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Forever: A Journey through Heaven and Hell

Taught by Shaykh Riad Ouarzazi

By Gregory Abdul !uid" # !orse
Alhamdulillah (all praise and thanks to Allah) and special thanks to the ones whose hard work
has paid off by giving us the most important type of knowledge, that which brings us closer to
Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him):
Shaykh iad !uar"a"i
All Al#Maghrib volunteers$
$is%lai&er: these notes are the %reation o' the note(taker and although they atte&)t to
do *usti%e a%%urately )ortraying the dis%ussed and )resented %lass %ontent not +ritten in
the %ourse notes" there is no guarantee and %lari'i%ation should be sought be'ore relying
on this &aterial as +ell it is a best atte&)t at thoroughness but should not be %onsidered
Heaven and Hell are fascinating sub%ects and Shaykh iad !uar"a"i has brought these topics
to life in a passionate and engaging way to make us feel as if we are taking a %ourney through
them as the course name describes& 'he vivid detail and depth of stories will make you feel
pain and pleasure, while reminiscing to times of old and the time of the (rophet (upon him be
peace) while giving useful reminders and perspective on how the knowledge of these topics can
influence our lives& 'his course is a motivation to be a better Muslim as we have so much to
look forward to if we live our lives in the correct way and so much to dread if we do not& 'he
uni)ue interactive style of the Shaykh who addressed not only the brothers and their way of
thinking but the sisters too who often have many )uestions about the topics given that men and
women are mentioned in separate regards in the *uran and hadith& 'he Shaykh clearly loves
to teach and loves to interact with those Muslims who are in the )uest of seeking knowledge for
the sake of Allah and loves to analy"e this wonderful and complicated topic of where we will go
after death& Alhamdulillah for the opportunity to learn and benefit from this material that serves
as a great reminder and warning to us all of why we are here and what we must do to pass the
real test of this life&
$ay -:
A )abeelat is a tribe& Al#Maghrib uses them for competition between locations based on
attendance, how many people take the e+am and the grades on the e+ams&
'here are , stages after death yet can be broken into more& -) .eath& /) )uboor # grave 0)
rising, resurrection or al#ba1ith& 2) Al#Hashm 3 gathering - mile from sun when sun is normally
40 million miles away 5) Al#hisah ,) Al#Mi"an 6) Al#Hasas when people settle in their place 7)
siraat8sifaat 3 bridge sharp as a knife, thin as a hair& 4) Heaven or Hell&
(rophet (upon him be peace) recited 'a Ha to one who came to him to try to get him to stop his
message on behalf of the *uraish offering him wealth or power or women or anything he
wanted& 9nstead the man returned to the *uraish preaching after silencing the (rophet while he
recited 'a Ha&
'he (rophet (peace be upon him) saw :abriel (AS) in physical form twice 3 once in the cave of
Hira and the second time in 9sra (Mira%)& - wing of :abriel (AS) was able to take all the people
of ;ibal (Mt&) an#noor and he has ,<< wings& At paradise, :abriel (AS) became as small as an
ant and said he could not enter Heaven or would burn and (rophet (upon him be peace) was
the closest to ever come to paradise& Sidrat=l Muntaha is a lote tree&
>hen a person dies, one will see their place in Heaven or Hell&
At cave or Hira he was performing ibadat at#tamour or worship of meditation&
!nce during a prayer for a solar eclipse, he took one step forward and one step back& 'he
companions asked why and he said he was a grape of Heaven which would not be finished if all
in the world ate from it so he stepped forward then he saw Hell so he stepped back& 'here are
more women in Hell than men because many talk bad and do not appreciate their husbands&
Heaven surrounded by difficult things while Hell is filled with desires and the angels though
people would enter paradise until they saw all the desires of hellfire& .esires including alcohol,
"ina, riba, etc& .ifficult things are like forgiveness, waking for prayer and walking to the mas%id&
Send forth is same as send for& How many are the people of the fire means how will 9 know
them? 'he companions of the (rophet (upon him be peace) did not want to know about the 444
not entering paradise but about the - who did& 'he 444 is from :og and Magog and the -
saved is from the believers& (rophet (upon him be peace) wished that his nation will be @ of
people of Heaven, then -80 then A& Muslims are like a white thread on a black bull as they
stand out& 9t is not about )uantity, it is about )uality&
>hy are there more people in hellfire? (eople often kill the (rophets (upon them be peace),
while they were sent to all people of all times and all places& Bew did not ever get the message&
Many did not believe in the message of the (rophets (upon them be peace) who came to them
and others did not show sincerity while yet others followed their desires&
Carma is what goes around comes around, or get what you give& Dirvana is the highest level&
ebirth in Euddhism is based on karma&
Euddhism, Fhinese Baiths and Hinduism # not divine as philosophies did not come from Allah&
'he ;ehovah=s witnesses pay -<G "akat and have / years of mandatory da1wah&
At the bridge: Ar#ahim is kinship and amana is trust in the religion8deen or responsibility&
Additional names for hell: Sakar (hell), al#hutamin (broken pieces), al#hawiya (abyss or
something up to down)& -4 angels guard the gates of hell as its gatekeepers& (eople will
foolishly think they can defeat only -4 angels& Some angels could put the entire ocean on its
head and not a single drop would fall off& >here is the hellfire? 9n the heavens? 9n the earth?
