Character Sketches

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Character Sketch Julius Caesar Act One\par
In this essay, i will be writing about Cassius. Cassius is the main instigator of
the entire conspiracy. He dislikes Caesar extremely and is very envious of his
high power. Cassius is very talented at finding the true wants and ideals of men
and knows how to manipulate them to basically do his bidding. Using his skills, he
means to assemble a team and assassinate Caesar. He lays down concrete examples on
how Caesar is tyrannical and wins over the loyalty of Brutus. This is a display of
his skill considering Brutus is a friend of Caesar. I predict that he will succeed
in his efforts even though I disagree with him.\par
Character Sketch Julius Caesar Act Two\par
Brutus is a very strange and complex character. He shows honor and morals as well
as the desire to assassinate Caesar. Considering that Brutus is a man of nobility
and reason, he must have found Caesar's misuse of power to be a good enough reason
to completely disregard the fact that murder is wrong. Being that Brutus is so
dedicated to his morals, it gives him a naive view of the world. This makes him
easily shaken by Cassius and the conspirators. Brutus hears the pleas of the
conspirators and agrees to join their cause. He is Caesar's good friend and ally
but turns on him for what he calls "the good of Rome". I believe he is misguided
and the side of Caesar is that which is good for Rome.\par
Character Sketch Julius Caesar Act Three\par
Mark Antony\par
In this act, Mark Antony plays a vital role in turning the citizens against the
conspirators. Brutus recites a speech and seemingly gathers the hearts of the
citizens, but his efforts are in vain. Antony then keeps his agreement to only say
words of Caesar's greatness and not make the conspirators look evil and wrong. He
says how they are nothing but "honorable men" and actually ends up making them
look bad. Antony plays the role of the avenger of Caesar's death and I think his
reasoning is sound. He is a hero that supports Octavius, Lepidus, and the downfall
of the conspirators.\par
Character Sketch Julius Caesar Act IV\par
Lepidus is a member of the Second Triumvirate along with his companions Octavius
Caesar and Mark Antony. His brother is a member of the conspirators and he has
made a decision at the meeting that his brother will die. Antony sends Lepidus to
retrieve Caesar's will so that it may be read to the people. He is recognized as a
brave, fit soldier, but unfit to rule one-third of the world. Octavius and Antony
decide to use him to run errands and train him to fight, while assuming his
temporary power. Lepidus has changed and become a worty hero against the
conspirators and realizing Caesar's vengeance. Plans are made that Brutus and
Cassius must be taken down.\par

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