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Business Plan
Submitted By: Mussadaq Javed
Roll No: M11MBA011, 6t Semeste!, MBA "Ban#in$ % &inan'e(
)ebsite: ***+lets$o+'om+,#
-ele,one: 042./0622116
&a2 3: 042./0604400
5AN: 111.646.464
-able o6 7ontents
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................2
Organisational Plan............................................................................................................4
Business Overview.........................................................................................................4
Core Value......................................................................................................................4
Human Resource Plan...................................................................................................5
Customer ervice...........................................................................................................5
Customer Relations!i" Management.............................................................................5
Mar#eting Researc!...........................................................................................................$
Res"onses of Researc!.................................................................................................$
%OT &nal'sis...............................................................................................................(
Mar#eting trateg'.............................................................................................................(
Mar#eting Mi+ ( P,s............................................................................................................*
P!'sical 0vi-ence.........................................................................................................2
O"erational Plan...............................................................................................................5
O"erational Ob2ectives..................................................................................................5
3low C!art.....................................................................................................................)
Page 2 of 24
3inancial Plan..................................................................................................................2.
3inancial &nal'sis.........................................................................................................2.
tart4u" costs................................................................................................................22
3orecast Revenue........................................................................................................21
3orecast O"erating 0+"enses......................................................................................21
Coo"erate ocial Res"onsibilit'......................................................................................21
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8!$anisational Plan
Business 8ve!vie*
5 -eci-e- to start a business b' e+"loiting t!e natural beaut' t!at we !ave in our
countr'6 so 5 "lanne- to intro-uce a tourism agenc' b' t!e name of 7ets8o. 5 "lanne- to
-ifferentiate it from ot!er com"etitors in various wa's6 t!e first one is t!at no offices will
be set u"6 it will be an online service an- "eo"le will !ave access to it from an'w!ere6 5
t!an offer customi9ation of tri" services6 -ifferent "ac#ages6 trans"ortation6 !el"ers6
guar-s6 "roblem solving teams etc. T!e business will be a-vertise- t!roug! -ifferent
c!annels6 social me-ia6 "rint me-ia6 e mar#eting an- b' visiting -ifferent institutes etc.
&ll t!is will be -one to generate a customer satisfactor' service.
Honest' an- 3air :ealings
Problem olving Team
3rien-l' ervice
7o!e 9alue
Customer atisfaction
:-o assu!e 'ustome!s tei! desi!ed 'ee!6ul oliday,
6a'ilitatin$ *it te 6!eedom o6 'oi'e, 'a!e in o!de! to satis6y
'ustome!s; needs<
:-o $!o* t!ou$ te satis6a'tion o6 ou! 'ustome!;s<
Page 4 of 24
=uman Resou!'e Plan
7ustome! Se!vi'e
Customer service woul- be our main focus as we are -ealing in service sector. %e "lan
to -eal customers in a ver' frien-l' wa'6 to un-erstan- t!eir nee-s an- "lan accor-ing
to it. %e will satisf' t!em wit! our services in or-er to create lo'alt' among t!em.
7ustome! Relationsi, Mana$ement
Customer Relations!i" Management is of e+treme im"ortance because it allows ta#ing
c!arge of ever' as"ect of t!e business. %e will be focusing over it in or-er to
un-erstan- customer6 attract new customers6 increase "rofit6 -ecrease customer
management cost etc.
Page 0 of 24
Name o6
Job ?es'!i,tion
Mussadaq Javed
:esign overall strategies an- business activities.
&ssigning -uties an- su"ervision of all -uties. Mange
a-ministrative functions to ensure smoot! an- efficient
o"erations of t!e com"an'.
Ma@a! &a!ooqi
"&inan'e Mana$e!(
Customer -ata management for finance. alar'
"a'ment. Maintenance of Ban# 3inance
Bilal Amed
5m"rove t!e o"erational s'stems6 "rocesses an-
"olicies. Oversee mont!l' an- ;uarterl' assessments
an- forecasts of organi9ation<s financial "erformance
against bu-get6 financial an- o"erational
A@a! &a!ooqi
Ma#e strateg' for Mar#eting. Con-ucting mar#eting
activit'. Customer -ata management for mar#eting
anal'sis. Customer relations!i" management.
