Indian Inquisition and National Pride

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Julio Eduardo dos Santos Ribeiro Simes M.Th.

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Brasil
In te !onte"t o# Portu$uese %ariti%e e"&ansion' istor( so)s tat tere )as a )ell deli%ited
intention to evangelize the territories that fell under Portuguese flag. In this effort, it is
usually well accepted that Royal Patronage had used Inquisition in these territories to control
the incipient Catholicis in the, especially till the end of !"th century. #oe of the ost
faous events too$ place in %oa, India, where the Inquisition growth is said to ipose a new
ode of culture rooted in Portuguese standards. &here, as a reaction to the Portuguese
standardization effort of Christianity, 'obili and (ernandes, two )esuit *issionaries, +e
present in this research an alternative e,planation for this phenoena, stating that the growth
and strength of Inquisition in India had ore to do with 'ational pride by both involved
-Portuguese and Indians. and uch less with religious or theological issues.
/ey +ords: Patrona$e' *ission' Jesuits' +oa' No,ili
Sin!e te -.
!entur(' )en te Ta%il Nadu *adurai Jesuit *ission )as started ,(
Fernandes and No,ili
' ,ot /esuit %issionaries' tere ave ,een dis!ussions a,out te &ertinen!e o#
te %etod o# No,ili' to )i! Fernandes o&enl( o&&osed i%sel# and started a series o#
a!!usations to te In0uisition 1ourt esta,lised in +oa' all valid #ro% a !ertain &oint o# vie) and
#alse #ro% oter2 Tere )as no #alseood on teir dissension2 3e' o# !ourse' !annot /ud$e none o#
te% no)ada(s' %a4in$ use o# all te results o# #urter resear! and re#le"ion tat )e %ade sin!e
3at )e !an ave and $ive are di##erent &ers&e!tives a,out tat dissension' as in #a!t )e are
still tr(in$ to solve it
2 Neverteless' one #or$otten issue tat see%s to ave &la(ed a %a/or role
ten' and %a(,e is still &la(in$ its role no)' is te !ultural identit(2 O# !ourse )e are not sa(in$ tat
tis identit( )as never ,rou$t to te ta,le )ere )e are still %a4in$ our a&&re!iation over te #a!ts
tat a&&ened ten2 But )e !an a##ir% tat te &oint o# vie) #ro% )i! te evaluation o# tis
s0ua,,le' )i! )e %a( e"&lain in ti%e durin$ tis s%all arti!le' is ta4en #ro% !ultural
&ers&e!tives' and it is indeed ard to tr( !o%&reendin$ te% 6Fernandes and No,ili7 )itout
- Ro,erto No,ili' a Ro%an 6or Tus!an7 Jesuit *issionar(' arrived at *adurai trou$ +oa in -898' to )or4 in tat
re$ion )it +on:alo Fernandes' )o )as alread( tere2 NOBILI' Ro,erto de2 Preaching Wisdom to the Wise.
Institute o# Jesuit Sour!es' St Lois; 59992 &<2 *adurai is a !it(' ten !a&ital o# a 4in$do%' lo!ated in soutern re$ion
o# te no)ada(s Indian State o# Ta%il Nadu2
5 S&e!iall( durin$ te -=.9>s and -=?9>s' a series o# )or4s a,out No,ili ad ,een )ritten' and tere is an dedi!ated
Institute in India dealin$ %ostl( )it >No,ilian> resear!' lo!ated at Lo(ola 1olle$e in 1ennai' Ta%il Nadu2 It is
!alled @De No,ili Resear! 1enterA2
&uttin$ in our a&&re!iation our o)n !ultural start &oint2 B( doin$ so' )e a!t ne$li$entl( )it teir
o)n !ultures' and ,e!ause o# tis' !annot an(%ore do an( valid evaluation a,out teir &oints o#
In tis &a&er' I )is to re%e%,er so%e o# te !ultural &oints o# vie) o# te dire!tl( involved
in su! s0ua,,le 6Fernandes and No,ili72 I o&e' ,( tr(in$ to raise tis &oints' tat #urter
evaluations on tis ard su,/e!t )ill ,e less vitiated ,( our o)n !ulture and )ill a&&roa! to te
4ernel o# te 0uestion' )i! sould ,e teolo$i!al &ertinen!e o# te No,ili>s %issionar( &ra!ti!es
and &ro&osals2 At te ,otto%' la(s )it no dou,t te &ro,le% o# National Pride as a 4e( #a!tor to
te #or%ulation o# te a!!usations te%selves2
I also o&e tat' ,( doin$ so' #urter e"a%inations over te %issionar( &ra!ti!es o#
no)ada(s )ill ,e i%&roved' and )e %a( ,e a,le to use or dis!ard No,ili>s related &ra!ti!es in a
%ore &re!ise )a(2 Tis )ould %ean se&aratin$ )ell in our &ro&ositions #or te realit( o# )orld
toda( )at is Teolo$(' Soteriolo$(' 1ulture' Ada&tation' In!ulturation' Trans!ulturation and %an(
oter su,/e!ts' tat on te %issionaries a&&roa!es o# toda( are' so%eti%es' !on#used2 *a(,e tis is
te ti%e to sto& tr(in$ to validate 6or invalidate7' let>s sa(' Soteriolo$i!al as&e!ts #ro% a
So!iolo$i!al &oint o# vie)2 Soteriolo$( %a( ,e evaluated' naturall(' #ro% a Soteriolo$i!al &oint o#
vie)2 And So!iolo$( %a( &la( a &arallel role in tis evaluation' as a au"iliar( dis!i&line' ,ut not as
te 4e( to tr( understandin$ a 0uestion tat is' on its ,otto%' Soteriolo$i!al' at least in te o&inion
o# ,ot involved' No,ili and Fernandes2
!. #ettling the abience
Te ori$in o# te *adurai *ission is an dire!t out&ut o# Portu$uese istor( in India2 And te