9t is not known as there is no hadith&
'he sun and the moon will come in the form of a bull and be thrown into the hellfire because
people used to worship them, they are not needed as Heaven does not have a sun and a moon,
light or dark yet people will have what they worshiped follow them& Hell is dragged in to place
by 6< chains each chain carried by 6<,<<< angels for a total of 2,4<<,<<< angels carrying it& 9t
will not be full until Allah puts His foot down and crushes it& Although the gravity and terminal
velocity of Hell is not mentioned, seven times the rock weight of one camel would not reach the
bottom in 6< years& Speed in meters8second H ,< seconds8minute H ,< minutes8hour H /2
hours8day H 0,< days8year H 6< years I speed H /,-66,/7< kilometers&
.arakat are the levels of hell and dara%at are the levels of paradise&
9n Heaven levels of goodness go higher whereas in Hell the levels of badness are lower& :ates
of Hell close during amadan and gates of Heaven are open so it is easy to do good deeds&
'ahrim J,&
Dormally fire is ignited with wood but in hell, the fuel is wa)ood (men and stones)&
Fharacteristics of Hell are -) fast in igniting& /) Ead smell& 0) Kots of8so much smoke& 2) Sticks
to the skins& 5) 9ntensity of heat& >ind in Hell is hot 3 samum& >ater in hellfire is hamim and
shade in hellfire is yahmum& Bire in hell is 6< times stronger and hotter than this world& 'he fire
will add in its intensity for torment& 'here is a shadow of smoke with 0 columns all one hotter
than the other& 'he punishment is not alleviated it would only be intensified& 'his already
enough of a warning or a reminder to make tauba and come back to Allah (S>')& Hell talks
and the word fire is feminine, a place far off is a distance& 'hose who did shirk, those who make
idols and statues, taking pictures& Hellfire will become so hot it will want to breathe so in a
hadith Allah gave it permission to breathe twice, once in winter and once in summer&
Sometimes a heat wave in summer or very cold day in winter comes from the heat or the cold of
hellfire& Also have a free"ing cold punishment called "amharee& 9n another hadith, when it is
hot, cool oneself with prayer as it will cool down& >hen it is cold warm oneself up with prayer if
a voluntary one& .elaying prayer helps stay cool within for fard ones&
Don#Muslims who never heard about 9slam 3 the one who follows Allah=s order to go to hell will
be saved and the other who argue with Allah, Allah will tell them you would also have argued
with the (rophet (SA>S) if 9 sent to you and so is still sent to hell& Man who does not wake up
to pray will get punished in the grave with a rock that keeps crushing his head& 9n an opinion the
highest levels of Hell are for the sinners of the believers, then ;ews, then Fhristians, those who
leave 9slam, etc yet not considered correct& .isbelievers, hypocrites and polytheists who
committed shirk are mutually e+clusive&
Bever 3 tawakul 3 seek means to heal it but put oneself in trust of Kord as must take actions yet
medication is a means, it is Allah who gives the cure, Al#a"a), the Sustainer so know all is
from Him yet take actions&
All disbelievers and polytheists go to hell forever& 9ntensity related to deeds done& 'hose who
re%ect Allah are arrogant& Chaladeena feeha is abiding therein forever& Abadan is
eternally8forever& ;annata l#youh are those who go for cleansing in hell then are pulled out and
come to paradise& .eath will come in the form of a sheep and it will be slaughtered and will say
to people of Hell and Heaven there is no more death& Hudd: 47 (haroah& Satan calls to
punishment of hellfire also (haroah& Al#Ea)arah /://5 do not marry mushrikeen or kafir as they
are those who are called to Hell while Allah calls to Heaven&& Araf: 0,& Al#Athab: ,2 non#
believers thrown into hell forever and no friend or helper for them& Abu Hurairah said first 0 to
enter Hell all claim to do things for Allah& -) Shaheed who lied only for people seeing them
being courageous& /) Aleem, )adi, scholar or one who memori"e *uran who lied only for
position or recognition& 0) 'he generous man who gave sada)a yet lied only to be seen& All are
Muslims who were not sincere&
Lou will not enter Heaven by deeds alone& >ill only enter by the mercy of Allah& 'here is one
man who is one good deed short of entering Heaven and one man who has only one good deed
