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Rule Subject Page No.

1. Short title, extent and commencement 1
2. Definitions 1
3. Safe petroleum activities 4
4. Set uporganisation 4
5. Health, safety and environment friendly culture 4
. Health 4
!. "nformation and records 5
#. $aintenance of information and records 5
%. "ntimation concerning offshore installation 5
1&. 'ceanographic and meteorological data
11. (otice of accident
12. Decommissioning plan
13. Design intimation for fixed offshore installation #
14. )pplication for consent for operation of ne* fixed offshore installation #
15. )pplication for consent for existing fixed offshore installation #
1. )pplication for consent for mo+ile offshore installation %
1!. )pplication for consent for already operating mo+ile offshore installation 1&
1#. "ntimation for com+ined operation 1&
1%. ,elocation intimation for production offshore installation 1&
2&. ,evision and resu+mission of application for consent 1&
21. ,is- reduction 11
22. .arriers 11
23. /eneral re0uirements of ris- assessment 12
24. ,is- assessment and emergency preparedness analyses 12
25. ,is- assessment and emergency preparedness analyses *ith 13
respect to environment
2. 1or-ing environment analysis 13
2!. Safety management system 13
2#. 2ollo*3up and development of safety management system 14
2%. "dentification of offshore installation 14
3&. 4erification of fitness of offshore installation 14
31. "nformation 15
32. 'ffshore "nstallation $anager 15
33. Safety 'fficer 1
34. Safety 5ommittee 1
35. ,esponsi+ility in respect of contractors and service providers 1
3. 4erifications 1!
3!. "nvestigation +y competent authority 1!
3#. 6ransport and offshore stay 1!
3%. $edical fitness of offshore going employees 1#
4&. 'n+oard $edical 'fficer 1#
41. Duty of $edical 'fficer on +oard 1#
42. $edical examination of employees 1#
43. $easures against toxic emissions and ioni7ing radiation 1#
44. 2ood and drin-ing *ater 1%
45. Hours of *or- and rest 1%
4. 6ransport 2&
4!. Helidec- operation 2&
4#. Stay on facilities 2&
4%. )ccommodation 2&
5&. /eneral house-eeping 21
51. 8sta+lishment of safety 7ones 22
52. Specific safety 7ones esta+lished in situations of ha7ard and accident 22
53. ,evocation of safety 7ones 22
54. $onitoring of safety 7ones 22
55. )lert and intimation in connection *ith entry into safety 7one 22
5. $easures against intruding vessels or o+9ects 23
5!. )nnouncement of location of an offshore installation 23
5#. 8sta+lishing emergency preparedness 24
5%. 8mergency preparedness organisation structure 24
&. 8mergency preparedness plans 24
1. Stand+y vessels 24
2. 5o3ordination of emergency preparedness 24
3. 5o3operation on emergency preparedness 24
4. Handling of situations of ha7ard and accident 25
5. Safety of installation in the event of industrial disputes 25
. 80uipment for rescue of over+oard personnel 25
!. :ife 9ac-ets and life +uoys 2
#. 5ommunication 2
%. $uster areas 2
!&. $eans of evacuation 2
!1. )rrangement for recovery and rescue 2!
!2. Drills 2!
!3. ,elia+ility and condition of emergency response e0uipment 2!
!4. 2acilities development 2#
!5. ;lacing of facilities 2#
!. Design of facilities 2#
!!. $ain safety functions 2%
!#. Safety devices 2%
!%. ;lants, systems and e0uipment 3&
#&. :oads, load effects and resistance 3&
#1. $aterials 3&
#2. Handling of materials and transport routes, access and 31
evacuation routes
#3. 4entilation and indoor climate 31
#4. 5hemicals and chemical exposure 31
#5. 2lamma+le and explosive goods 31
#. "nstrumentation for monitoring and recording 32
#!. Systems for internal and external communication 32
##. 5ommunication e0uipment 32
#%. 8rgonomic design 32
%&. $an3machine interface and information presentation 33
%1. 'utdoor *or- areas 33
%2. (oise and acoustics 33
%3. 4i+rations 33
%4. :ighting 34
%5. ,adiation 34
%. 80uipment for shifting of personnel 34
%!. Safety signs 34
%#. 5hristmas tree 34
%%. ;roduction plants 34
1&&. ;ipeline systems 35
1&1. :iving 0uarters 35
1&2. $edical room 3
1&3. 2acilities for food and drin-ing *ater 3
1&4. 5lassification of ha7ardous area 3
1&5. 8lectrical systems 3
1&. Systems and other e0uipment for under*ater operations 3!
from vessels
1&!. ;assive fire protection 3#
1&#. 2ire divisions 3#
1&%. 2ire divisions in living 0uarters 3#
11&. 2ire and gas detection systems 3#
111. 8mergency shutdo*n systems 3#
112. ;rocess safety systems 3%
113. /as release systems 3%
114. 2ire *ater supply 3%
115. 2ixed fire3fighting systems 4&
11. $anual fire3fighting and fireman<s e0uipment 4&
11!. :ife saving appliances 4&
11#. 8mergency po*er and emergency lighting 4&
11%. Drainage systems 41
12&. ;re3surveys 42
121. Start3up and operation of facilities 42
122. $anning, competence and trainings 42
123. ;ractice and exercises 42
124. ;rocedures 43
125. =se of facilities 43
12. Safety systems 43
12!. 5ritical activities 43
12#. 5om+ined operation 43
12%. ;lanning 44
13&. )ctions during conduct of activities 44
131. ;ermit to *or- 44
132. 5ollection, processing and use of data 44
133. $onitoring and control 45
134. 6ransfer of information 45
135. )rrangement of *or- 4
13. (oise and vi+rations 4
13!. 8rgonomics 4
13#. 5hemical health ha7ard 4
13%. ,adiation 4
14&. ;ersonal protective e0uipment 4
141. 1ell programme 4!
142. 1ell +arriers 4!
143. 1ell location and *ell path 4!
144. Handling of shallo* gas 4#
145. $onitoring of *ell parameters 4#
14. 1ell control 4#
14!. 5ontrolled *ell flo* 4#
14#. Securing of *ells +efore a+andoning 4#
14%. 5ompensator and disconnection systems 4%
15&. Drilling fluid system 4%
151. 5ementing unit 4%
152. 5asings and anchoring of *ells 4%
153. 80uipment for completion and controlled *ell flo* 5&
154. $aintenance 51
155. 5lassification 51
15. $aintenance programme 51
15!. Specific re0uirements to condition monitoring of structures and 51
pipeline systems
15#. Specific re0uirements to testing of +lo* out preventer and 52
other pressure control e0uipment
15%. ;lanning and priority of maintenance 52
1&. $aintenance effectiveness 52
11. 1or- on and operation of electrical systems 53
12. :ifting operations 53
13. =nder*ater operations 53
14. 'perations involving hydrogen sulphide 54
15. Sta+ility 55
1. )nchoring, mooring and positioning 55
1!. 5ollision ris- management 55
1#. 5ontrol in the safety 7one 5
1%. 'perations in rough *eather conditions 5
1!&. 5argo management 5
1!1. /eneral duty for safety 5!
1!2. ;lace of accident not to +e distur+ed 5!
1!3. ;enalty for contravention of the rules 5!
174. Direction 57
Schedule " ;articulars to +e included in design intimation 5#
for fixed offshore installation
Schedule "" ;articulars to +e included in application for consent 5%
for operation of ne* fixed offshore installation
Schedule """ ;articulars to +e included in application for consent 1
for existing fixed offshore installation
Schedule "4 ;articulars to +e included in application for consent 3
for mo+ile offshore installation
Schedule 4 ;articulars to +e included in application for consent 5
for already operating mo+ile offshore installation
Schedule 4" ;articulars to +e included in relocation intimation for !
production offshore installation
2orm 1 "ntimation concerning offshore installation #
2orm 2 (otice of accident %
2orm 3 (otice concerning person succum+ing to in9uries !&
Ne( Del)*, t)e +,t) -u.e, /00,
G.S.R. 1234E5. 3 "n exercise of the po*ers conferred +y sections 5, and ! of
the 'ilfields >,egulation and Development? )ct, 1%4# >53 of 1%4#?, the 5entral
/overnment here+y ma-es the follo*ing rules, namely@3
+. S)o6t t*tle, e7te.t a.8 co99e.ce9e.t.% >1? 6hese rules may +e called the
;etroleum and (atural /as >Safety in 'ffshore 'perations? ,ules, 2&&#.
>2? 6hey shall come into force on the date of their pu+lication in the 'fficial
/. De:*.*t*o.;.% >1? "n these rules, unless the context other*ise re0uires, 3
>a? Aacceptance criteriaB means criteria used to express a ris- level that is
considered accepta+le for the activity in 0uestion, limited to the high
level expressions of ris-C
>+? Aaccidental loadsB means loads *hich the facility can +e su+9ected to in
the event of incorrect use, technical failure or an undesira+le external
>c? A)ctB means the 'ilfields >,egulation and Development? )ct, 1%4# >53
of 1%4#?C
>d? Aapplication for consentB means an application su+mitted to the
competent authority for acceptanceC
>e? Acom+ined operationB means more than one activity such as drilling,
production, *or-over operation, construction, rig move, etc., +eing
underta-en at the same place or in the vicinity at the same timeC
>f? Acompetent authorityB means authority, appointed +y the 5entral
/overnment for implementation of these rulesC
>g? Acompetent personB means a person *ho is capa+le of identifying
existing and predicta+le ha7ards associated *ith his area of activities
and *ho has authori7ation to ta-e prompt corrective measures to
eliminate themC
>h? Adesign loadB means characteristic load multiplied +y load coefficientsC
>i? Adimensioning accidental loadB means accidental load that the facility or
a function shall +e a+le to *ithstand during a re0uired period of timeC
>9? Adimensioning fireB means a fire *hich in accordance *ith the defined
acceptance criteria represents an unaccepta+le ris-, and *hich
conse0uently serves as a +asis for design and operation of
>-? Adynamic positioning system B means a system *here po*er supply,
thruster system and control system are assem+led and can +e
operated to maintain the fixed position automaticallyC
>l? AemployeesB means employees of the operator and those of other
>m? Aenvironmental loadsB means loads caused +y natural
>n? Afunctional loadsB means loads *hich are caused +y physical existence
and use of the facilityC
>o? AfacilitiesB means offshore installation, plant, associated pipelines and
ca+les and other e0uipment for petroleum activities, +ut does not
include supply and support vessels or ships that transport petroleum in
>p? Aload +earing structuresB means those parts of the facility for *hich the
main purpose is transfer of loadsC
>0? AlesseeB means the person to *hom a mining lease is issued for the
purpose of carrying out petroleum operationsC
>r? AlicenseeB means the person to *hom a petroleum exploration license
is issued for the purpose of carrying out petroleum operationsC
>s? Aoffshore installationB means a mo+ile or fixed installation including any
pipeline attached thereto, *hich is or is to +e, or has +een used, *hile
standing or stationed in relevant *aters *ith a vie* to explore or exploit
petroleum and natural gas C

>t? AoperatorB means a person responsi+le for carrying out the day to day
management of petroleum activities on offshore installation, on +ehalf
of the licensee or the lesseeC
>u? Aother participantsB means all others *ho participate in the petroleum
activities *ithout +eing the licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator li-e contractors, service providersC
>v? Aperiod of stayB means the continuous period, *hich an employee
spends on facilitiesC
>*? Apetroleum activitiesB means the activities related to exploration and
exploitation of petroleum and natural gasC
>x? Apipeline systemB means su+sea pipelines and risers transporting
hydrocar+ons and other commodities, *ith associated safety systems,
valves, tool launchers or receivers, manifolds, corrosion protection
systems or other accessory e0uipmentC
>y? Apermanently manned facilitiesB means facilities that are
continuously manned, or *hich are incorporated as a part of an
integrated development concept *ith +ridge connectionsC
>7? Arelevant *atersB means territorial *aters, contiguous 7one,
continental shelf and exclusive economic 7one of "ndiaC
>7a? ArisersB means that part of the pipeline system *hich extends
from the su+sea pipelines up to the installation including launchers or
receivers or tools for internal maintenance or inspectionC
>7+? Asafety 7oneB means safety 7one esta+lished under 5hapter "D
of these rulesC
>7c? AScheduleB means the Schedule annexed to these rulesC
>2? 1ords and expressions used herein and not defined, +ut defined in the
)ct shall have the meaning assigned to them in the )ct.
<. Sa:e =et6oleu9 act*>*t*e;.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator shall underta-e the petroleum activities in a safe manner, +oth in
relation to an individual and an overall consideration of all the factors of
importance to planning and implementation of such activities as regards
health, safety and environment.
1. Set u= o6ga.*;at*o..% >1? 6he operator shall set up an organi7ation *hich is
capa+le of ensuring that the petroleum activities are carried out in accordance
*ith these rules.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure and demonstrate that the personnel carrying
out *or- for him in the petroleum activities, have the competence re0uired to
carry out such *or- in a safe manner.
?. Healt), ;a:et@ a.8 e.>*6o.9e.t :6*e.8l@ cultu6e.% 6he operator shall
encourage and promote a sound health, safety and environment culture, in all
activity areas, in the form of ta-ing of responsi+ility +y everyone *ho
participates in the petroleum activities, including also systematic development
and improvement of health, safety and environment.
2. Healt).% 6he operator shall provide the health related resources as re0uired
during all phases of petroleum activities, and shall ensure that everyone *ho
stays on facilities participating in the petroleum activities, is provided *ith a
sound health service comprising of preventive measures and routine curative
A. I.:o69at*o. a.8 6eco68;.% >1? 6he operator shall prepare information and
records *hich are considered necessary for the petroleum activities, and any
other information specified +y the competent authority to ensure that the
petroleum activities are planned and carried out in a safe manner and are *ell
>2? 6he operator, on demand, shall ma-e availa+le to the competent authority
the information and records in hard copy or electronic form, that clearly sho*,3
>a? the issuing authority and the authority approving it in the
organi7ationC and
>+? the date of approval.
,. Ma*.te.a.ce o: *.:o69at*o. a.8 6eco68;.% >1? 6he operator shall maintain
information and records in hard copy or electronic form as long as is
necessary in the interest of safe petroleum activities including 3
>a? permanent plugging of *ellsC
>+? facilities and *aste temporarily left on the sea +edC
>c? accidental pollution incidents and actions ta-en thereofC
>d? environment monitoringC
>e? discharge of oil and chemicalsC
>f? situations of ha7ard and accidentC and
>g? safety statistics, incident investigation reports and analysis.
>2? 6he operator shall maintain mapping results sho*ing to *hat extent
employees have +een affected +y possi+le health ha7ardous *or-ing
environment factors and records of mitigation measures underta-en.
>3? 1hen the petroleum activities are terminated, the competent authority
may order that information and records referred to in su+3rule >1?, are handed
over to them.
3. I.t*9at*o. co.ce6.*.g o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% >1? 6he operator of an existing
offshore installation, shall *ithin thirty days of the commencement of these
rules, intimate the competent authority in 2orm 1, the date of commencement
or cessation of operation.
>2? 6he operator of a ne* offshore installation shall, not later than the date on
*hich an offshore installation is due to commence operation in relevant
*aters, intimate the competent authority in 2orm 1, the date of such

>3? )ny offshore installation and *ell left unattended shall +e reported to the
competent authority *ithout any loss of time.