Portu$uese istor( in India is' ,( its )a(' an out&ut o# Portu$uese istor( as a )ole2 3e %a( %ar4
tat te istor( o# Portu$al as inde&endent State' #ro% te BII !entur( on' is also a istor( o#; i-
e"&ansion o# territor( and ii- esta,lis%ent o# 1atoli!is% )itin tis ori$inal and e"&anded
In #a!t' te #irst Portu$uese Cin$' Do% A#onso Denri0ues' )as a!!lai%ed as su! a#ter
&la(in$ a %a/or role as a %ilitar( leader in te !onte"t o# te re!on0uer )ar' tat )as te )ar in
)i! te *usli%s )ere e"&elled #ro% te I,eria' te &eninsula )ere Portu$al and S&ain are
2 A#ter te e"&ellin$ o# te *oors' as te *usli%s &o&ulations o!!u&(in$ I,eria )ere
4no)n' Portu$al and S&ain started to e"&and teir territories in sear! #or ne) tradin$ routes )it
te Eastern !ountries' )ere sil4' s&i!es and oter &rodu!ts !a%e #ro%
< RA*OS' RuiF SOUSA' Bernardo Gas!on!elos et *ONTEIRO' Nuno +on:alo2 Histria de Portugal2 Lis,oa;A Es#era
dos Livros' 599=2 &E.<2
E Tis e"&ansion started in -E-H' )en a#ter te !onsolidation o# te 4in$do%' #ounded in te %iddle -E
%oved ,( !o%%er!ial interests and also still in te s&irit o# te @Re!on0uer 3arA' te Portu$uese arrived in 1euta'
In su! sear!' te( !on0uered' durin$ te ne"t t)o !enturies 6#ro% te BIG to te BGI7
nauti!al 4no)led$e )it no &re!edents in Euro&e' and attained te &osition o# te ri!est !ountries
in tat !ontinent2
As a !ollateral e##e!t' te( also 6re-7dis!overed A%eri!a' and o!!u&ied territories #ro% te
re$ions tat no) %a( ,e 4no)n as Florida 6in te United States7 to te Pata$onia' in e"tre%e Sout
o# Ar$entina and 1ile2 Te( )ere tr(in$ to rea! India #ro% a route to)ards 3est' as te
4no)led$e tat Eart )as round s&read to so%e nauti!al e"&erts' &arti!ularl( 1risto&er 1olu%,us'
)o )as te #irst Euro&ean in %an( !enturies to do su! a /ourne( )it te su&&ort o# a State'
Te Portu$uese )ent' %a/orl(' to te East' ste& ,( ste& surroundin$ te A#ri!an !ontinent
and #inall( rea!in$ te Indian sores in te late BG !entur(' in te si& o# Gas!o da +a%a
2 Just
a#ter i%' o,e(in$ &er it see%s dire!t and 0uite &re!ise orders and dire!tions' Pedro Ilvares 1a,ral'
anoter &ortu$uese navi$ator' leaded one #leet #ro% Portu$al to Norteast Brazil' ta4in$ &ossession
o# tat !ountr( in te na%e o# Portu$uese 1ro)n' and ten %oved dire!tl( to)ards India2 In doin$
su! a lon$er tri&' 1a,ral too4' neverteless' a,out al# te ti%e +a%a too4 /ust to surround A#ri!a
and arrive in India
2 Tat &oints us tat' al%ost surel(' te( )ere not te /ust ones in servi!e o# te
I,eri! !ountries' ,ut tat ad %a( ,e oters' no) #or$otten' )o )or4ed under tose &o)er#ul
!ountries to i%&rove navi$ation all over te $lo,e in a ver( sort &eriod o# ti%e2
As )e &ointed out' te istori!al identit( o# Portu$al' to )i! a!tivities )e %a( attain %ore
!losel( #ro% no) on 6sin!e te S&anis did not &la( a relevant role in te s0ua,,le tis essa( roots
in7' is dire!tl( lin4ed and rooted in 1atoli!is% identit(' under te %olds o# Euro&ean Ro%an
1atoli! 1ur!2
Ro(al Patrona$e %a( ,e understood in tis dire!tion2 It is' no dou,t' an a$ree%ent ,et)een
1ur! Po)ers and @Se!ularA Po)ers in Portu$al 6s&e!i#i!all(' te 1ro)n72 Under su!
arran$e%ent' te Portu$uese 4in$s and #urter rulers )ould ,e re!o$nized and validated ,( te
&a&a!(' and in e"!an$e all te territor( under te @Fait De#enderA' )o is te Cin$ 6or Queen7
)ill ave' as te o##i!ial reli$ion' Ro%an 1atoli!is%2
1ur! $ains' ,e!ause it is no) 0uite sure tat te e"&ansion o# Protestantis% inside tese
territories is sto&&ed or even &revented2 And te Portu$uese 1ro)n also $ains' ,e!ause it is
re!o$nized ,( te &a&a!(' )at )arrants &resti$e a%on$ te oter %onar!ies2 And also te 1ro)n'
under tis arran$e%ent' !an @#ilterA' or ,etter sa(in$' @dis!ernA a,out te Po&e instru!tions to te
Nort A#ri!a2 1# RA*OS' RuiF SOUSA' Bernardo Gas!on!elos et *ONTEIRO' Nuno +on:alo2 Histria de
Portugal2 Lis,oa;A Es#era dos Livros' 599=2 &?.<2
H Tese is eviden!e o# te arrival o# Gi4in$ etn( navi$ators in Nort A%eri!a in te -5
!entur(2 1# 3ADL+REN'
Eri42 Los Vikingos y Amrica' Bar!elona; -==9
8 Gas!o da +a%a arrived in 1ali!ut' India' in 5-
*a(' -E=?2 !# *UNDADAN' *atias2 History of Christianity in
India. Volume I. Ban$alore' Teolo$i!al Pu,li!ations; -=?E2 & 5EE2
. 1a,ral rea!ed India in <9
Au$ust' -H992 !# *UNDADAN' * 6J7 & 5H82
1ler4' ada&tin$ te% to te realit( o# te Cin$do%2
Tis is a i%&ortant &oliti!al $ain to te Portu$uese %onar!(' as it no) %a( detain under its
!ontrol all te !ler4 inside its territor(' as te Po&e also o&ens and to $ive dire!t orders to te%' ,ut
to assu%e and validate te *onar! as its inter%ediar(2 Te *onar! no) !an ere!t Dio!eses'
na%e ,iso&s' e"&el or ad%it inside its territor( Orders or oter 4inds o# 1onse!rated Li#e Institutes
6i# )e %a( use a %ore %odern no%en!lature #or te%72 See%s tat ea! &la(er in tis $a%e a,out