A- >m,loyee
5T em"lo'ee woul- create an- maintain com"an',s
website. 5t also maintains an- u"-ate -atabase of
customers. He also !an-les t!e com"an',s online
Ma!#etin$ Resea!'
%e !ave con-ucte- a mar#eting researc! in or-er to c!ec# t!e res"onses for our online
tourism services. 5n or-er to con-uct t!e researc! we !ave gone t!roug! t!e
;uantitative anal'sis6 among w!ic! we went for t!e tec!ni;ue of -esigning
;uestionnaire. %e selecte- t!is met!o- mainl' because of t!e reason t!at our mar#et is
wi-el' s"rea- an- it won,t be "ossible to go for ot!er tec!ni;ues of researc!. T!ese
;uestioners were fille- b' t!e 'oungsters mostl' because t!e' are more incline- an-
ent!usiastic for "lanning t!eir tri"s eit!er wit! frien-s6 famil' or t!roug! t!ere institutes.
Two t'"es of ;uestionnaires were -esigne- #ee"ing in min- two "ers"ective of
business6 one was -esigne- for t!e customers to c!ec# t!ere li#eliness about t!e online
tourism service an- t!e ot!er for -esigne- for businesses li#e !otels6 restaurants etc. to
c!ec#out t!eir willingness regar-ing t!e service t!at w!et!er t!e' li#e to wor# wit! us
an- be t!e "art of our service.
5 too# t!e sam"le si9e of .5/. T!e reason be!in- c!oosing t!is sam"le si9e is t!e
t!eor' "ro"ose- b' =ennall' >.C6 Ps'c!ometric T!eor' t!at b' multi"l'ing t!e number
of ;uestions b' ./6 we get our sam"le si9e.
Res,onses o6 Resea!'
&fter con-ucting a researc! about t!e launc! of an online tourism service ? 5
came u" wit! "ositive res"onses. &ll t!e features wit! w!ic! 5 offere- m' service was
li#e- b' t!e res"on-ents an- t!e' want suc! services to come u" an- "rovi-e t!em wit!
facilit' an- easiness in t!eir tas#s.
T!ere were man' -ifferent features t!at 5 !ig!lig!te- in t!e ;uestionnaire li#e
customi9ation6 amount of mone' s"en-6 "re arrangements6 organi9e- trans"ortation
s'stem etc. for all t!ose features t!ere were a ver' "ositive res"onse t!at 5 got from t!e
res"on-ents. o 5 are !o""ing ver' well for t!e launc! of as man' "eo"le
are willing to go for it an- tr' it for once w!ic! is m' initial re;uirement. T!e acce"tance
of "eo"le is a brig!t sign for intro-ucing t!e service.
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S)8- Analysis
Ma!#etin$ St!ate$y
Mar#et segmentation is a mar#eting strateg' t!at involves -ivi-ing a broa- target
mar#et into subsets of consumers w!o !ave common nee-s6 an- t!en -esigning an-
im"lementing strategies to target t!eir nee-s an- -esires using me-ia c!annels an-
ot!er touc!4"oints t!at best allow to reac! t!em.
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>2te!nal &a'to!s
S1. Customi9ation services
S2. ecurit' features
S/. Pac#ages
S44 Problem solving team
S0. &ccessibilit'
)1.P!'sical outloo#
)24 7ac# of e+"erience
814 Ric! culture an- Climate
con-itions of Pa#istan
824 5nfrastructure
8/4 5ncentives "rovi-e- b'
84. Regulator' &ut!orities
80. &ge -istribution of
S8 St!ate$ies
A.B 5f government an-
"olitical stabilit' su""ort t!e
in-ustr'6 com"an' can buil-
strong customer relations!i"
b' "rovi-ing reliable services.
A2B Customer attraction b'
eas' access.
A1B B' "rovi-ing eas'
assessable services we can
attract t!e increasing number
of 'oung "o"ulation.
