COMM 2123 Syllabus

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Communication
Sta. Mesa, Manila

Syllabus in Introduction to Communication
Prepared by Dr. Robert F. Soriano
Subject Code: COMM 2123
Subject Title: Introduction to Communication
No. of Units: 3
No. of Hours: 54

Subject Description
A study of communication as a basic requirement in human and technological
exchanges of messages towards effective use and understanding of vital roles of its patterns,
systems, modes, and utilization focusing on communications basic models, theories, and its
effects on its users.
Course Objectives
At the end of the semester, the student should have been able to:
1. Familiarize the basic communication theories and models including the proponents and
situations that are applied in media communication.
2. Utilize effectively the essence of communication at different levels such as intrapersonal,
interpersonal, group/organizational, and mass audience levels.
3. Learn the basic areas in communication and how communication is used in the areas of:
advetising, public relations, journalism, events management, advocacy, government
information system, public information processes, research and broadcasting.
4. Produce outputs required in the assimilation of different communication disciplines.
5. Express ideas of the basic concepts in the areas mentioned in no.3

Content Outline
I. Definitions of Communication
Berlos Paradigm
Linear Model Definition
Two-way Process Definition
Technological Definition
II. Levels of Communication
III. Modes of Communication
Inferential Mode
Symbolic Mode
Communication acts
IV. Major Categories of Communication
1. Non-verbal Communication and Its Uses
- Tactile and haptics
- Paralanguage and sounds
- Symbols and prints
- Facial and bodily movements
2. Verbal
- Communication and meaning
- Speaking/Talking
- Conversational Communication
- Contextual Communication
- Jargon/Lingo
V. Basic Communication Models
Schram Model
Lasswell Model
Osgood/Schram Circular Model
Westley-Maclean Mathematical Model
Lasswellian Feedback Mechanism Model
ABX Model by Newcomb
Spiral of Silence Dance Model
VI. Elements of Communication Process
SMCRE (Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Effect)
VII. Advanced Communication Models
Speaker-centered Model
Model of Prooof
Functional Model
Hugh Rank Model
Cyclical Model
Conceptual Model
Berlos SMCR Model
Source Messenger
Medium Model
Helical Model
Transactional Model
VIII. Basic Communication Theories
Cognitive Dissonance
Balance Theory
Technological Determination
Silver Bullet
Minimal Effects
Social Judgement
Social Acceptance
Theories of Persuasion
Attribution Theory
Symbolic Interaction
Reinforcement Theory
Social Learning Theory
Agenda Setting Theory
Gatekeeping Theory
Mass Hysteria
Mass Appeal
Popularization Theory
Exposure Theory
ACARA Theory
AKAP Theory
IX. Major Types of Theory

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