+0. Ocea.og6a=)*c a.8 9eteo6olog*cal 8ata.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as
the case may +e, the operator shall ensure that the petroleum activities are
+ased on relevant oceanographic and meteorological data.
++. Not*ce o: acc*8e.t.% >1? 6he operator shall forth*ith intimate the occurrence
of 3
>a? an accident causing loss of life or serious +odily in9ury in connection
*ith offshore operationC
>+? an explosionC
>c? a +lo*outC
>d? a ma9or fireC
>e? a +ursting of any pipeline or e0uipment, piping containing
hydrocar+on, steam, compressed air or other su+stance
*here+y safety of persons is li-ely to +e endangered
>f? a +rea-age or fracture or failure of any structure, e0uipment or
system, *here+y safety of persons is li-ely to +e endangeredC
>g? any accident due to explosives or radio3active su+stancesC
>h? a collision of a helicopter or vessel *ith the installationC
>i? a helicopter crashC
>9? a man3over+oardC
>-? a release of hydrocar+on or other noxious su+stances *here+y
safety of persons, installation or marine environment is li-ely to
+e endangeredC
>l? an uncontrolled movement of vessel or o+9ect in sea *here+y safety
of persons on+oard the offshore installation or the installation
itself could +e endangeredC and
>m? any person present on +oard an offshore installation or
attending vessel or helicopter is found to +e missingC
to the competent authority +y telephone or fax and shall also *ithin t*enty
four hours of every such occurrence give notice thereof in 2orm 2 to the
competent authority.
>2? "f death results from any in9ury reported as serious under clause >a? of
su+3 rule >1?, the operator shall *ithin t*enty four hours of his +eing informed
a+out the death give notice thereof to the competent authority in 2orm 3.
>3? )ccidents not falling under su+3rule >1? and near miss incidents shall +e
reported to the competent authority periodically, every 0uarter, in 2orm 2.
+/. Deco99*;;*o.*.g =la..% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator shall su+mit decommissioning plan to the competent authority
including description of 3
>a? ris- during and follo*ing a possi+le removalC
>+? methods intended to +e used in the event of a possi+le removal,
including re3floating of the structureC
>c? analyses planned to +e carried outC
>d? operations planned to +e carried out in the event of a possi+le
>e? conse0uences of a possi+le removal in respect of ad9acent fields
and facilitiesC
>f? other matters of importanceC and
>g? measures, if any, designed to secure the area against possi+le
future pollution from a+andoned *ells or polluted deposits of
+<. De;*g. *.t*9at*o. :o6 :*7e8 o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% >1? 6he operator of an
offshore installation *hich is to +e esta+lished shall prepare a design
intimation containing the particulars specified in Schedule " and su+mit it to
the competent authority at such time as *ill ena+le him to ta-e into account in
the design any matters relating to health, safety and environment raised +y
the competent authority *ithin one month of that time.
>2? 1here there is a significant change in any of the particulars mentioned in
the design intimation prior to the operator su+mitting application for consent,
the operator shall notify the competent authority of that change forth*ith.
+1. A==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 o=e6at*o. o: .e( :*7e8 o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..%
>1? 6he operator of a ne* fixed offshore installation *hich is to +e esta+lished
shall su+mit to the competent authority an application for consent containing
the particulars specified in Schedule "".
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that the fixed installation referred in under su+3
rule >1? is not operated unless the competent authority has accepted the
application for consent.
>3? 6he competent authority shall *ithin sixty days of the receipt of the
application for consent, convey its consent or re0uire the operator to ta-e
specific actions and su+mit revised application for consent *ithin the period
specified +y it and if the competent authority does not respond *ithin sixty
days of the receipt of the application for consent, the application for consent
shall +e deemed to have +een accepted.
>4? 6he operator shall su+mit revised application for consent, confirming
therein compliance *ith the specific actions stipulated +y the competent
authority in accordance *ith su+3rule >3? and deviations, if any, *ith ade0uate
technical 9ustification.
>5? 6he competent authority shall convey its consent *ithin thirty days of the
receipt of revised application for consent.
>? "f the operator fails to su+mit the revised application as referred to in su+3
rule >4?, *ithin the period specified in su+3rule >3?, the application for consent
shall +e deemed to have +een re9ected.
+?. A==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 e7*;t*.g :*7e8 o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% >1? 6he
operator of a fixed installation operating in relevant *aters +efore the
commencement of these rules, shall *ithin t*o years of coming into force of
these rules, su+mit an application for consent containing particulars specified
in Schedule """ to the competent authority.
>2? 6he competent authority, *ithin ninety days of the receipt of the
application for consent, shall,3
>a? convey its consentC or
>+? re0uire the operator to ta-e specific actions *ithin the period
specified, after ta-ing into consideration the su+missions made
+y the operator as specified in Schedule """.
>3? 6he operator shall su+mit his revised application confirming therein
compliance *ith the directions issued +y the competent authority under clause
>+? of su+3rule >2? and deviations, if any, *ith ade0uate technical 9ustification.

>4? 6he competent authority shall convey its consent *ithin thirty days of the
receipt of revised application for consent.
>5? "f the operator fails to su+mit the revised application referred to in su+3rule
>3? *ithin a period of six months, excluding the period specified for
compliance under clause >+? of su+3rule >2?, the licensee, the lessee, or as the
case may +e, the operator shall +e 9ointly and severally lia+le to penalties
under the )ct.
+2. A==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 9ob*le o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% >1? 6he operator
of a mo+ile installation *hich is to +e moved into relevant *aters for +eing
operated there, shall su+mit an application for consent containing the
particulars specified in Schedule "4 to the competent authority.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that the mo+ile installation referred to in su+3
rule >1? is not operated unless the competent authority has accepted the
application for consent.
>3? 6he competent authority shall *ithin fifteen days of the receipt of the
application for consent, convey the consent or re0uire the operator to ta-e
specific actions and su+mit revised application for consent *ithin the period
specified +y it and if the competent authority does not respond *ithin fifteen
days of the receipt of the application for consent, the application for consent
shall +e deemed to have +een accepted.
>4? 6he operator shall su+mit revised application for consent, confirming
therein compliance *ith the specific actions stipulated +y the competent
authority in accordance *ith su+3rule >3? and deviations, if any, *ith ade0uate
technical 9ustification.
>5? 6he competent authority shall convey its consent *ithin fifteen days of the
receipt of revised application for consent.
>? "f the operator fails to su+mit the revised application as referred to in su+3
rule >4? *ithin the period specified in su+3rule >3?, the application for consent
shall +e deemed to have +een re9ected.
+A. A==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 al6ea8@ o=e6at*.g 9ob*le o::;)o6e
*.;tallat*o..% >1? 6he operator of a mo+ile installation operating in relevant
*aters +efore the commencement of these rules, shall *ithin one year of the
commencement of these rules su+mit an application for consent containing
particulars specified in Schedule 4 to the competent authority.

>2? 6he competent authority, *ithin sixty days of the receipt of the application
for consent, shall,3
>a? convey its consent C or
>+? re0uire the operator to ta-e specific actions *ithin the period
specified, after ta-ing into consideration the su+missions made
+y the operator as specified in Schedule 4.
>3? 6he operator shall su+mit his revised application confirming therein
compliance *ith the directions issued +y the competent authority under clause
>+? of su+3rule >2? and deviations, if any, *ith ade0uate technical 9ustification.
>4? 6he competent authority shall convey its consent *ithin thirty days of the
receipt of revised application for consent.
>5? "f the operator fails to su+mit the revised application referred to in su+3rule
>3? *ithin a period of six months, excluding the period specified for
compliance under clause >+? of su+3rule >2?, the licensee, the lessee, or as the
case may +e, the operator shall +e 9ointly and severally lia+le to penalties
under the )ct.
+,. I.t*9at*o. :o6 co9b*.e8 o=e6at*o..% 1here a fixed installation or a mo+ile
installation is to +e engaged in com+ined operations, the operator shall
prepare a comprehensive com+ined operations procedure document
incorporating therein the safety related issues and su+mit the same to the
competent authority, *ithin six months of the commencement of these rules.
+3. Relocat*o. *.t*9at*o. :o6 =6o8uct*o. o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% 6he operator
of a production installation *hich is to +e moved to a ne* location, *ithin
relevant *aters and operated there, shall prepare a relocation intimation
containing the particulars specified in Schedule 4" and send the relocation
intimation to the competent authority at such time as *ill ena+le him to ta-e
into account any matters relating to health, safety and environment raised +y
the competent authority *ithin fifteen days of that time.
/0. Re>*;*o. a.8 6e;ub9*;;*o. o: a==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t.% "n case of
changes in the installation or the process, that can have significant impact on
the health, safety and environment, su+se0uent to acceptance of application
for consent +y the competent authority, the operator shall revise the
application for consent and su+mit it to the competent authority for
21. R*;B 6e8uct*o..% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall select the technical, operational, human resources and
organisational solutions *hich shall reduce the ris- to humans, assets and
the environment involved in the petroleum activities and the pro+a+ility of
failures and situations of ha7ard and accident.
>2? "n addition, +arriers shall +e esta+lished *hich shall 3
>a? reduce the pro+a+ility of further development of any such failures
and situations of ha7ard and accidentC and
>+? limit possi+le damage.
>3? 1here more than one +arrier is re0uired, there shall +e no
interdependence +et*een the +arriers.
>4? 6he solutions and the +arriers that have the greatest ris- reducing effect
shall +e chosen +ased on an individual as *ell as an overall ris- evaluation.
>5? 5ollective protective measures shall +e preferred over protective
measures aimed at individuals.
//. &a66*e6;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator
shall form the strategies and principles on *hich the design, use maintenance
and testing of +arriers shall +e +ased, in such a manner that the +arrier
function is ensured throughout the life time of the facility.
>2? "t shall +e made -no*n to all concerned *hat +arriers have +een
esta+lished, *hich function they are intended to fulfil and *hat performance
re0uirements have +een defined *hich are necessary for the individual +arrier
to +e effective.
>3? "t shall +e made -no*n to all concerned *hich +arriers are not functioning
or have +een impaired and the operator shall ta-e necessary actions to
correct or compensate for missing or impaired +arriers and the operator shall
have a system in place involving various decision3ma-ing levels *ith respect
to non3functional or impaired +arriers.

/<. Ge.e6al 6eCu*6e9e.t; o: 6*;B a;;e;;9e.t.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or
as the case may +e, the operator shall ensure that ris- assessment is carried
out, *hich *ill provide the necessary +asis for ta-ing decisions to give due
consideration to health, safety and environment.
>2? 1hen carrying out and updating the assessment, industry recognised
models, methods and techni0ues as appropriate for the purpose and the +est
availa+le data shall +e used.
>3? 6he assessment shall also +e used to set conditions for operation and to
classify areas, systems and e0uipment *ith respect to ris- under various
environmental conditions.
>4? 6he acceptance criteria for ma9or accident ris- and environmental ris-
shall +e specified and the competent authority may stipulate ris- acceptance
criteria for any of the petroleum activities.
>5? 6he acceptance criteria shall +e, inter alia, set for 3
>a? personnel on the facility as a *hole, and for groups of personnel
*hich are particularly exposed to ris-C
>+? loss of main safety functions as mentioned in rule !! on main
safety functionsC
>c? pollution from the facility or any other environmental threat or
damageC and
>d? damage done to third party.
>? 6he operator shall have a complete record of the assessment that is
carried out and consistency +et*een assessments that are supplementary to
or are +ased on each other shall +e ensured.
/1. R*;B a;;e;;9e.t a.8 e9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;; a.al@;e;.% >1? ,is-
assessment providing a +alanced and comprehensive picture of the ris- shall
+e carried and shall 3
>a? identify situations of ha7ard and accident, select initiating
and map the causes of the incidentsC
>+? carry out modeling of accident se0uences and conse0uences
revealing possi+le dependencies +et*een physical +arriers and
the re0uirements that must +e set in respect of the performance
of the +arriers, can +e determinedC
>c? classify important safety systemsC
>d? prove that the main safety functions are ade0uately provided forC
>e? identify dimensioning accidental loadsC and
>f? provide the +asis for selecting the defined situations of ha7ard
and accident.
>2? 8mergency preparedness analyses shall,3
>a? define situations of ha7ard and accidentC
>+? set performance re0uirements to the emergency preparednessC
>c? select and dimension emergency preparedness measures.

