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Cory Carbone

Dr. Guenzel
ENC 1102: Composition II
Due: May 28
/ Submitted: June 10

Research Dossier: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Peace Process
Dossier Introduction
-Provide a research question and if possible a preliminary description of the argument:
For my Research, the main question I will be asking is what is the current situation of
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and ongoing Peace Process? As well as what are the
outlooks from the three perspectives I will be researching, the governments of the United
States of America, The European Union, and The United Nations. In its most basic form,
the preliminary argument posed to all three of the perspectives, is what actions will be
required in their own views to create a lasting peace between the two entities in conflict?
From my writers stance, I will assume the position and make the argument that the status
quo as it stands between Israel and Palestine is a failed course with no chance at success.
Therefore my argument will be that in order to achieve peace, the Two-State solution that
will create a Palestinian State for Palestinians and maintain the already existing
State of Israel for the Jews is the only chance at achieving this end. I will use my three
perspectives to determine if this course of action is widely held or whether there are
alternative thoughts. On a subsidiary level, with that question being posed to anyone who
has a vested interest or curiosity in the matter asked, the second question will inevitably
be what does each of the three outside perspectives have at stake with the outcome of any
future peace agreement? After all, politics is just as much about benefiting your Country
and standing as it is helping those around you. All three of the perspectives have large
amounts of finance invested in this conflict and likewise have political repercussions.
Essentially, this is the basis of my argument I will be making in my Research Paper and
Presentation to the class as my audience next week.
-Provide a context for your research project:
It goes without saying that my context with this Research Paper is myself as a Student
in this Composition II class presenting my argument findings to my colleagues and
fellow students in a TED Talk format. On a personal level, I specifically chose the topic I
did because I have a deep connection with the subject matter and argument being posed. I
travel to Israel and the Palestinian Territories on a frequent basis to pursue Judaic studies
at Yeshiva, which is a Jewish seminary, usually visiting both countries every winter and
summer break when I am not attending The University of Central Florida. As a Jew I
have always had a sincere stake in Peace between these two adversaries, and seeing that a
lasting settlement is eventually reached. For even though I am an American citizen, like
the vast majority of other Jews around the World, I consider Israel my home away from
home and care for its wellbeing and security. I follow daily the news coming out of this
region and thus I have very good background knowledge of the past, the present, and of
course hopes for what the future may hold in this land. Going deeper than this, I also
have many friends on both sides of the conflict, Israeli and Palestinian alike and have
always been fascinated by their appeals, thoughts and rhetoric, which I have heard.
Aside from the personal dimension of why I chose to write about this topic with the
Writing Space, which I have been given, I have also asked myself many times what the
major players in brokering peace are doing and plan to do? Inevitably, a solution to this
never-ending conflict will have to come from the outside. The hopes of the two sides
reaching an agreement on their own seem pretty dismal at best. With this thought in
mind, I jumped at the chance to conduct research for this topic when given this project as
a convenient opportunity. As far as my audience is concerned, I will assume the position
that most if not all of my classmates have at least a little background insight into what my
topic means, even if they do not know the more intricate details involved in the conflict.
Yet what matters most to me in conveying my message to them is why this situation is an
important one to their interests and also what the consequences might be given the
circumstances. My research is relevant to my audience because in the modern age, our
National security as Americans is intertwined with Global security as humanity! And if
there is one area of the Globe where violence and instability is extremely heightened, it is
in the Middle East or in my case in the Holy land.
- Show how the sources listed under the annotated bibliography help answer the research
question above or cluster the sources to show various perspectives on the issue:
For my research, I have three different perspectives on the topic of the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict. Our own nation The United States of America, The European Union,
and The United Nations as previously stated. Out of the twenty sources I have compiled
from my Digital Paper Trail, the distribution is six sources showing the European Union
perspective, five sources showing the United States perspective, two sources showing
the United Nations perspective as well as three from the Israeli-Palestinian camp and an
additional four which are what I consider to be neutral sources from scholars or writers
who have no side to represent. From the twenty sources I collected and chose, I felt that
they provided me with enough background context and information to put together at
least the first rough draft of the Research Paper. Going along with these sources, will
inevitably come additional sources later during the writing process as I browse for ideas
and thoughts.
Dealing with the question of how will these sources help answer the research question,
what matters most is that I have every major component represented. After all, my
research question is what have my three perspectives done to aid in the peace process and
help deflate the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I also made it a point to diversify
my source types and not just use a bunch of the same. I have utilized film documentaries,
academic papers in journals, and books on the subject, primary sources, as well as
historical texts.
Research Map
-Research Question / Thesis:
Where does the peace process presently stand between Israel and the Palestinians,
and what positions and plans have the three major observers The United States, The
European Union, and The United Nations taken to help secure a settlement and put an
end to the ongoing conflict?
-Field Research / Internet / Library:
The breakdown of my Sources does not involve any field research or personal
interviewing as there is not enough time in the Summer A Semester to effectively
accomplish anything substantial. That said, all twenty of my sources were found using
the Internet on either the search engine Google or with the UCF Library Database. Going
off of the Internet, the majority of sources were retrieved using the UCF Library
Database and Catalog system called One Search.
-Preliminary Research Plan: (What has been done, and what is being planned):
As of right now, my research plan is simply to collect sources, which will be of value
to my topic while contributing to the three perspectives viewpoints I wish to illustrate on
in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I have been utilizing the UCF Library database with the
OneSource engine, and also the Google search engine to locate pertinent information.
Additionally, I have started putting together a layout of what my Final Research Paper
will look like and how it will be composed. Presently, my Thesis and Introductory
paragraphs are nearly complete, while the supporting claims and positions of my three
perspectives will need some more sources to start writing. Since I will be using the
A.P.A. format for my Paper, I cannot write my Abstract at the beginning until my Paper
is entirely completed. However, I can say that writing the Abstract should not be a
problem as I have a fairly good idea about what I will write for it.
From finished work to the planning stages, looking towards the near future, the on
thing, which I will try to accomplish, is to find more primary sources. Up to now the
majority of my sources are more information and history based. For example, if it is the
United States position I am trying to capture, then I will research statements made by
Secretary of State John Kerry or President Barack Obama. If it is the United Nations,
then I will find comments or resolutions by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Other than
this one facet, the only thing, which remains to be done, is the actual writing of the Final
Research Paper. I have yet to decide how I will present my findings to the class in the
context of the TED Talk, but right now I am leaning more towards a power point format
to aid in visual imagery to the primary speech I will give.