so he gives his good deed to the other man and so he gives his one good deed to the other man
and Allah says are you more merciful than me? So both enter Heaven& Ealsa) is the stage
before # the world of the grave which is either a pit of hellfire or a garden of Heaven&
Al#An1am ,:-/7 powerful against %inn and they react to it as not only man enter hellfire but also
%inn& >omen entering hell because they make kufr, they curse Allah and do not treat their
husbands well& Man who bad to wife also must answer& >omen whisper to each other, gossip,
they are half of society but really all of society as the nation builders& 'he most beautiful title
after (rophet (upon him be peace) is mother& Al#9mran family of 9mran about old woman
needing change so she ask Allah for a baby boy, so she got pregnant and had daughter which
disappointed her but it was Mary, the father of 9sa&
Eetween / should of non#believers in hellfire is the travel distance of /#0 days like Mt& Mhud&
'he skin thickens of the disbeliever so it is 2/ times the length of an arm, his sitting is the
distance between Makkah and Medina& 'he bitter thorny plant of hell has no taste, no nutrition
benefits and is only for punishment& 'he Na))um burns the intestines from the inside& 9n
Heaven will be drinking milk, honey and wine& So much pain from eating after will have to drink
which also will destroy them from the inside& !ne drop of Na))um would corrupt the entire
earth or spoil the entire universe& Al#Ha)): 05 hisleen 3 "opinicen 3 %uice from crushing people
of hellfire, or blood8pus& Bor those in hell, food from fire, drink from fire, clothes from fire& Al#
hamim is very hot water, Al#ghassa) is very hot food, Al#sadid is li)uid that comes out from the
non#believers who is getting punishment& ;inn also punished with fire as it will still hurt them
even if they are made from fire& Hell will have beds yet they can never get any sleep& .ifferent
levels of fire from waste high8bellies or collarbone8throats, some swimming in it& Oven
disbelievers= punishment will vary one to another such as one who disbelieved in a prophet
versus one who killed a prophet& 'he hamim boiling water will pour on the head and come out
of the mouth and belly and reach down to the feet& 0:-<,& Dow punching on the face is
forbidden yet in hell they will be disgraced as they are roasted and their faces damaged& 52:27
shackles and chains on arms and legs& Sinners of believers will come out from the hellfire like
the kharwari%&
Ha%%: /-#// 3 every time want to go out of hellfire will be dragged back and beat8stricken with a
mace8ball with spikes of iron& 9nsan: 2 we have prepared chains and shackles for the people of
hellfire& Al#ghafir: 6- draged to hellfire with chains around the neck like prisoners and dragged
with shame and dishonor& Ontrails means belly spilled out from mouth and behind& .anger of
one who does da1wah and is not practicing what they preach as will get this punishment& Frying
and sorrow will not benefit them& .alleen is astray& After ask Allah they will never ask Allah for
anything will instead ask friends, enemies and angels crying out P9 wishQ, P9 wishQ, P9 wishQ but it
is too late& egret will not help as cannot go back and do good deeds& 9nshi)a): -<#-/ and
fatir: 07&
A useful techni)ue is to talk to someone but send the message to someone else& 'he people
who travel from very far for knowledge gain more& :ive gifts to new Muslims&
Ea)arah: 7/& >rongdoers come in disgrace with heads down so they want to be brought back
to do righteousness, yet Allah says P9 will fill Hell with men and %innQ& 'hey forgot about Allah so
Allah forgets about them& Malik is the angel who is the master gatekeeper& 'hey ask the
angels guarding Hell to eliminate the pain for one day but the angels say have not people come
to you with evidence& 'hen they will say they %ust want to die %ust finish us& PLa MalikQ PLa
MalikQ PLa MalikQ crying for -<<< years and after -<<< years he will respond Pyou will stay in itQ
Pyou will stay in itQ Pyou will stay in itQ& >e came to you with the truth but you did not like the
truth& So they try with Allah, the angels, Malik and none will answer& Ket them laugh today, later
they will cry a lot, they will cry blood& 'hey will cry until no more tears can come and only blood
which will leave a mark on the face like a big trench yet it will not help them& Hudd: -<, 3 cry
