plane and the stresses acting in the 2-z and y-z planes. For example, the shear-stress term of the momentum equation in the e-direction may be written as Ou ew | a in which ey and ¢,, are the eddy-viscosity coefficients. In addition, it is assumed that the effective stresses are dominated by the bottom shear stresses. ‘This means that the first term in Eq. 15-25 is negligible as compared to the second term, Therefore, the shear stress term of Eq. 15-25 reduces to &20°u/dz?, Integration of this expression with respect to z yields f in which 7,, and 7, are the shear stresses at the water surface and at the channel bottom acting in the x-direction. Similarly, the shear stress term of Eq. 15-22 reduces to (15 — 24) Tae ~The (15 — 26) 412 15 TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW, Toy Ty (15-27) ‘The shear stresses, 7,, and 7,,, due to wind velocity acting at the water surface are neglected and the shear stresses at the channel bottom, 7, and 7, are evaluated by using empirical formulas. For example, the Chezy equation gives n (15 — 28) where V is the amplitude of flow velocity (ie., V = VF 0) and C is the Chezy coefficient. It follows from Bq. 15-28 that, Te. = 740088 & Vv sind = a av (15 — 29) in which 0 is the @Hgle(DUOWeEH He NEIGCiteNeCEOH ANG 285) Different terms of the depth-integrated momentum equations may now be assembled together. Substitution of Eqs. 15-19 to 15-24, 15-26, 15-27, and 15-29 into Eqs. 15-16 and 15-17 gives Baa + 2 a a Flea) + Zana) + Zea = (9, 0.5 15 ~ 31) Eqs. 15-30 and 15-31 are the momentum equations with respect to a coordi- nate system

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