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Jude Novena Prayers

O St. Jude, holy Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, you are honored and petitioned
by the universal Church, as the patron of desperate, hopeless and impossible cases. Pray for
me. I am so very helpless and I feel alone.
Intercede for me that Almighty God may bring sift aid here it is needed most. Come to my
assistance in my great time of need!
Pray for me that I may be given the comfort and help of Jesus. "ost importantly, I as# that
you pray that I may one day $oin you and all of the saints in heaven to praise God in
consolation, rest and $oy for all eternity.
I ill remember your prayers, O %oly St. Jude. I ill honor you as my patron as so many have
before me because of the graces God deigns to give freely at your re&uest.
Novena Closing Prayers
"ay the "ost Sacred %eart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end
of time. ' Amen.
"ay the most Sacred %eart of Jesus be praised and glorified no and forever. ' Amen.
St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. ' Amen.
(lessed be the Sacred %eart of Jesus
(lessed be the Immaculate %eart of "ary
(lessed be St. Jude )haddeus, in all the orld and for all *ternity.
Our +ather,
%ail "ary,
St. Jude Novena DAY ONE
O blessed apostle St. Jude, ho labored -ealously among the Gentiles in many lands, and
performed numerous miracles in needy and despairing cases, I as# you to ta#e interest in my
needs. I #no that you understand me. Please hear my prayers and my petitions. Please beg
God for me and my deepest needs.
.State your intentions/
I pray that I ill be patient in learning God0s holy ill for me and then courageously carry it out
in my life.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY TWO
O blessed apostle Jude, ho ansers hopeless causes, grant that I ill alays serve Jesus
Christ ith fervor and -eal. Grant that I may give my best efforts in living %is ill every day.
Please pray that I ill turn my heart and mind such that God ill alays be first in my life. "ay
my love of God be first above all things, all desires and even all my intentions today.
.State your intentions/
St. Jude, please grant that I may be enlightened as to hat is best for me! Pray for my
intentions today and especially pray for me to receive the grace to love God more than hat I
see# from %im.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY THREE
O holy St. Jude, apostle of Jesus Christ, you ho have so faithfully spread Jesus0 Gospel of
1ight and 1ove, I as# and beg you to remember me and my deepest needs. St. Jude, please
especially pray for,
.State your intentions/
Grant that I may alays pray ith fervor and devotion, resigning myself and my needs humbly
to my loving God. Grant that I may see God0s purpose in all my trials and that I may be open
to God0s ansers to my sincere prayers.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY O!R
Saint Jude, Jesus called you to be one of %is chosen and beloved apostles. 2ith God0s
calling, you labored to bring men to a #noledge and love of God. Please listen ith
compassion to my prayers and grant your intercession.
In this bro#en orld I have many trials, difficulties, and temptations. Please pray for me and
my petitions in God0s presence. St. Jude, beg God that my most urgent prayers may be
.State your intentions/
"ay God anser my prayers in %is ay that is best for me. "ay God give me the grace to
see his purpose in all things.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY "#E
O blessed St. Jude, close companion my 1ord Jesus, you have given me a good e3ample of
ho to lead a life of -eal and devotion to Jesus. I humbly re&uest that today you hear my
prayers and petitions and intercede for me. I as# you to pray especially for,
.State your intentions/
As I pray for God0s blessings in my life today, please grant that I may never forget all the truth,
goodness and beauty that God has given to me out of his pure love for me. "ay I, li#e you St.
Jude, give than#s and praise to God every day for the blessings that I have as#ed for and
those hich God has given freely. I humbly give myself over to God0s holy ill, #noing that
he alone #nos hat is best for me and my present needs.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY S"$
4earest St. Jude, friend and apostle of Christ and e3pert in despairing cases, hear my
prayers. In all my needs and desires may I only see# hat is pleasing to God and hat is best
for my salvation and the salvation of the orld. Saint Jude, please beg God for help ith my
.State your intentions/
I submit my prayers to you ith great confidence in your intercession. I #no that you ill pray
fervently at the feet of God that I may receive %is greatest blessings. I #no that our good
and gracious 1ord leaves no sincere prayer unansered in some ay. %elp me to see %is
ansers and praise %im even if they are not hat I e3pect.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY SE#EN
%oly apostle Saint Jude, may I never forget that our blessed 1ord Jesus Christ called you to
be one of his holy apostles. "ay I never forget the martyr0s death you suffered out of love for
Jesus. "ay I never forget ho close a friend of God you are no for all eternity. )herefore, I
do not hesitate to as# you to pray to %im for my needs,
.State your intentions/
I as# ith great humility that you beg God to bring me as close to %im as you are in heaven. I
desire to submit fully to the ill of God, as you did, trusting fully hen I suffer, doubt or don0t
understand. Pray that I ill receive and accept such a great grace from God!
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY E"%HT
O gracious Saint Jude, apostle of my 1ord, pray that I may alays be open to God0s love and
live according to %is holy ill. "ay I never fail to cooperate ith the grace of God, especially
hen I am in such great need. St. Jude, please intercede ith great intensity on my behalf for
these intentions,
.State your intentions/
"ay I forever be deeply and truly than#ful to God for the blessings I have received in the past.
%elp me to understand that I am totally dependent on God and %is love and mercy. 2hen I
feel alone, as you surely did hen you suffered a martyr0s death, pray that I ill ta#e it as an
opportunity to rely on God0s grace and love.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!
St. Jude Novena DAY N"NE
O righteous Saint Jude, apostle, martyr and companion of Christ, grant that I may gro
constantly in a loving relationship ith God. In or#ing out my salvation in this life I have
infinite needs and desires that God placed ithin me. )oday I turn to you, as#ing you to
intercede for me.
.mention your re&uest/
Saint Jude, I have specific re&uests of God that may only partially fill the infinite needs and
desires that are in my heart. I as# that you pray not only for those re&uests but also for a
greater reliance on God to satisfy the needs and desires that I have. "ay I see# God ith a
sincere heart #noing that it ill profit me nothing if I gain the hole orld yet suffer the loss
of my soul. So, help me to see God0s good and gracious purpose in all my trials.
St. Jude, pray for me!
1ord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!

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