and make noise, panting for breath&
/ type: those who go to hell forever and those who do not& 'here are signs of people
possessed by %inn& 'ake ablution and recite ayat kursi, also *uran to protect oneself&
Shaheer8"aheer is crying&
, that lead to hell forever: -) Shirk /) Cufr 0) Difa) 3 hypocrisy 2) disbelief in the *uran& 5)
.isbelief in the .ay of ;udgment& ,) Cibr in terms of arrogance to accept the truth&
'reachery 3 betrayal8deception& Bahisha 3 evil deeds& Eukhun 3 stingy& iya 3 showing off&
Cilling innocent lives or people& Kack of sincerity in seeking knowledge& >oman enter hellfire
because of cat, she did not feed it and locked it up until it died& 'hose who take pictures in
other words statues or idols& .ishonoring your parents even if they are non#Muslims& / people
in hellfire 3 those with whips who beat or hit people un%ustly and women dressed as if they are
naked, who walked to show off with arrogance both are seen now but not at the time of the
(rophet (upon him be peace), those will not smell the fragrance of Heaven& Cibr 3 other type
even weight of an atom will prevent from entering paradise& Keaving mandatory acts of 9slam 3
5 pillars& Beeling the creation of Allah verses feeling the creator& Dot following the 'radition of
the (rophet (upon him be peace)& Mocking the 'radition of the (rophet (upon him be peace) or
the (rophets (upon them be peace)& (leasing people instead of pleasing Allah& Elack magic 3
problem in Malaysia and 9ndonesia& iba 3 usury& Fonsuming wealth of orphans or people&
*adis8%udges are 0 types: / in hellfire, - in Heaven& 'he - who knew the truth and acted upon
it& 'he other / are - who knew the truth but did not rule on it and the - who ruled based on
ignorance and as not fit or did not deserve to be a %udge& Eelying on the (rophet (upon him be
peace) who lies on me leads to hellfire in other words bidaa or innovation& >ife of Kut, son of
Doah, Abu Kahab and His wife are all in the hellfire& Makkans used to follow religion of 9brahim
until Amr bin R brought idols so the (rophet (upon him be peace) saw him in hellfire dragging
his gut& ;inn also in hellfire, they eat, sleep, drink like humans, also get married, pray, have
Mlama, some live in Makkah and Medina, and they cry when they hear the *uran& ;inn different
from Satan as %inn from everywhere, every Satan is %inn but not every %inn is Satan& :ood %inn
and bad %inn yet 9blis is Satan and is special in being immortal until the .ay of ;udgment& Sects
will be 60 different ones, 6/ in hell, - in Heaven - saved who follows tradition of the (rophet
(upon him be peace) if no shirk but ma%or a)idah problems not in hellfire forever& Charwari% for
e+ample who went against Ali (A) with big fitnah consider all who sin are in hellfire and there is
no tauba8repentance& 'a Ha: -<< the d"ikr of Allah in deen, signs, etc& Bur)an: --& Fommit
suicide& Saee is another name of the hellfire& Al#Araf: 0,& .rinking from silver or gold or
wearing gold or silk e+cept women can wear gold if not showing off& 'aubah: ,7&
Mlama8students who implement what is learned will go to highest level of Heaven&
'hose who shirk, murder or do adultery thrown into hellfire e+cept if repented then He will
'awheed is the belief in the oneness of Allah& epentence is tauba and must make today as
everyone has sin and Allah loves those who do and even the Messenger of Allah (upon him be
peace) did it everyday& Ee children of the hereafter not of this dunia as both houses have
people in it when the hereafter is brought& Kive however you want to live, love however you
want to love, Allah does not throw his loved ones into hellfire and one day all will be
accountable& 'he angel of death will come and then / angels will come and ask who is your
Kord, what is your religion and what is it about or who was sent to you? Siyyam is savoir&
*iyam is late prayer time& Bas - day voluntary only for sake of Allah and will save from the fire&
Kife is only a day or half a day while the hereafter is forever so think about death and plan for it&
Frying 3 / eyes never enter and - of those is that which cries& 'he grave is your house and the
dust is your blanket when buried& Over thought about first night in grave as nothing in this world
will benefit one then at a time when losing the name and title& :athering for the sake of Allah to