reli$ious and &oliti!al &o)er in Portu$al is a&&(
And also' it #its &er#e!tl( in te Portu$uese !ultural identit(' )i!' as )e &ointed so%e
&ara$ra&s a,ove' is rooted in reli$ious identit(2
But i# su! @&ea!e#ul a&&inessA re$ardin$' let>s na%e it' 1ur! inside Portu$al is
a&&arentl( o# eas( %aintenan!e' in a ver( sort ti%e te Patrona$e )ill #a!e a o,vious %ena!e to
itsel#2 Te Portu$uese territor( e"&ands2 3en it a&&ens' s&routs a ne) need' te need o#
%issionaries to te ne) dis!overed lands2
A series o# #urter arran$e%ents ta4es &la!e' and te a$ree%ents s&rout also )it te ne)
need2 Tese a$ree%ents are ,et)een te Ro(al Patrona$e a$ents and te Orders )o are
International' s&read all over Euro&e2 In te !ase o# Portu$al' te Jesuits assu%e a %a/or role in te
Portu$uese e"&ansionist &oli!(
Neverteless' #ro% te ,e$innin$ tis see%s to ,e' let>s use a !o%&arison' a i%&ossi,le
%arria$e' or %a(,e a %ere arran$e%ent one2 Te nu,ents are' ,( one side' Portu$al' )ere
1atoli!is% and lo!al 1ulture are so dee&l( interla(ed tat te distin!tions ,et)een one and oter
are ard to %a4e2 To ,e Portu$uese %eans' ver( !learl( and as a o##i!ial &oli!( and #ruit o# an e##ort'
to ,e !atoli!2
In te oter side' tere are te Jesuits' )o )ere su&&osed to ada&t teir evan$elization in
a!!ordan!e to te !ultural environ%ent te( %i$t #ound in teir destinations
2 Do) !ould te( do
tat )en te destination' des&ite ,ein$ tousands o# %iles a)a(' )as under Portu$uese !ultural
In te Portu$uese %ind' to ,e 1atoli! %eant to ,e Portu$uese2 Ger( soon' in te s&a!e o#
less tan one !entur(' tis )ill result in te s0ua,,le ,et)een a Portu$uese &riest 6Fernandes7 and a
Ro%an one 6No,ili7' ea! o# te% tr(in$ to &rove o&&osite tesis a,out &ertinen!e to 1ulture and
? LA1D' Donald' Asia in the Making of uro!e" #ol. $ 1i!a$o ; Te Universit( o# 1i!a$o Press' -=8H2 &&25<9L5EH
= BOBER' 1arles R22% Im!rio Mar&timo Portugu's" $($)*$+,)2 52M edi:No2 Lis,oa' Edi:Oes .9; -==52 & =?2
-9 Te essential ,oo4 to understand tis dire!tion is 1laudio A!0uaviva>s Industriae ad curandos animae mor-os"
availa,le at tt&;PP,oo4s2$oo$le2!o%P,oo4sKidQCAE?AAAA!AAJRd0Q!laudioS59a!0uavivaS59industriaeS59ad
S59!urandosS59ani%eS59%or,osR&$QPP-ETvQone&a$eR0R#Q#alse2 A!0uaviva is too4 ,( so%e as te @se!ond
#ounderA or @ideolo$i!al #ounderA o# te Jesuits' on!e e $ave te So!iet(' in -899 6(ear o# &u,lisin$ o# te ,oo4 I
0uote ere7 dire!tions a,out te )a( ada&tation sould ,e done in te %ission areas2
B( no)' let>s attain a ,it %ore on te istor( o# te e"&ansionist Portu$uese E%&ire2 Te
#irst Portu$uese )o returned #ro% India to Portu$al' tose ones in te +a%a>s #leet' stated )en
arrivin$ in Euro&e tat te( ad #ound a 1ristian Te%&le in 1ali!ut
2 All )as' neverteless' a
!on#usion )it a&&arentl( a Cali Te%&le' tat )as later on al%ost destro(ed ,( 1a,ral>s #leet' )o
started te #irst 3orld)ide 3ar' ,et)een te Portu$uese E%&ire and te lo!al &o)ers in India2
3at is !urious in te a!!ount +a%a $ave to te 1ourt in Portu$al %a( ,e not te !on#usion
e %ade' ,ut te #a!t tat so%eo) te( needed one Genetian to inter&ret it and noti!e tat tis )as
a &a$an te%&le2 Tat %eans tat so%e in te 1ourt ,elieved in te &ossi,ilit( o# su! a @1ristian
Cin$do%A e"isten!e in te #ar-eastern India2
3en )e ta4e a loo4 on te a!!ounts o# te startin$ o# te Portu$uese *ariti%e e"&ansion'
)e #ind dire!t instru!tions' $ave ,( Cin$ JoNo II o# Portu$al to Bartolo%eu Dias' a navi$ator' to
@Find te Cin$do% o# te 1ristians tat la(s in te East2A
So' te Portu$uese )ere sear!in$ #or
tis Cin$do%' )i!' o# !ourse' at least in te ti%e te( arrived in India' )as not tere2
Te #irst role te %issionaries &la(ed in tese #irst #leets )as not as evan$elizers' ,ut as
!a&lains o# te #leets te%selves2 Te( )ere $oin$ to a 1ristian territor(' so tere )as no need to
evan$elize te%2
And' a#ter te !on0uer o# +oa' )i! too4 &la!e in te earl( -8
!entur(' te #irst #aters
)o landed tere )it te ne"t #leets )ere tere to ta4e !are o# te Portu$uese souls' and notin$
3en te( #ound tat tere )as no 1ristian Cin$do%' ,ut s&arse &o&ulations o# S(rian
1ristians in te Sout)est 1oast 6s&e!iall( te no)ada(s> Cerala State7' te need o# Evan$elize
#inall( raised2 And ten te Jesuits %issionaries arrive in s!ene' on tis &re!ise ti%eF and also
&re!isel(' inside te Portu$uese si&s
Te Portu$uese interests in India' o# !ourse' )ere not onl( te !on0uer o# +oa2 Ger( soon'
s&rout also te interest o# do%ination over te East 1oast' #ro% )ere te a!!ess to *a!au' anoter
!olon( in 1ina' )ould ,e easier2 So' #ro% +oa' te Portu$uese )ent to tr( to do%inate te
no)ada(s re$ion o# *(la&ore' or 1ennai2
And )ere 0uite su!!ess#ul in teir trials' na%in$ te re$ion a#ter @*adre de DeusA )i!
