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Norhayati Binti Din 1218302 Basic Counselling 1Skill

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Following the outline below, apply the ABCDE sequence for Rational Emotive Behaviour
Therapy, and analyze a situation in your life that causing you some angst. You may prefer to
type your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Activating event ( work, school. personal problem). Be very specific. What is

There was one event in my youth that is unforgettable. I was a standard five student and
we have a new transfer student that lives very close to me. Her house is just a row behind
my house. We were of different class and talk only in recess and outside school. I thought
she was a good friend. One day, we were going to have a class on Saturday. My parent
cannot pick me up that day, so I asked her for a lift and she said okay. However, on that
very day, her sister came in motorcycle and took her home. Before going home, she said
sorry that she forgot about it and just left me behind with no solution on how I am going
to go home. That day was the very first day I walked home and I cried along the road. I
was a little girl and helpless and she left me behind.

2. Beliefs (irrational, false, self-defeating, depressing, or just not sensible thoughts) What
thought do you have about the problem? Use 12 Irrational Ideas That Cause and Sustain
Neurosis as a guide. Include the numbers of the Ideas you have used.


9 The idea that because something once strongly affected our life, it should indefinitely
affect it -- instead of the idea that we can learn from our past experiences but not be
overly-attached to or prejudiced by them.


I believe that I should not depend on my friend at all.
A friend can lie to you.
They can leave you behind like you are nothing.

3. Consequences of #2 (negative behavior and stress emotions). What are you doing and
feeling because of this problem? How does it affect your life?


I prefer to work alone.
I do not trust my friend very much.
It is always better to work hard by yourself.
You should not ask for other help.

Emotional stress reactions:

Feels sad
FeeIs unsecured
Feels anxious
Feels stress

4. Dispute#2 and replace irrational beliefs and statements with rational beliefs and
statements (sensible and true statements):

Not all friends are untrustworthy.
I cannot live alone in this world.
I should rely on other if the task is very difficult.

5. Effects of rational beliefs#4 How would you feel and what would you do if you had
successfully disputed your irrational belief?

New behavior:

I asked for help if I needed it.
I try to enjoy working with other.
I try to trust other people.

New feeling:

Feels happy
Feels relaxed
Feels secured
6. Think it over
Looking at the Thinking errors Ellis identified, which one r ones are you most likely to
fall into? Please give an example of a time or series of times you have used one or more
of the following:
1. ignoring the positive
2. exagerrating the negative
3. overgeneralizing

I have encountered one or many events that I would overgeneralized the situation. I used
to think that if I am not good in art, I should just accept them and move on. I would try all
my best to avoid artistic activity. I do not want to indulge in any activity involving artistic

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