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Norhayati Binti Din 1218302 Basic Counselling 1Skill

Characters in this dialogue:

Yati : The school counsellor
Sarah : The problem student
Counsellling Session Dialogue
Sarah : Assamualaikum, madam. Im Sarah from 5 Amanah. I want to seek help for my problem.
Yati : Of course, you can. Okay, please sit down. Now, I want you to know a few things. I am Madam
Hayati. I am the counselors for today.. Okay Everything that we are talking about this session is
held confidential and no one will know about it. But, there is one exception, you know. Because
anything that you say or want to do is going to harm yourself or harm other people, and then I
need to tell somebody to do something about it. Okay.. Now.can you tell me what is your
Sarah : I want to talk to you regarding my academic.
Yati : Ooo..Sarah.. hhmm. Do you have any problem in your academic?
Sarah: Madam, as you know, in just another six months, I will be having SPM examination which is very
important for me. I want to get an excellent result and go to the university but I dont know with
my condition now, do I still have the chance to go to the university?
Yati : Would you mind explaining your condition?
Sarah : Actually, I do not feel like I want to study anymore. Because last two weeks, I just lost my
beloved grandmother.
Yati : Ohhh..So, you must feeling sad and grief over her death.
Sarah : Yes.. And you know, I am very close to her. And she is the one that have taking care of me for a
long time.
Yati : Thats mean, you still cannot accept her death and now the sadness has become some problem
and barrier for you to study. You must be feeling sad and you cannot concentrate over your
study, right?
Sarah : Yes. I just kept thinking of her in then the class. I kept thinking of how Im going to live in this
world without her.
Yati : Hmmm.hhmm.
Sarah : Errmm..And madam.. I somehow lose my motivation over her death. I even cannot talk about it
to m close relatives. I just cried.
Yati : Now.. What do you think that your grandmother would advise you if she is still alive?
Sarah : Maybe, she will kept telling me to excel in my SPM and go to a good university. She said that I
should make all my dreams come true. Although, she want me to be a doctor and I really do not
want to disappoint her if she is still alive.
Yati : But she is death, right? Would you still want to disappoint her?
Sarah : No.. Because I love her so so muchI want to be proud of me. I guess.. I should study hard.. I
should not continue my life like this. I should be strong and accept her death is not going to
stop me from continuing my life. I know she want me to excel in my life. I will try my
best to fix my life and excel in SPM.
Yati : Now, we have reached the end of this session.. Okay.. In this session, I have talked about lack of
motivation is your study. The source of problem is actually the death of your grandmother and
you are having a hard time coping with her death and then you realize your grandmother want
you to success and you do not want to disappoint her. You want to study hard from now on in
order to get excellent result in SPM and go to a university.
Yati : Okay.. Now.. Thank you for willing to consult me with your problem.
Sarah : Okay.. Thank you for listening to me.

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