/?. R*;B a;;e;;9e.t a.8 e9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;; a.al@;e; (*t) 6e;=ect to
e.>*6o.9e.t.% 8nvironmentally oriented ris- assessment and emergency
preparedness analyses shall +e carried out +y the licensee, the lessee, or as
the case may +e, the operator for individual facility *ith respect to +ut not
limited to acute pollution and +ac-ground load.
/2. !o6B*.g e.>*6o.9e.t a.al@;*;.% (ecessary analyses *hich *ould identify
measures so as to ensure a sound *or-ing environment shall +e carried out
+y the licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator, *hich shall
inter alia, contri+ute to improving the health, *ell +eing and safety of the
employees +y implementation of these measures.
/A. Sa:et@ 9a.age9e.t ;@;te9.% >1? 6he operator shall esta+lish a safety
management system *hich shall +e an integral part of the overall
management system.
>2? 6he operator shall 3

>a? ensure that the management of health, safety and environment
comprises the activities, resources, processes and the
organisation including trained manpo*er necessary to ensure
safe activitiesC
>+? ensure that authorities and responsi+ilities of personnel at
various management levels are clearly defined in the safety
management systemC
>c? prepare the necessary steering documents and esta+lish reporting
>d? esta+lish o+9ectives in relation to health, safety and environment
and set internal re0uirements in concrete terms, *hich
contri+ute to achieving these o+9ectives and if the internal
re0uirements are expressed functionally, criteria of fulfilment
shall +e esta+lishedC and
>e? ensure accordance +et*een his o*n re0uirements and the
re0uirements of the other participants.
>3? Situations of ha7ard and accident shall +e investigated, analysed and
documented +y the operator.
>4? 6he operator shall esta+lish monitoring parameters *ithin his areas of
activity in order to monitor matters of significance to health, safety and
environment, including the degree of achieving o+9ectives.
>5? 6he operator shall esta+lish indicators to monitor changes and trends in
ma9or accident ris-.
>? 8mergency response plans prepared pursuant to the provisions of
5hapter D on emergency response system shall form part of the safety
management system.
>!? 6he safety management system shall ensure that 3
>a? an ade0uate arrangement of audit of safety management
system and for ma-ing a report thereof, is esta+lishedC
>+? an arrangement for appraisal of ade0uacy of the safety
management system +y the operator is esta+lishedC and
>c ? the recommendations of internal as *ell as external safety
audits, surveys and in0uiry committees are follo*ed up for
implementation *ithin predetermined time frame.
>#? 6he operator shall 3
>a? prepare a manual for his safety management system, containing
all the relevant information to demonstrate that the re0uirements
as mentioned in the preceding su+3rules are ade0uately metC
>+? periodically revise, update and validate the manualC and
>c? ensure availa+ility of copy of the manual on +oard the
/,. Follo(%u= a.8 8e>elo=9e.t o: ;a:et@ 9a.age9e.t ;@;te9.% 6he
operator shall follo* up and improve the safety management system in order
to ensure compliance *ith the re0uirements contained in these rules.
/3. I8e.t*:*cat*o. o: o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..%6he operator shall ensure that the
offshore installation is e0uipped so as to +e readily identifia+le on approach
+y sea or air at all times .
<0. Ve6*:*cat*o. o: :*t.e;; o: o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% >1?6he operator shall ta-e
appropriate measures to maintain the offshore installation in the condition fit
the purpose under foreseea+le meteorological, oceanographic, environmental
and sea3+ed conditions during construction, installation and operation.
>2? 6he measures referred to in su+3rule >1? shall include 3
>a? an assessment of the design and construction of the installation
in relation to the conditions under *hich it is to +e installed and
>+? designing, constructing, installing and maintaining the
installation in accordance *ith recognised standardsC and
>c? maintaining a valid certificate of fitness for the installation.
>3? 'n the date of commencement of these rules, if an operator does not
have a valid certificate of fitness for the existing installation, he shall o+tain
the certificate of fitness *ithin t*o years of the commencement of these rules.
>4? (o certificate of fitness shall remain valid for more than five years.

>5? "n the event of any incident *hich in the opinion of the competent
authority affects the integrity of installation, the validity of such certificate shall
+e revie*ed and the competent authority, if it is of the opinion that it needs a
fresh verification, the operator shall conduct such verification.
<+. I.:o69at*o..% >1? 6he operator shall identify the information that is
necessary to ena+le planning and conduct of the petroleum activities and to
improve health, safety and environment.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that the necessary information is ac0uired,
processed and disseminated to concerned users at the right time.
>3? "nformation and communication systems, *hich satisfy the need for
ac0uisition, processing and dissemination of data and information, shall +e
esta+lished +y the operator.
</. O::;)o6e I.;tallat*o. Ma.age6.% >1? 6he 'perator shall ensure that the
offshore manned installation is at all times under the charge of 'ffshore
"nstallation $anager to manage on his +ehalf the manned installation and the
persons on it and the associated unmanned installationsC
>2? 6he 'ffshore "nstallation $anager shall +e a person 3
>a? having necessary 0ualification to carry out functions and duties
re0uired for compliance *ith these rulesC
>+? capa+le of identifying existing and predicta+le ha7ards
associated *ith offshore petroleum activitiesC
>c? authori7ed to ta-e prompt and concrete measures to eliminate
such ha7ardsC and
>d? *hose identity is notified to, and is accessi+le to all personnel
*or-ing on the installation.
>3? 6he operator shall place at the disposal of the 'ffshore "nstallation
$anager all resources to ena+le him to carry out his function and the duties
effectively in accordance *ith the provisions of these rules.
<<. Sa:et@ O::*ce6.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that each manned installation
has a designated Safety 'fficer availa+le on +oard *hose tas- is to carry out
and monitor health, safety and environment related *or- on the manned
installation and the associated unmanned installations.

>2? 6he operator shall ensure that the Safety 'fficer receives the information
and resources that are re0uired to carry out and monitor the preventive safety
and environment *or- referred to in the su+3rule>1?.
<1. Sa:et@ Co99*ttee.% >1? 6he operator shall set up a Safety 5ommittee at
every manned offshore installation *here+y *or- related safety and health
and environment issues can +e discussed.
>2? 'ffshore "nstallation $anager shall +e the head of the Safety 5ommittee
and the safety officer responsi+le for safety functions at offshore installations
shall +e convener of the committee.
>3? 8mployees of the operator from various *or- sections at the installation
shall participate in the activities related to Safety 5ommittee.
>4? 6he functions of the 5ommittee shall +e 3
>a? to carry out safety and house -eeping inspections of the
installation *ith a vie* to identify deficiencies and recommend
corrective measures C
>+? to ma-e suggestions for improvement of safety, health and
environment measuresC and
>c? to promote development of safe attitude among employees.
>5? 6he Safety 5ommittee shall meet at least once in a month.
>? $echanism shall +e put in place for continuous follo* up on the corrective
measures suggested +y the Safety 5ommittee, from time to time.

<?. Re;=o.;*b*l*t@ *. 6e;=ect o: co.t6acto6; a.8 ;e6>*ce =6o>*8e6;.% >1? 6he
licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator shall ensure that
the contractors and service providers engaged to execute the contract or
provide service in connection *ith the petroleum activities on offshore
installation comply *ith the provisions of these rules.
>2? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator shall +e
responsi+le for ta-ing necessary measures +y the contractors or service
providers engaged +y him to correct any shortcomings in respect of
management of health, safety and environment in accordance *ith these
<2. Ve6*:*cat*o.;.% >1? 6he extent of verifications, the method to +e used in and
the degree of independence of the verification shall +e decided in order to
document that the re0uirements of these rules have +een complied *ith.
>2? 1hen it has +een decided that verifications are to +e carried out, such
verifications shall +e carried out according to an overall and unam+iguous
verification programme and verification +asis.
>3? 6he operator shall esta+lish the verification +asis for the total petroleum
activities after having made an evaluation of the extent of, the method to +e
used in, and the degree of independence of the verification and shall also
carry out an overall evaluation of the results of verifications that have +een
carried out.
>4? 6he competent authority may advise the operator to have verifications
carried out.
>5? 6he documentary evidence of compliance of these rules shall +e prepared
+y the operator and provided to the competent authority, *hen as-ed for.
<A. I.>e;t*gat*o. b@ co9=ete.t aut)o6*t@.% >1? 6he competent authority may, as
and *hen necessary, direct any of its officers, duly authori7ed on its +ehalf,
to carry out investigation of any offshore installation to verify that the
petroleum activities therein are conducted in accordance *ith these rules.
>2? 6he operator shall +e a+le to demonstrate compliance of these rules
during such investigation.
<,. T6a.;=o6t a.8 o::;)o6e ;ta@.% 6he operator shall arrange transport for
representatives of the competent authority, to and from vessels and facilities,
and their stay on +oard for the purpose of carrying out investigation.
39. Me8*cal :*t.e;; o: o::;)o6e go*.g e9=lo@ee;.- 6he operator shall ensure
>a? minimum physical efficiency criteria are laid do*n to maintain
and enhance safety standardsC and
>+? only medically fit persons *ho meet the minimum physical
efficiency standards are allo*ed to *or- on the installation.
40. O.boa68 Me8*cal O::*ce6.% 6he operator shall ensure that at each manned
installation, depending on its si7e, a 0ualified medical officer or a paramedic is
availa+le at all times.
1+. Dut@ o: Me8*cal O::*ce6 o. boa68.% "t shall +e the duty of the medical officer
on +oard to promote good health, and contri+ute to prevent disease and in9ury
+y 3
>a? collection and dissemination of information on such features of
the *or-place that may affect healthC
>+? ensuring that ade0uate standards of hygiene are maintainedC
>c? ta-ing appropriate preventive action *ithin his area of
>d? diagnosis and treatment of routine disease and in9ury, and first
aid after accidentsC
>e? incorporation of health emergency preparedness into the general
emergency preparedness of the installation, including transport of
the sic- and in9uredC and
>f? ta-ing steps to prevent spread of communica+le diseases on the
42. Me8*cal e7a9*.at*o. o: t)e e9=lo@ee;.% 6he operator shall ensure that
the employees are offered periodic medical chec-3up to ascertain any long
term effects of *or-ing environment causing occupational diseases and ta-e
remedial measures.
1<. Mea;u6e; aga*.;t to7*c e9*;;*o.; a.8 Io.*D*.g 6a8*at*o..% >1? 6he
operator shall ta-e appropriate measures to 3
>a? ensure safe storage, transport and handling of toxic and radioactive
su+stances in accordance *ith applica+le standardsC
>+? ensure that personnel handling toxic and radioactive su+stances
are ade0uately trained.
>2? 6he operator shall ta-e the follo*ing measures to protect persons lia+le to
+e exposed to toxic emission and ioni7ing radiation, namely 3
>a? provide information concerning the toxic emission and ioni7ing
radiation and safe methods of protection against exposure to
such su+stancesC
>+? provide personnel protective e0uipment including respiratory
protective e0uipment for every person *ho may +e exposed to
toxic emission and ioni7ing radiationC
>c? ma-e arrangements for giving *arning of any release of toxic gases
or fumes and ioni7ing radiation +y audi+le or visual alarm
system to all person on the installationC and
>d? esta+lish safe operating procedures and emergency procedures to
meet the re0uirement of these rules.
11. Foo8 a.8 86*.B*.g (ate6.% 6he operator shall ensure that,3
>a? there shall +e at all times, availa+ility of provisions of such
0uality and in such 0uantity of food, *hich is ade0uate to feed
and provide all the nutritional needs of all the persons, on an
>+? ade0uate pota+le drin-ing *ater meeting re0uirements of the
applica+le standards is made availa+le at the installation.
1?. Hou6; o: (o6B a.8 6e;t.% 6he operator shall ensure suita+le *or-ing hours,
rest periods and period of stay of employees for carrying out the *or- safely.
12. T6a.;=o6t.% 6he operator shall ensure that persons and supplies are
transported safely to, from and +et*een facilities and vessels during all
phases of petroleum activities.
1A. Hel*8ecB o=e6at*o..% 6he operator shall ensure that 3
>a? a competent person designated to +e in control of helidec-
operations on the manned offshore installation is present on the
installation at the time of helidec- operationsC
>+? such person carries out appropriate duties +efore any helicopter
lands on the offshore installation or ta-es off from itC
>c? such procedures are esta+lished and e0uipment provided, as
*ill secure that landing and ta-e off of helicopters are *ithout
ris- to safety of the personnel and installationC and
>d? helicopter is safely par-ed on the installation.
1,. Sta@ o. :ac*l*t*e;.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that there exists at all times
a list of all persons on +oard or on *ay to or from a facility or a vessel
participating in the petroleum activities.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that all persons staying on such facilities or vessels
shall receive ade0uate information in accordance *ith these rules and that they
comply *ith the same.
13. Acco99o8at*o..% 6he operator shall ensure that,3
>a? the num+er of persons accommodated on a facility shall
normally not exceed the num+er that the facility *as designed
>+? *hen the num+er of persons to +e accommodated on a
facility in particular cases *here the circumstances so demand,
exceed the num+er that the facility *as designed for, is done in
consultation *ith the safety officer.
>c? *hen decision is made concerning the duration and
extent of such accommodation, referred to in clause >+?, the
conse0uences shall +e considered and compensating actions
shall +e ta-en to ensure safety and necessary rest and
?0. Ge.e6al )ou;eBee=*.g.% 6he operator shall ensure that general
house-eeping is planned and carried out in such a *ay that the indoor
environment remains hygienic and pleasant all the time.
?+. E;tabl*;)9e.t o: ;a:et@ Do.e;.% >1? 6he competent authority shall delimit as
safety 7one any geographical area, around and a+ove the facilities, *ith the
exception of su+ sea facilities, pipelines and ca+les, unless this is considered
unnecessary +ased on a safety evaluation +y the competent authority.
>2? =nless other*ise decided +y the competent authority, the 7one extends
from the sea+ed to maximum five hundred metres a+ove the highest point of
a facility in the vertical plane and hori7ontally extends five hundred metres out
from the extremities of the facility, *here it may +e located at any time.
>3? (o unauthorised vessel >including aircraft? shall enter, pass, stay or
operate in the safety 7one, *hich has not +een granted permission +y the
?/. S=ec*:*c ;a:et@ Do.e; e;tabl*;)e8 *. ;*tuat*o.; o: )aDa68 a.8 acc*8e.t.%
"n the event of situations of ha7ard and accident *hich may lead to personal
in9ury or loss of human lives, fire, serious pollution or other environmental
damage, ma9or damage to material assets or su+stantial production stoppage,
the competent authority may extend the existing safety 7ones or esta+lish
ne* 7ones, to the extent this is considered necessary to prevent or to limit
said harmful effects.
?<. Re>ocat*o. o: ;a:et@ Do.e;.% 6he competent authority shall revo-e the
safety 7ones *hen the conditions *arranting their esta+lishment no longer
?1. Mo.*to6*.g o: ;a:et@ Do.e;.% 6he operator shall monitor all activities inside
the safety 7ones and -eep under o+servation *hat happens outside the 7ones
*hen such activity may entail danger to safety of the petroleum activities
??. Ale6t a.8 *.t*9at*o. *. co..ect*o. (*t) e.t6@ *.to ;a:et@ Do.e.% >1? 6he
operator shall alert a vessel a+out to enter a safety 7one *hen it has no right
to enter such area.
>2? 6he operator shall alert vessels outside a safety 7one if the vessels may
constitute a danger to safety of the petroleum activities.
>3? "f an o+9ect constitutes a danger to safety of the petroleum activities, the
operator shall alert the person responsi+le for the o+9ect, if possi+le.
>4? 6he operator shall alert the concerned agency in the event of situations as
referred to in su+3rules >1?, >2? or >3?, and *hich constitute a serious danger to
safety of the petroleum activities.
>5? 6he operator shall in addition, intimate violation of safety 7one to the
concerned agency and the competent authority.
56. Mea;u6e; aga*.;t *.t6u8*.g >e;;el; o6 object;.% >1? "n the event of
violation of safety 7ones and in dangerous situations referred to in rule 55, the
operator shall, to the extent possi+le, refuse entry to vessels or o+9ects.
>2? "f safety 7one violation entails serious danger to safety of the petroleum
activities, refusal of entry +y the operator may consist of physical measures
*herever possi+le.
?A. A..ou.ce9e.t o: locat*o. o: a. o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..% 6he operator shall,
+efore the esta+lishment or movement of offshore installation, provide
necessary information to the concerned agency a+out the location of the
?,. E;tabl*;)*.g e9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as
the case may +e, the operator shall prepare a strategy for emergency
preparedness against situations of ha7ard and accident including health
>2? 6he emergency preparedness shall +e esta+lished on the +asis of the
performance criteria applica+le to the +arriers, the results from ris-
assessment and emergency preparedness analyses and ris- assessment and
emergency preparedness analyses *ith respect to environment, as laid do*n
in rules 22, 24 and 25, respectively.
>3? 6he competent authority may in particular cases stipulate further
re0uirements *ith regard to the esta+lishment of the emergency
?3. E9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;; o6ga.*;at*o. ;t6uctu6e.% 6he emergency
preparedness organisation structure shall +e of such type *hich is capa+le of
handling situations of ha7ard and accident effectively.
20. E9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;; =la.;.% 8mergency preparedness plans shall +e
prepared *hich at all times descri+e the emergency preparedness and
contain action plans in respect of the defined situations of ha7ard and
accident including health emergency.
2+. Sta.8b@ >e;;el;.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that every offshore installation has access to pre3
identified stand+y vessel at all times and shall fulfil the emergency response
re0uirements +esides assisting in *arding off intruding vessels.
2/. Co%o68*.at*o. o: e9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;;.% >1? 6he operator shall
manage and co3ordinate *ith the concerned agencies the operations of the
emergency preparedness in the event of accidents and ha7ardous situations.
>2? 6he operator shall conduct ta+le top and live exercises involving the
concerned agencies and other participants at least once a year and
effectiveness of such exercises shall +e closely monitored and revie*ed +y
him to test and validate the emergency preparedness plans.

