Alternator Problems

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1. A 3-phase, 16-pole alternator has a star-connected winding with 144 slots and
10 conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.03 Wb, inusoidall! distributed and the speed is
3"# r.p.$. %ind the fre&uenc! rp$ and the phase and line e.$.f. Assu$e full-pitched coil.
50 Hz, 15.34 V, 2658 V
2. %ind the no-load phase and line 'oltage of a star-connected 3-phase, 6-pole
alternator which runs at 1(00 rp$, ha'ing flux per pole of 0.1 Wb sinusoidall! distributed. )ts
stator has #4 slots ha'ing double la!er winding. *ach coil has + turns and the coil is chorded b! 1
3125 V.
3. 4-pole, #0-,-, star-connected alternator has 1# slots per pole and each slot
has 10 conductors. All the conductors of each phase are connected in series. the winding factor
being 0./#. When running on no-load for a certain flux per pole, the ter$inal e.$.f. was 1+(# 'olt.
)f the windings are lap-connected as in a d.c. $achine, what would be the e.$.f. between the
for the sa$e speed and the sa$e flux0pole. Assu$e sinusoidal distribution of flux.
750 V
4. A 3-phase, star-connected alternator supplies a load of 10 1W at p.f. 0.+#
lagging and at 11 23 4ter$inal 'oltage5. )ts resistance is 0.1 oh$ per phase and s!nchronous
reactance 0.66 oh$ per phase. 6alculate the line 'alue of e.$.f. generated.
11,486 volt
5. A 60-73A, ((0 3, #0-,-, 1 phasealternator has effecti'e ar$ature resistance of
0.016 oh$ and an ar$ature lea2age reactance of 0.0" oh$. 6o$pute the 'oltage induced in the
ar$ature when the alternator is deli'ering rated current at a load power factor of (a) unit! (b) 0."
lagging and (c) 0." leading.
225 V, 234 V, 208V
6. A 1000 23A, 3300-3, 3-phase, star-connected alternator deli'ers full-load
cugi'en 3-13A, #0-,-, 11-23, 3 phase, 8-connected alternator when suppl!ing 100
A at -ero p.f. leading has a line-to-line 'oltage of 1(,3"0 39 when the load is re$o'ed, the
'oltage falls down to 11,000 3. :redict the regulation of the alternator when suppl!ing full-load at
0.+ p.f. lag. Assu$e an effecti'e resistance of 0.4 per phase
7. A 3-phase, 8-connected s!n. generator supplies current of 10 A ha'ing phase
angle of (0; lagging at 400 3. %ind the load angle and the co$ponents of ar$ature current )d and
if <d = 10 oh$ and <& = 6.# oh$. Assu$e ar$. resistance to be negligible.
8. A 3,000-23A, 6-pole alternator runs at 1000 r.p.$. in parallel with other
$achines on 3,300-3 bus-bars. The s!nchronous reactance is (#>. 6alculate the s!nchroni-ing
power for one $echanical degree of displace$ent and the corresponding s!nchroni-ing tor&ue.
6,000 N!
". A #,000-23 A, 10,000 3, 1#00-r.p.$., #0-,- alternator runs in parallel with
other $achines. )ts s!nchronous reactance is (0>. %ind for (a) no-load (b) full-load at power
0.+ lagging, s!nchroni-ing power per unit $echanical angle of phase displace$ent and calculate
s!nchroni-ing tor&ue, if the $echanical displace$ent is 0.#.
873.4 #$, 2,782 N!
10. Two (0-13A, phase alternators operate in parallel to suppl! a load of 3#13A at
0.+ p.f. lagging. )f the output of one $achine is (# 13A at 0./ lagging, what is the output and p.f.
of the other $achine?
11.5, 0.478 %l&'(

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