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Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners


The purpose of this document is not prepositions in general. You should have known
already how to use at, on or in. Instead, it focuses on the academic side, that is,
prepositions not being so frequently used but suitable for academic writing and
speaking. Learning these words and expressions will help you boost your IELTS score as
well as contributing to your academic pursuit.
Please cite the author (Bui Hai Anh MrBi) when distributing this document. It is not
intended to be used under any commercial exploitation. Page 2
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
1. in the middle of or during something, especially something that causes excitement or
Example: He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
2. Surrounded by something
Example: The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.
Apropos/Apropos of
Regarding, concerning or related to somebody/something
Example: Apropos our date for lunch, I cannot go.
With one leg on each side of something, situated on both sides of something; lying
across or over; spanning
Example: Rights groups urged the Indonesian government to block a proposed law banning
women from sitting astride motorcycles in deeply Islamic Aceh province, where the
position is deemed "improper".
1. Across, from one side to the other
Example: They put a table athwart the doorway.
2. Not agreeing with, opposite to
Example: His statement ran athwart what was previously said.
On top of, at the top of
Example: Fruit and vegetable prices rose 1.3 per cent atop a 2 per cent gain last month.
Except for, unless there is/are
Example: Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.
1. In or to a lower position than somebody/something; under somebody/something
Example: They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
2. Not good enough for somebody
Example: He considers such jobs beneath him.
1. Next to or at the side of somebody/something
Example: He sat beside her all night.
2. Compared with somebody/something
Example: My painting looks childish beside yours. Page 3
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
In addition to somebody/something; apart from somebody/something
Example: Besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time.
1. On or to the further side of something
Example: The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.
2. Later than a particular time
Example: I know what Ill be doing for the next three weeks but I havent thought beyond
3. More than something
Example: Our success was far beyond what we thought possible.
4. Used to say that something is not possible
Example: The situation is beyond our control.
5. Too far or too advanced for somebody/something
Example: The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.
(used with dates) about, in approximately
Example: She was born circa 1920.
About something, involving somebody/something
Example: All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special childrens court.
Synonyms: Apropos, Regarding, Respecting, With respect to, Vis--vis, As for, As
regards, In respect of, With regard to, In regard to
Used to show that you are thinking about a particular fact, and are influenced by it,
when you make a statement about something
Example: Considering he has only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
Despite/In spite of
Used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have
happened to prevent it
Example: Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.
Except/Except for/Apart from/Aside from
Used before mentioning the only thing or person about which a statement is not true
Example: We work every day except Sunday.
Also see Barring and Save/Save for
Not including
Example: Lunch cost 10 dollars per person, excluding drinks.
Failing Page 4
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
Used to introduce a suggestion that could be considered if the one just mentioned is not
Example: Ask a friend to recommend a doctor or, failing that, ask for a list in your local
After or as a result of a particular event
Example: He took charge of the family business following his fathers death.
When you consider something
Example: Given his age (Considering how old he is), he is remarkably active.
Having something as part of a group or set
Example: Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman.
Without being affected by something; despite something
Example: Notwithstanding some financial problems, the club has had a successful year.
1. Used with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position
Example: She stepped down from the train onto the platform.
2. Used to show that something faces in a particular direction
Example: The window looked out onto the terrace.
1. On the other side of a particular area from somebody/something, and usually facing
Example: The bank is opposite the supermarket.
2. Acting in a film or plays as the partner of somebody
Example: She starred opposite Tom Hanks.
1. Later than something
Example: It was past midnight when we got home.
2. On or to the other side of somebody/something
Example: He hurried past them without stopping.
3. Above or further than a particular point or stage
Example: Unemployment is now past the 3 million mark.
Used to express the cost or amount of something for each
Example: This country has a higher crime rate per 100,000 of the population than most other
European countries. Page 5
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
As something, in the role of something
Example: The soldier acted qua soldier, not as a human being.
Concerning/about somebody/something
Example: She has said nothing regarding your request.
Respecting/With respect to
Example: information respecting the childs whereabouts
Sans (writing)
Example: There were no potatoes so we had fish and chips sans the chips.