later on !orru&ted in @*adrasA2 1on0uerin$ te entire Soutern Re$ion' !o%&reended under te
line )e %a( tra!e #ro% +oa to *adras' )as te ne"t natural ste&2 B( !on0uerin$ tis land' te
a%ount o# $oods tat !ould ,e !arried to te si&s lo!ated in ,ot &orts )ould in!rease
e"&onentiall(2 O# !ourse' tere )ere s%aller &orts' li4e te ones in Diu' Da%an' *u%,ai' Co!i2
-- SUBRAD*ANUA*' San/a(2 .he career and legend of Vasco da /ama. 1a%,rid$e; 1a%,rid$e Universit( Press;
-==.2 &-.---.52
-5 *UNDADAN' 6J7 &5<.2
-< *UNDADAN' 6J7 &5892
But +oa and *adras soon develo&ed in te %ost i%&ortant ones2
Tere are' as )e all 4no)' %an( )a(s o# 1on0uest and Do%ination2 One is %ilitar(' and te
Portu$uese !ould not' naturall(' do tat2 Do) to dare de#(in$ te )ell-esta,lised 4in$do%s o#
Sout India' in an un4no)n terrain and in nu%eri!al disadvanta$eK Tis )ould ,e %ilitar( sui!ide2
In s&ite o# tat' te o&tion )as to ,uild a series o# allian!es )it tese 4in$do%s' so tat te
a!!ess to te $oods tat %oved te Portu$uese #ro% te Euro&e to ever( sin$le s&ot o# )orld sould
,e i%&roved2 Tese allian!es &utted te I,erians in India in tou! )it lar$e &o&ulations o# non-
evan$elized &eo&les2 And' in te !on/un!tion o# te interests o# evan$elization and te need o#
ti$tenin$ te re!entl( #or%ed lin4s' *issions too4 &la!e2 *adurai *ission !an ,e inserted in tis
!onte"t' )ere a autenti! +os&el zeal #ro% te &art o# %an( %issionaries %et te !o%%er!ial
interests o# te Portu$uese E%&ire
Neverteless' tis %eetin$ )as not a eas( to !o&e ,onda$e2 Ever( %issionar( sould ,e
a)are tat s&readin$ te $ood ne)s to)ards te interior o# te Indian !ontinent' )ere te
Portu$uese !annons and $un&o)der &o)er )ere a,sent also %eant ta4in$ ris4s2
Not onl( te o,vious &(si!al ris4 involved in te adventure' ,ut also te !ultural ris4; te
!ultures tat )ere &resent in te areas to )i! te %issionaries )ent ad never' so%eti%es' eard
an(tin$ a,out Jesus 1rist' and so te( develo&ed te lo!al !ultures a#ter and in a ver( di##erent
reli$ious %atri"2 To understand tese !ultures )as no) a %ust-to-do a!tivit( in order to
a&&roa!in$ te% a&&ro&riatel(2
*adurai 4in$do%' )i! !a&ital !it( )as no)ada(s *adurai' in Ta%il Nadu' #itted tis
des!ri&tion 0uite #inel(; it )as one lar$e !entre o# Ta%il !ulture' and oused durin$ tose ti%es a
&o)er#ul &oliti!s !entre' tat )as a,le to !onstru!t te Peru%al Pala!e' still visi,le toda( in
*adurai>s do)nto)n' and also run te *eena4si te%&le' still tere' and 6as te tale tells7 sin!e
so%e t)o tousand (ears a$o2
Bot Fernandes and No,ili )ill tr( and )ill do su! an understandin$' ,ut te %etod o#
a&&roa! te( )ill ,uild a#ter teir e"&erien!e )ill ,e radi!all( di##erent2 3(K
0. #quabble per itself
3en No,ili arrived at *adurai #or te %ission' Fernandes )as alread( )or4in$ on tat
area #or so%e ti%e2 Pre!isel(' e )as tere #or E (ears' and te !onverts e ad %ade )ere !ounted
onl( a%on$ te lo)er !astes2 Tese lo)er !astes !an ,e understood as tose ones to )o% te ri$t
-E *AROTTICAPARA*BIL' Fran!is2 Latin 1ristianit( in India2 IN AFONSO' A2G2 Indian Christianity. An issue o#
1DATTOPADDUAUA' D2P2 History of 0ciente" Philoso!hy and Culture in Indian Ci#ili1ation.PDISP' Ne) Deli;
599=2 && 89-8-
o# te @se!ond ,irtA ritual )as not indul$ed
2 Fro% tat' in te Indian reli$ions lo!ated in *adurai
at tat ti%e 6)at )e %a( !all Dinduis% se!ts or so%etin$ li4e tat7' tese &eo&les !ould not attain
salvation' understood as li,eration #ro% te Sa%sara or *o4sa' re$ardless te e##orts %ade2
Fro% te &oint o# vie) o# te &o&ulations in India durin$ tis &eriod' te Portu$uese' and
virtuall( an( non-Indian nationalit( )ere vie)ed also as tis lo)er-!aste &eo&le' and teir reli$ion
)ould see%s to #it onl( #or te lo)er !aste &eo&le2
Tis is a suita,le e"&lanation #or te &eno%enon o# !onversion ,ein$ restri!ted onl( to
lo)er-!aste &eo&le2 Fro% te &ers&e!tive o# te u&&er-!astes 6and letVs not #or$et *adurai )as a
!entre #or ,ot Bra%ins and Csaitr(a &eo&le' on!e it )as one &ro%inent !entre o# reli$ious and
&oliti!al &o)er in Sout India7 te Portu$uese %a( and %ust ave ad !onsidered as lo)er !aste
&eo&le ,e!ause te 4ind o# li#e tis ne) a!tors in *adurai ad )as te lo)er !aste t(&e2 Te( ate
,ee#' dressed in ,la!4 6s&e!iall( te &riests7' didnVt )ear an( distin!tive %ar4 6as s&e!ial air!ut or
line or an(tin$ else7 tat !ould distin$uis te% #ro% te lo)er !astes2 Also' even te &riests )ere
dire!tl( involved )it te non-reli$ious a##air o# !o%%er!e2 Do) !ould an( o# te%' in!ludin$ te
#aters' ,e !alled a *aster in Reli$ious issues' or @Bra%inAK