learn or remember& Making ablution continuously and praying& Soluntary charity& Eeautiful
kalmia of la ilaha illa Allah is the greatest savior from hell& 9f one is )uiet or crying, it is a sign
that Allah has forgiven& Abu .arda said 0 things made him laugh and 0 made him cry&
Someone who thinks will live forever, the ignorant person who does not know where they are
going, and someone laughing out loud not knowing why& >hen (rophet (upon him be peace)
die and friends die, when will meet final destiny, on )ayimah when not know if will go to Heaven
or Hell& :lad tidings to those who listen and act upon it& :hafir 3 angels make special duaa for
us when we repent also make enter garden of Oden8Heaven for parents or children& Stand up
and struggle& Make istighfar& Do crime is big compared to the mercy of Allah& Dever despair of
His mercy& Ceep knocking on Allah=s door& 9t is wide open until death or the .ay of ;udgment&
$ay .:
Haytama ibn hitath tells son Saad stay home and cannot go to Eadr but son says 9 will go and
you stay as 9 go for my hereafter& Saad gets killed and father cry say son more intelligent and
saw him in dream in Heaven and father kept seeking martyrdom until he died in the battle of
Mhud& 'here is Heaven in this world and if not enter it cannot enter Heaven of thehereafter and
it is the Heaven of iman& Sweetness of faith must taste here first& -
%ourney in this world, then
the grave, then resurrection then hell or heaven&
6<,<<< holding hands up enter in one line, the first enter at same time last one enter face so
bright like a full moon& >ill not urinate, not defecate, no washroom, heart like the heart of one
man, there is no envy in Heaven and all men will have / wives& Adam (AS) enter Heaven with
spouse %ust not allowed to eat from the tree& Bire burns everything e+cept the forehead where
mark of su%ood is present& .on=t think that la ilaha illa Allah will save as not want to go to fire
even if taken out as the fire of hell is 6< times hotter than that of dunia& 'he first huge multitude
of people waiting to enter Heaven seen was those people of Musa& (rophet (upon him be
peace) was ra=oof, aheem 3 kind and merciful to his Mmmah& My Kord 9 want more in Mmmah
to enter so make su%ood and duaa for more so for each 6<,<<< then another 6<,<<< will enter
with no account, in another narration it is only -,<<< for each of the original 6<,<<<& Age of -5 is
where held accountable so 25 years held accountable if living an average life until ,<& 9mage -
sin a day then 25 years standing in front of Allah& 9f 5< sin per day then /,/5< years or the
number of sins I 25 years H 5< sins8day H 0,< days8year I 7-<,<<< sins& Allah will ask the
people of Heaven are you pleased, and He will say they will never displeased with anything
again and intercession begins so can make shafaa by believers then by Allah then believers
going to Hell will be removed& Anybody with one coin of iman in their heart will be taken out
then anyone with half a coin of iman in their heart will be taken out, then angels will grab people
who did not do any good yet said la ilaha illa Allah and throw in the river of life then Heaven and
people see them and recogni"e and say they are saved by Ar#ahman& 'he gates of Heaven
always open because nobody wants to be trapped so people can get spiritual and physical
pleasure even if would never go out, as they have everything they could ever need& 'he last
man to enter paradise thinks he is the first to enter it so he says Alhamdulillah then first sees a
tree and asks to go to it promises not to ask anything else then again sees a closer tree then
again to a tree right ne+t to the gate of paradise then finally is allowed to enter paradise& Musa
(upon him be peace) asked Allah (S>') about lowest man in Heaven and said he still has the
greatest kingdom of earth (Sulayman who ruled all of the Oast and >est) so he thanks Allah
and this is increased one time until -< times& Bor a tree in Heaven, make takbeer, tamheel,
tasbih or shahada& Bor some Allah will plant tree with His own hand&
-< will go to Heaven as were specifically seen there by (rophet (upon him be peace): Abu Eakr
(A), Mmar (A), Mthman (A), Ali (A), Saad ibn >akaas (A), Abu Mbaidah (A), Saad
Muu"aid (A), A"#Nubair ibn Awad (A), Abdu ahman ibn Auth (A), 'alha Mbaidilah (A)
Also notable are Saad ibn >aad (A) who the 'hrone of Allah shook for when he died, special
