Lighting MAT - Design

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Lightning mast - design - 230 kv Substation

Dear sir,
We have 160 m X 180 mtr 230/11 kv Substation yard.In this reard !e are "#annin to
insta## #ihtnin mast at a heiht o$ %0 mtr & in'#udes s"ike rod& % mtr( (."# 'on$irm
an#e o$ "rote'tion is !hether 30de or )% de and ho! many numbers o$ #ihtnin
masts re*uired.
"# '#ari$y the same and ive us your va#uab#e suestion to im"rove our desin
+s "er I,- 6230%, the 'overae o$ the #ihtnin "rote'tion air termination system is
de"endent on the ./. &.ihtnin /rote'tion .eve#(. +#so the I,- standard $o##o!s the
'on'e"t o$ ro##in s"here method $or determinin the 'overae area. In 'ase o$ ./. I the
radius o$ the s"here is 20m, $or ./. II it is 30m, $or ./. III it is )%m and $or ./. I0 it is
1he 2inimum "eak 'ureent o$ the #ihtnin stroke de$ined by I,- $or various #eve#s is ./. I 3
3k+4 ./. II 3 %k+4 ./. III 3 10k+ and ./. I0 3 16k+.
5ou need to kno! the ./. #eve# to be 'onsidered $or the #o'ation !here the outdoor
substation &s!it'hyard( is "ro"osed and use the re*uired number o$ air termination units
!ith 'orres"ondin s"here radius to 'over the entire air.
+t#as Shrued 7 89D
1he ./ .eve#s are de'ided based on the observed ma:imum and minimum va#ues o$
#ihtnin stroke 'urrents. ;ote that the va#ues o$ ma:imum 'urrent &<irst Short Storke( $or
various #eve#s are ./. I 3 200k+4 ./. II 3 1%0k+4 ./. III 3 100k+4 ./. I0 3 100k+. 1he va#ues
$or minimum "eak 'urrents !ere indi'ated in "revious "ost.
1he m:imum va#ues are used to desin the #ihtnin "rote'tion 'om"onents i.e. 'ross
se'tion o$ 'ondu'tors, thi'kness o$ meta# sheets, 'urrent 'a"abi#ities o$ sure "rote'tion
devi'es and se"aration distan'e to avoid s"arkin.
1he minimum va#ues are $or de'idin the radius o$ ro##in s"here and hen'e the 'overae
1he ./. $or a "arti'u#ar #o'ation is de'ided based on observed #ihtnin 'urrents over a
"eriod o$ time. 1his darta is most#y avai#ab#e $rom the metero#oi'a# de"artment.
/#ease note that the ./ #eve# has nothin to do !ith the vo#tae #eve# o$ the insta##ation.
+t#as Shrued 7 89D
+n#e o$ "rote'tion de"ends on the =eiht o$ the mast&=m( and =eiht o$ the hihest
stru'ture&=s( to be "rote'ted. <or =s>2/3 =m the an#e o$ "rote'tion is 30de and $or
=s?2/3 =m the an#e o$ "rote'tion is )%de. 9enera##y $or a 220k0 substation the ma:
heiht o$ stru'ture to be "rote'ted is around 1@m. -onsiderin this heiht to be
"rote'ted, the an#e o$ "rote'tion 'an be taken as )%De. Aouh uess $or number o$
.2s shou#d be 87 10 masts. <or e:a't 'a#'u#ation you may re$er B=ih 0o#tae
,nineerinB be Dr D 0 AaCevi.
.ihtnin is a 'om"etitive event, so itDs not a sim"#e 'ase o$ #aun'hin the hihest
"ossib#e means o$ 'o##e'tion. 9iven the riht 'onditions #ihtnin 'an sti## atta'h itse#$ to
a "ie'e o$ e*"mnt under the DmastD i$ youDre not 'are$u#.
What "art o$ the !or#d is the sub #o'atedE 1his !i## have a bearin on #ihtnin intensity
and $re*uen'y, as !e## as the re#evant D#o'a#D standards that need to be 'onsidered.
+s -urrent 2aarey suests the I,- does o into a bit o$ detai# but not s"e'i$i'a##y $or
substation a""#i'ations. I$ the sub is bein desined/insta##ed by +FF or +reva, they
have their o!n s"e's on this.
Distan'es $rom round "#ane to busbars, and $rom busbars to the Dmast/sD are
im"ortant, you may not need to o as hih as %0m, !hi'h may sim"#i$y thins $or you.
.et us kno! !here the sub is &!hi'h 'ountry( and !eD## o $rom there
LBA Technology an !"# "echnology $a%"ne%# ha&e 'any yea%# o( e)$e%!ence $%o&!!ng g%o*n!ng an l!gh"n!ng