2<. Co%o=e6at*o. o. e9e6ge.c@ =6e=a6e8.e;;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee,
or as the case may +e, the operator shall cooperate *ith other licensee,
lessee, or as the case may +e operators to ensure necessary emergency
preparedness in their areas and for that purpose shall have an agreement
among themselves for 9oint use of emergency preparedness resources.
>2? 6he competent authority shall esta+lish regions directing the licensee, the
lessee, or as the case may +e, the operators *ithin those regions to prepare
common emergency preparedness plans and utili7ing their emergency
preparedness resources.
21. Ha.8l*.g o: ;*tuat*o.; o: )aDa68 a.8 acc*8e.t.% "t shall +e ensured +y the
operator that the necessary actions are ta-en immediately in the event of
situations of ha7ard and accident in such a manner that 3
>a? right alert is given immediatelyC
>+? situations of ha7ard do not develop into situations of accidents
and if it does, the com+ating actions are ta-en in order to limit
harm and pollution, as close to the discharging source as
>c? personnel are rescued in situations of accidentC
>d? personnel on the facility are 0uic-ly and efficiently evacuated at
all timesC and
>e? condition is normalised *hen the development of a situation of
ha7ard and accident has +een stopped, including monitoring
and cleanup of the pollution and restoring the environment.
2?. Sa:et@ o: *.;tallat*o. *. t)e e>e.t o: *.8u;t6*al 8*;=ute;.% >1? "n the event
of closure of, or stoppage of *or- in, any installation due to any industrial
dispute the operator shall implement measures to maintain a satisfactory level
of safety.
>2? 6he operator and the employees, shall +e responsi+le for safety of the
installation in the event of closure of, or stoppage of *or- in, any installation
due to any industrial dispute and shall have *ritten procedures in place on 3
>a? ho* activities are to +e *ound up and *ells secured in
accordance *ith the applica+le drilling or *ell intervention
programme, and the functions and positions that *ill form part of
this *or-C and
>+? the functions and positions that *ill form part of safety *or- after
closure has +een carried out and completed, and *hat the
contingency safety manning shall do.
>3? 6he contingency safety manning shall +e specified in the general plan for
manning of the facility.
22. ECu*=9e.t :o6 6e;cue o: o>e6boa68 =e6;o..el.% >1? 6he operator shall
ensure that facility, at all times, is provided *ith e0uipment for 0uic- and
cautious rescue of personnel *ho fall into the sea.
>2? Diving facilities shall, at all times, have re0uisite e0uipment to ensure that
personnel in diving +ells, su+merged ha+itat and su+mersi+le crafts can +e
rescued in an emergency situation.
2A. L*:e jacBet; a.8 l*:e buo@;.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that ade0uate
num+er of life 9ac-ets and life +uoys are availa+le *ithin easy reach on the
facility, +ased on the results from the emergency preparedness analysis.
>2? 6he operator shall store the life 9ac-ets and life +uoys in such a *ay
that the 0uality is not deteriorated.
2,. Co99u.*cat*o..% 6he operator shall ensure that 3
>a? at all times during installation and operation, as *ell as in
situations of ha7ard and accident, the necessary internal and
external communication and alerts are ensuredC and
>+? a person is designated on +oard to +e responsi+le for the
communication systemsE operation on manned facilities.
23. Mu;te6 a6ea;.% 6he operator shall ma-e appropriate provision for 3
>a? areas for person to muster safely in an emergencyC
>+? safe egress from accommodation, *or- areas and temporary
refuge and safe access to muster areas, evacuation and escape
>c? ade0uate emergency lighting and mar-ing +y suita+le signs of
access to muster areas, evacuation and escape pointC
>d? at least t*o means of egress from accommodation areas
situated at an appropriate distance apart, at each level of the
>e? procedures for mustering at such areas and accounting for
personsC and
>f? alternate muster areas shall +e identified for use in case
muster areas are inaccessi+le.
A0. Mea.; o: e>acuat*o..% >1? 6he operator shall ma-e arrangements to carry
out 0uic- and effective evacuation of personnel on facilities to a safe area in
all *eather conditions.
>2? 6he means of evacuation, their placing and protection shall +e in
accordance *ith the ris- assessment scheme.
>3? 6he operator shall use means of evacuation in respect of evacuation to
sea such as life+oats supplemented +y life rafts, and means to reach these
such as escape ladders.
>4? 6he operator shall ma-e separate assessment of the need for and
selection of e0uipment for hyper+aric evacuation in respect of saturation
>5? 6he operator shall ensure that hyper +aric evacuation units are of such
design *hich can +e to*ed and lifted out of the *ater in the *eather
conditions relevant for the use of such evacuation units.
A+. A66a.ge9e.t :o6 6eco>e6@ a.8 6e;cue.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that
effective arrangements are made for 3
>a? recovery of persons follo*ing their evacuation or escape from
installation C
>+? rescue of personnel near installationsC and
>c? ta-ing of such personnel to a place of safety.
>2? 6he operator shall assist the concerned agencies in search and rescue
operations, as and *hen *arranted.
A/. D6*ll;.% 6he operator shall ensure that the organisation, arrangements and
procedures referred to in the emergency response plan are tested, as often
as may +e appropriate, and 9ointly *ith other participants *herever re0uired.
A<. Rel*ab*l*t@ a.8 co.8*t*o. o: e9e6ge.c@ 6e;=o.;e eCu*=9e.t.% 6he
operator shall ensure that 3
>a? all e0uipment on the installation provided for compliance *ith
the emergency response plan are maintained in a relia+le state
under efficient *or-ing order and in good repairC
>+? there is a proper and suita+le *ritten procedure for the
systematic examination of all emergency response e0uipment
+y a 0ualified and independent personC and
>c? the scheme shall 3
>i? specify nature and fre0uency of the examinationC and
>ii? provide for an examination to +e carried out, +efore the
first use of the said e0uipment on the installation and also
after any modification or repairs.
C)a=te6 #I
Fac*l*t*e; E De;*g.
A1. Fac*l*t*e; 8e>elo=9e.t.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator shall ensure that for development of the facilities, the design,
engineering and fa+rication of the individual facilities shall +e such as to
ena+le them to +e placed, operated and if applica+le removed in a safe and
prudent manner.
>2? 6he provisions referred to in su+3rule >1? shall apply to installations and
other e0uipment necessary to carry out under*ater operations from a vessel.
>3? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator shall design
and install su+sea facilities and pipeline systems in such a manner that the
facilities are a+le to *ithstand mechanical damage caused +y other activities
in the vicinity, *ith a high pro+a+ility of occurrence.
>4? 2acilities shall +e used for the purpose for *hich they are designed and
75. Plac*.g o: :ac*l*t*e;.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that the facilities, including *ells, are placed at safe
distance from other facilities and from o+9ects such as lighthouses, +eacons
and navigation mar-s, ca+les, pipelines and particularly vulnera+le
environmental resources, etc. +ased on ris- assessment in such a manner
that they *ill not constitute an unaccepta+le ris- to other facilities, activities or
the external environment.
76. De;*g. o: :ac*l*t*e;.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that 3
>a? the facilities including physical +arriers are designed in such a
manner that 3
>i? they can *ithstand loadsC
>ii? the ma9or accident ris- +ecomes as lo* as reasona+ly
>iii? failure of a component, a system or one single mista-e
does not lead to unaccepta+le conse0uencesC
>iv? the main safety functions are maintainedC
>v? transport of men and materials, and handling of materials
can ta-e place efficiently and safelyC
>vi? provision is made for a sound *or-ing environmentC
>vii? operational prere0uisites and limitations are duly
complied *ithC
>viii? there are ade0uate provisions in place to ensure health
and hygiene on +oardC
>ix? provision is made for the lo*est possi+le ris- of pollutionC
>x? provision is made for fully satisfactory maintenance.
>+? 6he areas on the facility shall +e classified in such *ay that
design and location of areas and e0uipment contri+ute to
reducing the ris- related to fire and explosion.
>c? )reas *here personnel are staying, or *here e0uipment of
significance to safety is placed, shall not +e *ithin reach of *aves
*ith an annual pro+a+ility greater than the value considered,
+ased on the acceptance criteria
AA. Ma*. ;a:et@ :u.ct*o.;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator shall define the main safety functions unam+iguously in respect
of each individual facility in order to ensure safety for personnel and
environment and to limit pollution.
>2? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator shall ensure
that the follo*ing main safety functions *ith regard to permanently manned
facilities are maintained in the event of an accident situation , namelyC3
>a? preventing escalation of accident situations in such a manner that
personnel outside the immediate vicinity of the scene of accident,
are not in9uredC
>+? maintaining the main load carrying capacity in load +earing
structures until the facility has +een evacuatedC
>c? protecting rooms of significance to com+ating accidental events,
in such a manner that they are operative until the facility has
+een evacuatedC
>d? protecting the facilityEs safe areas in such a manner that they
remain intact until the facility has +een evacuatedC and
>e? maintaining at least one evacuation route from every area *here
personnel stay until evacuation to the facilityEs safe areas and
rescue of personnel has +een completed.
A,. Sa:et@ 8e>*ce;.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that 3
>a? facilities are e0uipped *ith necessary safety devices *hich at
all times are a+le to 3
>i? detect a+normal conditionsC
>ii? prevent a+normal conditions from developing into situat
ha7ard and accidentC and
>iii? limit harm in the event of accidents.
>+? re0uirements to performance shall +e set in respect of safety
>c? status of the safety devices shall +e availa+le in the central
control room.
A3. Pla.t;, ;@;te9; a.8 eCu*=9e.t.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the
case may +e, the operator shall ensure that plants, systems and e0uipment
are designed in such a manner that 3
>a? the possi+ility of human errors or mista-es is eliminatedC
>+? they or it can +e operated, tested and maintained *ithout danger
to personnel and *ith the lo*est possi+le pollution ris-C and
>c? they are or it is suita+le for use and capa+le of *ithstanding the
loads they or it may +e su+9ected to during operation.
>2? ;lants, systems and e0uipment shall +e mar-ed in order to provide for safe
operation and fully satisfactory maintenance.
80. Loa8;, loa8 e::ect; a.8 6e;*;ta.ce.% (1? 6he loads that may affect facilities
or parts of facilities shall +e determined in such a manner that accidental
loads and environmental loads *ith an annual pro+a+ility greater than the
value considered, +ased on the acceptance criteria shall not cause the loss of
a main safety function.
>2? 1hen loads are determined, the effects of sea+ed su+sidence a+ove or in
connection *ith the reservoir shall +e ta-en into account.
>3? 2unctional and environmental loads shall +e com+ined considering *orst
>4? 2acilities or parts of facilities shall +e a+le to *ithstand the design loads
and the pro+a+le com+inations of these loads at all times.
>5? $ain load +earing structures shall +e designed in such a manner that
single component failure or *ater penetration through outer *alls facing the
sea cannot lead to unaccepta+le conse0uences.
,+. Mate6*al;.% $aterials to +e used in or on facilities shall +e selected,
considering the follo*ing, namely 3
>a? re0uirements *ith respect to loadsC
>+? manufacturing, assem+ling and construction processesC
>c? use of material protection, if anyC
>d? fire technical propertiesC
>e? pro+a+le changes in operational conditionsC
>f? possi+ilities for reduction of, re3use and recycling of *asteC
>g? employeesE health and *or-ing environmentC and
>h? possi+le future removal.
82. Ha.8l*.g o: 9ate6*al; a.8 t6a.;=o6t 6oute;, acce;; a.8 e>acuat*o.
6oute;.%- >1? 2acilities and transport routes shall +e designed in such a
manner that handling of materials and personnel traffic can ta-e place
efficiently and safely.
>2? Handling of materials shall to the extent possi+le ta-e place +y means of
mechanical systems and technical appliances.
>3? 8vacuation routes shall +e designed in such a manner that all evacuation
can ta-e place in a simple, 0uic- and safe *ay.
>4? 6here shall +e at least t*o evacuation routes from areas *ith general
83. Ve.t*lat*o. a.8 *.8oo6 cl*9ate.% (1) 4entilation in indoor and outdoor areas
shall satisfy the need for air change and provide accepta+le air 0uality.
>2? 6he ventilation shall furthermore +e designed in such a manner that
smo-e from fires can +e controlled, and that flamma+le gases cannot
penetrate into enclosed unclassified areas.
>3? 6he indoor climate shall +e adapted to the individual room *ith regard to
air re0uirement, draught, humidity and temperature and indoor air shall +e
free of pollution harmful to health.
>4? )ir suction of indoor shall +e designed in such a *ay that it *ill not suc-
hydrocar+on or hydrogen sulphide gas in case of release.
84. C)e9*cal; a.8 c)e9*cal e7=o;u6e.% >1? 6echnical solutions *hich prevent
harmful chemical exposure to human +eings and the environment, and *hich
reduce the need for use of chemicals, shall +e chosen +y the licensee, the
lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator .
>2? 1hen choosing, designing and locating facilities for storage, use,
recycling and destruction of chemicals, regard shall +e ta-en of 3
>a? the health and safety of personnelC
>+? the corrosion and other forms of disintegration of materialsC
>c? the fire and explosion ha7ardC and
>d? the pollution ris-.
85. Fla99able a.8 e7=lo;*>e goo8;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the
case may +e, the operator shall ensure that the area for storage of flamma+le
goods and explosives is designed to minimise the conse0uences of fire and
>2? ;rovision shall +e made in such a manner that explosives that may
constitute a danger, can easily +e handled and removed in the event of a
situation of ha7ard and accident.
>3? 8xplosives shall +e secured against unintentional discharge during
storage and use.
,2. I.;t6u9e.tat*o. :o6 9o.*to6*.g a.8 6eco68*.g.% >1? 2acilities shall +e
e0uipped *ith suita+le instrumentation for monitoring and recording of
conditions and parameters that may +e significant *ith respect to the integrity
of the facility.
>2? 2acilities shall in addition +e e0uipped *ith instrumentation for recording
of environmental data that may +e of significance to the petroleum activities.
>3? 6he first facility of a ne* type shall have instrumentation for ac0uisition of
data to verify the calculations.
>4? 2ixed reference electrodes shall +e installed on the first facility in areas
*here the corrosive conditions deviate from areas of past experience.
87. S@;te9; :o6 *.te6.al a.8 e7te6.al co99u.*cat*o..% >1? 6emporarily or
permanently manned facilities shall +e e0uipped *ith communication systems
ma-ing internal communication on the facility, as *ell as +et*een the facility
and ships, aircraft and land, possi+le at all times.
>2? 6hese facilities shall +e e0uipped *ith alarm systems >sound and light
alarms for various situations of ha7ards including evacuation? capa+le of
alerting the personnel to situations of ha7ard and accident at all times.
>3? 6here shall +e esta+lished at least t*o independent *arning methods to
shore, prefera+ly +y means of permanent communication systems, on
permanently manned facilities.
88. Co99u.*cat*o. eCu*=9e.t.% >1? 80uipment for communication shall +e
chosen on the +asis of operational needs, type of activity and defined
situations of ha7ard and accident.
>2? 5ommunication e0uipment and associated po*er supply shall +e
designed and protected to remain functional in the event of situations of
ha7ard and accident.
,3. E6go.o9*c 8e;*g..% >1? 1or- areas and *or- e0uipment shall +e designed
and placed in such *ay that the employees are not su+9ected to adverse
physical or mental strain as a result of manual handling, *or- position,
repetitive movements, *or- intensity etc. that may cause in9ury or illness.
>2? 1or-places and *or- e0uipment shall also +e designed and placed in
such a *ay that the pro+a+ility of mista-es that may +e significant to safety,
shall not occur.
>3? 1or-places shall provide for the possi+ility of individual *or- positions.
30. Ma.%9ac)*.e *.te6:ace a.8 *.:o69at*o. =6e;e.tat*o..% >1? Screen3+ased
e0uipment and other technical e0uipment for monitoring, controlling and
running machinery, plants or production processes, shall +e designed in such
a *ay that the pro+a+ility of mista-es that may +e significant to safety, shall
not occur.
>2? "nformation transmitters and operating devices shall +e designed, placed
and grouped to allo* simple and 0uic- reception of necessary information
and conduct of necessary actions and the information presented shall +e
correct and easily understanda+le.
>3? "n the event of incidents, deviations or failures in systems of significance
to safety, alarms that stand out clearly from other information shall +e given.
>4? 6he alarms shall +e given in such *ay that they can +e perceived and
acted on in the period of time re0uired for safe operation of e0uipment, plants
and processes.
3+. Out8oo6 (o6B a6ea;.% >1? 'utdoor *or- areas shall have ade0uate *eather
protection in such a manner that the danger to health can +e minimi7ed and
mista-es do not occur.
>2? 1eather protection in outdoor areas shall +e adapted to anticipated
periods of stay, the extent and character of the *or-, representative *eather
conditions and ris- conditions.
3/. No*;e a.8 acou;t*c;.% >1? 2acilities shall +e designed in such a manner that
no employee is exposed to noise that is harmful to hearing.
>2? ,e0uirements shall +e set *ith regard to noise and acoustics in the
individual areas +ased on the planned manning and the functions to +e
provided for in the areas.
>3? (oise level and acoustics shall not o+struct communication *hich is of
significance to safety.
>4? 6he noise level in ca+ins, rest rooms and recreation rooms shall +e
reduced as much as possi+le to contri+ute to necessary restitution and rest.
3<. V*b6at*o.;.% 2acilities shall +e designed in such a manner that vi+rations *ill
not harm personnel staying on the facility, or *ill ma-e it difficult for the
personnel to carry out important *or- tas-s.
31. L*g)t*.g.% :ighting shall +e of such 0uality that *or-ing environment and
safety are ade0uate in respect of *or-, movement and restitution.
3?. Ra8*at*o..% >1? 2acilities shall +e made to prevent exposure to radiation.
>2? ;rovision shall primarily +e made for technical solutions *hich reduce the
need for use of radioactive su+stances.
>3? 1here radioactive su+stances have to +e used, provision shall +e made
for safe transport, handling and storage of the su+stances.
32. ECu*=9e.t :o6 ;)*:t*.g o: =e6;o..el.% >1? 80uipment for shifting of
personnel shall +e designed to ensure safety of personnel that are carrying
out activities a+ove normal *or-ing height, or that are +eing shifted +y means
of such e0uipment.
>2? ;ersonnel *inches shall +e such that spooling can +e performed safely
and +e secured against uncontrolled un*inding in such a manner that users
cannot fall freely.
3A. Sa:et@ ;*g.;.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure, if it cannot +e avoided through
technical measures or other arrangements, that employees are su+9ected to
ris- of accidents or in9ury, safety signs shall +e installed at those locations.
>2? Safety signs shall +e installed at the entrance to rooms and near 7ones or
e0uipment *here the employees may +e su+9ected to ris- of accidents or
health in9ury.
>3? Safety signs shall also +e prominently displayed in the control room.
>4? 80uipment for danger limitation, rescue and evacuation, and the access
*ay to these e0uipment, shall also +e mar-ed *ith such signs.
3,. C)6*;t9a; t6ee.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that christmas trees are designed to provide for safe
production, re3entry, *ell intervention and *ell control.
33. P6o8uct*o. =la.t;.% >1? ;roduction plants shall +e designed in such a
manner that the use of chemicals and energy is optimised, and the
environmental impact is minimi7ed.
>2? ;roduction plants shall have a control system *hich provides a sta+le
regulation of the process.
>3? 6reatment systems for *ater produced from *ells shall +e designed in
such a manner that the oil content in each discharge stream meets the
stipulation of the $inistry of 8nvironment and 2orests.
>4? 6he discharge point for *ater produced from *ells shall +e placed in such
a manner that the discharges shall not cause harm to the marine
>5? "f there is a ris- of ignition, the vessels in the system shall +e designed to
prevent air from entering.
>? ;roduction plants comprise of su+ sea production plants also.
+00. P*=el*.e ;@;te9;.% >1? 6he pipeline systems including risers shall +e
designed in such manner as *ill ensure its structural integrity under
construction, accidental operational and environmental loads.
>2? ,isers shall +e located in areas a*ay from landing station, crane
operations and vessel operations.
>3? "n the existing installation *here risers are located near landing station,
crane operations or vessel operations, either the risers shall +e relocated to
safe area or protection measures shall +e incorporated to reduce the ris-.
>4? 6he pipeline systems shall +e designed in such a manner that internal
inspection can +e carried out.
>5? 2or the existing pipeline *herein internal inspection is not feasi+le, the
operator shall have pipeline corrosion management programme to ensure
integrity of the pipeline.
>? 1ith regard to flexi+le pipeline systems and pipeline systems made of a
material other than steel, usage factors and, if applica+le, load and material
factors shall +e determined to ensure that the safety level for such systems is
not lo*er than that of pipelines and risers made of steel.
>!? 6he pipeline shall have re0uired isolation valves, *hich *ill operate
automatically during lea-age and disaster to meet the intended safety
+0+. L*>*.g Cua6te6;.% >1? 6he layout and capacity of living 0uarters shall ensure a
fully satisfactory living environment and shall +e adapted to the various
functions to +e provided for, and the anticipated need for personnel during the
various phases of the petroleum activities.
>2? 6he living 0uarters shall +e e0uipped and furnished in such a manner to
ena+le the maintenance of an ade0uate standard of hygiene therein.
>3? 8mergency 0uarters on unmanned facilities shall +e dimensioned to
accommodate the maximum re0uired num+er of personnel.
>4? 1ith regard to safety and standard of hygiene, ade0uate re0uirements
shall +e met for emergency 0uarters on unmanned facilities.
+0/. Me8*cal 6oo9.% >1? ;ermanently manned facilities shall have a medical room
and shall have the facilities to ena+le the health personnel therein to perform
their duties ade0uately.
>2? 6he medical room shall have the re0uired e0uipment to provide first aid,
and ade0uate medical treatment +oth on the installation and during the
transport of patients.
>3? 6here shall +e a provision for telephone contact +et*een the medical
room and land.
>4? 6here shall +e permanent means of internal communications +et*een the
medical room and the manned control room.
>5? Such means of communication shall +e capa+le of normal function in the
event of general po*er failure.
>? "n the event of po*er failure, the medical room shall continue to have
ade0uate *or-ing light therein, and at least t*o emergency po*er outlets.
>!? 6here shall +e an ade0uate first aid provision on unmanned facilities.
+0<. Fac*l*t*e; :o6 :oo8 a.8 86*.B*.g (ate6.% 6he facilities for food and drin-ing
*ater shall +e designed in such a manner that they fulfill the re0uirements and
shall have the necessary means of ensuring the 0uality of food and drin-ing
*ater used on +oard.