-Keywords (list of ones actually used):
Israel United States Terrorism Abbas
Palestine European Union I.D.F. Camp David
Conflict Oslo Accords Middle East Arafat
Peace Settlement Jerusalem Obama Hamas
United Nations Ramallah Netanyahu Hezbollah
P.L.O. P.A. Resolutions Negotiations
-Timetable (Revised):

Monday, May 19
; Research Map

Wednesday, May 21

Thursday, May 22
; Digital Paper trail

Friday, May 23

Sunday, May 25

Wednesday, May 28
; Workshop Draft Research Dossier

Thursday, May 29
; Final Draft Research Dossier

Friday, May 30

Saturday, May 31

Wednesday, June 4
; Workshop Draft Rhetorical Analysis

Thursday, June 5
; Final Draft Rhetorical Analysis

Friday, June 6

Monday, June 7
; Pitch your Research to Get People Excited About Your TED Talk

Sunday, June 8

Wednesday, June 11
; Workshop Draft 1 Research Paper

Thursday, June 12
; Opening of 2014 World Cup

Monday, June 16
; Workshop Draft 2 Research Paper

Tuesday, June 17
; Final Draft Argumentative Research Paper

Thursday, June 19
, TED Talks 6/18 & 6/19

RESEARCH DATES: (Will be conducted mainly at the U.C.F. Library)