Fernandes' en!ounterin$ tese di##i!ulties' noti!ed tat tis a&&roa! to te% #ro% te
Indian &o&ulation )as dee&l( rooted in te !ulture2 De %ade serious and dee& investi$ations a%on$
te lo!al &o&ulations' and )as a,le to identi#( and enu%erate %an( o# te ten !urrent rituals and
!usto%s' and also $ods and $oddesses
And' as a #ruit o# tis e##ort' e %ade te o&tion to invite te ones e )as tr(in$ to !onvert to
o&en and #ro% te !aste te( )ere in and e%,ra!e 1ristianit( and 6tis is a 4e( #a!tor7 te
Portuguese )a( o# 1ristianit(2 So' tis %a( ,e te reason )( e )ould as4 to te ones e )as
,a&tizin$ on te ver( %o%ent o# te Ba&tis% rite itsel#; @Do (ou )ant to /oin te reli$ion o# te
LetVs not #or$et' and tis is te se!ond 4e( #a!tor to understand FernandesV 0uestion to te
!onverts' tat e )as a Portu$uese #ater2 De )as a &arti!i&ant o# te Portu$uese national identit('
)i! as )e &ointed out so%e &a$es a$o' )as a,out Ro%an 1atoli! identit(2 Also' e )as a late
-H Tere is a ritual' na%el( U&ana(ana' )ere te (oun$ ,o(' at te a$es o# ?' -9 our -5' de&endin$ on te !aste e
,elon$s to' re!eives te a!!ess to te 4no)led$e o# Bra%an2 Te lo)er !astes and non-!aste indus !annot &er#or%
tis ritual' )at in te Gedi! &ers&e!tive and a inter&retative line 6or s!ool7 may i%&ede te% to 4no) te Union
)it +od in its various a!!e&tions' i%&edin$' in tis )a(' te %o4sa' te Salvation o# te individual At%an' or
Bein$2 !#2 LEGETTE' Sara2 Coming of age2 3ourney of Life. 1i!a$o; Rosen Pu,lisin$ +rou&' 599=2 &&EH-E.2
-8 Dis %ain )or4 )as @.ratado do Padre /on4alo 5ernandes .rancoso so-re o Hindu&smo6' a e"tent des!ri&tion o#
,ra%ini!al &ra!ti!es and )it a )ole se!tion dedi!ated to sans!rit 0uotes2 1# NOBILI' o!us citi" & 5=2 6in #a!t' a
introdu!tion ,( one o# te translators' 1loone( or A%aladoss27
-. No,ili states tat Fernandes understands te )ord @&aran$uiA as e0uivalent to @&ortu$ueseA2 Joe Arun' in one o# is
arti!les is o# te o&inion tat @&aran$uiA %eans @lo)er !aste &ersonA2 Neverteless' it derives #ro% #ran$ui' a )ord
used ,( te Nort indians to des!ri,e te @Fran4sA' or te @3esternsA2 A#ter all' #or sure it )as used to no%inate te
Portu$uese durin$ tis &eriod' as Fernandes &retends to use it2 1# NOBILI' o!us citi" & 5<<2 R ARUN' Joe2
Interculturation of 7eligion. Ban$alore; Asian Tradin$ 1or&oration' 599.2 &E2
vo!ation' and #ou$t as a soldier under te Portu$uese #la$ ,e#ore ,e!o%in$ a &riest2
Fro% is &ers&e!tive' as a Portu$uese &erson' tere )as not in is li#e an( as&e!ts tat !ould
deli%itate i% as a Portu$uese )i! !ould not also do te sa%e to i% as a 1atoli!2 *a(,e' ,(
as4in$ tis 0uestion to te !onverts' e )as /ust ,ein$ onest to is identit(2 To i%' i# ,ein$
Portu$uese %eant ,ein$ 1atoli!' ten ,ein$ 1atoli! %i$t %eant ,ein$ Portu$uese' and o&en
and o# all !ultural and so!ial as&e!ts #ro% India to e%,ra!e te )estern ones2
But e !ould not den( tat is %etod )as ine##i!ient' at least to !onvert i$ !aste
&o&ulation2 No,ili arrived tere' at tis *ission' and a#ter o,servin$ te )ole %etod #or one (ear
and tr(in$ to identi#( )ere te &ro,le%s o# it !ould ,e' e o&&osed to is #ello) FernandesV one o#
is o)n
In No,iliVs %etod' te identi#i!ation ,et)een !ulture and reli$ion does not e"ist' at least not
so dee&l( as in FernandesV2 In s&ite o# tat' No,ili de#ends and roots is %etod in te Distor( o#
1ur! in Euro&e' de%onstratin$ tat' #ro% te ,e$innin$' 1ristianit( is too &lasti! to not ,e a,le
to #it oter !ultures tan its ori$inal one
A#ter tis &re%ise' e tried to %a4e distin!tions a%on$ all te !usto%s e !ould loo4 u&on
to &ut te% inside tree %a/or !ate$ories; a7 !usto%s dire!tl( lin4ed to Indian reli$ions' tat !ould
not ,e ado&ted ,e!ause )ere dee&l( rooted in tese reli$ionsF ,7 !usto%s so%eo) lin4ed to
reli$ions' tat !ould ,e ado&ted a#ter so%e ada&tationF !7 !usto%s not related to reli$ions' tat
,e!ause o# tis !ould ,e 4e&t' on!e tere )asnVt an( ar% to te ne) !onverts
Tis is )at te No,iliVs %etod is a,out2 It as notin$ to do )it !aste2 It as notin$ to
do )it nationalit(2 It as notin$ to do )it teolo$(2 It as to do )it distin!tion on te real%s o#
ea! !usto%2
One interestin$ tin$ a,out tis !ontrovers(' or dissension' ,et)een No,ili and Fernandes' is
tat it )as not a,out te %etod itsel#' ,ut a,out te dire!t out&ut o# it; te !usto%s tat !ould or
!ould not #it inside te neo-,orn 1ristianit( at *adurai2
Fernandes )rote a letter tat !an ,e ta4en as e start &oint o# tis s0ua,,le )ere e
!riti!ized No,ili ,e!ause e dressed in tis and tat )a(' and &er%itted tis and tat !usto% a%on$
