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Questionnaire for CPC
A Security & Admin
1 Is the security present at the entry and exit points ? (Please mention number of security personnel)
2 Whether security is maintaining truck arrival register for entry and exit ?
3 Are baggage's of employees / visitors checked at the time of entry and exit ?
4 Is employee attendance maintained and updated regularly?
5 Is visitors register maintained and updated regularly?
6 Whether keys are kept (including spare keys) only with security ?
7 Verification by Security
On arrival of trucks, does the Security Guard verify the following information :
a Truck Nos. and type
b Locks or seal (only for trucks from CC)
Questionnaire for CPC
c Invoices / Delivery Challan / Stock Transfer Notes
B Hygiene and House keeping
8 Is the entrance area for the CPC (where shoe cleaning is done through running water ) kept clean ?
9 Whether CPC areas are neat and clean ( Poor - "P" or Satisfactory- "S" or Good - "G" or Very Good - "VG" or Excellent -
"E" )
10 Whether Pestoflash are installed and working ?
11 Whether door openings are provided with air curtains and strip curtains?
12 Did you observe stocks infested with pests ? If yes, give details of SKU and extent of damage. Refer Annexure A A
13 Are the housekeeping records maintained & updated ? Check the last housekeeping job done ?
Are all the staff wearing uniforms & hand gloves?
15 Are there variations in the temperatures indicated on Ante Room, Ripening Rooms and Cold Storages as compared to
standards defined in SOP ? Refer Annexure C
16 Are details of contact persons and telephone numbers maintained for the services listed below :
a Plumbing
b Lighting
c Doctor
Questionnaire for CPC
d Air-conditioning
e Police
f Ambulance service
g Hospital
h Fire Brigade
17 Whether first-aid box is available and filled in ?
18 Are the fire detection & fire extinguishing equipments installed at prominent locations and are they in working condition
19 Check for records maintained for Fire drills conducted at specified intervals (Record time and date of last fire drill done)
20 Were there any leakages or seepages in CPC ?
D Daily Inbound Goods
I Expected arrivals
21 Is CPC maintaining record of expected arrival of trucks from all sources ? (To facilitate Receiving Bay Planning and
preparation of Rough GRN. This information is received from Planning Dept.)
22 Check standard weight considered at the time of weighment for black and Grey crate is correct ( get average weight of 5
empty crate )
23 Check actual weight of Crate is deducted from gross weight of material in case such material arrives from Mandi or
Vendor in their own crate
Questionnaire for CPC
II Receiving - Unloading
Whether the screen is updated for the number of crates counted manually by the receiving supervisor ?
25 In case of abnormal difference between STN weight and recorded net weight, whether Shift in charge / CPC in charge
is informed about the same ? (check for corrective action taken if any. Also to be covered offsite)
26 Whether there is physical demarcation for RR, NRR and processing area at the CPC for material received from
CC/Mandi and is being adhered ?
Are Materials unloaded immediately after its arrival specially leafy vegetable and exotic fruits
III Quality Check
28 Whether a quality check is conducted for every consignment entering the CPC ?
29 Whether sample selected on arrival is as per standard? i.e. (square root of quantity received) or Sampling plan as
communicated by Quality Head
30 In case of material received from CC as "RR" is identified as "NRR" by the QC officer, whether State procurement head
is informed about the same ?
31 Whether high dump % identified in particular lot arrived from National procurement, CC and Mandis are reported to
concerned officer and National Heads
32 Verify Physically is there any rotten, infested , dump quality material is fill in crate which is bar coded and is ready to
dispatch to DC
Are all quality reports and sorting grading reports are signed off by Quality person
34 Is there significant difference between Dump and NRR % reported by quality on the basis of sampling at the time of
arrival and actual dump and NRR reported after sorting and grading ( Reasons to be obtained )
Check whether sorting grading slips are serially numbered , date and time is mentioned
Questionnaire for CPC
IV Lot Nos.
36 Whether lot nos. are generated for every vehicle arrival ?
37 Were there any instances, where the Lot cards indicate flow thru SKUs lying in the CPC more than one day ? Refer
Annexure D
V Storage - Dry
38 Whether quality inspection is done and report prepared before the crates are moved to the dispatch area ? (Verify the
report prepared )
Whether the crates are scanned for updation in the system once they are released from the storage ?
40 Whether quality checking is done for all the RR grade crates before moving them to the dispatch area ? (Verify the
report prepared)
VI Verification by Commercial Dept.
