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All You Need to Know about Water Treatment

The water you drink every day, the water you use to take a bath and the water you use
to water your plants is an end-result of a process known as water treatment. Believe it
or not, most natural water sources of today such as rivers, springs and other water
forms are generally unsafe for human use due to contamination of all sorts. In order to
make the water acceptable and desirable for daily consumption, experts developed the
procedure of water treatment. Since this is an issue which concerns you as the end-
user, you ought to know and understand more about the process of water treatment.
What happens during water treatment?
Treating water is not a simple procedure. To come up with the water treatment
process which is currently used today, scientists have conducted several trial and error
studies and laboratory exams. The following are the most common processes involved
in this procedure:
-Preparation phase
During the preparation phase, the water coming from natural sources is pre-
chlorinated. Pre-chlorination is the process of introducing chlorine, a chemical which
reduces algae development and the growth of other microorganisms in the water.
Aeration is also done during preparation phase to eliminate dangerous substances
such as manganese and iron.
-Coagulation phase
In the coagulation phase, coagulation agents or poly electrolytes are introduced into
the pre-treated water for flocculation. During flocculation, colloids are separated from
the solution for purification of the water in the form of flocs.
-Sedimentation phase
It is during sedimentation phase where solid particles are separated from the water.
The floc, which is the result of coagulation, undergoes sedimentation to remove the
trapped suspended solids.
-Filtration phase
Filtration is another process involving the separation of solid particles. There are
several kinds of filtration process used by different water treatment agencies.
-Final phase
The final phase of water treatment involves desalination and disinfection. During
desalination, the salt content of the water is eliminated. Disinfection, which is the
killing of bacteria in the water, follows thereafter.
In some companies, other processes to improve water filtration and treatment are
being introduced. This is to develop water quality and promote safety among end
Why use treated water?
Aside from knowing that treated water is safer than untreated ones, there are many
other reasons why you should use treated water. Here are some of the benefits:
-Reduced risk of cancer
Although the exact cause of cancer is still unknown, medical experts say that risk
factors include exposure to different chemicals. Water treatment effectively removes
unhealthy chemicals which can cause cancer from the water you drink.
-Best for children
At all costs, children must drink only healthy water. Since treated water has
undergone several processes of purification, you can be sure that the end water
product is safe and healthy for consumption.
-Better taste and smell
The end product of treating water has better taste and smell.
As the universal solvent, water plays an important role in the life of every living
thing. Indeed, the development of an effective water treatment has been a great
innovation for everyone around the world.

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