)8 St!ate$ies
A.B &s most of t!e Pa#istani
"o"ulation is in t!e age grou"
of 2/41/. T!is grou" of
"o"ulation can !el" us to
gain e+"erience in t!is
A2B Tourism ministries an-
government su""ort can !el"
us to ma#e our services more
consistencies an- im"rove
t!e "!'sical outloo#.

-14 Variation in ta+ rates
-24 5nflation rate
-/4 ecurit' issues

S- St!ate$ies
A.B Proactive a""roac! an-
customi9ation services coul-
be !el"ful to overcome t!e
5ssues relate- "rices of
A2B Com"an' will "rovi-e
securit' features so customer
can sta' awa' from securit'
)- St!ate$ies
A.B %!en we will gain
e+"erience in t!is business
customer will still attract more
instea- of !aving low
switc!ing cost.
5 !ave selecte- t!e areas of 7a!ore6 5slamaba-6 ial#ot6 %a9iraba-6 :as#a6
8u2ranwala6 an- 8u2rat for our tourism service. T!e main reason be!in- c!oosing t!ese
regions were t!at fact t!at all t!ese areas some!ow !ave same c!aracteristics an-
"eo"le s!are same taste. o catering t!ese regions first will be more beneficial as we
!ave a gri" over t!is mar#et an- a goo- wor- of mout! can be s"rea- from !ere. &n- it
is famous about t!e "eo"le of Pun2ab t!at t!e' are intereste- in tri"s an- e+"loring
-ifferent areas.
T!e consumers a com"an' wants to sell its "ro-ucts an- services to6 an- to w!om it
-irects its mar#eting efforts. 5-entif'ing t!e target mar#et is an essential ste" in t!e
-evelo"ment of a mar#eting "lan. & target mar#et can be se"arate- from t!e mar#et as
a w!ole b' geogra"!'6 bu'ing "ower an- -emogra"!ics6 as well as b' "s'c!ogra"!ics.
5 target all t!ose "eo"le w!o !ave an interest in "lanning tri"s an- !anging out. 5t
inclu-es mainl' 'oungsters but we welcome all as we arrange famil' tri"s6 3rien-,s tri"6
!one'moon tri" an- sc!ool6 college6 universit' tri"s. &s we welcome t!e "eo"le of all
age grou" an- "rofession. %e cater mainl' t!e mi--le class ma#ing it convenient for
t!em to arrange tri" but as we -eal in customi9ation t!e low class can ma#e an offer b'
-efining t!eir "riorities an- bu-get. o 7ets8o is for ever'one.
Professional 0m"lo'ees
Business man
Marital tatus
Page 1 of 24
5t is trie- to buil- t!e strong image in min-s of t!e "eo"le as t!e bran- is for ever'one6 a
bran- t!at #ee"s in min-6 t!e "riorities an- nee-s of t!e "eo"le w!ile -esigning
an't!ing for t!em6 a bran- t!at creates easiness for t!em in "lanning t!eir tri"s. Ma#ing
it eas' an- accessible for ever'one to "lan a tri" an- en2o' t!eir selves.
5t is -eci-e- to use t!e emotional a""eal to attract customers6 b' e+"osing t!e love an-
affection t!at grows w!enever a ;ualit' time is s"en- wit! t!e love- ones6 as famil' time
or t!e time s"en- wit! frien- are alwa's consi-ere- as t!e best time so !ig!lig!ting all
t!ose moments. T!us "rovi-ing t!em an eas' c!ance to go for t!is ;ualit' time wit! no
effort w!ic! was not use- to !a""en in -esigning t!ere tri" "reviousl'.
T!e ot!er a""eal t!at we will be un-ergoing is t!e logical a""eal6 it will be -one b'
letting aware t!e "eo"le t!e "ositive an- beneficial effects of our service6 t!at it woul-
be economical6 safe an- eas' for t!em to "lan t!eir tri" t!roug! 7ets8o. &n- all t!e
t!ings will be of t!eir re;uirements an- c!oice.
