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NIPER- 2003

1) Dose response curve is..

2) Combined Charles law, Boyles law and Gay-lussac law.. PV=NRT
3) Which of the following is muscarinic agonist
4) Which of the following is antagonist
5) Zydis system is related tooral fast disintegrating table
6) Which of the following color is suitable for mintgreen (Please check once)..
7) ACE inhibitor is.
8) Which of the following is ACE-2 antagonist..
9) Insulin is secreted by..beta cells of liver
10)Which of the antibody is involved in the firt line defence. IGm
11)Value of gas constant is..
12)Which of the following is inactive
13)GLC is type of chromatography
14)Gray baby syndrome is associated with
15)Rancidity of vegetable oils can be eliminated by adding antioxidant
16)Which of the following is used for the delirium.. haloperidol resperidon
lithium carbonate
17)Thiopental is inactivated byRedistribution phenomena
18)Which of the following structure is not aromatic.
19)Markovnokavs product
20)Which is odd about aldol condensation.
21)Identify the threo form .
22)Identify the configuration for following structure..
23)Anti markovnikav,s product
24)Identify the configuration
25)Totipotency is Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to divide and
produce all the differentiated cells in an organism
26)pH of the human vagina (age 25-30) pH 4.04.5
27)Co-efficient of variation b/w X and Y is 0.81 then correlation b/w them islinear
28)Predict the product from the following reaxn..
29)Chemically anithol is
30)Citral is a.
31)Symptoms of cyclopegia
32)Choline esterase metabolizes the Ach by. . Hydrolysis
33)In a stand of DNA nucleotides are bonded by phosphodiester
34)The building blocks of DNA is. Nucleotide
35)Gamma interferon is secreted by .. T-lymphocytes
36)Drying temperature for roots and bark(Refer Trease & Evans).
37)Technique used for the targeted drug delivery to liverliposome
38)One of the following is function of trichome
39)By which technique u will separate SO2 and HCl
40)Cell growth is the ratio of
41)Ischemia is.

42)Suspention for injection should have the following quality..
43)Bindinng agent used in the hydrophyllic system is.
44)Treated sodalime glass is used for parentrals having PH
45)Indicator used for the heat sterilization is
46)Bioadhesive buccal TAB used for the controlled delivery up to hrs
47)Prodrug is
48)Vanishing cream is comes under which type.O/W or W/O
49)Law of osmatic pressure is explained by.. vonthoffs rule
50)Naming involved in stereochemistry is given by.
51)--alomycetin MOA..
52)Acid resistant glucose is
53)Which of the following is favours the microorganisms growth.
54)Colchicin acts by..
55)Starting material of given synthesis is
56)Product of the given reaction is..
57)Pyrogens can be irradicated by following temperature range
58)Antagonist deffination.
59)Which of the following is acid resistant glycoside C- hycoside
60)Which of the following is not a terpenoid
61)Current investment of CDRF. Millions
62)Fracional distillation method is used to separate the following aziotropic
63)Suppositories are evaluated for..breaking test
64)Which of the following drug cause gingual hyperplasia phenytoin
65)HLb range for Tween 80..18
66)Freqency for homoannular rings..253 nm
67)Which of the following produce more ATP
68)Beside oxalo acitic acid which is a substrate for TCA cycle.. Acetyl choline
69)Family of guggul.
70)Resperine reacts with.. to give red ppt
71)Which of the following cross BBB.levodopa
72)Family of alium satiuvamli
73)Family of kalmegh is.acanthacae
74)Characteristic feature of base peak
75)Hydrogen bonding ican be determined by.all of this
76)Slow K associated with..
77)Delirium can be cured by..
78)The bond angle of SP hybridization carbon is180
79)Which vitamine is administered with INHb6
80)Enthalpy is
81)IR radiation associated with change invirbration
82)Glass electrode is permeable to..H
83)Solvent used in supercritical fluid extraction.co2
84)Electroporesis is a .process
85)X-ray crystallography is used to determine the of protein

86)Function of Topoisomarage enzyme super coiling of DNA
87)HAT Medium aminopterin inhibits the .synthesis (denovo)
88)Electromobility is..
89)Opium is detected by..(meconic acid)
90)AchE inhibitors are used in which type of glaucoma.
91)Moisture content can be detected bykal fischer.
92)Flowability of a powder can be measured by seeing
93)Turmeric contain following active compound curmin
94)Crystal habbit is
95)The standard deviation is X then the variation is

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