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TSE X50 v1.0
After years in part time development X50 final version is finally ready for the public.
The hours spent on this project are countless, going back and forth finding the best possible way
capturing the response of the original hardware while keeping the cpuusage on a usable level for
users with a mid to highend system has been a challenge for sure. This project has actually been
discontinued at least ! times because it didn"t meet my e#pectations.
The amp is modeled against a schematic of the original unit and every stage is taken into account
with minimal simplifications. A few features from the betaversion such as biasing is removed.
$eep in mind this is a digital emulation and some aspects of the original sound might not be there.
This plugin doesn"t try in any way to replace the original hardware, %f you like the plugin, you would
like the original analog hardware even more &'
(odeled)*rogrammed in +,, by on-el ./ohn Adrian /ohansen'.
%nput 0evel1 +ontrol the incoming .guitar' signal. 2alue of 3.0 4 ,0d5 and 6.0 4 ,7d5
8utput 0evel1 +ontrol the outgoing .amp' signal.
*re9ain1 *reamp gain, this is the main dirt control of the amp.
0ow, (id, :igh1 Tonestack);<uali=er
*ost9ain1 2olume)*A overdrive.
0ow;nd1 The amount of resonance in the .modeled' speaker .>?0:='
*resence1 The amount of presence, 3k:= and up
@ed +h. (ode switch1 +hange between ($3 and ($6 version of the red channel .only'
*reAmp switch1 5ypass the preampsection. @ead more about this further downA
*owerAmp switch1 5ypass the powerampsection. @ead more about this further downA
*owerTubes switch1 +hange between 7079+);0!B tubes in the *owerAmp model.
-uality switch1 "08" and ":%" setting. :% setting removes additional aliasing.
Ctereo switch1 *rocess two guitars at once. They must be hardpanned left)right to avoid
bleed between channelsA *anning should be done in the %@loader or by channel routing.
TSE X50 v1.0
Pre Amp:
The green channel is modeled from the ($3 version of the amp. The amp has no clean channel,
even though you could get a clean"ish sound with break ups by using very low *re9ain and high
*ost9ain. %mprovements on this channel will be done in later updates.
The red channel is modeled from both the ($3 and ($6 versions. The technical difference is so
small that it was easy to implement both.
Power Amplifier - Using the preamp/poweramp bypass functions:
The power amp has two types of tubes, 7079+ and ;0!B, the 0ow;nd)*resence controls reacts a
little different on each tube because of gain difference in the tubes.
The power amplifier consists of a phase splitter .6# 36AX?', B# powertubes and a speaker model.
Dsing a speaker model you get a 0ow;nd)*resence control that reacts to the .virtual' speaker
impedance gives you a more realistic fre<uency response. This is a big step ahead from the official
5y re<uest there"s a new feature in the final version, you can now also bypass the preamp to use
the poweramp only.
The plugin is divided in the send)return .effects loop' and this gives you the effectsloop by
running two instances of the plugin where the first has poweramp disabled and the last one has
preamp disable. %n between you could run effects .stereo effects also if poweramp has stereo
%t"s important that you keep the output fader in the first instance untouched .value 3.0' to get the
right preamp signal.
Be aware! he automatic !olume ad"ustment of the plugin is turned off when disabling preamp
or poweramp! his has potential of ma#ing the outgoing signal of the plugin !ery loud$ so please
turn down your master!olume$ postgain or outputfader before disabling/e%perimenting$
especially if the Post&ain is set high!
The poweramp has no gain control itself so you have to adjust with the input and output fader
when using other sources.
TSE X50 v1.0
'inimum (ystem )e*uirements:
+*D must support CC;6 instructions. .*entium B ) A(E Athlon X*' ,,
!6 bit or 7B bit Findows X* ) 8CX 30.5 ) or higher.
EAF ) AD ) 2CT host .@eaper or similar'
A processor of %ntel type i5)i? +*D is recommended for the best e#perience..
A big thanks to the users of TC; ADE%8 pluginsA
+I( I( A F),,-A), P)./U0
- 2ohn A4 2ohansen / on5el -

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