angels came for his %ana"ah who will never return again, Eilad abah (A) during Miraa% heard
the shaking of him, Naid ibn abin Mfaid (A) saw him in Heaven having / levels, Haitha ibn
Anoomad (A) most dutiful to his mother, always fed his mother with his own hands so heard
him recite the *uran in Heaven asking who and found out it was him& >alaad ibn Mffa (A) the
cousin of Chadi%ah (A) do not curse him has / levels in Heaven& Naid Muharitha (A) 3 only
sahaba in *uran by name who used to live with the (rophet (upon him be peace)& Abu .arda
(A) an arphan and snsari argue over tree, the (rophet (peace be upon him) says it belongs to
the Ansari but give it to the orphan yet he refuse so when Abu .arda heard this and gave the
garden to the orphan so when die say earn hmany trees in Heaven& Abu ibn Sallam a ;ewish
scholar before embracing 9slam& Hadi ibn Sarata1 died by arrow before battle but reached
Birdaus& Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram the father of ;abir when he died, the (rophet (upon him
be peace) said he is the first one to see the face of Allah& 9mam of mas%id *uba who recited
Surah 9khlas of tawheed every prayer purely for the love of it& >omen also were given glad
tidings, Mmm Salam (bintul il#Ham) (A) 3 noise in Heaven heard& Nainab (A) gave necklace
of Chadi%ah for ransom husband and (rophet (peace be upon him) saw it and made sure it went
back to her and ransom was paid& Maryam the mother of (rophet 9sa (AS)& Batima (A)
daughter of (rophet (peace be upon him) who resembled him the most in the way she walked,
sleep, etc and on day near his death he whispered to her something made her cry as he said he
would die and she would be the first to %oin in Heaven& Chadi%ah (A) during 0 year siege
brought food to the (rophet (upon him be peace)& After fath Makkah stayed in the house of
Chadi%ah as she comforted him so he can do his da1wah and help his mission, he went to her
because he knew could rely on her, allahuma anta sallam& Aisha 3 :abriel (AS) said wife in
dunya and wife in the hereafter& :iving dates to daughter has earned Heaven& Mmmu Ainee
(A) looked after the (rophet (upon him be peace)& Mmmu Amarah (A) 3 more than once
given glad tiding as 6< men and / women shook hand of the (rophet (peace be upon him) and
gave the oath of allegiance before moving to Medina& Hafsa (A) the daughter of Mmar (A),
the (rophet (upon him be peace) divorced her and it was revealed to remarry her as she is a
wife in Heaven& Asma (A) the daughter of Abu Eakr (A) used to feed the (rophet (upon him
be peace) and was 6 months pregnant about 5kg e+tra weight and walked 6km to -<km from
Makkah to bring food to %abul 'hur when the Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) and Abu
Eakr (A) using braids to carry food up, and was told those braids would be e+changed for ones
in paradise& 'hos who died in Eadr, Mhud, Chalid bin >ali& Fan die in bed and still be
Shaheed& ida 3 good %ealousy as want good for other and want to be like them& Hasad is
envy which is haram& All night man stood up when tired, if not sit down to give water to his
mother& Overything can be replaced e+cept one=s own mother, and is a gate of Heaven&
Many gates to Heaven and between the panels is a distance of 2< years& Eetween Makkah and
Easra which is about T2<<km and if ride a fast horse non#stop will not reach one gate to another
in 2< years& !n top of one is another and the higher up, the bigger the gate& amadan the
gates are open, also Mondays and 'hursdays and Allah will forgive anyone not doing shirk&
:ates are 7: babul#rian for fasting, babul#salah for prayer, babul#sada)a for charity, babul %ihad,
babul#waliday meaning parents for honoring the parents, babul 3 special gate for those with no
0 types of love 3 selfish, conditional and unconditional& Bor a woman to feel secure needs 00
touches per day& 5 kinds of people will be called from all gates: taking ablution then saying
ashhadu an laR Showing patience 3 like those who have children and all die& Eelief in the
creed, (rophet (upon him be peace), and 9sa is a slave of Allah sent to the womb of Mary and
believe in Heaven and Hell sincerely in the heart& >omen who pray 5 mandatory prayers, fast
amadan, preserve chastity and obeys her husband&
Birst and last Mmmah to enter Heaven is that of Muhammad (upon him be peace) as the most