41 After arrival of Truck from CCs, does the 'Commercial Officer' check the following documents for receipt of stocks from
CCs ?
a Receipt cum Weighment Slip
b Daily Procurement Statement
c Stock Transfer Note
d Daily Stock Reconciliation
42 Whether the Commercial Officer checks the following documents for receipt of stocks from dealers outside the State ?
Questionnaire for CPC
43 Tax Invoice
44 Delivery Challan
45 Whether the Commercial Officer checks the following documents check for receipt of stocks from dealers within the
State ?
a Weighment Slip
b Tax Invoice
c Delivery Challan
46 Whether the Commercial Officer checks the following documents for stocks received from Mandi ?
a Receipt cum Weighment Slip
b Vendor / Mandi agent's invoice
c Procurement statement
47 Whether the Commercial Department forwards the documents to State Office for cheque payments ?
VII Cash Payments
Whether all cash payments are authorized by CPC Manager for expenses & purchases, other than local procurements
Questionnaire for CPC
VIII Weighment and Goods Received Note
49 Whether Goods are weighed on receipt at CPC and GRN is prepared on the basis of weighments ?
50 Check whether GRN is prepared on the same day of arrival of materials (in case it is not done, obtain reasons)
E Processing activities at CPC
51 Whether there were any instances of grey crates stored in the RR area ?
52 Did you find any Ante Room, Ripening Room & Cold storage products stored outside the specified area ? - List of such
items to be provided. Refer Annexure E
53 Whether RR & Non-RR stocks are stored in Black & Grey crates respectively? To list the number and details of SKUs
not complying with the procedure. (This checking can be done on the Sorting Grading Report). Refer Annexure F
54 Did you observe any consignment without Lot No's ? Give instances. Refer Annexure G G
Whether hygiene is maintained in the sorting line area and in the movement of the product ?
Whether sorting & grading report is prepared and signed off by supervisor & quality people
Whether lot wise NRR and damages are recorded in sorting & grading report
Whether FIFO method is followed for sorting & grading
F Cut Vegetable
59 Whether BOM is created for every assortment , cut SKU ?
Questionnaire for CPC
60 Whether new SKU or change in recipe is as advised by the State F&V head and CPC head ?
61 Whether hygiene guidelines are adhered to in respect of staff health in the cut vegetable section ?
62 Whether the receipt of material received is confirmed in the system by the cut section supervisor ?
63 Whether the packing of the cut vegetables is done as per the SKU master / packing guidelines ?
Whether the packed SKUs are correctly bar-coded and whether the nomenclature etc is correct on the sticker ? (Check
for 10 SKUs)
65 Whether the crates containing the packed SKUs are bar-coded ?
In case of shortage of consumables, whether the state office is informed about the same ? (Check the documentation in
this regard)
In case of non-availability of any of ingredient SKU, whether State F&V head is informed about the same ? (Check the
documentation in this regard)
Whether there is an appropriate handing over process to hand over processed (packed) and unprocessed material at
Cut Veg Area by the shift in charge to the Cut Veg Room Supervisor and sign off is done?
Check whether Dump generated from Cut veg Room is weighed and is matched with the dump recorded in SAP
through BOM
Check if there is any SKU lying idle to be used in Cut Veg Section and is being not used due to non availability of other
SKU to be used together
G Ripening section
Whether the release of ethylene is as per the guidelines specified per product ? (Check the guidelines for Ethylene
spray) - Guidelines to be provided (Quality dept. will provide the same)
72 Whether Quality inspection is conducted at the end of ripening cycle ? (Check the quality inspection report)
Questionnaire for CPC
H Storage - Cold
73 Whether records are maintained for SKU received, transferred to DC & damaged in Cold room?
Whether temperature & humidity inside the chamber is checked & recorded? (temperature to be defined) - (Quality
dept. will provide the same)
75 Whether quality check is done to ascertain the need for primary sorting before putting into cold store ?
Whether quality checking is done for all the RR grade crates before moving them to the dispatch area ? (Verify the
report prepared)
77 Whether quality inspection is done prior to dispatch ? (Verify the quality report prepared)
78 SKUs for which shelf life was already expired were lying in cold room?
79 Are Chillers efficiently utilized - check the Log book and also verify usage of all Chillers
I Non RR stock
Whether NRR resulting from grading of RR or non flow-through items are bar-coded / re bar-coded before moving to
staging area ?
Whether reconciliation of stock is done for reconciling NRR dispatched and received by WSD and the quantity sold at
outlets and Mandy ? (Check the Reco)
82 Whether there is any NRR lot lying in the CPC for more than 24 hours ? (Refer lot no & sorting grading report )
83 Whether any NRR grade SKU is lying in RR staging, ripening chamber or cold storage ?
84 Whether any instance of NRR turning into dump at the CPC is observed ?
Questionnaire for CPC
Are the Non RR stocks sent to the cash & carry locations using the following documents?
a Stock Transfer Note
b Gate Pass
c Weighment Slip
J Dump Management
86 Whether dump generated is kept in bins with plastic disposable bags ?
87 Whether dump generated is weighted (lot wise) and accounted in the system at the point of generation ?
Whether the pre arranged contracts or arrangements for lifting of dump are approved by State F&V head and
Commercial ?