+01. Cla;;*:*cat*o. o: )aDa68ou; a6ea.% )ll areas at offshore installations shall
+e classified into various 7ones +ased on the degree of pro+a+ility of the
presence of ha7ardous atmosphere in such areas.
+0?. Elect6*cal ;@;te9;.% >1? 6he electrical systems shall +e designed *ith
safeguards and other protection in line *ith the classification of ha7ardous
area in such a manner that a+normal conditions and failures that may entail a
danger to the personnel and to the facility are avoided.
>2? 6he systems shall +e designed *ith sufficient protection against, inter alia
>a? electric shoc- during normal operation and in the event
of failureC
>+? thermal effectsC
>c? overcurrentC
>d? fault currentsC
>e? overvoltageC
>f? undervoltageC
>g? voltage and fre0uency variationsC
>h? po*er supply failureC
>i? ignition of explosive gas atmosphereC
>9? electromagnetic interferenceC
>-? health in9ury from electromagnetic fields.
+02. S@;te9; a.8 ot)e6 eCu*=9e.t :o6 u.8e6(ate6 o=e6at*o.; :6o9 >e;;el;.%
6he provisions of these rules shall mutatis3mutandis apply to systems and
other e0uipment for under*ater operations.
+0A. Pa;;*>e :*6e =6otect*o..% >1? ;assive fire protection shall +e designed to give
relevant structures and e0uipment ade0uate fire resistance *ith regard to load
+earing properties, integrity and insulation properties during a dimensioning
>2? "n the design of passive fire protection, the cooling effect from fire3fighting
e0uipment shall not +e ta-en into account.
+0,. F*6e 8*>*;*o.;.% >1? 6he main areas on facilities shall +e separated +y fire
divisions capa+le of resisting the dimensioning fire and explosion loads and
shall at least fulfil the re0uired fire class.
(2? Spaces *ith important functions and e0uipment and spaces *ith a high
fire ris- shall +e separated from the surroundings +y fire divisions.
>3? 2ire divisions shall +e designed to resist dimensioning fire and explosion
loads in such a manner that the main safety functions are maintained for a
sufficient period of time, +ut al*ays at least one hour.
>4? ;enetrations shall not *ea-en fire divisions and doors in fire divisions
shall +e fire resistant and automatic closing type.

