Jesus in The Gospel of Mark

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BLASCO, Janello Mar P.


ZT15 February 24, 2010

What Kind of Jesus did you encounter in the Gospel of Mark?
The portrait of Jesus I found in Mark is a powerful man, confident of his choices, most
compassionate, and thoroughly trusting in God even as he faces persecution and ultimately
death. Those who struggled in their discipleship are comforted to read in Mark's gospel how
even Jesus' followers so often fail to understand the depth and breadth of Jesus' power and
authority. According to what I have observed while reading was that, Mark's words are an
encouragement to uncertain disciples of all the ages to see clearly the path Jesus invites us to
follow. As I have recalled, I was astonished on how he expresses his doctrine to the public
orally, he taught with authority and consistency about the meaning of his messages, whether
directly or indirectly. And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among
themselves, saying, what thing is this? What new doctrine is this? for which authority do you
command he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.(Mark 1:27). This passage poses a
striking question for who he is for me, by which authority does he impose power over those
spirits. It is totally a curios revelation that I still want to assess at the remaining sessions of my
Christology classes. First of all the demons recognize that Jesus could destroy them! Jesus
rebuked them and commanded them to come out which they did. So Jesus again, show me he has
authority over everything which is a very interesting view point that I was able to capture during
passage readings.And he said unto them; Let us go into the next towns that I may preach there
also: for therefore came I forth. (Mark 1:38) I noticed here how Jesus says to his disciples, let
us go to the next town to preach the gospel. This is because his specific mission was to preach
the gospel and not become just a miracle worker. Further reading chapters in the Gospel of Mark,
I could draw together evidences that people start to see Jesus as a miracle worker and again he is
ZT15 February 24, 2010

demonstrating his authority over all things, sickness, devils and men because it is also evident in
some chapters located on the textbook we use .Moreover, Jesus also shows his compassion
towards sinners. He again displays his authority over all things. As Jesus explained the
significance of his miracles and warned against the teaching and expectations of those that
confronted him, his disciples had an opportunity to reconsider what they expected of the
Messiah. Would the Messiah come in power with heavenly signs, or would the Messiah come in
power with acts of mercy and service? As I have encountered in the passages, Jesus redefined
what it means to faithfully follow God, what it looks like to exercise power, and what faith
should be based on. Its easy to miss Jesus, far easier than wed like to admit. Jesus wants his
followers to understand who he is based on his feeding of thousands, not some mighty act in the
sky. But still he has vast authority across the land that influenced those who followed him or
believers of His words. My representation of who Jesus also include the concept of compassion
about him, whether teaching the crowds, providing bread, ministering to his disciples, or healing
the many sick brought to him, we see Jesus in this passage overwhelmed with so much to do and
yet taking the time to personally address the needs of those around him. Regardless of his
circumstances he showed unlimited compassion to those around him. Jesus reminds us that he
isnt concerned about creating comfortable situations for his followers, but he wont abandon
them in the midst of these times. In addition, when we come to Jesus by faith, even our
misconceptions and errors can be overlooked. Hes not looking for perfect form, just solid faith.
In this gospel, Mark often returns to the theme of Jesus universal call to discipleship: this seems
to be his main purpose as the narrative unfolds in my previous reading. Jesus spoke to these
disciples with his ultimate authority as Lord of all. This was one of the striking aspects of Jesus
ministry. Although he came to us in all humility, lowliness and unpretentiousness of a Galilean
ZT15 February 24, 2010

peasant, when Jesus spoke he resounded with authority. Those he addressed recognized
something of Gods authority in his voice and in his teaching which was lacking in the
ostentatious pronouncements of the religious authorities in Mark 1:22. He often categorizes his
main audience as either followers or opponents of Jesus. In supporting this purpose, Mark
narrates the identity and teaching of Jesus. This fact implies that discipleship for Mark is
essentially a relationship with Jesus, not merely following a certain code of conduct. Fellowship
with Jesus marks the heart of the disciples life, and this fellowship includes trusting him,
confessing him, taking note of his conduct, following his teaching, and being shaped by a
relationship to him. Discipleship also means being prepared to face the kind of rejection Jesus
faced. Jesus spoke with the authority of God because he was God Himself in as sense, a claim
that critical unbelievers or some non-catholic could not accept or even tolerate. And with that
divine authority mentioned earlier, I know now that Jesus then took the initiative in calling his
disciples to abandon other competing commitments to follow him in absolute surrender and
unqualified obedience. Jesus even spoke like a commanding officer, and I who believed in him
realized that his authority requires me to believe and not judge him. For me, this is how he
proved that he is worthy of being hailed as the one who has power over all things and reigns
over evil in accordance to His words. Finally, it implied that Jesus was portrayed as someone
as humble, reachable being amidst His authority as mentioned above, just to convey one simple
message for me, Come after me! Trust in Me! Follow Me! Believe Me! Love Me!. These then
sums up my opinion on what kind of Jesus I encountered in the Gospel of Mark.