Ma!#etin$ Mi2 4 P;s
&s we are -ealing in service so m' offering will be t!e services 5 am "rovi-ing. 5t will
inclu-e -ifferent elements li#e trans"ortation6 !otel6 etc. 5 will be going for customi9ation
an- will -esign t!e offering wit! t!e c!oice of t!e customers. ome e+ternal features
suc! asD
ecurit' guar-s
Cam" trainers
Page C of 24
&ll t!ese t!ings will -ifferentiate services an- will "rove to a-- value to t!e customer.
T!ere will be offering of -ifferent "ac#ages for -ifferent set of "eo"le li#eD
3amil' tri"s
3rien-,s tri"
Hone'moon tri"s
c!ool6 colleges an- universities tri"s
Professional an- cor"orate firm tri"
T!e first c!annel of communication is website as it,s t!e !uge mo-e of interference
between customers an- business.
T!e secon- c!annel is t!roug! tele"!one. Customers can also interfere or
communicate b' tele"!one to avail t!e services.
Promotion "la's ver' im"ortant role to ma#e "erce"tion of about 'our com"an' an-
'our services w!ic! 'ou are -elivering. %e will "romote t!e services of t!e com"an' b'
using t!e following mar#eting tactics to attract t!e "otential customersD
)o!d o6 Mout
Man' "eo"le got to #now about an' offering an- believe it onl' because of t!e s"rea-
wor- of mout!. %e aim to "rovi-e best services to our customers more t!an t!e'
e+acte- w!ic! will return us wit! an e+cellent wor- of mout! w!ic! will attract new
customers t!at will be consisting of t!eir frien-s6 relatives an- famil' members.
Publi' Relations
Page 10 of 24
Our relations wit! travel agents6 !otels6 universit' frien-s6 customers coul- be ver'
!el"ful to -evelo" t!e image of our com"an' in t!e e'es of "otential customers.
Adve!tisement t!ou$ &a'e boo# and Mobile Media
&s rate of usage of face boo# an- cell "!ones is ver' !ig! an- t!is rate is increasing
-a' b' -a' so we can easil' get access to ever' in-ivi-ual b' a-vertising on face boo#
an- sen-ing te+t message to our "otential customers.
P!int Media
%e will -istribute t!e "am"!let in colleges6 universities an- restaurants or w!ere it
woul- be beneficial for us to a""roac! t!e target mar#et. %e will also give a-s in
news"a"ers an- maga9ines as well.
-!ans,o!tation 9ei'les
%e will "ost t!e banners on t!e ve!icles w!ic! woul- be t!e "art of our services an-
"rovi-e- b' t!e travel agencies. 5t will !el" to create awareness about our com"an'
among "eo"le an- our "otential customers as well.
Adve!tisement on Ante!net ">.Ma!#etin$(
5nternet is t!e most mo-ern tools on w!ic! 'oung "eo"le s"en- time more t!an
television it will be ver' beneficial for us in terms of launc!ing our "ro"er websites t!at
"rovi-e wit! all t!e -etails. T!e website t!at we aim to -evelo" will consist of t!e -etail
information. %e will -o mar#eting searc! engine. 8oogle is busiest searc! engine an-
searc! engine o"timi9ations allow searc! engines re"resent 'our site better.
&s we are -ealing in services business6 t!erefore our "ricing strateg' will var' customer
to customer as well wit! t!e "assage of time. %e offer our services in -ifferent
"ac#ages wit! -ifferent "rices an- also "rovi-e customi9e- "ac#ages accor-ance wit!
t!e customers -eman- or re;uirement. %e a-- -ifferent features in our "ac#ages li#e
accommo-ation in !otels6 resorts6 !uts for grou"s an- families an- trans"ortation on
re;uirement of t!e customers. &s t!e ;ualit' service is -eman-e- b' ever'one wit!
affor-able "rices. T!at,s w!' we -esigne- our "ricing strateg' wit! ;ualit' of service we
are "rovi-ing. %e are using Value4base- "ricing strateg' as we are "rovi-ing t!e
services w!ic! customer -esire- an- "a' w!at !eEs!e got in return of t!ese services.
