Thermal Emf 1

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Thesis Organization

The present research work on the topic Investigations on the Effect of Electric and
Magnetic Field Dynamics on the Generation of Thermo EMF is an outlet of the
experimental and theoretical studies on the generation of thermo emf by various types of
thermoelectric materials. The major objective of this research work is to investigate that
how the effect of electric field, magnetic field and mechanical stress affect the
thermoelectric properties and then to implement the results for the utilization of waste heat
by its conversion into electricity as well as to evaluate their performance towards precise
temperature measurements.
Chapter 1: This chapter introduces the basics of thermoelectricity along with the
literature survey of the presented research work. This chapter discusses an idea of energy
crisis and their remedies by thermoelectric devices, selection of materials and explores why
it is (thermoelectricity) known as a Green Technology to overcome the world energy
crisis. Finally introduces the theme of generation of thermo emf in the various modes i.e.
normal mode, electric field, magnetic field and stress to aware the utilization of waste heat
along with the available or applied electric and magnetic fields.
Chapter 2: This explains that how the three types of the thermoelectric materials:
Classical thermoelectric materials (Fe, Cu, Constantan, and Nichrome), RTD
thermocouples (Resistance Temperature Detective) and the semiconducting thermoelectric
pallets (Bi
, Pb
and Bi
) are studied for the generation of thermo emf in a wide
temperature range. It signifies the idea for the generation of thermo emf not only in the

normal mode but also under the effect of applied electric and magnetic fields of various
magnitudes in different orientations.
Chapter 3: It involves the experimental procedure for the generation of thermo emf in
the various modes for all the three kinds of thermoelectric materials. It describes the
heating and cooling arrangements to establish the temperature gradient, measurements of
thermo emf, to apply the electric and magnetic fields along with their parallel and
perpendicular orientations.
Chapter 4: This chapter discusses the results of the presented research work
Investigations on the Effect of Electric and Magnetic Field Dynamics on the Generation of
Thermo EMF for all the selected materials.
Chapter 4.1: This part results for the generation of thermo emf in the various modes by
the classical thermocouples. It reports that how in the normal mode of these materials the
two thermocouples of highest thermo emf magnitudes are Fe-Constantan and Constantan-
Nichrome that generate 1.8 mV and 1 mV thermo emf at the maximum temperature
gradient of 330
C temperature. But in the parallel magnetic field mode of 360 gauss both
the above said thermocouples approaches to 4.2 mV and 2.5 mV thermo emf respectively
at the same temperature gradient. This chapter also explains about the enhancements of
thermo emf that are about 133% and 150% for Fe-Constantan and Constantan-Nichrome
thermocouples than that of their normal mode performances respectively. The similar
enhancements for the perpendicular magnetic field and various orientations of applied
electric field are discussed with the sufficient comparisons.
Chapter 4.2: Here the performance of RTD thermoelectric materials is evaluated in the
normal mode and under the effect of applied electric field, magnetic field and stress.
Results show that they all (Type E, Type K, Type B, Type S, Type R) are good energy

generators only in the normal mode. It also reports about the type E thermocouple, which
can be assigned as a better energy convertor in both the electric and magnetic field modes
than that in the normal mode.
Chapter 4.3: This is the discussion about the results that the pallets Bi
and Bi
are not much affected for the generation of thermo emf as compared to Pb
, under the
applied electric and magnetic fields. In the magnetic field mode the thermo emf generation
differs only by a very small magnitude. Similarly in the electric field Pb
pallet shows a
sudden increase in thermo emf magnitude that is enhanced by a factor of about 52% (260
gauss), 72% (360 gauss), 64% (460 gauss) than that of the normal mode conditions.
Chapter 5: The figure of merit (ZT) of the two best thermocouples (Fe-Constantan and
Constantan-Nichrome) of normal mode is calculated theoretically and compared with the
experimental results of its variations (ZT) with the temperature gradient. This chapter tends
to check the reliability of market available thermoelectric materials in terms of their
conversion efficiency.
Chapter 6: This chapter concludes that how the classical thermocouple- Fe-Constantan,
RTD-type E and the thermoelectric pallet-Pb
are the better thermo generator elements
in the various modes. This also suggests taking into account the effect of external
parameters (electric and magnetic fields) for the accurate temperature measurements by the
RTD thermocouples.
Chapter 7: This is the discussion of future scope and applications of the presented
research work in precise temperature measurements, energy generation, refrigeration and
other possibilities by utilizing the waste heat with thermoelectric phenomenon.

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