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All Things Current: What you'll find in your June 18, 2014, edition

The long-planned Cathedral Commons project at Wisconsin Avene and Ne!ar" #treet contines
to ta"e shape$ as constrction progresses on the large mi%ed-se development and more retail
tenants sign leases& 'all editions(
The developer !ho hopes to replace t!o adjacent Cathedral )eights hoses !ith condominims is
!or"ing !ith the commnit* to reach a compromise proposal +e,ore a Monda* advisor*
neigh+orhood commission meeting& 'North!est Crrent !est$ -eorgeto!n Crrent(
D&C& edcation o,,icials have released a ne! proposal ,or overhaling the cit*0s p+lic school
+ondaries and stdent enrollment policies$ dropping controversial plans ,or a lotter*& 'all editions(
1oosevelt )igh #chool is hoping to o,,er an international ,ocs as it prepares to retrn to its historic
camps in ,all 2345 a,ter the +ilding6s moderni7ation& 'North!est Crrent east(
The Preparator* #chool o, D&C&$ a pre-"indergarten-to-42th-grade private school +ased in Pet!orth$
hopes to ta"e over a 48th #treet )eights ,acilit* that !as recentl* vacated +* Washington Latin
P+lic Charter #chool&'North!est Crrent east(
L/9.O1 L/CEN#/N-
The Dpont Circle advisor* neigh+orhood commission is protesting an application ,or Vida :itness
to o,,er live msic$ inclding a D;$ on its . #treet roo,& 'Dpont Crrent$ :ogg* <ottom Crrent(
The Tenle*to!n=:riendship )eights advisor* neigh+orhood commission has rged the D&C&
Department o, Transportation to ma"e tra,,ic circles permanent at the intersection o, >2nd and
Warren streets& 'all editions(
American .niversit*0s commnit* relations director is accsing an advisor* neigh+orhood
commissioner o, repeatedl* pnching him a,ter a commnit* meeting$ prompting the niversit* to
+an the commissioner ,rom its camps and +al" at attending commission meetings& 'all editions(
A #panish-st*le home in #heridan-?alorama$ !hich marries classic and modern toches$ is
availa+le ,or @2$AA3$333& 'all editions(
OP/N/ON 'all editions(
EditorialB The latest school +ondar* proposal is a major step ,or!ard +t still mst +etter address
ho! to improve school Calit*&
EditorialB The D&C& Concil shold hold a p+lic hearing +e,ore adopting its revised +dget&
#her!oodB A proposal to close o,, even more o, the area arond the .&#& Capitol +rings to mind the
,ears o, the Ddc" and coverE era&
#PO1T# 'North!est Crrent$ -eorgeto!n Crrent(
National Cathedral senior #arah /ng has !on her third straight D&C& -atorade #o,t+all Pla*er o, the
Fear a!ard&
-eorgeto!n .niversit* almns Mar"el #tar"s !as +ac" in the Veri7on Center on ;ne 43 ,or a
pre-dra,t !or"ot !ith his hometo!n Washington Wi7ards&
;e!ish Primar* Da* #chool0s egg drop$ Mrch Elementar*0s spirit !ee"$ and other reports ,rom
local schools& 'all editions(
Crime report
Advisor* neigh+orhood commission reports and agendas
1eports ,rom local citi7ens associations
Calendar o, the !ee"0s events
Classi,ied ads and service director*
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