Save/Save for
Except something
Example: They knew nothing about her save her name.
1. In or into every part of something
Example: They export their products to markets throughout the world.
2. During the whole period of time of something
Example: The museum is open daily throughout the year.
1. In the direction of somebody/something
Example: They were heading towards the German border.
2. Getting closer to achieve something
Example: This is a first step towards political union.
3. Close or closer to a point in time
Example: towards the end of April
4. In relation to somebody/something
Example: He was tender and warm towards her.
5. With the aim of obtaining something, or helping somebody to obtain something
Example: The money will go towards a new school.
1. Under or below something else, especially when it is hidden or covered by the thing on
Example: The coin rolled underneath the piano.
2. Used to talk about somebodys real feelings or character, as opposed to the way they
seem to be
Example: Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened.
Upon Page 6
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
Formal use of on
Example: The decision was based upon two considerations.
Used to compare two different things
Example: It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving
away and leaving her friends.
1. Through a place
Example: We flew home via Dubai.
2. By means of a particular person, system
Example: The news programme came to us via satellite.
1. In relation to
Example: Britains role vis--vis the United States
2. In comparison with
Example: It was felt that the company had an unfair advantage vis--vis smaller companies
1. Before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular period of time
Example: Two elections were held within the space of a year.
2. Not further than a particular distance from something
Example: a house within a mile of the station
3. Inside the range or limits of something
Example: The question is not within the scope of this talk.
4. Inside somebody/something
Example: There is discontent within the farming industry. Page 7
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
According to
1. As stated or reported by somebody/something
Example: You have been absent six times according to our records.
2. Following, agreeing with or depending on something
Example: The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.
Ahead of
1. Further forward in space or time than somebody/something; in front of
Example: Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training.
2. Earlier than
Example: I finished several days ahead of the deadline.
3. Further advanced than somebody/something, e.g. in a race or competition
Example: She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.
Apart from/Aside from
See Except
As for
Alternative to Regarding
Owing to
Because of
Example: The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.
Prior to
Before something
Example: during the week prior to the meeting
Regardless of
Paying no attention to something/somebody; treating something/somebody as not
being important
Example: The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or
Subsequent to
After, following
Example: There have been further developments subsequent to our meeting. Page 8
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
As opposed to
Used to make a contrast between two things
Example: This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength.
As regards
Alternative to Concerning
At the behest of somebody/something
Because somebody/something has ordered or requested it
Example: at the behest of the King
By means of
With the help of something
Example: The load was lifted by means of a crane.
By virtue of/In virtue of
By means of or because of something
Example: She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.
For the sake of (doing) something
In order to get or keep something
Example: The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy.
In accordance with something
According to a rule or the way that something should be done
Example: We acted in accordance with my parents wishes.
In addition (to somebody/something)
Used when you want to mention another person/thing after something else
Example: In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until
In case of something
If something happens
Example: In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.
In lieu of
Instead of
Example: They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won.
In order to do something
With the purpose or intention of doing or achieving something
Example: In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed. Page 9
Formal Prepositions for IELTS Learners
In place of somebody/something
Instead of somebody/something
Example: We just had soup in place of a full meal.
In respect of something
1. Concerning
Example: A writ was served on the firm in respect of their unpaid bill.
2. In payment for something
Example: money received in respect of overtime
In spite of
See Despite
In view of something
Considering something
Example: In view of the weather, the event will now be held indoors.
On account of something
Because of
Example: The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers.
On behalf of somebody
In order to help somebody
Example: They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers.
On top of
1. In addition to something
Example: He gets commission on top of his salary.
2. In control of a situation
Example: Work tends to pile up if I dont keep on top of it.
Thanks to
Used to say that something has happened because of somebody/something
Example: It was all a great success thanks to a lot of hard work.
With a view to (doing) something
With the intention or hope of doing something
Example: He is painting the house with a view to selling it.
With regard to/In regard to
Concerning somebody/something
Example: The companys position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.
With respect to
Alternative to In respect of Definition 1

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