is neo&(tes' and s&o4e on tis or tat st(le
2 De never )ent to te root o# tis !usto%s' )i!
)ere te &ossi,le distin!tions No,ili &ro&osed2
3(K Si%&l( ,e!ause on a ver( etno!entri! &ers&e!tiveF 1ristianit( %eant to i% te
sa%e Portu$uese did2 So o) !ould an( o# tis distin!tions ,e &ossi,leK Te onl( &ossi,ilit( o#
-? ARUN' o!us citi. &.E2
-= BA1D*ANN' Peter R27o-erto 8o-ili2 $)99*$:):. Ro%e; Institutu% Distori!u% S2I2' -=.52 & <.
59 NOBILI' o!us citi" &&5-5-5-<
5- Id' I,id2 &&5-.-55E
55 Tis letter is trans!ri&ted in DAD*EN' Pierre2 7o-ert de 8o-ili" les A!;tre des <rahmes. Paris; SPES' -=<-2 &&
!onversion )as not to !onvert in-te-!ulture' ,ut to !onvert te !ulture2 Fernandes si%&l( ai%ed to
!onvert te )ole Indian !ulture and sa&e it a#ter te Portu$uese one2
Usuall(' te Provin!e Su&erior )ould ,e as4ed to solve tis 4ind o# dou,t2 But indeed'
No,ili or is &artisan Gi!!o )ere su!!eedin$ ea! oter at te !ar$e o# *adurai Provin!e>s
Su&erior' and te /ud$e%ent over tis issue !ould not ,e done ,( an( o# te%2 Tis is one !ru!ial
#a!tor in te istor( o# te s0ua,,le )i! &er#e!tl( e"&lains )( te de!ision )as too4 to te
i$er s&eres o# &o)er2 In #a!t' te ,iso& o# te Dio!ese )ere *adurai )as lo!ated in )as
as4ed' and as e $ave is &er%ission' Fernandes too4 te issue to te i$er !ourt' )i! )as te
Su&erior in +oa Dio!ese
In +oa' sin!e te -H=9>s' )as lo!ated te %ost ard In0uisition Tri,unal all over te )ole
o# Portu$uese E%&ire' and o# !ourse No,ili' 4no)in$ tat and &revie)in$ one /ud$e%ent not in is
#avor used all te in#luen!e e ad in Euro&e to tr( solvin$ it in ,ene#it o# te %etod' )i! e
,elieved )as te %ost !lever one2
Bein$ related to #or%er Po&es and to so%e in#luential &eo&le in Ro%an 1ure' it )as eas( to
$ain te !ase in is #avor' )it a A&ostoli! 1onstitution
2 Tis sould ,e te end o# all te trou,le
te inter&retations on Indian 1ulture $enerated to te Jesuit and to te 1ur! in India2 3e %a( sa('
in #a!t' tat it )as te end o# tis dissension ,et)een Fernandes and No,ili' ,ut )as not a #inal
solution to te &ro,le% o# 1ulture inter&retation2
So%e #i#t( (ears a#ter tese events te sa%e 0uestion )as re-as4ed' and a totall( di##erent
out&ut !a%e2 Also' in oter &arts o# Portu$uese E%&ire si%ilar s0ua,,les )ent on' and at te ,otto%
o# all tese dissensions' )e #ind al)a(s te &ro,le% o# National Identit(
In all tis !ases' it s&routs #ro% te etno!entri! &ers&e!tive )i! )ants to sa&e all
ne),orn !ristianities in te E%&ire a#ter te Portu$uese one' )i! is seen as one su&erior #or!e
)it te divine ri$t o# !olonize' sie$e and !on0uer oter !ountries and !ultures' sa&in$ te% a#ter
te 1ro)n>s )ill2 3eirdl( enou$' tis see%s to ,e' at least' te e"a!t !ase o# te India 1on0uer
E##ort' as )e !an learn a#ter te te"t )e introdu!e ,elo)2

5< Te 0uoted Letter' )as' in !ase' sent to te Su&erior in +oa2
5E No,ili )as te $rand-ne&e) o# Ro,erto No,ili' a Ro%an 1ardinal2 3as also related to 1ardinal S#orza' and !lose
to 1ardinal Bellar%ine2 BA1D*AN 0uotes e )as also te $rand-ne&e) o# a Po&e' ,ut does not identi#( )at
Po&e e is s&ea4in$ a,out2 No,ili' at tat ti%e' addressed a letter !ontainin$ te te"t )i! is translated in te
@Prea!in$ )isdo% to te )iseA I a% 0uotin$ ere' na%ed @Res&onsioA' to A!0uaviva and to Bellar%ine' and also
s&o4e on te issue' trou$ a letter' )it S#orza2 Te result o# all te s0ua,,le )as te A&ostoli! 1onstitution
7omanae 0aedis Antistes" ,( +re$or( BG in Januar( <-' -85<2
5H In te late -.
!entur(' tere )as a disa$ree%ent ,et)een te 1a&u!ins )or4in$ at Pondi!err( and te Jesuit in
te 1arnati! *issions re$ardin$ e"a!tl( te sa%e &ra!ti!es2 Po&e 1le%ent BI sent tere te Patriar! o# Tournon
)o' des&ite never $oin$ tere' &roi,ited even &ra!ti!es tat never a&&ened in te re$ion2 A#ter)ards' a series od
de!rees !a%e #ro% Ro%e' even &res!ri,in$ an oat to all %issionaries to not use an( o# te ,anned &ra!ti!es2 Tis
resulted in a series o# !ontroversies in te 1arnati! Re$ion and also in Pondi!err(' tat until no)ada(s are not
!o%&letel( solved2 1# ARUN' o!us citi" && =9--952
1. 2ne elucidative te,t: 'obili catechis as translated by 3althasar da Costa.
