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These are some of the labor rights of employees in the Philippines:

1. Equal work opportunities for all - there should be no discrimination as to the gender, age or
status (single or married) of the employees.

2. Security of Tenure - Employees should not be dismissed from work except for a just or authorized
cause, and they should pass due process.

3. Regular hours work - employees should be given normal hours of work in a day which is 8 hours,
including breaks or rest period of less than one hour, but excludes meal periods, which shall not be
less than one hour. If the employee works for more than 8 hours in one day, he or she shall be
entitled to overtime pay.

4. Right for a weekly rest day. A day-off of 24 consecutive hours after 6 days of work should be
scheduled by the employer upon consultation with the workers.

5. Minimum Wage. Employees should not be compensated below the minimum wage applicable to
the business and its location.

6. Payment of wages. Wages shall be paid in cash, legal tender at or near the place of work.
Payment may be made through a bank upon written petition of majority of the workers in
establishments with 25 or more employees and within one (1) kilometer radius to a bank. Payment
shall be made directly to the employees. Wages shall be given not less than once every two (2) weeks
or twice within a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days.

7. Right of Women at work. Night work is prohibited for female employees in (unless allowed by the
Rules):-industrial undertakings from 10PM to 6AM
-commercial/non-industrial undertakings from 12MN to 6AM
-agricultural undertakings, at night time unless given not less than 9 consecutive hours of rest

Welfare facilities must also be installed at the workplace such as seats, separate toilet rooms,
lavatories, and dressing rooms.

8. Employment of Children. Minimum employable age is 15 years. A worker below 15 years of age
should be directly under the sole responsibility of parents or guardians; work does not interfere with
child's schooling/normal development. No person below 18 years of age can be employed in a
hazardous or deleterious undertaking.

9. Right to safe working conditions. Employers must provide workers with every kind of on-the-job
protection against injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions.

10. Right to Self-Organization and Collective Bargaining. . The right to self-organization is the
right of every worker, free of any interference from the employer or from government, to form or join
any legitimate worker's organization, association or union of his or her own choice.

To learn more about the employees' basic rights in the Philippines, please read this page from the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) website:

You can also read this article for further learning:

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