$%o"ec"!on #e%&!ce#+ We o((e% a co'$le"e, !n"eg%a"e ca$a,!l!"y "o e#!gn an (*%n!#h l!gh"n!ng $%o"ec"!on
#ol*"!on# (o% "o-e%#, an"enna#, an o"he% #"%*c"*%e#+
We o((e% l!gh"n!ng $%o"ec"!on #e%&!ce# an $%o*c"# (o% ,%oaca#"!ng, -!%ele## co''*n!ca"!on#, *"!l!"!e#,
(*el#, an '!l!"a%y a##e"#, "o na'e a (e-+ O*% $%o*c"# can $%o"ec" #"%*c"*%e# #*ch a# an"enna "o-e%#,
-!n'!ll# an -!n (a%'#, "an.#, %!ll %!g#, (!el ca'$#, 'on!"o%!ng !n#"alla"!on# an 'any 'o%e+
O*% #y#"e'# an e/*!$'en" co'$ly -!"h a$$%o$%!a"e a#$ec"# o( UL, ANSI, NFPA, an %ele&an"
'!l!"a%y0!n*#"%y #"ana%#+
LBA e)$e%"!#e goe# ,eyon l!gh"n!ng $%o"ec"!on "o all (o%'# o( $%o"ec"!on (%o' elec"%o'agne"!c e((ec"#,
!ncl*!ng %a!o (%e/*ency !n"e%(e%ence, HEMP 1h!gh al"!"*e elec"%o'agne"!c $*l#e2, an #"a"!c !#cha%ge#+
Beca*#e o( "h!# -!e %ang!ng ca$a,!l!"y #e", LBA can o("en !n"eg%a"e all elec"%o'agne"!c $%o"ec"!on
%e/*!%e'en"# !n a $%o3ec" (o% "he 'o#" co#" e((!c!en" e#!gn+ Chec. o*" o*% !n*#"%y lea!ng ca$a,!l!"!e#
!n elec"%o'agne"!c #h!el!ng4
LBA (*%n!#he# !"# $%o*c"# an #e%&!ce# #olely (o% $%o(e##!onal an "echn!cal a$$l!ca"!on#+ I" oe# no" eal
-!"h %e#!en"!al *#e#+
Where Is Lightning Protection Required?
Al'o#" e&e%y-he%e4 5!%"*ally all $o$*la"e %eg!on# ha&e &a%y!ng !nc!ence# o( l!gh"n!ng #"%!.e#+ The%e !#
'ean!ng(*l %!#. -o%l-!e o&e% "he l!(e"!'e o( "y$!cal "o-e% an an"enna #y#"e'#+ Fac!l!"!e# o*"#!e o(
6l!gh"n!ng ,el"#6 #ho*l a" lea#" ,e '!n!'ally $%o"ec"e -h!le c%!"!cal !n(%a#"%*c"*%e an (la''a,le0e)$lo#!&e
%!#.# '*#" ,e $%o"ec"e -he%e&e% "hey a%e+ E)"%e'e $%o"ec"!on 'ea#*%e# a%e 'ana"o%y !n a%ea# o( !n"en#e
l!gh"n!ng %!#.4
Who Needs Lightning Protection?
The la%ge#" cla## o( "echn!cal #"%*c"*%e# nee!ng l!gh"n!ng $%o"ec"!on !n "he -o%l "oay !# "o-e%# an "he!%
an"enna#, $a%"!c*la%ly (o% -!%ele## co''*n!ca"!on# an ,%oaca#"!ng+
In le## "han 78 yea%#, cell*la% 'o,!le "o-e%# an an"enna #"%*c"*%e# ha&e $%ol!(e%a"e on e&e%y con"!nen",
an a%e $e%(ec" l!gh"n!ng "a%ge"#4 To a le##e% e)"en", AM, FM, an T5 "o-e%# ha&e al#o #$%o*"e, #o'e"!'e#
#ha%!ng -!"h cell #y#"e'#+ No" only a%e "he "o-e%# a" l!gh"n!ng %!#., ,*" al#o "he cell*la%, $*,l!c #a(e"y,
,%oaca#", an co''*n!ca"!on# an"enna# 'o*n"e on "he'+ A" %!#. "oo, a%e "he a""ache cell #!"e
e/*!$'en", %a!o "%an#'!""e%#, coa)!al ca,le#, an "o-e% l!gh" #y#"e'#+
Rela"e "o co''*n!ca"!on# "o-e%# a%e o"he% &e%"!cal "echn!cal #"%*c"*%e# #*ch a# %!ll!ng %!g#, (la%e "o-e%#,
-!n "*%,!ne#, "an.#, en&!%on'en"al 'on!"o% 'a#"#, an !n*#"%!al #"%*c"*%e#+
A" "he #a'e "!'e, $o%"a,le an "e'$o%a%y h!gh &al*e a##e"# ha&e (lo*%!#he+ F%o' #a"ell!"e an"enna# "o
'o,!le co''an $o#"#, -o%. ca'$# "o 'o,!le $o-e% #y#"e'#, !'$o%"an" a##e"# an "he!% $e%#onnel a%e
,e!ng $*" !n ha%'9# -ay (%o' l!gh"n!ng !#cha%ge#+
LBA #$ec!al!:e# !n "he l!gh"n!ng $%o"ec"!on o( "he#e "echn!cal a##e"#+ W!"h ;8 yea%#9 e)$e%!ence -o%l-!e !n
elec"%o'agne"!c $%o"ec"!on, ,%oaca#"!ng an -!%ele## co''*n!ca"!on#, -e ha&e "he e)$e%"!#e "o e#!gn an
(*%n!#h ,e#" $%o"ec"!on (o% "he#e #y#"e'#+

Lightning Mast Protection Systems
Area protection for fixed and portable assets
LBA Technology o((e%# "he PLP<78 (a'!ly o( (!)e an $o%"a,le l!gh"n!ng $%o"ec"!on 'a#"# an .!"#+ Ba#e on
a l!gh" -e!gh", %*gge 78 (oo" 1=+>'2 al*'!n*' 'a#"? &a%!o*# 'o*n"!ng #"yle#, g%o*n!ng #y#"e'#, an UL @
L!#"e a!% "e%'!nal# a%e o((e%e+ PLP<78 l!gh"n!ng 'a#" co'$onen"# a%e *ne% = (ee" 1A+B'2 long (o% ea#y
#*%(ace o% a!% "%an#$o%" an %a$! (!el !n#"alla"!on+

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