89 Whether STN for dump is signed by the Shift in charge ?
90 Whether SKU wise daily dump report is reviewed and signed off by the CPC Commercial / In charge ?
Check whether Dump as per STN is matching with the Dump weighed by Security and recorded at Register maintained
by Security Gate
92 Whether any dump is lying for more than one shift ?
Check that Dump storage area is away from in bounding and SKU storage area at CPC to ensure that good material
does not get infested
K Transfer to DC
Questionnaire for CPC
94 Post processing, whether there are stocks (for flow through cases) lying idle pending transfer to DC ? Refer Annexure
95 Whether store-wise physical demarcation of pallets is done with tie-tapes after loading into the vehicle ?
96 In case of shortage of crate (flow-through receiving) , whether the shift in charge is informed about the same ?
97 Whether standard weight of Crate is considered at the time of bar coding before dispatch to DC
L Crates
98 Are records maintained for receipt and issue of crates in CPC?
99 Whether physical verification of crates is carried out at pre-determined intervals in CPC?
100 Check whether CC wise Crate details is maintained manually or computerized
M Cash Reconciliation for expenses
101 Is the cash book maintained and updated for recording expenses ?
102 Are there any pending entries for more than 2 days or unreconciled items ?
N Disposal of Scrap
103 Are the items which need to be sold as scrap scrapped as per company Scrap Disposal Policy & realizations if any are
entered in system? (Y or N or NA)
104 Has an area been clearly earmarked for Scrap storage? (Y or N or NA)
Questionnaire for CPC
105 Are there specific bins for Paper / Plastic Scrap, Wooden Scrap, Metallic Scrap? (Y or N or NA) (whether any
process of calling bids?)
106 Is the scrap collected by the assigned Scrap Contractor at pre-defined times? (Y or N or NA)
O Maintenance of Plant and Machinery and Buildings
107 Whether maintenance schedule for individual equipments is available with the CPC head and Technical in charge ?
108 Whether routine maintenance is carried out as per schedule ? (Check documentation in this regard)
109 In case of any breakdown, if any, whether break down report is prepared ? (Verify the break down report prepared)
Whether all weigh-scales and thermometers are checked for calibration as per schedule ? (Check the calibration
schedule and reports)
Are all machineries in working condition such as sorting machine, weighing scale, ripening chamber, cold room,
hydraulic trolley etc.?
If not, enquire when they stopped working due to breakdowns and the complaint logged with maintenance Deptt or
Whether the area is cordoned off and adequate measures taken to protect equipment, machinery and human life in
case construction is carried out inside CPC or the processing area?
P Labour management
Whether duty roaster is prepared on monthly basis and whether the same is reviewed on weekly basis ? (Check the
documentation in this regard)
114 Whether the labour attendance is properly monitored and documented ? (Check the documentation in this regard)
115 Whether the contractor supervisors are available at CPC for 24 hours ?
116 Whether personal hygiene and clean attire is practiced by all the employees ? (such as Uniform. Hand gloves, etc)
Questionnaire for CPC
Q End of Day Process
117 Whether material balance statement has been generated for all sections in the system ?
118 Whether any write off / write in is effected for difference in physical vis a vis the system balance ?
Are Adjustments/Conversions/Dumps creation of the SKUs approved as per appropriate Authorization Matrix (get
authorization Matrix for adjustments into stocks/Write off/Dump creation, from CPC or State Office )
120 Whether analysis of standard v/s actual is done for 30 KVIs / All SKUs - weekly of dump, transit loss and NRR ?
121 Whether NRR generation and realization report is prepared and maintained ?
122 Whether costs report covering utility, diesel, landed cost vs. Mandy for 30 KVIs are prepared ?
123 Whether the following KPIs reports are prepared, signed off and mailed to State Office :-
a) Fill rate by PO by Line/ Total
b) Labour efficiency report: kg/man-day (arrival)
c) Packing efficiency report: Loss against standard
d) Total Arrival - RR, NRR, unsorted, resorting
e) Unloading time Average: Sum of all unloading/ no. of trucks received:-
i) No of cases>2 hrs
Questionnaire for CPC
ii) No of cases> 4 hrs
iii) No of cases<std. time
iv) No of cases>standard time
f) Loading time: Time of STN-Time of pick list generation
g) WSD Performance Report
h) Dump Dispatch Report
i) Execution reports for the day
j) Weekly Forecast

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