+03. F*6e 8*>*;*o.; *. l*>*.g Cua6te6;.% :iving 0uarters shall +e protected +y fire
divisions, *hich at least fulfill the re0uired fire class.
++0. F*6e a.8 ga; 8etect*o. ;@;te9;.% >1? 6here shall +e a fire and gas detection
system, *hich ensures rapid and relia+le detection of fires and gas lea-ages.
>2? 6he system shall +e a+le to perform the intended functions independently
of other systems.
>3? "n case of fire and gas detection, automatic actions, *here appropriate,
shall limit the conse0uences of the fire or gas lea-age.
>4? ;lacing of detectors shall +e +ased on relevant scenarios, ha7ard
analysis, simulations and tests.

+++. E9e6ge.c@ ;)ut8o(. ;@;te9;.% >1? 6here shall +e an emergency shutdo*n
system, *hich is a+le to prevent situations of ha7ard and accident from
developing and to limit the conse0uences of accidents.
>2? 6he emergency shutdo*n system shall +e a+le to perform the intended
functions independently of other systems.
>3? 6he emergency shutdo*n system shall +e designed in such a manner
that it *ill go to or remain in a safe condition in the event of a failure *hich
may prevent the functioning of the system.
>4? 6he emergency shutdo*n system shall have a simple and unam+iguous
command structure.
>5? 6he emergency shutdo*n system shall +e capa+le of +eing activated
manually either from control room or from release stations located at strategic
places on the facility.
>? 6here shall +e a provision to activate functions manually from the central
control room in such a manner that the facility is +rought to a safe condition in
the event of failure in the programma+le parts of the system.
>!? 8mergency shutdo*n valves shall +e installed *hich are capa+le of
stopping streams of hydrocar+ons and chemicals to and from the facility, and
*hich isolate the fire areas on the facility.

++/. P6oce;; ;a:et@ ;@;te9;.% >1? 2acilities e0uipped *ith or connected to a
processing plant shall have a process safety system.
>2? 6he system shall +e a+le to perform the intended functions independently
of other systems.
>3? 6he process safety system shall +e designed in such a manner that it *ill
go to or remain in a safe condition in the event of a failure *hich may prevent
the functioning of the system.
>4? 6he process safety system shall +e designed *ith t*o independent safety
levels for protection of e0uipment.

++<. Ga; 6elea;e ;@;te9;.% >1? 6here shall +e provision for a gas release
system at safe distance and height in the facilities e0uipped *ith or connected
*ith gas processing plant.
>2? 6he gas release system shall prevent escalation of situations of ha7ard
and accident +y rapid reduction of pressure in the e0uipment, and it shall +e
designed in such a manner that release of gas does not cause in9ury or harm
to personnel or e0uipment.
>3? 6he depressuri7ation shall +e possi+le to activate manually from the
central control room.
>4? :i0uid separators installed in the gas release system shall +e secured
against overfilling.

++1. F*6e (ate6 ;u==l@.% >1? ;ermanently manned facilities shall have fire *ater
supply from fire pumps or other independent supply in such a manner that
there is sufficient capacity at all times, even if parts of the supply are
>2? 6he fire *ater system shall +e designed in such a manner that a pressure
stro-e does not ma-e the system or parts of the system inoperative.
>3? 6he fire pumps shall start automatically *hen there is a pressure drop in
the fire main and *hen fire detection has +een confirmed.
>4? "t shall in addition +e possi+le to start fire pumps manually from the
central control room and from the prime mover.
>5? 6he prime mover for fire pumps shall +e e0uipped *ith t*o independent
starting arrangements and automatic disconnection devices shall +e as fe*
as possi+le.
>? 2ire *ater piping shall +e designed and located to ensure sufficient supply
of fire*ater to every area on the facility.

++?. F*7e8 :*6e%:*g)t*.g ;@;te9;.% >1? 2ixed fire3fighting systems shall +e installed
in ha7ardous areas and in other areas representing a ma9or fire ris-.
>2? 6he fixed fire fighting systems shall in addition cover e0uipment
containing significant 0uantities of hydrocar+ons.
>3? 6he fixed fire fighting systems shall +e designed in such a manner that
fire3fighting can ta-e place 0uic-ly and efficiently at all times.
>4? 6he fixed fire fighting systems shall +e automatically activated on signal
from the fire detection system.
>5? "n areas *here gas is used as extinguishing medium, *arning systems
shall +e installed *hich give *arning *ell +efore gas is released.
>? $anual activation of fire3fighting systems shall activate the general alarm
of the facility.

++2. Ma.ual :*6e%:*g)t*.g a.8 :*6e9a.F; eCu*=9e.t.% 6here shall +e sufficient
manual fire3fighting and fireman<s e0uipment in order to ensure effective fire3
fighting of out+rea-s of fires and to prevent escalation.
++A. L*:e ;a>*.g a==l*a.ce;.% 6he re0uirement of life saving appliances li-e
+reathing apparatus set, *or-man set etc. on the installation shall +e
identified and installation e0uipped accordingly.
++,. E9e6ge.c@ =o(e6 a.8 e9e6ge.c@ l*g)t*.g.% >1? 6here shall +e a relia+le,
ro+ust and simple emergency po*er system to ensure sufficient po*er supply
to e0uipment and systems that must function in the event of a main po*er
>2? "n the changeover +et*een main po*er and emergency po*er it shall +e
ensured that a cutting off does not entail operational pro+lems to the
emergency po*er consumers.
>3? 6he emergency po*er system shall have as fe* automatic disconnection
devices as possi+le in order to ensure continuous operation.
>4? 6here shall +e an emergency lighting system *hich ensures necessary
lighting of the facility if the main lighting fails.

++3. D6a*.age ;@;te9;.% Drainage systems capa+le of collecting and drain off oil
and chemicals shall +e provided in such a manner that the ris- of fire, in9ury to
personnel and pollution is minimi7ed.

+/0. P6e%;u6>e@;.% 6he operator shall ensure that prior to placing of the facilities
necessary preliminary surveys for safe installation, operation and disposal of
facilities are carried out.
+/+. Sta6t%u= a.8 o=e6at*o. o: :ac*l*t*e;.% >1? 6he operator shall complete the
commissioning process prior to start up of facilities for first time or after
technical modifications.
>2? "n addition, at start3up as mentioned in su+3rule >1? and during operation,3
>a? the management system *ith associated processes, resources and
operational organi7ation shall +e esta+lishedC
>+? steering documents, including technical documents for
operation, shall +e availa+le, in an updated version and the
operational personnel shall +e ac0uainted *ith it.
+//. Ma..*.g, co9=ete.ce a.8 t6a*.*.g;.% >1? )de0uate manning and
competence in all phases of petroleum activities shall +e ensured +y the
licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator .
>2? 6here shall +e set minimum re0uirements to manning and competence in
respect of functions *here mista-es may have serious conse0uences in
relation to health, safety and environment.
>3? 8ach employee shall +e given training necessary for safe execution of the
>4? 1ithout pre9udice to the generality of the provisions of su+3rules >1? to >3?,
such trainings shall +e given in connection *ith engagement, transfer or
change of employee, introduction of ne* *or- e0uipment or alternations in
the e0uipment and introduction of ne* technology.
>5? 6he training shall +e adapted to altered or ne* ris-s in the petroleum
activities and shall +e repeated *henever necessary.
+/<. P6act*ce a.8 e7e6c*;e;.% 6he operator shall ensure that necessary practice
and drills are carried out in such a manner that the personnel are capa+le of
handling operational distur+ances and situations of ha7ard and accident
effectively at all times.
+/1. P6oce8u6e;.% >1? 6he operator shall esta+lish procedures *hich are to +e
used as means to prevent faults and situations of ha7ard and accident.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that procedures are used in such *ay as to
fulfill their intended functions.
+/?. ";e o: :ac*l*t*e;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that the use of facilities and parts of facilities ta-es
place in accordance *ith re0uirements stipulated in and pursuant to these
rules and possi+le additional limitations follo*ing from fa+rication, installation
and commissioning.
>2? 6he use shall at all times +e in accordance *ith the technical condition of
the facility and operational pre3re0uisites stipulated in the ris- assessment.
+/2. Sa:et@ ;@;te9;.% >1? 6he operator shall esta+lish +efore hand the actions
and operational limitations re0uired to +e imposed in the event of overriding or
disconnection of safety systems or parts of such systems, or *hen the
systems are other*ise impaired.
>2? 6he status of overriding, disconnections and other impairments shall +e
-no*n at all times, and recorded.
+/A. C6*t*cal act*>*t*e;.% 6he operator shall ensure that the critical activities are
conducted *ithin the operational limits assumed in the design and in the ris-
+/,. Co9b*.e8 o=e6at*o..% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator shall define the activities *hich in com+ination *ith other
activities are considered to +e com+ined operation.
>2? "n the event of conduct of com+ined operation that contri+ute to a non3
accepta+le ris- increase, necessary actions shall +e ta-en to mitigate the ris-
to accepta+le levels.
+/3. Pla..*.g.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator
shall plan the petroleum activities in such a manner that due consideration is
given to health, safety and environment.
>2? "n the planning of activities on the individual facility, the operator shall
ensure that important contri+utors of ris- are -ept under control, +oth
individually and collectively.

+<0. Act*o.; 8u6*.g co.8uct o: act*>*t*e;.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that
the planned activities are cleared from safety point of vie* +efore they are
>2? 6he safety clearance shall sho* *hich conditions have to +e met,
including the actions re0uired to +e ta-en +efore, during and after the *or- in
such a manner that those *ho participate in or may +e affected +y the
activities are not in9ured, and the pro+a+ility of mista-es that can result in
situations of ha7ard and accident shall not occur.
+<+. Pe69*t to (o6B.% >1? 2or *or-, other than the routine non3ha7ardous *or-, to
+e carried out in the safest possi+le manner, the operator shall ensure that
such *or- is carried out only in accordance *ith the *ritten instructions
>hereinafter called F*or- permitE? issued +y a person authori7ed +y the
'ffshore "nstallation $anager.
>2? 6he *or- permit shall specify the place, date, time and duration of such
*or-, the precautions to +e ta-en, the parameters to +e monitored during the
*or- and the persons responsi+le for compliance.
>3? 6he *or- permit shall +e formally closed after completion of *or-.
+</. Collect*o., =6oce;;*.g a.8 u;e o: 8ata.% 6he operator shall ensure that
data are collected, processed and used to 3
>a? monitor and control technical, operational and organi7ational
>+? produce monitoring parameters, indicators and statistics *ith
respect to health, safety and environmentC
>c? verify and document safety and environment compliance *ith
legal re0uirements
>d? carry out and follo* up analyses during various phases of
>e? generate generic data+aseC and
>f? ta-e corrective and preventive actions, including improvement of
systems and e0uipment.
+<<. Mo.*to6*.g a.8 co.t6ol.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that matters
concerning health, safety and environment are monitored and -ept under
control at all times.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that suita+le arrangements are made for
personnel *ith control and monitoring functions to +e a+le to get hold of and
handle information on such matters efficiently.
+<1. T6a.;:e6 o: *.:o69at*o..% "n connection *ith shifts and change of personnel,
the operator shall ensure the necessary transfer of information to incoming
personnel on the status of safety systems and ongoing activities, as *ell as
other information of importance to health, safety and environment.
+<?. A66a.ge9e.t o: (o6B.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that *or- is arranged in
such a manner that the individual employee avoids health ha7ardous
exposure and adverse physical and mental strain, and the possi+ility of
mista-es that can lead to situations of ha7ard and accident, is avoided.
>2? 6he operator shall reduce stress factors and ris- of in9ury to health +ased
on o+9ective ris- and the ris- as perceived +y the employees.
>3? 6he *or- shall +e planned in such a *ay that the employees are assured
necessary rest and restitution.
+<2. No*;e a.8 >*b6at*o.;.%6he operator shall ta-e appropriate measures to
protect persons from the adverse effect of noise and vi+rations.
+<A. E6go.o9*c;.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that the *or- is arranged in such
a manner that the employees are not su+9ected to adverse strain as a
conse0uence of manual handling, *or- position and intensity, etc.
>2? 1hile carrying out operations from their normal positions and *ith a good
*or-ing posture, the employees shall have a vie* *hich ena+les them to
ma-e sure that the *or- can +e carried out safely.
+<,. C)e9*cal )ealt) )aDa68.% 6he operator shall ensure that health detrimental
chemical exposure in connection *ith storage, use, handling and disposal of
chemicals and of processes releasing chemical components, is avoided.
+<3. Ra8*at*o..% 6he operator shall ensure that health detrimental exposure
during storage, use, handling and disposal of sources giving off radiation is