One o# te %ost i%&ortant sour!es )en dealin$ )it No,ili is is 1ate!is%' !o%&osed in
Ta%il to el& )it te instru!tion o# te !ate!u%ens and neo&(tes at *adurai and ad/a!en!ies2 It
is a ver( e"tent te"t' )it %ore tan -599 &a$es in its Ta%il #or%2 In #a!t' its i%&ortan!e $oes
,e(ond te %issionar( #ield' on!e it is !onsidered to ,e one o# te #irst Ta%il te"ts in &rose2 No,ili
is !onsidered ,( so%e as te #ater o# %odern )ritten Ta%il &rose
' and tis is one o# te te"ts e
)rote in su! #or% and lan$ua$e2
Te !ate!is%' ,( itsel#' is also i%&ortant ,e!ause it so)s to te reader tat No,ili )as
ver( #a%iliar )it te Indian tantra st(le' and )it Gedanta &iloso&( st(le as )ell2 Te stru!ture
o# te te"t #ollo)s ,ot re#eren!es and is a 4ind o# ,lend o# tis st(les
Un#ortunatel(' te Ta%il !o%&lete version see%s to ,e lost' and )at is availa,le in India
are te t)o ,ro!ures )i! !o%&ose te #irst volu%e in te ori$inal lan$ua$e' stored at +oa State
Li,rar(' and translations2 It see%s tat tis t)o volu%es )ere so%eti%es' in te !ourse o# ti%e'
reedited and &rinted' in Ta%il2
But one se!ondar( sour!e to understand not No,ili 1ate!is% ,ut te a%,ien!e it too4 &la!e
is Baltasar da 1osta translation' to Portu$uese' o# te said te"t2
I #ound it in te Ar!ives o# *adurai Provin!e' lo!ated in Codai44anal' Ta%il Nadu2 Te
No,ili>s te"t is &re!eded ,( an e"tent introdu!tion a,out i% 6ten re!entl( de!eased7 and te
translator' addressed to te 4in$ o# Portu$al2 In it' )e #ind tat Baltasar da 1osta )as a dire!t
dis!i&le o# No,ili' and te( ,ot sared te %ission ,( so%e ti%e2 Also' )e #ind a dra)in$' %ade
,( 1osta' o# No,ili in Sann(asa dresses' %ade a#ter a &ersonal order ,( No,ili i%sel#2 Tis so)s
tat te( %a( ave ,een )or4in$ to$eter #or so%e ti%e' in also a #riendsi& relation' tat )ould
naturall( s&rout #ro% te need o# !o-livin$2
A#ter tat' )e !ould su&&ose tat 1osta )ould dedi!ate $reat &art o# tis introdu!tion to
s&ea4 a,out No,ili and te %ission' to su! a i%&ortant reader )o %a( never eard an(tin$ a,out
te %issionar(2 3e %a( &oint out ere tat tis translation )as %ade ,( 1osta e"!lusivel( #or te
4in$' and )as not &rinted' ,ut and )ritten2
In s&ite o# tat' e o!!u&ies i%sel# in a )eird /usti#i!ation o# Portu$uese I%&erialis% a#ter
te Bi,le2 De states tat te Cin$ %ust #inan!iall( su&&ort te %issionaries )it te sa%e $ood )ill
e su&&orts te ar%(' ,e!ause te Portu$uese E%&ire )as a neo-Israel' te esta,lis%ent o# +od>s
rule all over te )orld and to all nations' under te Portu$uese #la$ and ,( natural and divine ri$t2
Tis divine ri$t 1osta s&ea4s a,out )as alle$edl( $iven a#ter a vision te #irst Portu$uese
58 1# DATTA' A%ares2 ncyclo!edia of Indian Literature2de#ra= to =yoti" Volume ,.Ne) Deli; Saita A!ade%('
599H2 & -88=
5. 1# NOBILI' o!us citi. & <E-E5
4in$ is said to ave ad' in )i! e re!eived te !ross as te s(%,ol o# te 4in$do%' #or tat under
and a#ter tis !ross te Cin$ sould rule2
De $oes aead' and !o%&ares te Portu$uese ar%( )it Josua and te Portu$uese
%issionaries 6or te %issionaries under Portu$uese &atrona$e' i# )e &re#er in!ludin$ all te
nationalities in te %issionar( e##ort ere7 )it *oses2
Ten e re!alls te &eriod a,out te #i$t ,et)een te Israelites and A%ale! as a s(%,ol o#
te Portu$uese #i$t a$ainst te Dut!' statin$ also tat te Portu$uese )ould not )in tis ,attle i#
te 4in$ didn>t &a( %ore attention to te !onversion o# souls2
To su&&ort te %issionar( )or4 )as e0uivalent' in 1osta>s te"t' to te su&&ortin$ o# *oses
ar%s ,( is servants2 And onl( )en *oses ad is ar%s strai$t to te air' Josua )on2 3enever
is ar%s laid do)n' Josua started to lose
Ten 1osta !on!ludes and sa(s to is 4in$' al%ost $ivin$ a re!i&e; )e are tis +od>s ar%(
and &eo&le2 +od $ave (ou te ri$t to rule all over te )orld and to )or4 in te de#eat o# Protestant
Dut! Deres(' a Lu!i#erian enter&rise2 To )in tis ,attle' is si%&le; su&&ort te #aters' and (ou )ill
O# !ourse' 1osta lin4ed in is te"t Dut! )it Protestantis%2 Sounded as $ood and real as
te lin4 ,et)een Portu$uese and 1atoli!is%2 To de#eat te Protestants is to de#eat te Dut!2 And
so' +od )ould !o%&ensate te 4in$ ,( allo)in$ i% to rule all over te )orld2 3( notK
3at is 0uintessential ere is to noti!e tat 1osta )as not #ree #ro% Portu$uese &ride' or )as
tr(in$ to &la( )it it2 And e lin4s dire!tl( national to reli$ious &ride' li4e i# it )as /ust one2 So' )e
%a( in#er #ro% it tat' li4e all over te Portu$uese Distor( in oter &la!es and re$ardin$ oter
issues' te /usti#i!ation o# Ro%an 1atoli! *ission to India' ,( te Portu$uese' )as si%&l( one