Page 11 of 24
T!e reason be!in- using value4base- strateg' to attract ma+imum "eo"le as we are
new in mar#et b' offering t!e ;ualit' services e;ual to t!e "a'ment t!e' ma-e. %e
coul- use "enetration strateg' but t!is strateg' is not suitable for our services as we are
new in mar#et but our services offer customi9e- "ac#ages for w!ic! value4base-
strateg' is suitable6 t!us an !uge factor t!at is effecting is t!at eac! an- in-ivi-ual
customer of our will ma#e its tri" wit! !isE!er own "references an- will be c!arge to for
!isE!er -esire- o"tion6 w!ic! give us a clear result of value4base- "ricing.
Pysi'al >viden'e
Customer can easil' avail service t!roug! website an- tele"!one. T!e' can en2o' t!e
ease of "re4"lanne- tri" an- can get information relate- to t!e "laces as well. T!e'
-on,t nee- to carr' lots of cas! in !an- wit! t!em6 t!e' can "a' online. Pac#ages will
give t!em trans"ort wit! fare "rices an- !otel reservation facilities in case t!e' want to
avail t!em. 5n case of an' ambiguit' or -ifficult' t!e' can contact usF "roblem solving
team will com"ensate an- !el" t!em "ro"erl'. ervices are intangible in nature an- in
or-er to create a better customer e+"erience we !ave to -eliver our services in effective
manner. %e will facilitate our customers in ever' as"ect so t!at t!e' can s"en- ;ualit'
time wit!out facing an' -ifficult'. %e serve t!em from "lanning t!eir tri" to en-ing t!eir
tri". Customer can easil' avail our service t!roug! our website an- tele"!one. T!e' can
en2o' t!e ease of "re4"lanne- tri" t!roug! our services an- can get information relate-
t!e "laces as well. Customers can customi9e t!eir tri" or can en2o' our "ac#ages. T!e'
-on,t nee- to carr' lots of cas! in !an- wit! t!em6 t!e' can "a' online. %e will give
t!em trans"ort wit! fare "rices an- !otel reservation facilities in case t!e' want to avail
t!em. 5n case of an' ambiguit' or -ifficult' t!e' can contact usF our "roblem solving
team will com"ensate an- !el" t!em "ro"erl'.
tan-ar-i9ation will be our focus as it is an im"ortant element for an' business. &
satisfie- customer wants to !ave t!e same or more satisfie- feelings if !e "lans !is tri"
again t!roug! us. T!us wor#ing on stan-ar-s is t!e necessit'. One of t!e reasons for
Page 12 of 24
t!is is t!at b' researc! an- t!e -ata collecte- b' our firm we !ave conclu-e- t!at t!e
stan-ar- services ma#es u" t!e lo'al customers an- in-ustr' is also moving towar-s
t!e stan-ar-i9e- "ractices. Hence we will be "racticing OP,s in our strategies.
Our "rocess of t!e service t!at we are "rovi-ing is !aving some same feature but t!ere
is a ver' uni;ue "ractice as it -escribes t!e -etail about t!e c!annel t!at we are using
to ma#e an access to our customer6 on t!e same web base- c!annel we are offering
customi9ation an- free-om to ma#e 'our own -esire tri". Once t!e customer !as ma-e
a c!oice about !is tri" t!en we will "lan it in accor-ance to !is -esire. Once ever' -etail
is been arrange- an- organi9e- wit! t!e result of t!e amount6 a call will be ma-e in
"arallel wit! an email to ensure customer t!at !is arrangement regar-ing !is tri" !as
been -one. &n- for conformation a-vance "a'ment of 2/G will be as#e- to "a' in our
online s'stem. T!us6 a "in co-e woul- be generate- after t!e confirme- "a'ment t!at
w!ic! !e will be recogni9e- -uring !is tri".