+10. Pe6;o.al =6otect*>e eCu*=9e.t.% >1? 6he operator shall ensure that
necessary personal protective e0uipment are used +y the employees.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that a *ritten procedure is prepared and
implemented for systematic examination and testing of all the personal
protective e0uipment and for recording the results thereof.
+1+. !ell =6og6a99e.% >1? ;rior to starting *ell activities, a programme shall +e
prepared +y the licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator
*hich descri+es the individual activities and the e0uipment to +e used.
>2? 6he programme shall follo* the re0uirement as laid do*n in su+3rule >2? of
rule 121 on Start3up and operation of facilities.
+1/. !ell ba66*e6;.% >1? During drilling and other related *ell activities, there shall
at all times +e at least t*o independent and tested *ell +arriers after surface
casing is in place.
>2? 1ell +arriers shall +e designed in such a manner that unintentional influx,
cross flo* to shallo* formation layers and outflo* to the external environment
is prevented.
>3? 1ell +arriers shall +e designed in such a manner that their performance
can +e verified.
>4? "f a +arrier fails, during drilling and other related *ell activities, no other
activities shall ta-e place in the *ell than those to restore the +arrier.
>5? "f a +arrier fails, during production, to continue production, additional
control measures +ased on ris- assessment study shall +e introduced during
the period the +arrier is restored *hich shall +e informed to all concerned and
the +arrier shall +e restored in shortest possi+le time.
>? 1hen a *ell is a+andoned, the +arriers shall +e designed to provide for
*ell integrity for the longest period of time that the *ell is expected to +e
a+andoned, inter alia in such a manner that outflo* from the *ell or lea-ages
to the external environment do not occur.
+1<. !ell locat*o. a.8 (ell =at).% >1? 1ell location and *ell path shall +e chosen
on the +asis of *ell parameters of importance, including occurrence of
shallo* gas, other hydrocar+on +earing formation layers and distances to
ad9acent *ells and it shall +e possi+le to drill a relief *ell from t*o alternative
>2? 6he *ell path shall +e -no*n at all times.
+11. Ha.8l*.g o: ;)allo( ga;.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e,
the operator shall ensure that the necessary actions are planned including
setting of casing a+ove all -no*n shallo* gas ha7ard 7ones to handle
situations of shallo* gas or other formation fluids occurrence.
+1?. Mo.*to6*.g o: (ell =a6a9ete6;.% During all drilling and *ell activities, drilling
and *ell data shall +e collected and monitored to verify the *ell prognoses, in
order that necessary actions may +e ta-en and the *ell programme may +e
ad9usted if necessary.
+12. !ell co.t6ol.% >1? 1ell control e0uipment shall +e designed, installed,
maintained, tested and used so as to provide for *ell control.
>2? "n the case of drilling of top hole sections *ith riser or conductor,
e0uipment *ith capacity to conduct shallo* gas and formation fluid a*ay from
the facility, until the personnel has +een evacuated, shall +e installed.
>3? 2loating facilities shall have an alternative activation system for handling of
critical functions on the +lo* out preventer.
>4? )ccumulator for surface and su+ surface *ell control e0uipment shall have
minimum usa+le fluid capacity as per industry standards in order to perform
closing and opening se0uences as applica+le to secure the *ell.
>5? 6he pressure control e0uipment used in *ell interventions shall have
remote control valves *ith loc-ing devices.
>? 6he *ell intervention e0uipment shall have a remote control +lind or shear
ram as close to the christmas tree as possi+le
>!? "f *ell control is lost, it shall +e possi+le to regain the *ell control +y direct
intervention or +y drilling a relief *ell.
>#? )n action plan shall +e prepared descri+ing ho* the lost *ell control can
+e regained.
+1A. Co.t6olle8 (ell :lo(.% 'perational limitations shall +e set in relation to
controlled *ell flo*.
+1,. Secu6*.g o: (ell; be:o6e aba.8o.*.g.% >1? )ll *ells shall +e secured
+efore they are a+andoned in such a manner that *ell integrity remains intact
during the time they are a+andoned.
>2? 1ith regard to su+sea completed *ells the *ell integrity shall +e ensured if
the *ells are planned to +e temporarily a+andoned.
>3? ,adioactive sources are not left +ehind in the *ell.
>4? "n case it is not possi+le to retrieve the radioactive sources and these have
to +e left in the *ell, proper a+andonment procedure shall +e follo*ed as per
guidelines of the Department of )tomic 8nergy, /overnment of "ndia.
+13. Co9=e.;ato6 a.8 8*;co..ect*o. ;@;te9;.% >1? Design of compensator
systems shall +e +ased on ro+ust technical solutions so that failures do not
lead to unsafe conditions.
>2? 2loating facilities shall +e e0uipped *ith a disconnection system that
secures the *ell and releases the riser +efore a critical angle occurs.
+?0. D6*ll*.g :lu*8 ;@;te9.% >1? 6he drilling fluid system shall +e designed in such
a manner that it *ill mix, store, circulate and clean a sufficient volume of
drilling fluid *ith the necessary properties to ensure the drilling fluidEs drilling
and +arrier functions.
>2? 6he high pressure part of the drilling fluid system *ith associated systems
shall in addition have capacity and *or-ing pressure to +e a+le to control the
*ell pressure at all times.
>3? )vaila+ility of sufficient 0uantity of drilling fluid *eighting material to
su+due the *ell at any time during the drilling operation shall +e ensured.
+?+. Ce9e.t*.g u.*t.% >1? 6he cementing unit shall +e designed in such a manner
that it *ill mix, store and deliver as exact volume as possi+le of cement *ith
the necessary properties to ensure fully satisfactory anchoring and +arrier
>2? 6he unit shall +e designed in such a manner that remains of unmixed
chemicals as *ell as ready3mixed cement is handled in accordance *ith
applica+le environment regulations.
>3? "f the cementing unit *ith associated systems is intended to function as
+ac-up for the drilling fluid system, it shall have capacity and *or-ing
pressure to +e a+le to control the *ell pressure at all times.
+?/. Ca;*.g; a.8 a.c)o6*.g o: (ell;.% 5asings and anchoring shall +e such that
the *ell integrity is ensured and the +arrier functions are provided for
throughout the life time of the *ell.

+?<. ECu*=9e.t :o6 co9=let*o. a.8 co.t6olle8 (ell :lo(.% >1? 80uipment for
completion shall provide for controlled influx, *ell intervention, +ac-up *ell
+arrier elements and plug +ac- activities.
>2? 5ompletion strings shall +e e0uipped *ith necessary do*n hole e0uipment
including safety valves.
>3? During controlled *ell flo*, the surface and do*n hole e0uipment shall +e
adapted to the *ell parameters.
>4? 80uipment for +urning of the *ell stream shall +e designed and
dimensioned in such a manner that com+ustion residues shall not cause
pollution of the marine environment.
>5? "t shall at all times, +e possi+le to control the *ell pressure through the
*or- string and the *ell flo* through the cho-e manifold.
154. Ma*.te.a.ce.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator
shall ensure that the facilities or parts thereof including all machinery and
e0uipment are maintained, in such a manner they are capa+le of carrying out
their intended functions in all phases of their life.
+??. Cla;;*:*cat*o..% >1? 6he systems and e0uipment of facilities shall +e classified
*ith regard to the health, safety and environment related conse0uences of
potential functional failures.
>2? 1ith regard to functional failures that may entail serious conse0uences,
the different fault modes *ith associated failure causes and failure
mechanisms shall +e identified, and the failure pro+a+ility in respect of the
individual fault mode shall +e estimated.
>3? 6he classification shall constitute the +asis for choice of maintenance
activities, maintenance fre0uency and for the priority of different maintenance
156. Ma*.te.a.ce =6og6a99e.% >1? 2ault modes *hich constitute a ris- to
health, safety or environment, shall +e systematically prevented +y means of
a maintenance programme.
>2? 6he programme shall comprise activities for monitoring of performance
and technical condition, *hich *ill ensure that fault modes that are developing
or have occurred are identified and corrected.
>3? 6he programme shall also contain activities for monitoring and control of
failure mechanisms that may lead to such fault modes.
+?A. S=ec*:*c 6eCu*6e9e.t; to co.8*t*o. 9o.*to6*.g o: ;t6uctu6e; a.8 =*=el*.e
;@;te9;.% >1? 5ondition monitoring shall +e carried out in respect of ne*
structures during their first year of service.
>2? 1ith regard to load +earing structures of a ne* type, data shall +e
collected for first t*o years in order to compare them *ith the design
>3? 1ith regard to pipeline systems *here fault modes may constitute an
environment or safety ris-, inspections shall +e carried out to map possi+le
corrosion of the pipe *all.
>4? ;arts of the pipeline system *here the lay condition or other factors may
cause high loads, shall also +e chec-ed.
>5? 6he first inspection shall +e carried out in accordance *ith the
maintenance programme as referred to in rule 15 on maintenance
programme, not later than five years after the system has +een put into
+?,. S=ec*:*c 6eCu*6e9e.t; to te;t*.g o: blo( out =6e>e.te6 a.8 ot)e6
=6e;;u6e co.t6ol eCu*=9e.t .%>1? 6he +lo* out preventer shall +e pressure
tested regularly in order to maintain its capa+ility of carrying out its intended
>2? 6he +lo* out preventer *ith associated valves and other pressure control
e0uipment on the facility shall +e su+9ected to a complete overhaul and shall
+e recertified at regular intervals +ased on original e0uipment manufacturerEs
recommendations and international standards and recommended practises.
+?3. Pla..*.g a.8 =6*o6*t@ o: 9a*.te.a.ce.%>1? )n overall plan shall +e prepared
for conduct of maintenance programme and corrective maintenance activities.
>2? 6here shall exist criteria for giving priority *ith associated time3limits for
the conduct of the individual maintenance activities.
+20. Ma*.te.a.ce e::ect*>e.e;;.% >1? 6he effectiveness of maintenance shall +e
evaluated systematically on the +asis of recorded data for performance and
technical condition in respect of facilities and parts thereof.
>2? 6he evaluation shall +e used for a continual improvement of the
maintenance programme.
+2+. !o6B o. a.8 o=e6at*o. o: elect6*cal ;@;te9;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee,
or as the case may +e, the operator shall ensure that electrical systems are
designed in accordance *ith rule 1&5.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that during *or- on live electrical systems, *or-
near installations connected to an electrical po*er source, *or- in or close to
earthed and short3circuited installations and during operation of lo* and high
voltage installations, necessary actions including issue of *or- permit are
ta-en to ensure that those *ho carry out the *or-, are not in9ured, and that
the pro+a+ility of situations of ha7ard and accident is reduced.
>3? 6he operator shall designate a competent person to +e responsi+le for the
electrical systems of an installation.
+2/. L*:t*.g o=e6at*o.;.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the
operator shall ensure that lifting operations are cleared *ith respect to safety,
and conducted in a safe manner and it shall +e ensured, inter alia, that
personnel do not come under suspended loads.
>2? :ifting e0uipment and lifting gears shall +e periodically inspected, tested
and certified.
>3? 8veryone participating in lifting operations, shall have access to radio
facility and the radio shall +e used unless everyone involved can
communicate clearly *ith each other +y direct speech.
>4? "t shall +e ensured that all communication ta-es place in a clear and
unam+iguous *ay and *ithout distur+ance.
>5? "t shall +e also ensured that transfer of personnel +y means of lifting
appliance shall +e carried out in accordance *ith laid do*n safety procedures
and under supervision of competent person.
+2<. ".8e6(ate6 o=e6at*o.;.% >1? 'perator shall ensure that management of
under*ater operations is coordinated *ith the safety management system for
the installation, in such a manner that the pro+a+ility of mista-es that can
result in situations of ha7ard and accident is avoided.
>2? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator shall ensure
that 3
>a? diving safety management system is +ased on relevant
international recogni7ed standards and guidelines and inter alia
includes design, inspection, maintenance and testing of diving
plant and e0uipment, training of diving personnel, ha7ard
analysis including collision avoidance, safe practices manual
and operational procedures during various stages of diving.
>+? the emergency procedures for defined situations of ha7ard and
accident including lost +ell, trapped divers is esta+lished.
+21. O=e6at*o.; *.>ol>*.g )@86oge. ;ul=)*8e.% 6he licensee, the lessee, or as
the case may +e, the operator shall ensure that all necessary precautions and
measures are ta-en to protect the personnel from the toxic effects of
hydrogen sulphide and to mitigate the damage to environment caused +y
hydrogen sulphide.
+2?. Stab*l*t@.% >1? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator
shall ensure that floating facilities are in accordance *ith the re0uirements
contained in the applica+le standards concerning sta+ility, *ater tightness and
*atertight and *eather tight closing means on mo+ile offshore units.
>2? 6here shall +e *eight control systems on floating facilities, *hich shall
ensure that *eight, *eight distri+ution and centre of gravity are *ithin the
design assumptions and e0uipment and structural parts shall +e secured
against displacements that can affect sta+ility.
+22. A.c)o6*.g, 9oo6*.g a.8 =o;*t*o.*.g.% >1? 2loating facilities shall have
systems to ena+le them to maintain their position at all times and, if
necessary, +e a+le to move a*ay from the position in the event of a situation
of ha7ard and accident.

>2? Dynamic positioning systems shall +e designed in such a manner that the
position can +e maintained in the event of defined failures and damage to the
system and in case of accidents.
>3? During conduct of marine operations, the necessary actions shall +e
ta-en in such a manner that the pro+a+ility of situations of ha7ard and
accident is avoided and those *ho ta-e part in the operations, are not
>4? ,e0uirements shall +e set to maintaining position in respect of vessels
and facilities during implementation of such operations, and criteria shall +e
set for start up and suspension of activities.
+2A. Coll*;*o. 6*;B 9a.age9e.t.% >1? 6he 'ffshore "nstallation $anager shall +e
the overall authority for safe operations *ithin the safety 7one of installation.
>2? 6he licensee, the lessee, or as the case may +e, the operator shall ensure
that a collision ris- management system is implemented and maintained
*herein follo*ing shall +e inter alia included 3
>a? suita+ility of attendant vessels and off ta-e tan-ers and
competence of their cre*C
>+? assessment of pro+a+ility of collision peculiar to the installation
and itEs locationC
>c? provision of necessary ris- reduction and control measuresC
>d? appropriate procedures and communications for managing
operations of attendant vessels developed 9ointly *ith marine
services providersC
>e? provision of appropriate e0uipment and procedures for detecting
and assessing the actions of vessels intruding into the safety
>f? provision of competent installation personnel *ith an
appropriate level of marine -no*ledgeC
>g? provision of appropriate evacuation and rescue procedures and
facilitiesC and
>h? regular audit and updating of the a+ove systems.
+2,. Co.t6ol *. t)e ;a:et@ Do.e.% >1? 6he master of the attendant vessel or off
ta-e tan-er shall comply *ith instructions of the 'ffshore "nstallation $anager
*hen in a safety 7one.
>2? 6he master of the attendant vessel or off ta-e tan-er shall +e responsi+le
for safety of his cre*, the safe operation of attendant vessel or off ta-e tan-er
and for avoiding collision *ith the installation or associated facilities.