beloved nation of 6< nations& -/< rows and 7< are from Muhammad (upon him be peace) and
2< from other nations& 'he poor will enter before the rich and some sahaba were rich so it is not
bad, if one knows what to do with it but one should be content with what Allah has given to
them& .ifference between someone who does only the fard verses nafawal& Allah creates and
selects and He favors who He chooses even the (rophets (upon them be peace) will be at
different ranks& Highest person is the Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) and the highest
level is called al#wasila as said in the dua=a after prayer which earns the intercession8shafaa of
the (rophet (upon him be peace)&
'a Ha: 65 reward& 9nsan: /- the afterlife is best& Al#Hi%r: 26 remove from breast all kinds of
resentments& 9n Heaven, -<< levels for mu%ahideen, some fight in battlefield, others fight nafs
against Satan, against in%ustice, etc&
'o get the highest level: At#tawakul 3 humbleness, memori"ing the *uran, performing ablution
at times when not want to like early in the morning, steps toward the mas%id, closing the gap in
salah, rememberance of Allah, patience will e+piate sins, seeking knowledge, every grey hair
from aging, e+tra tawaf around kabaa as for every step raises rank in Heaven and the e+piation
of a slave& At#'ur: /- sha=a golden ayah 3 hope 3 those who believe, their children will go up
with them in Heaven& Koving the (rophet (upon him be peace) and the sahaba as a person will
be with whoever he loves& A son who seeks forgiveness for his parents& Make dua1a when
going to the market gets -,<<<,<<< hasanah though said as -,<<< -,<<< as not knew a bigger
number& Husnul khulu) 3 good manners and conduct the same as one who fasts every day and
prays every night& Kots of su%ood&
:ardens wherein flowing8running below8underneath rivers& Anhar meaning rivers is plural while
nahar is one& ivers: Al#kawthar is the most pure water and the river starts outside Heaven and
goes inside Heaven by the house of the (rophet (upon him be peace)& Milk 3 taste never
changes and never gets spoiled& Honey is musafa meaning pure& Chamar is win which is tasty
yet not into+icating& ivers also for water, and barik a river by the gate of Heaven& Ayn8ayoon
is a spring& /5:06& Al#>a)iah /6#/4& (eople of right under the lotus tree& Also banana tree
and - tree can produce up to 6< or more fruit unlike trees in this world which can only have -
type of fruit& Some fruits are there which nobody has ever heard of& Mrafu are
palace8chambers& - house in Heaven from pearl also - of gold, - from silver and - of diamond&
Oarn a palace in Heaven: build a mos)ue or %ust contribute anything, -/ voluntary rakat per day
3 / before fa%r, 2 before d"uhr, / after d"uhr, / after maghrib, / after isha, solat .uha for 2 rakat,
close gap in prayer, leave arguments even if one is right, leave lying even if %oking 3 will be in
middle of Heaven, good conduct, attitude and morals 3 house in the highest part of Heaven,
visit a sick person 3 caller from heave says blessed are your steps and will build a house in
Heaven, before sleep say dua1a Allahumma inniR if die that night granted Heaven&
Al#Ha)): /0 %ust wish and branch comes to you with fruit&
'runks of trees are made of gold& !bah 3 tree shade so much that takes -<< years on a horse
to cross& 'he clothing of people of Heaven come out from the tree& Subhan Allah wabihamdi
plants a tree in Heaven& Soil of tree is must and made out of tasbih, tamheel, takbir, shahada&
9n Heaven, do not get hungry, only eating for pleasure& Birst meal in Heaven asked by a ;ew, a
bull will be slaughtered and appeti"er is fish liver with a drink of wine from sansabi 3 spring& Do
anger, no sadness no resentment, only pleasure& >hoever drinks win in this world will not drink
it in the hereafter& .o not go to the toilet in Heaven& 9t is tradition of the (rophet (upon him be
peace) to sit down to urinate&
Do menses in Heaven& 9t comes out as sweat like musk or burp also the smell of musk but not
an awful sound, a pleasant one&
.ishes, silverware and utensils all made of silver and gold& Allah has special people or maids to
serve the food&
9nsan: /-, Al#Cahf: 0- hadi 3 pure silk& Eracelets are bangles would out shine the light of the
sun& Abi Ha"im said Abu Hurairah did ablution to shoulders because it would be adorned with
bangels& Anas ibn Dadr smelled fragrance of Heaven from Mt& Mhud then died in the battlefield&