as&e!t o# se!ular &o)er )ill2 Te( )ere' de#initivel( and e"&li!itl(' lin4ed2 Si%&l( ,e!ause' i# te(
)eren>t' tis te"t )ould not %a4e an( sense' s&e!iall( )en )e !onsider it is !o%&osed and
addressed dire!tl( to te 4in$2
Baltasar da 1osta /usti#ies not No,ili>s %etod ere' ,ut Portu$uese e%&ire2 It is not an
introdu!tion a,out te 0uoted !ate!is%' ,ut a te"t i%&li!itl( alle$in$ tat also *adurai %ission
)as &art o# te Portu$uese e##ort o# 1olonization o# India2
It )as /ust a )a( to state ,e#ore te 4in$ tat te( )ere all &la(in$ te sa%e $a%e2 But it
)asn>t' un#ortunatel(' enou$ to &revent' a#ter te deat o# Cin$ Se,astian' te e"&ellin$ o# te
Jesuits #ro% te Cin$do% o# Portu$al2 S&e!i#i!all(' te a!!usation )as tat te( did not su,%it
te%selves to te Patrona$e2
5? O,viousl(' 1OSTA is re#erin$ ere to te ,i,li!al &eriod in E"odus -.' ?--82
5= NOBILI' Ro,erto2 Catecismo em >ue se e?!lic@o todas as #erdades catholicas necessarias !era a sal#a4@o com
e?celent&ssima ordem 2 JE*PAR1 Ar!ive o,/e!t E.2 Selve @No,ilianaA' T(&e )rited !o&(2 Translated ,( Baltasar
da 1osta2 Te ori$inal title o# tis 1ate!is% %a( ave ,een +nano&adesa%2
And tis Patrona$e' as )e noti!ed ere' )as te !ontroller o# te or$anis%s )i! a!!used
No,ili>s %etod o# ,ein$ unortodo"2 Si%&l( ,e!ause' it see%s' tat it )as not a,out de#eatin$
A%ale!2 It )as also a,out !ir!un!idate te ene%ies' &uttin$ te% under te Portu$uese Standards o#
@1atoli! FaitA2 3i!' a#ter)ards' )as too Portu$uese to ,e 1atoli!2
4. Conclusion
It>s undenia,le tat all te !risis a,out No,ili %etod )as' at its ,otto%' lin4ed to !ultural
identit(' Portu$uese e"&ansion and Reli$ious identit( in Portu$al2
Te oter issues )i! ad ,een &ointed out in te !ourse o# ti%e 6teolo$(' %issiolo$('
so!iolo$(' !aste s(ste% et!7 are late inter&retations a,out all te issue' and didn>t &la(' at tose
ti%es' a relevant role on it2 It )as' si%&l(' a,out one 0uestion tat until no) )e !ould not ans)er in
India' in Brazil' in East Ti%or' *oza%,i0ue' and ever()ere else; is to ,e 1ristian e0uivalent to
,e Euro&eanK I# not' )( tis e##ort o# @euro&ezationA o# te @%ission areasA' sin!e tenK Sould
)e tr( to %a4e o# our !ur!es %ore national' #ro% te &oint o# vie) o# !ultureK
Te la!4 o# !oura$e #ro% us to ans)er tis 0uestion &ro&erl( is also #ruit o# our etno!entri!
vie)s2 Te s0ua,,le ,et)een 1ristian Fait and 1ulture )ill never end' on!e tere is not
@1ristian 1ultureA2 Jesus )as De,re)2 Tere is De,re) !ulture2 And Jesus' te in!arnated 1rist'
istori!all( inside it2 Souldn>t )e loo4 inside o# our !ultures in !ase o# te %issin$ 1rist in
te%K Sould )e redu!e 1rist to JesusK
I# )e assu%e tat )e %ust #ind 1rist inside te !ultures )e are livin$ in' te s0ua,,le' as it
)as an(tin$ ,ut nationalis%' ruins2 It )as' in #a!t' #ruit o# National Pride2 And' ,ein$ so' at least
durin$ te &eriod )en te events too4 &la!e' it )as teolo$i!all( unreal2
ARUN' Joe2 Interculturation of 7eligion. Ban$alore; Asian Tradin$ 1or&oration' 599.
BA1D*ANN' Peter R27o-erto 8o-ili2 $)99*$:):. Ro%e; Institutu% Distori!u% S2I2' -=.5
BOBER' 1arles R22O I%&Wrio *arXti%o Portu$uYs' -E-H--?5H2 52M edi:No2 Lis,oa' Edi:Oes .9;
DAD*EN' Pierre2 7o-ert de 8o-ili" les A!;tre des <rahmes. Paris; SPES' -=<-
DATTA' A%ares2 ncyclo!edia of Indian Literature2de#ra= to =yoti" Volume ,.Ne) Deli; Saita
A!ade%(' 599H
LA1D' Donald' Asia in the Making of uro!e" #ol. $ 1i!a$o ; Te Universit( o# 1i!a$o Press'
LEGETTE' Sara2 Coming of age2 3ourney of Life. 1i!a$o; Rosen Pu,lisin$ +rou&' 599=
*AROTTICAPARA*BIL' Fran!is2 Latin 1ristianit( in India2 IN AFONSO' A2G2 Indian
Christianity. An issue o# 1DATTOPADDUAUA' D2P2 History of 0ciente" Philoso!hy and Culture in
Indian Ci#ili1ation.PDISP' Ne) Deli; 599=
*UNDADAN' *atias2 History of Christianity in India. Volume I. Ban$alore' Teolo$i!al
Pu,li!ations; -=?E
NOBILI' Ro,erto de2 Preaching Wisdom to the Wise. Institute o# Jesuit Sour!es' St Lois; 5999
NOBILI' Ro,erto2 Catecismo em >ue se e?!lic@o todas as #erdades catholicas necessarias !era a
sal#a4@o com e?celent&ssima ordem 2 JE*PAR1 Ar!ive o,/e!t E.2 Selve @No,ilianaA' T(&e
)rited !o&(2 Translated ,( Baltasar da 1osta2
RA*OS' RuiF SOUSA' Bernardo Gas!on!elos et *ONTEIRO' Nuno +on:alo2 Histria de
Portugal2 Lis,oa;A Es#era dos Livros' 599=
SUBRAD*ANUA*' San/a(2 .he career and legend of Vasco da /ama. 1a%,rid$e; 1a%,rid$e
Universit( Press; -==.
3ADL+REN' Eri42 Los Vikingos y Amrica' Bar!elona; -==9

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