+23. O=e6at*o.; *. 6oug) (eat)e6 co.8*t*o.;.% >1?6he operator shall ensure
safe *or-ing in adverse *eather and tidal conditions and identify the rough
*eather conditions *hen the operations are to +e discontinued and
evacuations carried out, as re0uired.
>2? 6he operator shall ensure that transfer of personnel and cargo +et*een
the vessel and installation is carried out under safe *eather conditions and
such transfers should +e stopped during adverse or unsuita+le *eather
+A0. Ca6go 9a.age9e.t.% 6he operator shall ensure optimi7ation of cargo trips,
from and to the shore, and cargo handling time at installation +y efficient
planning of cargo supplies through containeri7ation, pre3slinging of cargo etc.
+A+. Ge.e6al 8ut@ :o6 ;a:et@.% >1? 6he employee shall not negligently or *illfully
indulge in any activity *hich may +e detrimental to health, safety and
>2? 6he employee shall not negligently or *illfully omit to perform his duty
*hich is necessary to safeguard health, safety and environment.
+A/. Place o: acc*8e.t .ot to be 8*;tu6be8.% >1? 1henever there occurs in an
offshore installation, an accident causing loss of life or serious +odily in9ury to
any person, the operator shall ensure that the place of accident is not
distur+ed or altered *ithout the consent of the competent authority unless
such distur+ance or alteration is necessary to prevent any further accident, to
remove +odies of the deceased or to rescue any person from danger, or
unless discontinuation of the *or- at the place of accident *ould seriously
impede the *or-ing of the installation.
>2? .efore the place of accident involving a fatal or serious accident is
distur+ed or altered due to any reason *hatsoever, a s-etch or photo or any
other evidences availa+le of the site illustrating the accident and all relevant
details shall +e prepared and -ept availa+le for use during investigation of the
>3? ) copy of the authenticated s-etch shall +e su+mitted to the competent
authority along *ith the notices in 2orm 2 and 2orm 3 referred to in rule 11
notifying the accident.
+A<. Pe.alt@ :o6 co.t6a>e.t*o. o: t)e 6ule;.% 1hoever fails to comply *ith or
contravenes any of the provisions of these rules or any direction or order
issued +y the competent authority under these rules, shall, in respect of such
failure or contravention, +e punished in accordance *ith the relevant
provisions of the )ct.
+A1. D*6ect*o..% 6he 5entral /overnment may, +y notification in the 'fficial
/a7ette, direct that any of the po*ers exercisa+le +y it under these rules,
shall +e exercised, su+9ect to such general or special conditions, if any, as
may +e specified therein +y such authority or officer as may +e specified in
the direction.
G2ile no 21&1H1H2&&3',3
Joint Secretary to the /overnment of "ndia
Sc)e8ule I
4See 6ule +<5
Pa6t*cula6; to be *.clu8e8 *. 8e;*g. *.t*9at*o. :o6 :*7e8 o::;)o6e
1. 6he name and address of the operator @
2. (ame and address of the licensee or lessee @
3. 5onfirmation that all the relevant provisions mentioned in the rules have +een
considered in the design @
4. ) description of @
>a? the design concept, including suita+le diagrams.
>+? ho* the chosen design concept *ill ensure that ris-s *ith the potential
to cause a ma9or accident are reduced to the lo*est level that is
reasona+ly practica+le.
5. ) general description of @
>a? the principal systems on the installation including systems for
monitoring and control of ha7ardous situations.
>+? the installation layout.
>c? the principal features >including ma9or accident prevention? of pipelines,
if any, to +e connected to the installation.
>d? any hydrocar+on +earing reservoir intended to +e exploited using the
. ;articulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection *ith each
operation, *hich the installation is planning to perform.
!. ) general description of the means +y *hich the management system of the
operator *ill ensure that the structure and plant of the installation *ill +e
designed, selected, constructed, commissioned, operated and
decommissioned in a *ay *hich *ill reduce any ris- of a ma9or accident to the
lo*est level that is reasona+ly practica+le.
Sc)e8ule II
4See 6ule +15
Pa6t*cula6; to be *.clu8e8 *. a==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 o=e6at*o. o: .e(
:*7e8 o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..
1. 6he name and address of the operator @
2. (ame and address of the licensee or lessee @
3. ) description of the extent to *hich the operator has ta-en into account any
matters raised +y the competent authority on design intimation for fixed
offshore installation @
4. 5onfirmation that all the relevant provisions mentioned in the rules have +een
complied *ith @
5. 5onfirmation that environmental clearances and other statutory clearances
have +een o+tainedHapplied for, to the relevant authorities @
. 5opy of the safety management system document @
!. ) general description, *ith suita+le diagrams, of @
>a? the structure of the installation and its materials.
>+? the plant including the layout and configuration and systems for
monitoring and control of ha7ardous situations.
>c? the connections to any pipeline or installation.
>d? any *ells to +e connected to the installation.
#. ;articulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection *ith each
operation, *hich the installation is to +e capa+le of performing.
%. 6he maximum num+er of persons K
>a? expected to +e on the installation at any time, and
>+? for *hom accommodation is to +e provided.
1&. ) description of >as applica+le? @
>a? plant and arrangement for control of *ell operations >including pressure
control and prevention of uncontrolled release?.
>+? ma9or accident prevention measures for pipelines, to +e connected to
the installation.
11. Description of the life saving appliances and fire fighting arrangement.
12. Detail description of emergency response plans >covering all identified ma9or
ha7ards?, pursuant to the rules under 5hapter D on emergency response
13. ;articulars of any com+ined operations *hich may involve the installation,
including summary of the arrangements in place for co3ordinating the safety
management systems and 9oint revie* of the safety aspects +y the operator
and other participants, involved in com+ined operations.
4See 6ule +?5
Pa6t*cula6; to be *.clu8e8 *. a==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 e7*;t*.g
:*7e8 o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..
1. 6he name and address of the operator @
2. (ame and address of the licensee or lessee @
3. 6he list of the relevant rules, *hich are not complied *ith @
4. 6ime +ound action plan to comply *ith the rules, as per item 3 @
5. 6he rules, as per item 3, *hich the operator considers infeasi+le to +e
complied *ith, along *ith detail 9ustificationHreasoning, including suggested
alternativesH control measures @
. 5onfirmation that environmental clearances and other statutory clearances
have +een o+tained from the relevant authorities @
!. 5opy of the safety management system document @
#. ) general description, *ith suita+le diagrams, of @
>a? its plant including the layout and configuration and systems for
monitoring and control of ha7ardous situations.
>+? the connections to any pipeline or installation.
>c? any *ells connected to the installation.
%. ;articulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection *ith each
operation, *hich the installation is capa+le of performing.
1&. 6he maximum num+er of persons K
>a? on the installation at any time, and
>+? for *hom accommodation is provided
11. ) description of >as applica+le? @
>a? plant and arrangement for control of *ell operations
>including pressure control and prevention of uncontrolled release?.
>+? ma9or accident prevention measures for pipelines,
connected to the installation.
12. Description of the life saving appliances and fire fighting arrangement @
13. Detail description of emergency response plans >covering all identified ma9or
ha7ards?, pursuant to the rules under 5hapter D on emergency response
system @
14. ;articulars of any com+ined operations *hich may involve the installation,
including summary of the arrangements in place for co3ordinating the safety
management systems and 9oint revie* of the safety aspects +y the operator
and other participants, involved in com+ined operations @
Sc)e8ule IV
4See 6ule +25
Pa6t*cula6; to be *.clu8e8 *. a==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 9ob*le
o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..
1 6he name and address of the operator @
2 (ame and address of the licensee or lessee @
3 5onfirmation that all the relevant provisions mentioned in the rules
have +een complied *ith @
4 5opy of the safety management system document @
5 ) general description, *ith suita+le diagrams, of @
>a? the structure of the installation and its materials.
>+? its plant including the layout and configuration and systems for
monitoring and control of ha7ardous situations.
>c? the connections to any pipeline or installation.
>d? any *ells to +e connected to the installation.
;articulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection
*ith each operation, *hich the installation is to +e capa+le of performing.
! 6he maximum num+er of persons K
>a? expected to +e on the installation at any time, and
>+? for *hom accommodation is to +e provided
# ) description of >as applica+le? @
>a? plant and arrangement for control of *ell operations >including pressure
control and prevention of uncontrolled release?.
>+? ma9or accident prevention measures for pipelines, to +e connected to the
% Description of the life saving appliances and fire fighting
1& Detail description of emergency response plans >covering all
identified ma9or ha7ards?, pursuant to the rules under 5hapter D on
emergency response system.
11 ;articulars of any com+ined operations *hich may involve the
installation, including summary of the arrangements in place for co3ordinating
the safety management systems and 9oint revie* of the safety aspects +y the
operator and other participants, involved in com+ined operations.
Sc)e8ule V
4See 6ule +A5
Pa6t*cula6; to be *.clu8e8 *. a==l*cat*o. :o6 co.;e.t :o6 al6ea8@
o=e6at*.g 9ob*le o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o..
1. 6he name and address of the operator @
2. (ame and address of the licensee or lessee @
3. 6he list of the relevant rules, *hich are not complied *ith @
4. 6ime +ound action plan to comply *ith the rules, as per item 3 @
5. 6he rules, as per item 3, *hich the operator considers infeasi+le to +e
complied *ith, along *ith detail 9ustificationHreasoning, including suggested
alternativesH control measures.
. 5opy of the safety management system document.
!. ) general description, *ith suita+le diagrams, of @
>a? its plant including the layout and configuration and systems for
monitoring and control of ha7ardous situations.
>+? the connections to any pipeline or installation.
>c? any *ells connected to the installation.
#. ;articulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection *ith each
operation, *hich the installation is capa+le of performing.
%. 6he maximum num+er of persons K
>a? on the installation at any time, and
>+? for *hom accommodation is provided
1&. ) description of >as applica+le? @
>a? plant and arrangement for control of *ell operations
>including pressure control and prevention of uncontrolled
>+? ma9or accident prevention measures for pipelines,
connected to the installation.
11. Description of the life saving appliances and fire fighting arrangement.
12. Detail description of emergency response plans >covering all identified ma9or
ha7ards?, pursuant to the rules under 5hapter D on emergency response
13. ;articulars of any com+ined operations *hich may involve the installation,
including summary of the arrangements in place for co3ordinating the safety
management systems and 9oint revie* of the safety aspects +y the operator
and other participants, involved in com+ined operations.
Sc)e8ule VI
4See 6ule +35
Pa6t*cula6; to be *.clu8e8 *. a 6elocat*o. *.t*9at*o. :o6 =6o8uct*o.
o::;)o6e *.;tallat*o.
1. 6he name and address of the operator@
2. (ame and address of the licensee or lessee@
3. 5hanges, if any, in the types of operation, and activities in
connection *ith an operation, at the existing and the ne* location of the
4. 8xplanation of *hy the operator considers the installation suita+le
for the ne* location.

I.t*9at*o. co.ce6.*.g O::;)o6e I.;tallat*o.
4See 6ule 3 5
1. (ame and address of the operator @
2. (ame and location of offshore installation @
3. (ame of licensed or leased area in *hich @
installation is +eing or to +e used
4. 6ype of installation >fixed or mo+ile? @
5. 6ype of operations
>drilling or production or *or-3over or others? @
. Date of commencement of operations
>i? 8xisting installations
>a? $o+ile
Date of entry in relevant *aters @
>+? 2ixed
Date of commencement of operations @
>ii? (e* installations
>a? $o+ile
Date of intended entry in relevant *aters @
>+? 2ixed
Date of intended commencement of operations @
!. Date of cessation of operations
>a? $o+ile
Date of intended departure from relevant *aters @
>+? 2ixed
"ntended date of cessation of operations @
for *hich the installation *as set3up
#. )ny other information


Not*ce o: Acc*8e.t
4See 6ule ++ 5

Acc*8e.t I.:o69at*o.
(ame of 'perator@
Date of accident @ 6ime@ Hrs
)ccident :ocation@ 6ype of )ccident@
'peration at the time of )ccident @
2ield (ame .loc- (o. (ame of "nstallation

.rief details of )ccident@
"mmediate action ta-en@

4T*cB t)o;e a==l*cable5
(o. of persons in9ured Hdeceased @ >fill in separate form for each in9uredH deceased person?
(ame of in9uredH deceased person >firstHmiddleHlast?@
)ge >in yrs?@ 8xperience >in lineH*ith operator?@ Mrs H Mrs
'ccupation@ 8mployer >tic- one? 'perator 5ontractor
5ontractorEs name@ Shift "nformation >tic- one?
morn. eve night gen
6ype of in9ury@ "n9ured part of +ody@
"n9ury severity level >tic- one?
Se0uence leading to in9ury@
)+sence of in9ured person from duty 3 (o. of days hours

Dangerous 'ccurrence
>6ype of dangerous occurrence?@
;roperty Damage
>6ype of $achineryH80uipment?@
5ost of Damage >,s.?@ ;ercentage of damage to "nstallation 5ost >N?@
'ther information as applica+le >;lease tic- mar-?
S-etch ;hoto ;reliminary 8n0uiry ,eport 1itness

Acc*8e.t A.al@;*; 4a==l*cable :o6 Cua6te6l@ 6e=o6t*.g5

"mmediate cause@ .asic cause@
Suggested corrective action@
,evie* date for corrective action@

Nea6 9*;; I.c*8e.t 4a==l*cable :o6 Cua6te6l@ 6e=o6t*.g5

.rief details of near miss incident@

Suggested corrective action@

Date and place@

Signature, name and designation@

Not*ce co.ce6.*.g =e6;o. ;uccu9b*.g to *.ju6*e;
4See 6ule ++ 5
1. (ame of the operator @
2. (ame of the offshore installation @
3. ;articulars of fatality
>i? Date and time of accident @
>ii? Date of su+mission of notice in 2orm 2 >enclose copy? @
>iii? Date and time of death @
>iv? .rief description of circumstances leading to death @

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