Do day or night in Heaven 3 continuous noor (light) coming from the throne of Allah (S>'), if
gates and curtains of houses open, it is day otherwise it is night& 9f want to see someone then
beds will fly and meet in Heaven& Fan have babies in Heaven and all will happen in one hour
with no labor or pain& Horses in Heaven are made of diamond& Fan have camels or can have
anything one wants& Fan talk about memories or see things from the past& Shall have anything
and everything one wishes for and can even talk to the (rophets (upon them be peace)& >ill
not enter Heaven old, all will be young, 00 years old, the age of 9sa (AS) and nobody will have a
Fubits are feet& Strength of -<< men in eating, drinking and intimacy and since the strength of
the (rophet (upon him be peace) was that of 2< men, it will be -< H 2< I 2<< times our strength
Statistically more women than men in this world& - man for 2< woman in the hereafter& More
women than men in hellfire until intercession then they come out and outnumber the men in
Heaven& A baby dies or before puberty will go straight to Heaven& Ey birth all are Muslims,
submit to Allah then parents make them ;ews and Fhristians& So baby surrender to Allah so go
to Heaven not as servant or maid, the baby of a believer will be with Abraham in a mountain of
>omen will be )ueens of the Hoorin so even more beautiful as they used to pray, make
ablution, gave sada)a and read the *uran, and fasted so they are far better than hoorin& Do
resentments to them as a woman can fill the entirety of Heaven with her beauty& All married,
women choose their husband if not married otherwise Allah will create a new man for a woman
if she wants& 9f married multiple times then the last husband will be her husband unless
unhappy with him then can choose any she likes&
Hoorin if spit into the ocean then it would turn into honey& She would cover the light of the sun if
stick a finger into world or shown to world as all of earth and all of universe would be adorned by
her beauty& Her attention is only for you and she does not look at anyone else& Fan see
through her garments and she smells only good with no menses or saliva& She stays in house
and never goes out and is always waiting for you& 'hey also sing or dance& Hura 3 big round
eyes& She is an e+pert in romance& !nly says what you want to heart& Eecome a virgin again
immediately& (earls like diamonds, like rubies and corals& Mndefiled 3 never touched& Any
woman who mistreats her husband is warned by hoor that he will come to her and not his dunya
wife& Oarn them: chastity, iman with ta)wa, manager anger not suppress it, if standing then sit,
if sitting then make ablution, loving the *uran and reciting it regularly&
.ay of Oid in Heaven 3 angels come and say are invited by king of kings, Allah to see Him, all
dress in the best clothes and He will give something no one ever ate before, everyone sits then
according to their deeds, gives drinks no one ever drank before, fruits never seen before, the
best perfume never smelled before, new clothes never seen before, gives something else never
seen before, will say 9 am pleased with you and all will make su%ood then he will stop them and
say there is no su%ood as this is the house of reward and not the house of action& Overy
moment you remembered Me 9 also remembered you& Say La .awood (A) and he will recite
praise of Allah in beautiful voice to entertain everyone& Allah will come down from His throne in
a way that befits Him& Angels will sit behind it, then Messengers (upon them be peace),
(rophets (upon them be peace), then the truthful and martyrs and then everyone else and will
say ! servants, 9 fulfill my promise so ask anything and they ask him to be pleased with them
and He says not in Heaven if 9 was not pleased with you after all you would not be here, then
re)uest to see Allah and then he reveals Himself and lifts the veil so can see the face of Allah
and it will make all forget everything, gone are troubles, gone are diseases suffered from& Some
people will see Him every day if they live ne+t to His throne and some twice per day& 'hey have
not been given in Heaven anything better than seeing the face of Allah&
Lou will not enter Heaven until you are a believer and must love one another so give salaam

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