Monday, May 26
to Thursday, May 29
in the Afternoon

Monday, June 2
to Thursday, June 5
in the Afternoon

Monday, June 9
to Thursday, June 12
in the Afternoon

Monday, June 16
to Tuesday, June 17
in the Afternoon

Annotated Bibliography

*For my Annotated Bibliography, I have chosen what I feel are the three most important
sources for each of the three perspectives to provide further in depth detail on:
1). Europes Palestine Problem
Miller, R. Europe's Palestine Problem. Foreign Affairs, 90, 8-12.
In this paper written for the Foreign Affairs Journal by Rory Miller, he makes the case
that the European Union is playing what he calls a second fiddle role to that of The
United States in the peace process and negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Yet
despite this detail, he mentions this conflict as being one of the European Unions top
priorities on their foreign affairs docket handled by their External Action service. Mainly
because as the European Unions High Representative Catherine Ashton stated, European
security is impacted by Middle East peace and security in turn!
Additionally he also makes the case that one of the reasons the European Union is
currently playing second fiddle to America is due to the fact that like the United States,
the E.U. is a Federation. The only difference is that unlike the United States where there
is one government with fifty States, the E.U. is a Confederation of almost 27 National
Governments who cannot agree on anything and hence cannot convince the Israelis and
Palestinians to let them play the mediator role.
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: The Author Rory Miller is the Director of Middle East &
Mediterranean Studies Program at Londons Kings College. He is a scholar at a Major
British University who has written previous books on the subject. More so his article is
published in a peer reviewed journal Foreign Affairs. As far as a bias, he does not seem
to have one in favor of anyone, though he does share his opinion on what he feels should
be done within the European Union.
2). E.U. positions on the Middle East Peace Process

EU Positions on the Middle East Peace Process. (2014, January 1). . Retrieved June 8,
2014, from
This document is directly from the European Union External Action Services
website, and plainly states their Organizations up to date positions on the conflict and
peace process. More importantly, it also states their stances on a final settlement between
Israel and Palestine on crucial issues such as Borders, Security, Israeli Settlements and
Palestinian Refugees. Giving a great insight on the fine print the European Union wishes
to see happen, implemented and discussed during potential future talks. Furthermore this
webpage provides numerous other links to statements issued on this matter by their
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: This source was located on the official European Union
website and is endorsed by their office of External Action, which acts as their de facto
Foreign Affairs office. This is a primary source stating their governments position. It has
a bias in that they are stating what the European Union believes and why. But then again,
this is their viewpoint and they have a right to their governments opinion on the conflict.
3). Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process

Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process. (2014, May 12). . Retrieved June
8, 2014, from
Taken from the European Unions website, this document is a sort of Manifesto laying
out nine statements which the E.U. Council in Brussels, Belgium made in regards to the
ongoing peace process and negotiations. Essentially it reiterates that Europe will continue
to provide support and aid to both sides and backs the United States efforts to broker a
deal with the particular help of United States Secretary of State John Kerry.
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: Like the previous source, it was taken directly from the
European Unions website which acts as a primary source for information. This one
comes from the link for the European Council, which acts as their governments
legislative body.
1). For the U.S., Israel and Palestine: whats Plan B?

Buss, M. For the U.S., Israel, and Palestine: what's plan B?. The American
Prospect, 25, 50-54.

This article written by Matthew Duss for the Journal The American Prospect makes
the case that without the Two State solution the Israelis and the Palestinians chances for a
lasting peace seem pretty dismal. He further makes the case that despite the Governments
of both trying to make this solution work as well as a vast majority of Israeli and
Palestinian citizens supporting it, the risk of the highly inflamed radical right wing
Nationalist factions on both sides of the Green Line put this at risk. He goes on to say that
what the United States Government and everyone else for that matter is slowly coming to
realize, is that the Status Quo as it stands is not a viable option for the future of the Holy
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: Writer Matthew Duss is a Foreign Policy analyst for the
American Prospect Journal. His bias is in favor of further promoting and seeking a Two-
State solution to the conflict.
2). Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid; by Jimmy Carter
Carter, J. (2006). Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. New York City, New York: Simon and