Peo"le constitute to be an im"ortant element for an' business w!et!er it is t!e "eo"le
w!o "rovi-e t!e service or t!e "eo"le w!o avail it. &s our business constitute of an
online service so we are five "eo"le !aving a ;ualification of business stu-ies wit!
ma2or of Human Resource6 Mar#eting an- 3inance. T!e wor# regar-ing t!ese fiel-s an-
o"erations will be con-ucte- b' t!ese members. %e will be !iring a member from 5T for
t!e tas#s relate- to 5T6 li#e website maintains6 web -esigning6 u"-ating -atabase etc.
T!e members are as followsD
Mussa-a; >ave-
Ma9!ar Ma!moo- 3aroo;i
Bilal &!me-
&9!ar 3aroo;i
5T 0m"lo'ee
Page 1/ of 24
Organi9ation Culture
0ver' organi9ation !as its own culture t!at reflects its values. Our culture woul- be
base- u"on t!e frien-liness6 "rovi-ing a !ig! value to customers6 giving t!em an
environment of fran#ness an- o"enness to e+"ress t!eir views. T!e -ecision ma#ing
woul- be -ecentrali9e-. 0ver' em"lo'ee will be given t!e free-om of e+"ression itself
an- giving i-eas to flouris! t!e business.
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8,e!ational Plan
8,e!ational 8bDe'tives
Ma#e sure services are running efficientl' an- effectivel'.
To ensure t!at all customer com"laints are -ealt wit!in 2 business -a's.
To ac!ieve t!e ma+imum number of customer,s fee-bac#.
Pa'#a$e 1
-ou! -y,e: Private Tour for Cou"les6 3amilies or 8rou" of 3ellows or 3rien-s
?u!ation: 2 :a's H . =ig!t
?estinations: Murree6 &'ubiaEPatriata6 H B!urban
P!i'e: . -ouble be- room
. star !otel costs Rs. 1///
2 star !otel costs Rs. 5///
1 star !otel costs Rs. )///
4 star !otel costs Rs..$///
Pa'#a$e 2
-ou! -y,e: Private Tour for Cou"les6 3amilies or 8rou" of 3ellows or 3rien-s
?u!ation: 1 :a's H 2 =ig!ts
?estinations: Murree6 &'ubia6 =at!i'agali6 PatriataERiver =eelam H B!urban
P!i'e: 2 -ouble be- in
. star !otel costs Rs. 55//
2 star !otel costs Rs. )5//
Page 10 of 24
1 star !otel costs Rs. .15//
4 star !otel costs R. 12///
Pa'#a$e /
-ou! -y,e: Private Tour for Cou"les6 3amilies or 8rou" of 3ellows or 3rien-s
?u!ation: 4 :a's H 1 =ig!ts
?estinations: Murree6 &'ubia6 =at!i'agali6 Patriata6 =eelam River H B!urban E
=aran6 !ogran6 >!eel aif4ul4Maloo#
P!i'e: 2 -ouble be- in
. star !otel costs Rs. (5//
2 star !otel costs Rs. .15//
1 star !otel costs Rs. 2////
4 star !otel costs Rs. 45///
Pa'#a$e 4
-ou! -y,e: Private Tour for Cou"les6 3amilies or 8rou" of 3ellows or 3rien-s
?u!ation: 5 :a's H 4 =ig!ts
?estinations: Murree6 &'ubia6 =at!i'agali6 Patriata6 River =eelam H B!urban E
=aran6 !ogran6 >!eel aif4ul4Maloo#6 7ala Iar6 Babu arto"
P!i'e: 2 -ouble be- in
. star !otel costs Rs..////
2 star !otel costs Rs. .(///
1 star !otel costs Rs. 2)///
4 star !otel costs Rs. $////
Pa'#a$e 0
Page 16 of 24
-ou! -y,e: Private Tour for Cou"les6 3amilies or 8rou" of 3ellows or 3rien-s
?u!ation: $ :a's H 5 =ig!ts
?estinations: Murree6 &'ubia6 =at!i'agali6 Patriata6 River =eelam H B!urban E
=aran6 !ogran6 >!eel aif4ul4Maloo#6 7ala Iar6 Babu arto"
P!i'e: 2 -ouble be- in
. star !otel costs Rs. ..5//
2 star !otel costs Rs. 2.5//
1 star !otel costs Rs. 15///
4 star !otel costs Rs. (4///
T!e ervices inclu-es
Trans"ortation along wit! fuel6 "ar#ing an- toll ta+es will be "rovi-e- b' 7ets8o.