ZT15 February 24, 2010

ZT15 February 24, 2010

These people desired Jesus more than bread, choosing to be uncomfortable, if not placing
themselves in danger in order to learn from him. After three days Jesus once again put his
disciples in a tough spot by challenging them to feed the people, and they failed to realize that
Jesus once again had the ability to feed the people.
Though Jesus fed the people, the inability of his disciples to figure out his identity must have
irked him. They had seen many miracles and had received explanations, but they remained
unable to understand. Jesus was worried that the thinking of the Pharisees may in fact influence
how his disciples saw him.
When the Pharisees confronted him on the other side of the lake he refused to operate according
to their terms and later on warned his disciples from imitating the Pharisees. From the disciples
to the religion scholars, there werent many, if any, people who had Jesus figured out after seeing
so many of his works.
The Pharisees had rejected the message and works of Jesus. Instead they requested a miraculous
sign in the heavens. As his own disciples worked through their own doubts, Jesus made it clear
that they needed to recognize him on the basis of his works. If he gave them a sign in the
heavens then they would believe for the wrong reasonsJesus was a different kind of Messiah
ZT15 February 24, 2010

that they werent expecting. They needed to conform their expectations according to the terms
set by Jesus.
As Jesus explained the significance of his miracles and warned against the teaching and
expectations of the Pharisees, his disciples had an opportunity to reconsider what they expected
of the Messiah. Would the Messiah come in power with heavenly signs, or would the Messiah
come in power with acts of mercy and service?
Jesus redefined what it means to faithfully follow God, what it looks like to exercise power, and
what faith should be based on. Its easy to miss Jesus, far easier than wed like to admit. Jesus
wants his followers to understand who he is based on his feeding of thousands, not some mighty
act in the sky.
n Mark 6 Jesus continued to draw crowds by the thousands to the point that he and his disciples
hardly had time to eat or to catch up on what had happened with their recent ministry trip. Jesus
wanted to give them a time of rest to recover from their work, but as they pulled further away the
crowds followed.
By moving into the wilderness Jesus placed himself and his disciples outside the bounds of
human resources. The longer the crowds lingered, the more serious the situation became and the
disciples knew they didnt have the resources on hand.
To their surprise, Jesus once again asked his disciples to feed the people. Besides asking them to
trust and to depend on him, Jesus is also teaching his disciples to have compassion on the
crowds. Rather than seeing them as a nuisance that needed to be sent away, they were sheep in
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need of a shepherd and a good shepherd didnt just teach and run. A good shepherd cares for the
physical and spiritual well-being of the crowds.
Just to be certain that no one followed him, Jesus had to stay and dismiss the crowds while his
disciples started on the journey across the lake. Im not sure how Jesus intended to join them
eventually or what he told them. Did he plan on walking around the lake? Did he plan on
walking across the lake all along? Whatever he had in mind, just to find privacy at this busy time
of ministry he had to stay awake late into the evening in order to pray.
As the disciples struggled to cross the lake, Jesus walked on the water out to them. It seems that
he may not have even been walking directly to them, but once they spotted him, he walked over
to them. After yet another spectacular miracle his disciples continued to wonder who Jesus was.
They still didnt know if he was a prophet or the Messiah. Walking on water didnt line up with
any of the deeds of the prophets recorded in the Old Testament.
The chapter closes with Jesus continuing to show compassion on the crowds who came to him
and specifically asked him to heal them through his robe. The people continue to approach Jesus
on the basis of the law, not wanting to make him unclean. Though Jesus makes them clean rather
than making himself unclean when they touch him, he is patient and compassionate to still heal
them within the bounds of their expectations since they have approached him by faith.
Whether teaching the crowds, providing bread, ministering to his disciples, or healing the many
sick brought to him, we see Jesus in this passage overwhelmed with so much to do and yet taking
the time to personally address the needs of those around him. Regardless of his circumstances he
showed unlimited compassion to those around him.
ZT15 February 24, 2010

