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Instruct i ons for Form 1420 (Contrac t or Empl oye e Biographi c al Dat a She e t )

Attached pleas e find two copi es of the Contract or Employee Biographi cal Dat a Sheet . We
reques t that you compl et e and sign one copy (for immedi at e submi t t al with the propos al
and simpl y sign the second in the bo! (Signat ur e of Employee pro"i ded at the bott om. We
will use the blan#$ signed second copy to creat e a typed form inserti ng the informat i on that
you ha"e pro"ided on the first copy. A fully compl et ed and accur at e biodat a sheet is
required for all contr act or s% cons ul t ant s who perfor m wor# under &SA'D(funded cont r act s.
)he mai n purpos e of the docume nt is to asses s the qualifications and e!peri ence of the
propos ed consul t ant in order to be abl e to arri"e at a daily sal ary rat e that is mut uall y
accept abl e to *)'$ &SA'D$ and the consult ant .
+ere are a few sugges t i ons that may aid you in compl et i ng the biodat a sheet ,
-. .ea"e bo!es /$ 0$ 1$ 2$ and 3 blan#. *)' will fill in thes e items when mor e definiti"e
informat i on regar di ng the consul t ancy become s a"ail abl e. Bo! ! "ropos e # Sal ary will be
det er mi ne d by the *)' cont r acti ng 4fficer (bas ed on the informat i on you pro"i de on the
form and submi t t ed to &SA'D for appro"al .
/. Bo! 14! Empl oyme nt $ist ory and bo! 1%! Speci fi c Cons ul t ant Ser&i c e s are the
most import ant secti ons used to det er mi ne an appropri at e daily sal ary rat e. 'n bo! -0$ list
your yearl y sal ary history for the last three year s st arti ng with your most recent position. 'f
you ha"e been empl oyed by the same organi 5ati on for the pre"i ous three year s$ be sure to
include your yearl y sal ary history during this period. Do not list sal ary amount s for
consult ant ser"ices perfor med in bo! -0 as thes e shoul d be pro"ided in bo! -1. As it says
on the biodat a sheet $ thes e amount s shoul d e'cl u#e any bonus es$ profit( shari ng
arrange me nt s $ commi ssi ons$ consul t ant fees$ e!tr a or o"erti me wor# payme nt s $ o"ers ea s
differenti al$ or quart er s$ cost of li"ing or depende nt educat i on allowances (it6 s difficult to
read this on the sheet . 'n bo! -1$ list any consul t anci es that you ha"e perfor med during
the last three year s and the daily rat es that you recei "ed st arti ng with the most recent
assi gnme nt . 7leas e be sure to include the number of days you wor#ed at this rat e$ as this
will be ta#en into account in your daily rat e calcul ati on.
8. )he usual met hod used to calcul at e an appropri at e daily sal ary rat e is to ta#e your
current yearl y sal ary pro"i ded in bo! -0 and di"ide this amount by /29 (the number of
days in a &SA'D wor# year although ther e are e!cept i ons to this gener al rule. :or
e!ampl e$ if you ha"e recentl y perfor me d a consul t ancy under anot her &SA'D cont r act $ the
rat e that you recei "ed under that cont r act would be ta#en into consi der at i on in det er mi ni ng
your daily rat e.
0. Wor# perfor med under &SA'D contr act is current l y limit ed to a ma!i mum ES(2 rat e of
;1<0. Det er mi nat i on of ES(2 is cont ai ned in the specific pro= ect contr act . While you are
tra"eli ng as a consul t ant under a &SA'D(funded cont r act $ you will recei "e a daily fi!ed
amount for meal s (not to include alcoholic be"er age s and ent er t ai nme nt e!pens e s and
incident al e!pens e s (which include fees and tips to port er$ bagga ge carri ers$ mai ds$ hot el
ser"ant s$ laundr y and cleani ng$ transpor t at i on bet ween lodging or busi nes s and place
wher e meal s are ta#en. >our hot el bill will also be paid for up to a cert ai n fi!ed ma!i mum
amount (recei pt s are requir ed. 'n addition$ you can be reimbur s e d for busines s rel at ed
communi cat i on e!pens e s (tel ephone$ fa!$ tel e!$ phot ocopyi ng pro"ided that you pres ent
all associ at ed recei pt s when submi t ti ng your e!pens e report. ?ore det ails on how all this
wor#s will be pro"ided to you in our consul t ant informat i on pac#et which we pro"ide to all
new consult ant s befor e they st art wor#.
1. 7leas e sign and dat e the biodat a sheet at the bot t om of the first page. )he second page
is pro"ided if you need additional space to compl et e page one of the form.
' hope that this informat i on will assi st you with compl et i ng the form.

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