Trans"ortation will be "rovi-e- from Tourist Cit'. 5f 'ou want to "ic#E-ro" from 'our
-esire- cit' at 'our -oor ste" t!an e+tra mileage an- fuel c!arges will be a""licable.
Hotel &ccommo-ation
Hotel as "er t!e tour categor'
Rooms on twin s!aring basis
C!il-renD A14./ 'ears ageB 5/ G c!arges a""l'
=oteD C!il-ren will s!are room wit! t!eir "arents
5nfantsD / to 1 'ears 3ree
5m"ortant =ote
=et "rice of t!e tour A=o Hi--en C!argesB
./G -e"osit to be ma-e wit!in 1 -a's at boo#ing to confirm reservation
Page 14 of 24
Remaining */G "a'ment at or before t!e tour -e"arture start
&lo* 7a!t
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Page 1C of 24
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&inan'ial Plan
&inan'ial Analysis
An June to Se,tembe! "Summe! Season(
7owest -eal wit! customers will be for Rs. .6/// wit! trans"ort facilit' for 2 "erson an-
its c!arges woul- be Rs. *$/. &ccor-ing to -eal !otels give us ./G -iscount w!ic! will
become Rs. *// for . -a' an- . nig!t. Total cost of t!is "ac#age is Rs. .6)$/ an- 5 will
also c!arge ./G service c!arges an- customer !ave to "a' us Rs. .6*51.
Hig!est -eal wit! customers will be for Rs. ./6/// wit! trans"ort facilit' for 2 "erson
an- its c!arges woul- be Rs. *)/ an- if t!e' want to carr' "ersonal conve'ance t!en 5
arrange a car for t!em. 5f customer will use t!eir own conve'ance t!eir actual cost
woul- be Rs. 26/// "er -a' wit!out "etrol6 after -iscount total ve!icle cost woul- be Rs.
.6)// "er -a' wit!out "etrol. &ccor-ing to -eal wit! !otels an- travel agencies t!e' will
give us ./G -iscount w!ic! becomes Rs. *6/// for . -a' an- . nig!t "lus Rs. .6)//
from travel agencies.
Total cost of t!is "ac#age is Rs. ./6)// an- 5 c!arge customer ./G service c!arges
an- customer !ave to "a' us Rs. ..6))/. Commission woul- be Rs. .6/)/. &veragel' a
customer in summer season woul- give us Rs. 5)$.5 income.
An 8'tobe! to May "866 Season(
7owest -eal wit! customers woul- be for Rs. 5// wit! trans"ort facilit' for 2 "erson an-
its c!arges woul- be Rs. *$/. &ccor-ing to -eal !otels give us 2/G -iscount w!ic! will
become 4// for . -a' an- . nig!t. Total cost of t!is "ac#age is .61$/ Rs. an- 5 will
c!arge customer ./G service c!arges an- customer !ave to "a' us Rs. .64*$.
Commission woul- be Rs. .1$.
Hig!est -eal wit! customers woul- be for Rs. 5/// wit! t!e trans"ort facilit' for 2
"erson an- its c!arges woul- be Rs. *)/ an- if t!e' want to carr' "ersonal connivance
t!en 5 can arrange for t!em. &ccor-ing to -eal wit! t!e travel agencies t!e' will give us
./G -iscount. T!eir actual cost woul- be Rs. 26/// "er -a' wit!out "etrol6 an- after
-iscount total ve!icle cost woul- be Rs. .)// "er -a' wit!out "etrol. &ccor-ing to -eal
Page 21 of 24
!otels an- travel agencies gives us 2/G -iscount w!ic! will become Rs. 46/// for . -a'
an- . nig!t "lus Rs. .6)// from travel agencies.