Jesus reminds us that he isnt concerned about creating comfortable situations for his followers,
but he wont abandon them in the midst of these times. In addition, when we come to Jesus by
faith, even our misconceptions and errors can be overlooked. Hes not looking for perfect form,
just solid faith.
I had a lovely time at my brother Simons house today. We have started to read the gospel of
Mark together. Its a wonder gospel and has so much packed into every verse.
I will add my comments under each verse and then give a summary of what we took from the
reading as a whole and how we will be applying it in our lives.
So in summary what did we learn from this reading today and how do we apply it to our lives?
Well it is clear that Jesus is Lord and has authority over everything. Do we as believers make the
Lord really the authority in our lives? Is Jesus Lord over our bank balance, Lord over our
Internet connection, Lord over every aspect of our lives? If Jesus stands at the door knocking
will you invite him in?
I want the Lord Jesus to be truly the Lord of my life.
If you are reading this and you do not know Jesus Christ I warmly encourage you to read the
bible for yourself and let the word of the Lord speak directly to you.
Jesus died for my sin and yours on the cross at Calvary in order that we might be brought to
repentance and washed clean through his anointing blood and be reconciled with God.
God Bless, Paul
ZT15 February 24, 2010

(most of the following is adapted from the E.S.V. study bible introduction to Mark)
AUTHOR AND HISTORY: Widespread evidence from the early church fathers affirms that
Peter passed on reports of the words and deeds of Jesus to his attendant and writer, John Mark.
He was not an eyewitness of Jesus, nor a disciple. Church father Papias, the Bishop of Hierapolis
(c A.D. 120) accorded the account apostolic significance and reliability due to the fact that it
came from Peter, that John Mark wrote down accurately as much as he could remember from
Peters words. Its interesting to note how accounts involving Peter are especially vivid, and how
they often present the weaknesses of Peter, but omit praiseworthy or noticeable references to
Peter found in Matthew and Luke.
WHO FOR: The gospel of Mark was most likely written in Rome around the mid- to late-50s
A.D. (but some scholars date it in the mid- or late-60s). Peter affirmed the written account of
John Mark by his own authority for the reading of the church. (From the Anti-Marcionite
Prologue, written late 2nd Century A.D.)
The Gospel of Mark was therefore composed for the wider church as the record of the apostolic
testimony of Peter. It was written for Jews and also Gentiles, as Jewish customs are explained to
the reader. It was important for the author that the reader grasp that the coming of Jesus was the
culmination of Gods work with Israel and the entire world.
THEME: In this gospel, Mark often returns to the theme of Jesus universal call to discipleship:
this seems to be his main purpose as the narrative unfolds. He often categorizes his main
audience as either followers or opponents of Jesus. In supporting this purpose, Mark narrates the
identity and teaching of Jesus. This fact implies that discipleship for Mark is essentially a
ZT15 February 24, 2010

relationship with Jesus, not merely following a certain code of conduct. Fellowship with Jesus
marks the heart of the disciples life, and this fellowship includes trusting him, confessing him,
taking note of his conduct, following his teaching, and being shaped by a relationship to him.
Discipleship also means being prepared to face the kind of rejection Jesus faced.
LITERARY FEATURES: From a literary perspective, Marks gospel is a fast-paced narrative,
engaging in its variety of scenes (crowd scenes and private scenes interspersed) and story types
(calling stories, recognition stories, conflict stories etc..). The result is a collage or mosaic of the
life of Jesus. His aim is to paint a picture of Jesus life, character and the main purpose of his
incarnation. It is obviously intended as a proclamation and apostolic work, not just a
disinterested observation.
The gospel of Mark is a hero story, with Christ as the main protagonist. Mark was a storyteller,
and selected his material by two criteria: he chose events that were TYPICAL or representative
in the life of Jesus (e.g. miracles of healing, parables) and UNIQUE, once-only events
(especially those connected with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus).
So read this gospel account as a travelling companion of John Mark. You have duties and chores
to do, but when you return to the bible, you have a chance to hear another story about Jesus, to
help you grow not just your picture of him, but your relationship to him as well.

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