Written by former United States President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jimmy
Carter, this book gives one mans insight into why there has not yet been a peace
agreement reached between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and lists the barriers he
feels are preventing this from happening. As a primary source he is one of the best on this
situation and historical context. In 1979 he helped broker the first ever peace agreement
between Israel and an Arab Nation, Egypt. Thus solidifying himself in the history of the
Middle East. Though this text is a highly controversial one, it shows what it might take to
achieve a lasting peace such as the one he helped broker with another Arab nation.
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: As a primary source, it does not get much better than this.
The writer of this book, former United States President Jimmy Carter was a major player
in helping negotiate a peace between Israel and Egypt. The first time peace was reached
between Israel and any Arab country. After he left the Oval Office, he involved himself
heavily in numerous humanitarian causes and received the Nobel Peace Prize for his
efforts. He is widely considered an expert analyst on the Middle East region in general
and particularly with the Israel-Palestine conflict. His bias in his book is heavily in the
Palestinians favor. He cites several obstacles the Israelis have created which hinder the
peace process.
3). The Oslo Legacy
Menenberg, A. The Oslo Legacy . World Affairs, 174, 23-30.
In this article by Aaron Menenberg in the World Affairs journal, the author states his
case on why what took place with the Oslo Accords of 1993, which created the first
significant step towards peace between Israel and Palestine, has failed and been negated
by both sides presently. His main argument is that the Oslo Accords were based on a
premise, which was inherently flawed, the idea that the Israelis and Palestinians could
diplomatically negotiate a way towards peace. In the article, he lists eight factors as to
why the Accords have faltered, and states his idea to forge a new path forward in this
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: The author of this article, Aaron Menenberg was an Israel
Government Fellow with the Menachem Begin Center serving with the Israeli Ministry of
Defense in the West Bank/ Judea and Samaria. It is in a peer-reviewed journal. And
though he is an insider with the Israeli Government, he states both sides of the divide on
why the Oslo Peace Accords have crumbeled.
1). Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Solidarity with the
Palestinian People
Moon, B. K. (2013, November 29). Secretary-General's message on the International Day
of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. . Retrieved June 8, 2014, from
Acting as a Primary source, this statement from the Secretary General of The United
Nations Ban Ki Moon was issued on November 29
, 2013 to commemorate Palestinian
International Solidarity Day. In his statement he highlights what the United Nations
wishes to bring to light on this issue for the Palestinian people and to say what his
organizations agenda will be to help remedy this situation. The article is admittedly
biased in that he is only highlighting the plight of the Palestinian people and does not
show the other side for the Israelis. Yet I still find it a valuable source to see where the
United Nations stands.
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: This source is direct from the United Nations website, and
is a primary source due to it being a statement from their Secreatry General Ban Ki-
Moon. It has a pretty significant bias in that it is Ban Ki-Moon stating things his
organization wishes to do in aid of the Palestinian People as well as it being a statement
in solidarity with them.
2). Threat, Victimhood, and Peace: Debating the 2011 Palestinian UN State
Membership Bid
Jaspal, R., & Coyle, A. Threat, Victimhood, and Peace: Debating the 2011 Palestinian
UN State Membership Bid. D.O.M.E.S "Digest of Middle East Studies". , 23, 190-214.
This article was written by Rusi Jaspal PhD in the Digest of Middle East Studies, and
focuses around the 2011 effort by the Palestinian National Authority to gain recognition
as a non-member State in The United Nations. He mentions the arguments that Israel
gave against admission of Palestine under the terms at the time by Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as remarks by President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine in
support of his Nations bid. His conclusion is that because of what each sides actions
were at the United Nations during this moment, it caused serious damage to the
negotiations, which were being conducted.
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: Author Rusi Jaspal PhD. Is a Professor at De Montefort
University and wrote his article in a peer-reviewed journal The Digest of The Middle
East. He is fairly balanced in his writing of what each side did and said in the process of
Palestine trying to gain non-member State status at The United Nations.
3). United Nations Resolution 181; Future Government of Palestine
United Nations Resolution 181; the future government of Palestine. (1947, November
29). . Retrieved June 8, 2014, from
If there was a text, which was the origin of the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict
through the years up to the present, it is this. The original transcript text and document for
the Partition plan of British Mandatory Palestine from 1947! This agreement set the
precedent for everything, which is being intensely debated and fought over by both sides
word for word and note by note right now. You could say this is the Magna Carta for
present day State of Israel and what could have been the State of Palestine. In a way, this
document acts as sort of a ghost of what could have been had both sides agreed to the
initial brokering by the United Nations. It is a great text for putting everything in
CREDIBILITY of SOURCE: As with the previous two sources, this one was retrieved
through the United Nations website in the archives of past resolutions. This document is
the basis for any and all arguments that have followed wit this conflict. Almost acting
like the blueprint for what is the concept of Israel and Palestine.

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