Total cost of t!is "ac#age is Rs. 56)// an- customer is c!arge- wit! ./G service
c!arges an- customer !ave to "a' us Rs. $61)/. Commission woul- be Rs. 5)/.
&veragel' a customer in t!is season woul- give us Rs. 15) income. &ccor-ing to t!ese
calculations we can earn Rs. 1*/ "er customer from October to Ma' an- Rs. ).. "er
customer from >une to e"tember.
Sta!t.u, 'osts
>qui,ment % Su,,lies
Com"uters A5 J Rs. .////B Rs.5/6///
%ebsite :evelo"ment Rs.456///
CP H Batteries Rs. .//6///
8enerator Rs. 2//6///
Tele"!one H Mo-em Rs. .56///
3a+ Mac!ine Rs. ./6///
tationar' Rs. .6///
&u!nitu!e % &i2tu!es
Table A5 J Rs..5//B Rs. (65//
C!airs A5 J Rs..///B Rs. 56///
0lectricit' %or# Rs. 16///
Paint Rs. 26///
Car"et Rs. 16///
-otal Rs+ 441,000
Page 22 of 24
&o!e'ast Revenue
3or t!e 'ear en-e- at 1/t! >une 2/.4
-y,e o6
8!de!s Boo#ed Ave!a$e P!i'e Revenue
Customi9e- 1/ Rs. 1*1) Rs. ..).4/
Pac#ages 5/ Rs. 1$5$ Rs. .)2)./
-otal 10 Rs+ /00C00
&o!e'ast 8,e!atin$ >2,enses
-y,e o6 >2,enses Amount
Cost of 8oo-s ol- Rs. 2151$(
alaries Rs. (4///
:e"reciation Rs. (4$)1
0lectricit' Rs. .$///
Communication Rs. .////
5nternet Rs. $///
&-vertisement Rs. .(///
-otal Rs+ 4//000
7oo,e!ate So'ial Res,onsibility
T!e conce"t of social res"onsibilit' is about t!e social res"onsibilities of a business
towar- t!e societ'. Businesses w!ic! are -ealing in tourism are also reali9ing t!eir
res"onsibilit' towar-s t!e societ' an- t!e environment. &s 5 am 2ust starting m'
business in tourism sector so 5 also reali9e- t!e nee- to ma#e CR -ocument for t!e
business 7ets8o.
So'ial Res,onsibilities 6ollo*ed by BetsEo
T!is business is also reali9ing t!eir res"onsibilities towar-s t!e various "arties
associate- wit! t!em. T!e ma2or contribution of 7ets8o is towar-s t!e tourism in
Page 2/ of 24
Pa#istan an- b' tourism t!e im"rovement of Pa#istan,s international image. However6
7ets8o is also following its res"onsibilities in t!is wa'D
-o*a!ds >m,loyees
5 will "rovi-e a com"etitive an- c!allenging wor# environment to t!e em"lo'ees. 5 also
"rovi-e et!ical recruitment6 remuneration6 "romotion an- ot!er "olicies. 5 ensure a safe
wor#ing environment for t!e em"lo'ees. =o racism towar-s religion an- casts.
-o*a!ds 7ustome!s
5 will "rovi-e ;ualit' services to t!e customers at reasonable "rices. Time to time
researc! woul- be con-ucte- for t!e im"rovement of m' service towar-s t!e customer,s
nee-s6 -esires an- wants.
-o*a!ds 7om,etito!s
5 woul- in-ulge in et!ical an- !ealt!' com"etition. M' focus is over a "ositive
com"etition w!ic! to result in welfare of tourism in-ustr' in Pa#istan.
-o*a!ds So'iety
5 organi9e events suc! as cleaning environment woul- be create- b' 7ets8o e.g. free
tri"s woul- be offer to m' customers in or-er to clean a "articular tourism area6 free
e-ucational tri"s for sc!ools. 5 also create 2ob o""ortunities in societ'. &n- b'
un-erta#ing c!arit' wor#s for t!e un-er "rivilege- sections of t!e societ'.
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